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So, what TWTM forum posts do you shake your head at?

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A lot of what has already been said....


Blog link only posts.....why, not just cut/paste here. I don't want to spend 5 minutes figuring out your blog to read about xyz. Links at the bottom are fine, links to photos are fine. A description of what is at the blog is fine (then I can decide to follow if I want). But a link makes me think the person is using the WTM members to up readership counter to increase advertising revenue.


People who bash, TWTM. Hello! Do you realize where you are? Not every one here uses TWTM, that is okay. If someone asks why, answer honestly. Bashing not necessary.


Posts that are rehashed, rehashed, rehashed over and over. Not that the content is bad, just tired of the topic. I just ignore them but sometimes I wish the search feature was more prevalent/easy/intuitive.


When a poster resurects threads from a year or more ago, to say :iagree:. :confused: I figure, it is typically new people trying to increase post count but really....a year old thread?


Posts where people only expect to get answers that support them and then bash anyone else who dares to answer theier post. TWTM is huge and diverse. That is the beauty of it. If you only want CC answers, then don't post here go to a CC board, or AT LEAST be gracious enough to not act hostile to them for taking the time to respond from their unique point of view. ANYONE can answer a question here, if they want to honor CC they can, but there are no rules that say you will only get what you ask for. If the OP doesn't like the answer by a poster, ignore it, but don't act like a victim because someone offered a differing view point. I am a Christian, but I rarely answer posts that are specific to Christians due to this.


Post where people bring up political topics. There are very, very few rules here....why not follow them?


People who bash others, openly, often in the title. The threads I absolutely hate the most are the ones that act like it is okay to pick on people who can't spell, or do grammar as well as they can. YES, people should use spell check....but unless it is so horrible that it is intelligible, just get over it or close the post.


Posts that people are asking someone to 'Vote for me" in xyz contest. If you want to post the contest-say you are a contestant, okay, no harm done. But, Again don't use the board for a customer/voting base.





I probably sound a lot more hostile than I really am. Honestly I skippppp a lot of threads for various reasons that I didn't post here. LOL I only post in Maybe 1 of 20 posts that I read. I guess I am more of a board skimmer than reader LOL If I don't have anything to contribute, i try to stay out of it.

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When a poster resurects threads from a year or more ago, to say :iagree:. :confused: I figure, it is typically new people trying to increase post count but really....a year old thread?




i think sometimes that might be due to the related threads list that shows underneath... look at the ones that are coming up for this thread itself - some of them are from 2008! if someone is fairly new (here, or to forums in general) they may not realize and just go along hopping through threads that are 'related' and posting without noticing the dates.

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Oh, I thought of another one. I hate the posts that make it clear that the poster is much, much younger than I.


For example, "When I graduate from high school two years ago, the standard college prep math course was blah blah blah."


I do not come here to be reminded of my age!:tongue_smilie: So really, if you are not in your 40's or older, could you just pretend to be. Is that so much to ask?

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Okay. I'm in a p*ssy mood today, so I'll play.


The ones that irk me most are the old re-hashes of old re-hashes. Things that have been asked and answered a freakin' thousand times, like:


The ubiquitous Halloween is evil/not evil threads.

The ubiquitous we do/don't celebrate Christmas/Halloween/Easter/whatever because.... threads.

The ubiquitous summer swim wear threads.

What curriculum do I use for my pre-schooler/toddler/infant/in utero genius? threads.

What political or religious affiliation are you? polls.

Requests for crockpot recipes (Google! It is your friend, people!)


All of these have been asked every year I've been on these boards, and that's been since 2003 (or 2002 -- I can't remember). All one would need to do is use that handy-dandy "search" function at the corner of every forum. It's all there, folks. Every single one of those questions... asked and answered ad nauseum.


I'm also starting to be downright p*ssed off from the recent threads asking why/what non-Christians believe/do/don't believe/don't do, etc. I'm not answering in any more of those threads because they seem to go downhill fast and the intentions of the OPs are starting to feel icky. Play with someone else on that. If you REALLY were so keen on getting to know what I think spiritually, you'd have already asked me in a pleasant PM. Otherwise, I think my sig line sums it up well enough.


Yay! I love p!ssy Audrey! She has the guts to say what I'm thinking.;)

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Okay, I have only gotten through page 8, but I will read the rest. I am one of those horrible newbies:lol: 2 questions

1. what are trolls?

2. what is IRL? I have looked on both abbreviation stickies and it is not on them.




Trolls are people who come on to forums like this and post things just to stir up trouble. Usually they are new members, not well known by the group. But occasionally have a troll here who has been posting for a while and everyone thinks they know who they are. Those are the disturbing ones.


IRL=In Real Life

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Okay, I have only gotten through page 8, but I will read the rest. I am one of those horrible newbies:lol: 2 questions

1. what are trolls?

2. what is IRL? I have looked on both abbreviation stickies and it is not on them.




IRL stands for "In Real Life" -- so if a poster mentions that she knows another poster IRL it means that they actually know each other in their 'offline' lives.


this should cover just about everything you ever wanted to know about trolls...and then some.

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Most of us know there is another board that people plot on and then bring their agenda to this board. LOL




Most of us know there are other boards on which several of the members here participate, and that sometimes there is discussion about posts and/or posters here, but plotting? Bringing their agenda? I'm not sure most of us "know" that.

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I shake my head at the obvious passive-aggressive posts meant to insult the "poor ignorant Christian homeschoolers" on here (their shallow opinion). Most of us know there is another board that people plot on and then bring their agenda to this board. LOL



Most of us know there are other boards on which several of the members here participate, and that sometimes there is discussion about posts and/or posters here, but plotting? Bringing their agenda? I'm not sure most of us "know" that.


:001_huh: I must be way out of the loop. I have no clue what boards you guys are talking about.

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Most of us know there are other boards on which several of the members here participate, and that sometimes there is discussion about posts and/or posters here, but plotting? Bringing their agenda? I'm not sure most of us "know" that.


I didn't know that, either. But then, I don't get around much.


And after reading all these posts, I have come to the conclusion I don't think about posters' motives much, either. The only truly cringe worthy posts for me are the ones that knock SWB and TWTM. And, okay, some of the highly personal physical ones get me to :001_huh: sometimes, but beyond those, I guess I'm not really all that bothered. Which is odd because I'm actually quite a judgemental beast IRL.

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I have no clue what boards you guys are talking about.


They are small forums started by members or former members. They tend to have a handful of regular visitors.


The comments I am referring to are similar to those you might find on Facebook or on a blog.

Something like, "I can't believe they are discussing that again! Someone should go over there and post 'XY&Z!'"

Not an agenda, just a strong reaction.

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Originally Posted by DarcyB

It seems to be that way everywhere....post count seems to matter...as if low post counts mean you're lesser than everyone else there.


I think, in part, people are a bit jaded to hit and run posters, but in general, boards all over tend to be a bit 'inclusive' and newbies aren't always tolerated well.

I'll give some weight to the opinion you expressed here when your post count reaches 10,000.



I'll give some weight to the opinion you expressed here when your post count reaches 10,000.





BUWHAHAHA - and now I'm going to get hugely offended, have a hissy fit, and storm off the board, to return again in about 2 days.

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Posts that are rehashed, rehashed, rehashed over and over. Not that the content is bad, just tired of the topic. I just ignore them but sometimes I wish the search feature was more prevalent/easy/intuitive.


When a poster resurects threads from a year or more ago, to say :iagree:. :confused: I figure, it is typically new people trying to increase post count but really....a year old thread?


This is where I feel sorry for newbies, because if they use the search tool and resurrect an old thread people are irritated (because it's annoying), but if they ask a question or bring up a topic that's been beaten to death they're directed back to the old threads.......


It's a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenerio.


Oh and I agree about contests, except that many of those are posted by posters I like so I pretend I don't notice :p

They are small forums started by members or former members. They tend to have a handful of regular visitors.


The comments I am referring to are similar to those you might find on Facebook or on a blog.

Something like, "I can't believe they are discussing that again! Someone should go over there and post 'XY&Z!'"

Not an agenda, just a strong reaction.

I have one hive friend on facebook and we HAVE discussed threads on there, but not plotted :lol:


I had no idea about the small forums................. sniffle......... out of the loop again.

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Wow, I never knew there were trolls out there, let alone so many. Thanks for filling me in on Trolls and IRL.


Also, about the posting to older threads. It kinda goes with the whole searching thing before posting a question again. Is it better to post and bring up an old thread if you have read it and still have a question, or to start a new thread? Just to stir a little:lol:


Oh, am I being a troll if I stir a little, or just letting you all get to know me better. I can be a bit of a brat (in a very nice way I hope):bigear:


ETA Sorry lion we posted at the same time. Great minds think alike?

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:001_huh: I must be way out of the loop. I have no clue what boards you guys are talking about.


At one point there was a board set up to specifically mock a regular here. It was horrendous. (And I am not even a fan of the person they were mocking.) I don't know about any current ones. I don't tend to "make friends" on the board, so even though I've been here for six or seven years, I'm not in the loop. :D

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Wow, I never knew there were trolls out there, let alone so many. Thanks for filling me in on Trolls and IRL.


Also, about the posting to older threads. It kinda goes with the whole searching thing before posting a question again. Is it better to post and bring up an old thread if you have read it and still have a question, or to start a new thread? Just to stir a little:lol:


Oh, am I being a troll if I stir a little, or just letting you all get to know me better. I can be a bit of a brat (in a very nice way I hope):bigear:


ETA Sorry lion we posted at the same time. Great minds think alike?

Not at all :D That (bringing up old threads or reposting old questions) has always bothered me.


A troll is someone that only brings trouble. Stirring a little, not so much, we all have our thin skin pickafight days ;)

At one point there was a board set up to specifically mock a regular here. It was horrendous. (And I am not even a fan of the person they were mocking.) I don't know about any current ones. I don't tend to "make friends" on the board, so even though I've been here for six or seven years, I'm not in the loop. :D

Wow. I had no idea there was a dark side to the hive...

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."


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I stay away from the "Christian" content posts because my very conservative, fundamental views used to get the not-so-supportive responses. And it's really not worth it, at least on a message board.


I do like reading posts about math and kiddos near my kiddos' ages. And more recently, I am interested in all the history threads on the K-8 forum.

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."

:lol: :lol: :lol:



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Oh, I thought of another one. I hate the posts that make it clear that the poster is much, much younger than I.


For example, "When I graduate from high school two years ago, the standard college prep math course was blah blah blah."


I do not come here to be reminded of my age!:tongue_smilie: So really, if you are not in your 40's or older, could you just pretend to be. Is that so much to ask?


I am definitely adding that to my list of complaints! Any posts referring to one's kindergarten experiences in 1989 are most unwelcome. :lol:

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I have to say actually, that very few kinds of threads make me shake my head. There are many threads that don't apply to me (because I don't have chickens, for example) or don't appeal to me (because I'm not up for a mind-bending argument at the moment) or just don't feel like opening for no reason at all. But those don't make me shake my head, even metaphorically.


There are some posts in an otherwise good thread that make me shake my head but usually they are by people who tend to make me shake my head anytime they post. But not enough to put them on ignore or to rant at them.


I figure that for every kind of thread that doesn't appeal to me, that particular thread may very well be the kind of thread that someone else lives for.

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."


You forgot that all the clothing is homemade, every morning as well as matching outfits specifically made to send out to various charities. She's already clothed two small villages.

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Regarding the resurrection of old threads - I'll post what I said on another thread about this (look - a resurrected post!)


"Please search the boards for old information. We want you to! There is so much that has been explained very well in the past. But it is better if you have a spin off question from that old thread or found that your original question really wasn't answered, to start a new thread. And if the person in the OP was asking for advice, it's best to look at the date because their toddler in the thread might now be a teen! (Maybe not that bad but at least time and problems have a habit of moving on. . .!)"

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This is where I feel sorry for newbies, because if they use the search tool and resurrect an old thread people are irritated (because it's annoying), but if they ask a question or bring up a topic that's been beaten to death they're directed back to the old threads.......


It's a darned if you do, darned if you don't scenario.


Oh and I agree about contests, except that many of those are posted by posters I like so I pretend I don't notice :p





I don't mind at all if they resurrect an old thread and ADD to it or ask questions to keep the topic going. Just saying :iagree:...is neither of those. Even if they just say "this really hits home for me right now. I would love to hear more people's thoughts on the matter...." it shows that they resurrected the thread on purpose to get more information, not just validating the original OP's feelings on the subject (who likely no longer watching the thread).

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I didn't know that, either. But then, I don't get around much.


And after reading all these posts, I have come to the conclusion I don't think about posters' motives much, either. The only truly cringe worthy posts for me are the ones that knock SWB and TWTM. And, okay, some of the highly personal physical ones get me to :001_huh: sometimes, but beyond those, I guess I'm not really all that bothered. Which is odd because I'm actually quite a judgemental beast IRL.


it's really not polite to imply that the women on this board "get around." I mean, it's rude, KWIM? :lol: Otherwise, :iagree: I was thinking my head injury caused me to forget most things but then I realized I'm like Laura.... I don't question people's motives. I come here to unwind and enjoy. It's my escape. :001_smile:


Well, I probably do forget MANY things as well...............

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At one point there was a board set up to specifically mock a regular here. It was horrendous. (And I am not even a fan of the person they were mocking.) I don't know about any current ones. I don't tend to "make friends" on the board, so even though I've been here for six or seven years, I'm not in the loop. :D




wow. I don't even know what to say to that.

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Any posts with the words "free range" and/or "helicopter" drive me nuts. I have now vowed to never enter another one that enters this territory.


Also, when someone asks a specific question (usually on the curriculum board), and replies do everything but answer the question particularly to tell the OP how wrong they are and some are just plain belittling. It does little to actually help those that might be struggling with something. If you can't answer the question, why post at all.

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At one point there was a board set up to specifically mock a regular here. It was horrendous. (And I am not even a fan of the person they were mocking.) I don't know about any current ones. I don't tend to "make friends" on the board, so even though I've been here for six or seven years, I'm not in the loop. :D



I pm back and forth with some people, and a few people are on my facebook. Virtually the only time I see the boards mentioned is when the board is down. I don't know anything about snark boards except that they exist.

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Something that is a pet peeve of mine that I see on boards but also IRL is someone coming back at someone in a condescending way but disguising that they are being condescending - they want to look to everyone else that they are being nice and sweet but the person they are talking to "knows" they are being condescending. If it is pointed out to them it was condescending they will say "But I was kidding , I really meant, I WAS being sweet ...etc. etc. " And others WILL come on and defend the condescending person. But they know....... (sneaky) hahaha In some parts of the US this is much more a part of the culture than other areas. For example , someone , after not liking a post will pretend to be friendly by saying something like "Oh darlin, Oh sweetie, or some other disguised as "sweet" comment and so forth.

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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."




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The posts I hate are cleverly concealed cries for adulation. For example:


"My child is five, but since he's very precocious, he's actually in 2nd grade. Do you think this is a good schedule for him?

I wake him at 6:30 and after our organic breakfast of home-laid eggs and soy bacon, we take care of our chickens and dairy goats. He writes a daily report on the number of eggs and then practices economic projections based on the averages of the last 18 days.

Then we do Saxon math, then Singapore, then Math-u-See. We spend two hours on our history and timeline; we've cycled through history once already, so we are on fifth-grade-level Ancients. I don't think this is too much for him, though, because he really is very precocious. We do Easy Grammar, Sequential Spelling, WWE, IEW and MCT. We play Bananagrams for 30 minutes, then do Mad Libs. We start Science; I couldn't decide on just one, so we're doing Sonlight and Abeka. Our Latin tutor comes, then the violin teacher. After that, my Spanish abuelita comes and conjugates verbs with him.

We hope to get him in competitive swimming next year, but I just can't find the time right now. Do you think he's being disadvantaged without a P.E.?

Any advice appreciated."



I refer to these as the "I think my fetus is gifted" posters.

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Any posts with the words "free range" and/or "helicopter" drive me nuts. I have now vowed to never enter another one that enters this territory.


Also, when someone asks a specific question (usually on the curriculum board), and replies do everything but answer the question particularly to tell the OP how wrong they are and some are just plain belittling. It does little to actually help those that might be struggling with something. If you can't answer the question, why post at all.



When I see free range, I automatically think beef/chicken. I just can't help it.


Now, if they put 'cage free' then I think children. :001_smile:

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You guys have me all nervous now! I promise not to post anymore about my gifted unfertilized eggs. Or my obvious superiority as a free-range/helicopter/COMPLETELY organic mother. I will just keep those posts to my super-secret, only-awesome-parents-allowed covert message board, set up to mock the plebians/sheeple here.


(Couldn't resist! DH is working nights and I'm flat-out bored.)

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I I mean, how many times can we discuss your female concerns? Ask your doctor!!


Her doctor is tired of it as well. I had a patient, about 65, who I ended up doing a pelvic exam on every darn visit, because she always had "a discharge" after a weekend retreat with some man or another. One day, as I was leaving the office, I was behind her car. She was driving (I'm not joking) a HUGE, early 70's bright pink convertible Caddy. She was driving a huge v*lva down the road! She wanted to come in a tell me of her exploits in bed and get a pelvic. :lol: and ewwwwwwww at the same time.

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You guys have me all nervous now! I promise not to post anymore about my gifted unfertilized eggs. Or my obvious superiority as a free-range/helicopter/COMPLETELY organic mother. I will just keep those posts to my super-secret, only-awesome-parents-allowed covert message board, set up to mock the plebians/sheeple here.


(Couldn't resist! DH is working nights and I'm flat-out bored.)




Wendi! How do you manage free-ranging and helicoptering at the same time? I have been trying to find that balance, but I am obviously not as skilled as you.




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Her doctor is tired of it as well. I had a patient, about 65, who I ended up doing a pelvic exam on every darn visit, because she always had "a discharge" after a weekend retreat with some man or another. One day, as I was leaving the office, I was behind her car. She was driving (I'm not joking) a HUGE, early 70's bright pink convertible Caddy. She was driving a huge v*lva down the road! She wanted to come in a tell me of her exploits in bed and get a pelvic. :lol: and ewwwwwwww at the same time.



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