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Who else is passing on the teaching baton this year? Public, private, college....

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Who else is sending their kid (s) off to something other than homeschool this year?


Ds15 is dual enrolled at college/high school. This is his first year on campus and it just feels so odd to drop him off with all the 'adults'. When he went to high school last year for the first time, I went with him to find his classes on a non-school day (large high school with 2000+ students). I helped him find his first class this summer, but other than that, he is on his own...and doing great. :)



DD11 got a scholarship to a unique private school. The scholarship extends until she graduates in 8th grade so she will be going there for the next 3 years. It is the first time she has been in traditional school since pk-4. I know I am much more apprehensive than she is. Middle school can be some rough years, no matter where you are. I hear great things about this school, so we will try it and hope for the best.


DD3 is going to pre-school/daycare while I am at work.




It feels so strange to have no one at home this year. I have finished a few projects at home lately and it really makes me feel like I am messing around and avoiding something. LOL It is like I feel guilty for not being in planning mode. :001_smile: Funny how somethings get so ingrained that life doesn't feel natural without it.

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All my kids are away for the first time this year. The teens graduated in June. One is in college and the other is working making a lot of money for her age ($13 per hour with about 20 hours overtime). The youngest two are in middle school. My plans are to take this year to get my life in order. Really clean and declutter for the fisrt time since moving at least, get my finances and filing organized, finish painting/decortating half done parts of the house, etc. We will see how that goes though. :001_smile:

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My ds 14 is going to high school this year at a small public charter. I will still have dd 9 at home with me. It will be a very strange year after schooling both of them all the way. I pray he does well. I'm, of course, not feeling like he is prepared enough academically. Best wishes to you all and hope the changes work out well for you and your family!



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My oldest started at a public charter high school 2 years ago, so she's a junior there now.


My middle dd started there this year. She a freshman who has mild learning disabilities, so it was a tough decision. She is doing well and likes it, though. This is week 6 and she is not asking to come back home. :001_smile:


Dh is teaching our 9 yo who has moderate to severe dyslexia.


After 8 years of working afternoons/evenings in order to homeschool during the mornings, I am now working days. We are all home for dinner most evenings. We feel so normal. :D


ETA: I do my 9 yo's reading tutoring in the evenings, so I'm still keeping my feet wet. :-)

Edited by LizzyBee
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Oldest dd is off to finish her degree in speech therapy and our youngest (the dd who was homeschooled for 6 years) will be a junior at a christian highschool. She went back last year and it was a rollercoaster year. I'm praying that she finds a sense of peace.

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Ds (14) is off to a small private Christian school for 8th grade. He actualy started last week. I think there are a whopping 12 kids in the 8th grade! I still have the girls home w/ me-starting 6th grade. Looking forward to having only one grade to teach, and some one-one w/ the girls.

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Who else is sending their kid (s) off to something other than homeschool this year?



Me. My dd(14), who has been homeschooled since she was 8, will be starting high school on September 8th. She'll be going to the "Fame" school in Manhattan. 4 hours of dance instruction, lunch, then 3 hours of academics. 8am to 4:10pm every day. She can't wait. I'm a nervous wreck.


Dd(16) is starting her senior year of high school and ds(9) will still be homeschooled.

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This is the first year I've been alone in many years, with one years' exception... My oldest is 20, out the door and having a baby in January, my second starts college at the University today and does not live at home... my next three teens are in high school two hours away with their dad, my next 3 boys are at the local middle school and I have one little guy left who is finishing up at the elementary school...


I am working on household projects and working part time and helping with plenty of homework projects...

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are off to a small Christian school in September. Oldest was there last year already for grade 8(and two years ago), and 2nd and 3rd dss will join him there for grades 6 and 3. I'll still have my baby at home with me, and am looking forward to one-on-one time with him.

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I sent my 13yo off to school today for the first time in 5 years. I'm anxious to hear how her day went. I've spent a lot of time in prayer today! She gets home in about 15 minutes.:001_unsure:


I still have my 2 youngers home with me, hopefully for many years to come!

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I sent my 13yo off to school today for the first time in 5 years. I'm anxious to hear how her day went. I've spent a lot of time in prayer today! She gets home in about 15 minutes.:001_unsure:


I still have my 2 youngers home with me, hopefully for many years to come!


So, how'd it go?


My oldest is starting Community College. He took a class during the summer (Algebra 2) and did very well (he never missed a problem!! He even got a letter from the Dean congratulating him on his score in the class!!). He's now enrolled in chemistry. I plan to use the college for his science and math through high school. He wants to be an engineer and I just couldn't teach him like they can.

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Oldest dd (21) finished her Medical Assistant school and is living at home, but works most days.


Second dd (19) married this summer and is living in Hawaii with her dh, planning to attend the Paul Mitchell school there.


Third dd (17) started at the cc last week as a freshman in college!!


It's just ds (15) and I at home, and I am looking forward to some quality time with him this year!

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My oldest is taking all of his classes at the cc again this year and will graduate with his AA degree in May. He is also doing cross country and lacrosse at the high school.

My middle (10th grader) is taking Comp I, Int. Alg and Ethics at the cc and is taking TV Production II, Drama II, cross country, and lacrosse at the local high school.

My youngest (7th grader) is home with me and I'm enjoying the time with him!

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My older DD is a senior this year and taking English and Japanese at the CC and doing math and probably creative writing (she is a talented writer and this is her choice for an elective) at home.


The younger two are going PS this year for a number of reasons and I'm hoping we made the right decision here. They have never been to a B&M school. Today was their first day and younger DD's day seems to have gone pretty well. DS will be home in about 15min.

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Two oldest dual-enrolled at public high school/community college hybrid. My senior is only taking cc classes; my junior is taking 2 and 2 this semester, and will take 3 cc courses next semester. That is more cc classes than are allowed in homeschool or traditional public school. I am enjoying the freedom from the responsibility of being the planner and enforcer-of-standards of their educations. ;)


Preparing two middle schoolers to go this route in a few years and enjoying the ability to focus well on them instead of having my attention spread too thin.

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My oldest started Catholic high school (his choice) 2 weeks ago, and his younger brother (11) is home for a few more years. We'll see how it goes. The school work is not as rigorous as I would like (so far). Hopefully it will pick up. So far his younger brother is doing more work than he is.:glare:


Younger brother seems to be doing well without his sibling. He gets his work done earlier, and doesn't have to fight his brother for the computer!

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Wow, more on the board than I thought!


--My 20yo is away at college. She's a junior this year.


--My 16yo is taking a couple of college classes and working so she isn't around much. Her plan is to bump up to a full load in the Spring and then go live with her dad in San Francisco next year (he's working out of state for a couple of years).


--My 13yo is attending the local high school. This will just be for the year because she is going mostly for a social outlet and for her arts credits that I have trouble doing at home. She will be back home next year.


--My 5yo is in his second year in his Montessori preschool. Money is tight this year so we may have to drop him, but we're pulling from Rich's moving bonus to send him through December because he is really thriving there.


--I'm still homeschooling my 8yo and 11yo full time and it's so nice to have the time to focus on just them. They were my later born middle children who used to always fall last in line for attention.



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My 18yod is finishing up her first year of Marine Biology at polytech (5 hours away)


My 16yos is studying Mechanical Engineering (Welding & Fabrication) 3 days/week at the local polytech & taking English, Maths, & Science thru the NZ Correspondence School ( I supervise the NZCS courses.)


My 12yos is wanting to go to the local Boys Highschool next year (in February.) Having dd & ds#1 at polytech this year has given me time to focus on ds#2 & we've had a good year, but he is now wanting a bigger study group on a regular basis. Enrollment forms need to be in this friday & entrance interviews & exams are in mid-November, so things aren't finalized yet. Plus I need to find out where the $500-600 will come from to buy uniforms & pay the required school fees as DH's company has restructured & his position will not exist after 31 August :sad: If ds#2 goes to school I will be in a position to look for work (I'm a trained teacher), but without one of us having work now, we can't really afford to send ds#2 to school. (This is public school & PS is not free in NZ)

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20yo is a sophmore at VCU in cinema--just moved him in yesterday (hopefully they have electricity by now...)

18 yo had his second day of CC classes today. He bought a car today, too!

10 yo will start 5th grade at elementary school on the 7th.

I'm going to need to work more. Not sure yet what to do.


I'll be working the next few days to organize myself and get the cat pee smell out of the house...but that's a different thread.:tongue_smilie:

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So, how'd it go?


My oldest is starting Community College. He took a class during the summer (Algebra 2) and did very well (he never missed a problem!! He even got a letter from the Dean congratulating him on his score in the class!!). He's now enrolled in chemistry. I plan to use the college for his science and math through high school. He wants to be an engineer and I just couldn't teach him like they can.


It went really well! She ran into a girl that she played softball with (a girl I really like) and was instantly scooped up with her group of friends. There is a bit of an issue that I will need to address in the morning. Apparently her drama teacher cussed like a sailor (8th grade!) and we will be finding her another elective. I'm praying that there is something available!

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My middle dd is in a small, classical, public charter for 9th. She has never been to school before, ever...:eek:


So far (today is day 5) it has been ok. EVERYTHING at this school is done online, so parents can see much of what goes on. The teachers are mostly ok, though there are 2 who do not communicate very well. At least I have no idea what the expectations are, lol, not sure how the students are coping. The Latin teacher is brand spanking new and seems to be having a few administrative issues.


I'm surprised really by how good the materials are. The teachers really know their stuff. The work itself is rigorous with a LOT of tie-in between the subjects. I love the uniforms! This is nothing like the regular PS near us.


I'm not surprised by how disorganized they are and how much time was wasted these first few days because of this. Or by the crappy attitudes of the students.


The only weird thing is that they put my dd in Alg I although she did it last year and they told me they would put her in II. So far it is boring as heck, but this book is soooo much better and more rigorous than what she did last year that even if she tests into Alg II (MAP testing starts today), she may ask to stay in Alg I. Her choice...


Parents have to volunteer; I'm really looking forward to getting a deeper look at the inner workings of the school, so to speak. ;)



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