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Spin-off: What classic book surprised you by being a good read?

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What book caught your interest and kept you up waaay past your bedtime?


I'll go first. My major surprise was Moby Dick. I read it as a 30 something banker on my lunch hours and in the evening. I didn't expect it to be such a gripping book. I literally stayed up to 2am on a work night to finish it. Who would have thought that the great white whale would be such a page turner?

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I always hope a book will surprise me. They often do. Some I've read for the first time within the past year or two that have really caught my attention are:


The Sufferings of Young Werther. I couldn't put it down. I just got so into the main character's head and therefore his journey into psychosis. It didn't help that he is an artist! The book is very short so it was easy to rush through it. Even though I knew ahead of time that it ended badly, I couldn't help feeling sorry for him along the way. Also, Silas Marner. I actually skipped ahead to the end to see what happens because it was killing me. Then, ds and I rented and watched the black and white movie. That was good too. Eppie was so precious in the movie version.

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Guest Anita in PA

Wow! Really?? I guess I'll have to read that one.


For me, it was To Kill a Mockingbird. I had never even tried it, because the title sounded like it would about something unpleasant. (I'm a wuss, I admit it.) It's one of my all-time favorite books.



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In high school, I read Crime and Punishment and really enjoyed it. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did!


Same here! That one has really stayed with me for so many years and that's a nice surprise. :)


Also, I'd say that a recent read, The Death of Ivan Ilych was a surprising hit. Another blast from the past that I intended on hating was The Canterbury Tales and I found it pretty delicious! :D

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In high school, I kept hearing from older students how boring The Scarlett Letter was. Then when I read it, I couldn't believe how good I thought it was. I couldn't put it down. Another one that really surprised me was Uncle Tom's Cabin.


On the other hand, I really expected to enjoy Wuthering Heights, and I thought it was just awful.

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Wow! Really?? I guess I'll have to read that one.


For me, it was To Kill a Mockingbird. I had never even tried it, because the title sounded like it would about something unpleasant. (I'm a wuss, I admit it.) It's one of my all-time favorite books.





I just read this a few weeks ago. LOVED IT!

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I too just read To Kill a Mockingbird for the first time a couple of months ago, and I really enjoyed it. I somehow missed reading this in high school and had always wanted to read it. It was better than I thought it would be.


I also read My Antonia this month, and it was a nice story.

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In high school, I read Crime and Punishment and really enjoyed it. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did!


I picked up Crime and Punishment a year or two ago and almost put it down 1/3 of the way through the book. It was dry and difficult...but I kept reading. Something happened before I reached the halfway mark of the book, and I found myself reading it every available second I had - including staying up late.


I still can't figure out why, I guess he had me hooked. I must say I found the moral at the end less than, um, fulfilling.


But, anyway, it had me hooked and I never saw it coming.

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I was rather shocked by how much I liked Vanity Fair. I also enjoyed the Pevear/Volokhonsky translation of The Brothers Karamazov; a previous translation had bored me to tears.

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The Grapes of Wrath.


Read it in January, and it was excellent, so engaging. I really enjoyed all the religious symbolism. In high school I had hated it, and skimmed... so it was a huge surprise that I found it to be such a page turner now!


This was the same for me. I totally missed the point of this book in high school. I read it a few years ago and was stunned. Loved it. I felt the same was about Crime and Punishment. The book was lost on me as a freshman in college (though I remember getting an A on the paper I wrote). I got so much more out of it as a grown up.

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I vividly recall taking a course in 18th C. literature in university. I was not looking forward to it, but it was part of my requirements as a lit major. I anticipated tedium. I was so surprised! I loved almost every book we read, most notably:


Tristram Shandy by Sterne

Tom Jones by Fielding

Expedition of Humphrey Clinker by Smollett

and, Pamela by Richarson (which everyone in the class thought was overwrought and tedious, but I thought it must have been the basis for every modern soap opera ever written! It made me laugh out loud!)

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Animal Farm totally surprised me. I LOVED it. I'm looking forward to THE JUNGLE


Oh - I LOVE the first half of The Jungle!!! All the detail of life at the "back of hte yards"!!!! (I love stories set in the recent past - it is a kind of time travel!)


I also loved, and still reread, Dreiser's Sister Carrie for the same reason.

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I avoided lit like the plague when I was in high school (eons ago). Now I'm working to make up for that.


Robinson Crusoe - there are some wonderful nuggets in there

The Three Musketeers - I expected it to be dull reading, but am happy to say the jovial attitude of the muskeeters makes it fun to read.

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There have been many but recently I read Thoreau's Walden and I just loved it. It made me feel much more optimistic about reading more classics. I kind of got stuck on Don Quixote and never really got going from there, apart from the classics the kids and I read together9which is actually quite a few). I also loved P&P, Jane Ayre and Tess of the Durbevilles when I was in highschool, but havent read them since. I intend to.

Also, I was surprised how much I enjoyed Treasure island, Robinson Crusoe, and in particular, the Swiss Famaily Robinson, when I read them to the kids.

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Oh - I LOVE the first half of The Jungle!!! All the detail of life at the "back of hte yards"!!!! (I love stories set in the recent past - it is a kind of time travel!)


ITA. . .I really liked the first half as well. . .not so much the second half. . .it turned into socialist propaganda. I had a hard time finishing it after I realized that it wasn't going to get any better.

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I avoided lit like the plague when I was in high school
I originally read this as "I avoided lit like The Plague when I was in high school." and completely empathized, having been forced to read The Plague in high school. I appreciate Camus much more now than then.
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What book caught your interest and kept you up waaay past your bedtime?


I'll go first. My major surprise was Moby Dick. I read it as a 30 something banker on my lunch hours and in the evening. I didn't expect it to be such a gripping book. I literally stayed up to 2am on a work night to finish it. Who would have thought that the great white whale would be such a page turner?


That's my answer, as well. I had no idea that Moby Dick was going to be such a delightful read. The language was, as I said, delightful, the story compelling, and the structure of the novel itself was certainly interesting!

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In high school, I read Crime and Punishment and really enjoyed it. I was not expecting to like it as much as I did!

:iagree:I just read Crime and Punishment last year and I was really pulled into it. I went on to read The Brothers Karamazov and found it to be very gripping, as well.

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The Scarlet Pimpernel


I was expecting something dry and boring .. it was a real page-turner! I stayed up for two nights in row, just to finish it!!


My teen also loved it. In fact, she loved it so much that she ended up reading about six of the sequels!




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The Aeneid. I expected something boring and tedious. Because the translation I had tried to keep the poetic flow, I expected it to be worse than a prose version. Other than that I knew nothing of the plot, the characters, or anything. I started reading that book and couldn't put it down. It's been a few years since I read it last, and I'm reading it again now because ds1 has to read it for Omnibus. It's still a "wow" book for me.

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