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Weekly Reporter 9/3/10


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My weekly report is up :001_smile:

Not very WTM-ish though, as we had quite an unschoolish week this week.


It's the end of second term for schools in my state, so while the schooled kids have their two week break, we'll be hunkering down for some seriously schooly stuff. All the comments from members here who are getting into the new school year are a wonderful inspiration to get us back on track for third term.


My ideal would be to do unschool Monday, Wordless Wednesday, secular Thursday and Weekly Report Friday every week, but I'm never going to get around to that, so my aim is to post something each Friday, and do the others when I have something to say and time to post it.

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Lesley, I LOVE your 'class photo' :001_smile:


Michelle, your Native American head dresses looked great. I was just wondering, where did you get the design to draw around the headband? Are they copied from somewhere or did your dc design them?

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We just did a quick google search and found a few pictures, but none of them turned out like the pictures we saw. It was quite unplanned really, as is a lot of what we do for fun, other than making sure I have the materials around.

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So much for participating this week. Spent the majority of the week going back and forth to the hospital since my father developed a major infection in the knee he had replaced. Spent most of the other time taking my child back and forth to several doctors because of his broken arm. It's worse then they first thought and not one doctor is in agreement as to the best way to get it healed. Oh well I'll be reading everyone else and hoping we get back to school work next week.

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I wanted to comment on your blog, but I couldn't find the comment field.


My boys were looking at your site with me, and they have decided to go to your house for school. :lol: They LOVED the science experiments. And of course, since we're not doing science until the second semester, they're accusing me of not teaching them "real" school stuff. :lol:

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So much for participating this week. Spent the majority of the week going back and forth to the hospital since my father developed a major infection in the knee he had replaced. Spent most of the other time taking my child back and forth to several doctors because of his broken arm. It's worse then they first thought and not one doctor is in agreement as to the best way to get it healed. Oh well I'll be reading everyone else and hoping we get back to school work next week.


Oh gosh, that sounds like a bad week! I hope things settle down soon!

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