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I know it's only July, but I'm thinking about homemade Christmas gifts...

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I'd love to have home ideas for homemade gifts that don't seem *too* homemade, kwim? I won't be knitting any tissue box covers, or toilet paper covers, though I may (thanks to the recent fudge thread) make a variety of fudge in cookie cutters, wrap, and place in a basket or something.



I also know how to do stained glass, so I might get started soon on making some smaller suncatcher designs to give.


And last, but not least, I can always fall back on my professional skills and give really good cheesecakes. Those I could also make a little bit ahead and freeze. Maybe I could even buy a springform pan (If I can find them inexpensively), bake the cheesecake and leave it in the pan, then wrap the pan decoratively along with attaching a copy of the recipe. That might be fun, and I think I could do it for under $10 if I can find small springform pans cheap.


I'm looking for more ideas, though I'd like to get away from giving sugary sweets. What cool homemade gift ideas have you seen, or been thinking about?


ETA: At a craft show I saw beaded hangers for hummingbird feeders. They were pretty and colorful, and the woman who made them said that they seemed to attract even more hummingbirds to her feeder. Those would be fairly easy to make too!

Edited by Julie in CA
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:D July is typically when I start my Christmas knitting plans. If I don't plan ahead I won't get it done. I'm a knitter so i'm trying out a few new patterns that use up the extra yarn I've found at Goodwill. I'm also thinking of making bathmats for my sisters from t-shirt yarn. It's got to be homemade or not at all. The budget is going to be squeaky tight.


I'm working on some socks at the moment.


And later I'm on a quest to figure out how many dishcloths can be made from one cone of cotton yarn. Anyone ever done this before?

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Recently there was a thread on here (of course, I can't find it right now!) showing a blog where a lady made CUTE tiered goodie plates...she bought a dinner size plate, salad plate/bowl, and a candle holder...then used epoxy glue to stick them together.


Wouldn't that be so cute with some of your fudge or other goodies on it and a big bow?


I went to the dollar store, found two different sets to make--for a total of $3 each...only I haven't gotten the epoxy yet. But I was very inspired by this and just know it will be an easy, cute, useful, fun Christmas gift!

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Recently there was a thread on here (of course, I can't find it right now!) showing a blog where a lady made CUTE tiered goodie plates...she bought a dinner size plate, salad plate/bowl, and a candle holder...then used epoxy glue to stick them together.


Wouldn't that be so cute with some of your fudge or other goodies on it and a big bow?


I went to the dollar store, found two different sets to make--for a total of $3 each...only I haven't gotten the epoxy yet. But I was very inspired by this and just know it will be an easy, cute, useful, fun Christmas gift!


Here it is http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194371&highlight=tiered

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I have just learned to knit, so all the women in my family are getting scarves. Not sure about the men yet, maybe hats if I can figure that out.


I'm also thinking about giving some of my photography in nice frames. We'll see.

Edited by Nakia
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One year I made flannel lounge pants for the kids on our list. I got the fabric when JoAnn's had their $1/yd flannel sale (some time in the summer... don't remember the month). I got a huge variety of fabrics matched to the kids' tastes. They were a hit, even for the teenagers.


Another favorite was the quillow which can also be made in a smaller travel size for car trips or planes.

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I usually do gifts in a jar. Homemade vanilla and vanilla sugar has been a hit (thanks to the ladies here who recommended it!). Others I've done are bath salts in a jar, bean soup in a jar, brownies in a jar, cocoa, spiced tea, various dip mixes, etc. They are pretty and usually turn out nice.


One year, I made covers for styrofoam wreaths. I cut the wreath to make an opening, then bought enough material to sew a tube with a frilly edge. Then you just slide the tube over the wreath. I made and gave 4 covers each: Christmas, spring, fall, and 4th of July.


Flannel tie blankets were my mainstay a couple years ago. I bought the flannel when it went on sale and made the tie blankets a few at a time and stored them until Christmas.


On a similar note, fringe scarfs were very popular here 3 years ago. You cut a strip of flannel your desired length, then sew a line down the center. Finally, you cut strips toward the sewn line. It makes a nice fringe and a soft scarf.


I don't have a handle on Christmas this year yet. We might be moving, we might not be. Our budget is definitely tighter than last year. If I do anything for the extras it will be some sort of gift in a jar or an assortment of goodies.


By the way, my fudge flopped, so I'm going to the store for more ingredients.

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Recently there was a thread on here (of course, I can't find it right now!) showing a blog where a lady made CUTE tiered goodie plates...she bought a dinner size plate, salad plate/bowl, and a candle holder...then used epoxy glue to stick them together.


Wouldn't that be so cute with some of your fudge or other goodies on it and a big bow?


I went to the dollar store, found two different sets to make--for a total of $3 each...only I haven't gotten the epoxy yet. But I was very inspired by this and just know it will be an easy, cute, useful, fun Christmas gift!

Oh yeah, I meant to make a note of that idea! Thanks for the reminder. :001_smile:

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Hi Julie!


It was the Hershey's that flopped! The recipe even noted that it was a "difficult" recipe. I agree:)!


I have made the sweetened condensed milk microwave fudge with success every time. My youngest loves it! Dh does not like it. He prefers a "crystally" smooth kind that is a bit harder. The sweetened condensed milk version is a softer, richer kind of fudge. I really think he wants the marshmallow fantasy kind. I'm going to try that version as soon as I get back from the market. I'll let you know later today:)!

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I have just learned to knit, so all the women in my family are getting scarves. Not sure about the men yet, maybe hats if I can figure that out.


YAY!!! ANOTHER KNITTER IS BORN!!! .....aww...look how cute she is! And already knitting scarves! :D


Welcome to the ranks, Nakia! Have you found Ravelry yet? www.ravelry.com There's a WTM forum there. Totally addictive, yet supremely inspiring!



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YAY!!! ANOTHER KNITTER IS BORN!!! .....aww...look how cute she is! And already knitting scarves! :D


Welcome to the ranks, Nakia! Have you found Ravelry yet? www.ravelry.com There's a WTM forum there. Totally addictive, yet supremely inspiring!





What?! There's a WTM forum on a needlework site!? Cool!:001_smile: On my way to check it out...

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YAY!!! ANOTHER KNITTER IS BORN!!! .....aww...look how cute she is! And already knitting scarves! :D


Welcome to the ranks, Nakia! Have you found Ravelry yet? www.ravelry.com There's a WTM forum there. Totally addictive, yet supremely inspiring!




You made me smile. I have heard of Ravelry, but I've never been over there. I'm afraid I will get overwhelmed. I will check it out though. Right now, I am making some potholders. :D

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Last few years I have mixed up cookie dough, rolled it into a log and either partially frozen and sliced or just sliced right after rolling (depending on how soft it was). After slicing I put on a cookie sheet and pop back in freezer until totally frozen. Take off and put in ziplock bags or containers that have the baking instructions on them. Put back in freezer until time to give out present.


These have really worked great for grandparents who want a fresh baked cookie but not a whole batch.

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I just finished my first "Tour de Fleece"- think Tour de France, only with a spinning wheel- so the women in my family will be getting handspun, hand-knit shawls. The men will get hats (and mittens, time permitting.)


Nakia (and anyone else who hasn't yet experienced Ravelry)- come join the fun! It's addictive, though, so be aware that it may take away from your WTM board time!:D

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I am getting a new coin book for my dad and starting the collection for him. I know it isn't crafty but it is what he will love. I have made plates in the past for friends, they had elves and the names of their kids or grandkids on them and said cookies for Santa. I will see if I can post photos later.

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Last few years I have mixed up cookie dough, rolled it into a log and either partially frozen and sliced or just sliced right after rolling (depending on how soft it was). After slicing I put on a cookie sheet and pop back in freezer until totally frozen. Take off and put in ziplock bags or containers that have the baking instructions on them. Put back in freezer until time to give out present.


These have really worked great for grandparents who want a fresh baked cookie but not a whole batch.


I've done this for families that just had a new baby. It's always been well received.



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I am knitting grrlfriend marketbags (free pattern on ravelry) for people on my list this year. Last year, I did the felted boxes and bowls out of Mason Dixon Knitting and put stuff in them. (every library has this book) I am making a doorway puppet theater for the grandkids along with a bunch of puppets.

In the past, I have given homemade soap with knitted washcloths.

One year, I found cute bottles and gave homemade vanilla extract. I love the ideas I get from this board!

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I save the spice jars/containers through out the year and wash them out. I'll make a big batch of bbq rub or an all in one type spice (mexican,italian) and reuse the old spice jars. I print out my own labels and mail them out. The weight isn't high so my shipping costs are huge, I am an avid recycler and it's easy.


I also do the bean soup mix in a bag or cookie mix or hot chocolate mixes types of things.

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My parents are each getting something knitted along with cheapish DVD sets from Costco (a hat & Home Improvement for my dad, a scarf & The Commish for my mom).


The older kids are too inquisitive about what I'm knitting, but a large part of the youngest's birthday (in late November) and Christmas both will be things I've knit for her.


My cousin (who's 11) will also be getting a sweater from me, if I can decide on the yarn!


Finally, two dear friends are having babies in December. One is far away in Utah, so she'll get two hats. The local one will get a hat plus...? I don't know yet! Maybe a sweater or a blanket.

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I'm a third of the way through a quilt top for Dh, and will be making Waldorf style dolls for each of the kiddies. I don't know if they'll like them or not, but I have the cutest ever fabric for a Norse outfit I bought before I even conceived ds, but he was too big by winter so it is still waiting :( So I'll make it up for the doll, and make a Roman tunic (since that is what he usually wears) and he'll have a Roman and Barbarian thing happening. He probably won't care, since he'll only be two, but I'll get a kick out of it. I'll do the same for dd. She'll be heading towards 4, so I think she'll like having a doll to dress.



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I'm a third of the way through a quilt top for Dh, and will be making Waldorf style dolls for each of the kiddies. I don't know if they'll like them or not, but I have the cutest ever fabric for a Norse outfit I bought before I even conceived ds, but he was too big by winter so it is still waiting :( So I'll make it up for the doll, and make a Roman tunic (since that is what he usually wears) and he'll have a Roman and Barbarian thing happening. He probably won't care, since he'll only be two, but I'll get a kick out of it. I'll do the same for dd. She'll be heading towards 4, so I think she'll like having a doll to dress.




THAT sounds soo cute, pix please when you finish? Definately something they can play with at an event.

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THAT sounds soo cute, pix please when you finish? Definately something they can play with at an event.


Don't hold your breath! They won't even be started for a few months. I'm still working on the quilt. I'll be using this book, which Dh bought me a few Christmases ago: http://www.amazon.com/Making-Waldorf-Dolls-Maricristin-Sealey/dp/1903458587/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280275847&sr=8-2




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If you know people who garden, or have pretty flowers around the house, you can take pictures and make notecards for them. You could even do a calendar if you felt ambitious.


I do not have a green thumb at all, but my mom and sister do. Last year I took pictures of all my mom's flowers, and then glued them to the front of blank greeting cards that you find at WalMart or scrapbooking places. I put colorful paper in between the card and picture, so it had a matted look to it. 10 card sets are easy to make, and people love recognizing their own flowers when it's icky outside and the flowers are gone.


Lavendar wands are great too, if you know someone with a lavendar plant. :)

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i love the fudge in cookie cutter idea! So cute and simple. I'm leaning towards making these mini pies in a jar that I saw on here last year. The only thing holding me back is that I need something that will keep for shipping. Maybe I'll make the fudge cookie cutters for out of state friends and the mini pies in a jar for those close by.


I also have homemade vanilla that's been soaking for almost a year that I want to give as gifts. I need ideas for inexpensive bottles though. Anybody have a source?

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i love the fudge in cookie cutter idea! So cute and simple. I'm leaning towards making these mini pies in a jar that I saw on here last year. The only thing holding me back is that I need something that will keep for shipping. Maybe I'll make the fudge cookie cutters for out of state friends and the mini pies in a jar for those close by.


I also have homemade vanilla that's been soaking for almost a year that I want to give as gifts. I need ideas for inexpensive bottles though. Anybody have a source?


I found great bottles on Ebay last year. Thanks for the pie link! I am off to check them out.

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I take photography from throughout the year and make calendars for my family that mark dates of family birthdays, anniversaries, etc.


I did that for my mom last year with pics of my girls. This year I am planning to do a calendar for my daughter's horseback riding instructor. I want to get some great pics of all the horses. I better get started while it's still beautiful outside. Thanks for the reminder!

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Every year I bake up a couple dozen applesauce breads in a jar. You could do it with any kind of sweet bread: pumpkin, banana, zuccini... just bake it in a well greased, wide-mouth, pint sized canning jar. Put the lid on while it's hot and it will seal and store in the pantry for several months. These are great for gift baskets or hostess gifts.


I also knit a batch of dish cloths. :) Can't beat a hand-knit, cotton kitchen cloth.


I love the fleece lounge pants idea. Gonna have to do that this year for my nieces/nephews and friends. Hmmm...

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Every year I bake up a couple dozen applesauce breads in a jar. You could do it with any kind of sweet bread: pumpkin, banana, zuccini... just bake it in a well greased, wide-mouth, pint sized canning jar. Put the lid on while it's hot and it will seal and store in the pantry for several months. These are great for gift baskets or hostess gifts.


I also knit a batch of dish cloths. :) Can't beat a hand-knit, cotton kitchen cloth.


I love the fleece lounge pants idea. Gonna have to do that this year for my nieces/nephews and friends. Hmmm...


I want to know more about the bread in a jar thing. So, you just bake it in the jar just like you would in a pan? Does it come out of the jar easily when you want to eat it? Interesting...

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I'm thinking of doing blessing jars for the grandmas. That's the extent of my creative talent. Well, truth be told, that might be *stretching* my creative talent! Ha!


We did this for dh's grandmother this past Christmas. All the grandkids and spouses and great-grandkids wrote things and she read one each day. It was her very favorite gift of all time!! She was always talking about what people had written - she loved it!!


Unfortunately, she did not have the opportunity to read all the notes - but the night before she died - guess what she was talking about!!!

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YAY!!! ANOTHER KNITTER IS BORN!!! .....aww...look how cute she is! And already knitting scarves! :D


Welcome to the ranks, Nakia! Have you found Ravelry yet? www.ravelry.com There's a WTM forum there. Totally addictive, yet supremely inspiring!




OK, I just signed up. I never sign up for things impulsively. But I've heard of this site over and over, so there I am! ColleeninNS. :) I learned to knit (after three attempts over my lifetime so far) about three years ago, and I love it. I love to crochet, too. And sew. And work with paper.


Hey, how about handmade paper? I just tried this a few weeks ago, with all our scraps of paper in a basket on our craft shelf. I made a deckle and frame out of free picture frames that a thrift store was giving away, and a piece of screen from our garage. It was totally fun to create our own sheets of pretty paper! We added buttercup petals to one of the batches, too.


You could make several sheets of paper and make a stationery box for it, or you could use the homemade paper (make it thick for this) for producing some of your own artwork: watercolour, marker or pencil drawings, etc..


I love it when these threads come around!


For the first time ever, I put my name in yesterday to hopefully rent a table at a November craft fair. I have to get approved, and I will hear in September. Meanwhile, I have been crocheting hats with pretty colours of cotton yarn, and stitching crocheted flowers on the fronts of them. The other day, I figured out how to crochet beads into them (the part that flips up), so I am working on beaded hats, now, too. I might also sew some purse tissue holders from silk scraps - I bought a ton of silk shirts one day at the thrift store's $7/bag sale - just stuffed them in, as many as I could. So now I have a silk stash, that I use for all sorts of projects. So I make the tissue holders, embroider them or sew on metallic decorative bits (from a surplus store, so, inexpensive), and people seem to like them.

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We've been doing handmade/homemade Christmas for almost 4 years now. It's alot of fun!


Last year I made my kids each one of these. http://www.etsy.com/listing/21808747/princess-ballerina-card-table-playhouse?ref=sr_gallery_3&ga_search_query=card+table+house&ga_search_type=handmade&ga_page=&order=&includes[]=tags&includes[]=title


I also made felt food for one of them because I sewed them the felt cardtable playhouse that was a grocery store.


As gifts I decopauged some wooden Ikea frames and put our family photo and gifted that to family.


This year I'm making crab-apple jelly, apricot jam & strawberry jam. Just a couple days ago I saw Goodwill had jam/jelly canning jars for $0.50.each but sadly I wasn't prepared with the funds to grab them all. I'd love to get a deal like that and I'd just purchase new lids. I plan on putting pretty fabric on the lids and tieing with ribbon and gifting them in sets of 3.


As for my kids my middler wants barbie clothing and barbie furniture. As for my oldest I'm unsure and my youngest he'll love anything since he's so young still.

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OK, I just signed up. I never sign up for things impulsively. But I've heard of this site over and over, so there I am! ColleeninNS. :)


We need to get together sometime. Seriously. :) I'm a ravelry addict as well.


I'm thinking of knitting some pocketbook slippers for all the women on my list, especially the older ones. Slippers you can stick in your purse to use while visiting. I'd like to put together some sort of themed basket with them as a component so any suggstions would be welcome.

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