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Need help with boy name

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I guess you've considered the fictional character of Uriah Heap.


This was what came to my mind as well. Uriah Heap is a character in David Copperfield, and not a particularly nice one. I'm only mentioning it because you might not be aware of this reference; for a lot of people it may be the first thing that comes to mind, better to know up-front and make an informed decision.


I do like Brock. What about Hunter, Evan, Jake, Zack, Brandon? What about family last names as first names?

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Snap on Uriah Heap. I know there were Uriahs in the OT first, but seriously, Dickens destroyed the name forever with that character - I wouldn't use Uriah any more than I'd use, say, Adolf.


Here is one good list if you like Biblical names (there are others around).


Brock I just think badger because that's what they are called in some places. (Maybe that's not the case in the States?) Although a badger's quite a nice animal :)

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Brock I just think badger because that's what they are called in some places. (Maybe that's not the case in the States?) Although a badger's quite a nice animal :)


I think of Tommy Brock, the badger in Beatrix Potter's Mr. Tod.


Other boys names - Silas, Asher, Gabriel, Micah, Ezekiel, Ezra, Jonah, Asa, Ira,Thaddeus

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Brock doesn't fit at all with your other kids' names, and Uriah, in addition to reminding me of urine, has been ruined by Uriah Heap.


As far as biblical names, you've already used my two favorites: Nehemiah and Gideon. I also like Asher, Jude, Jonah, and Gabriel.



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I don't really like bible names. I love Brock Douglas but my husband likes Uriah. He heard it on TV and loves it. He don't care if it's in the bible or not.


:confused: I am a little confused because it seems like you do/did like Biblical names.


Just a thought, our oldest (my step-DD) names begins with a "C". My son's (DH's step) name begins with a "F". Our first DD together also has an "F" name. We picked it because it was the only name we both could agree on, not because we wanted it to match DS, but I was concerned because I didn't want step-DD to feel left out. DH talked me into using the F name and assured me that step-DD wouldn't care. Then when I was pregnant with Littlest DD and we were discussing names, oldest DD said "Whatever you pick, please don't use a name that starts with F!" She had never mentioned it before, but apparently it really bothered her that she didn't fit the same pattern - and we only had two others. Littlest has an "E" name.


Not trying to talk you into a Biblical name, just giving a perspective to think about.

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I don't really like bible names. I love Brock Douglas but my husband likes Uriah. He heard it on TV and loves it. He don't care if it's in the bible or not.


I think that Jude goes really well with your other kids' names (which do happen to be Biblical, whether you were going for that or not). I also like the names Judah or Asher with the other names.

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We have a son named Judah. You get to know really quickly who reads their Bible because the ones who don't think Judah is a girl name :001_huh:. We've only met one other Judah. I can bet you won't find another Judah in our whole school district. It means "now I will praise the Lord".



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If that's her children in her sig.,she has a Aaron, Josiah, Titus, Nehemiah and Gideon.


What about Ezekial, and calling him Zeke? Matthew, Matt, Jeremy, Jared, Edward, Theodore- Theo, Mose, Silas, Jeremiah, Jonas, Judah, Thomas, or Jefferson

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Brock reminds me of that Reba's ex husband on that sitcom she used to be on. Uriah is going go remind people of urine & urethra, I think.


I like



Mark (I haven't met too many young boys with this name, so it's not common anymore)


My son's name is great, but no one around here can say it if they read it, and even when they here it they turn it into a 2 syllable name, so I won't even put it down. I'm not from the States and knew that people Americanized names, but didn't realize that the accent in this town makes it hard for people here to say it.


Mason is becoming quite popular around here as are many Biblical names.

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We're expecting a girl (day after Thanksgiving), and after this, I am so done having kids! (I'm 40!)


Here are our boy names:








Hey, they all end in "n"!


I also like Tate and Caleb, but Loverboy's two best friends have sons by those names.



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I think of Uriah Heap too...

but I like Jedadiah (however ya spell it).


Asa? (nice biblical name you don't hear too often).




Have an acquaintance whose son's name in Menac (I don't know how she spells it, but that's how it sounds). Think MEN and AC (rhymes with pack) second syllable's stressed.






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My other son's name is Micah. If we have another son he'll be Simon.


Since my favorite boy's name is Micah and Simon has been on top of dh's list every time so far, what are your girl names? Maybe we can steal one of them for this time.


Our boy names are Jonah and Elijah. I would love to have a Micah, but the next one is probably going to be a Simon.


P.S. I have no idea what that thumbs down thingy is going up there.

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