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What change have you made for this school year that you're really excited about...

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and looking forward to? :)


For us, it's starting BJU math online. DD did CLE 1 last year and really didn't like it. She NEVER complains about anything and is so compliant, but she would seem so sad whenever we pulled this out of her workbox. She just dreaded math. It wasn't that she couldn't do the work, but it was the amount of work-3 pages, 1 speed drill and new facts each day. I personally LOVED the program and how simple, scripted, and straight forward the program is. Second grade is 4 pages/day, so I knew I really needed to figure out how to "tweak" the program or try something different.


Anyway, my kid's have been watching me get the BJU program ready with all the manipulatives, seen a few minutes of the lessons, and just can't wait to get started. She is actually VERY excited about math and I'm so happy about that.:001_smile:


Also, I purchased the Girl, Boy, and Classic interest books from HOD for our storytime together. We're finishing LHFHG the first half of the year, but using these books for our storytime instead of the Burgess books. They look wonderful!

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Relaxing more and stressing less.


We are also going to do part of our math(MUS) together on the chalkboard. We are going to try and have more fun with it all.


Not having a co-op to prepare and go to this year is exciting me as well.:001_smile:

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Oak Meadow for my youngest. We have done a few of the lessons and we LOVE it. I am excited to be doing it for a whole year.


MCT for my oldest. I saw three of his presentations at the Cincinnati convention and he really sold me. I am very excited to start using this.

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Our new schedule! We're going to a rotating schedule where each core subject is done four days a week, for my fifth grader. (My kindergarten boy still has a five-day-a-week schedule for his core subjects, but he has a lot fewer core subjects!) I stole the idea from my alma mater, and then tweaked it. There's a little more about it here, though I've changed it even more since then.


I also feel like I've streamlined our outside classes & activities so that they're more efficient and more focused on the things WE want to focus upon. It's so easy to get swayed in various directions.


Finally, we're going to concentrate even more on memory work this year. I set up our binders yesterday and even the kids are kind of excited about it. :lol:

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Having all of my kids home again. Starting HOD Preparing and LHFHG. I think HOD will be the breath of fresh air our homeschool needs. This year I am committed to being more relaxed and enjoying my kids and the journey instead of focusing so much on the goal or end result. Life is too short. Nature study will happen...even if only on Fridays. Taking more field trips. Starting Latin Road. Also looking forward to my dd13 being in 9th gr. and beginning the high school journey with MFW AHL. Lots of changes. All good.

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I'm excited about our switch to Saxon. Even though we only did PreK last year, Singapore didn't jive well with us (me) and I am much more excited this year.


I'm also excited about my filing system. I've only done the first quarter, but I'm anxious to test out how it works!

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Doing writeshop with the girls! I started primary with DSD 9yo already and loving it!


Doing SL p 4/5 with DS and our new phonics setup! (SSRW, 100 ez and mcguffey)


Having our filing and workboxes all set up and reay to go after tweaking and hours of organizing.d


Setting up tot tray like activities for DS2 in his workboxes for while I school the olders. :D


all in all I think this will be a super fun year!

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I feel way more confident going into our third year of homeschooling.:)


We are excited to be starting Latin, Apologia Astronomy, and the SOTW. I used SOTW as a supplement to Sonlight's Core 1 last year but this year we are making it our main spine and supplementing with Sonlight books.

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Lots! I was so burnt out at the end of the school year I was ready to throw in the towel. Now after a break and some revamping, I'm very excited about school again!


1. Dropping our writing program. Classical Writing is awesome, but so time consuming. We're going to proceed according to SWBs recs in her talks on writing for the middle grades. ETA: I've learned a lot from CW Homer, and will use some of their methods with the writing we do - six sentence shuffle, rewriting quotes, synonym substitution, etc.


2. Loop scheduling. We did this last year, also, but I'm still excited. Nine to noon, M-Th. History and science after lunch. Fun math and art on Friday.


3. Homeschooling with an organized home. With a new baby and some major remodeling over the last 3 years, the house had gotten fairly disorganized. I've spent a good amount of time during our summer break getting this place whipped into shape,and I definitely feel much more peaceful because of it.


I barely had to purchase any new curriculum, so we aren't making a lot of changes in that area, mainly attitude and organization.


Now, if DD3 would just get called off the waitlist from the neighborhood preschool, I would be set! :D

Edited by Amy loves Bud
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We are excited about switching to CLE. We've been working with it a couple weeks and I never thought I'd go with a workbook, out of the box, open and go, religious program but....it's great. I'm so much less stressed and ds really likes seeing there are 4 pages and done. He's much less resistant seeing right from the start what needs to be done. We've also started our SL read alouds for fun. And we're going to do more field trips, projects and art thanks to the depth vs breadth thread.

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I'm with mom2little boys on the relaxing more and on the giving up of a weekly co-op commitment. (In our case it's Classical Conversations that we've ditched and I feel so freeeeeeee.) A few other changes:



  • We're introducing Latin through Minimus this year.

  • I will do Nature Study. I will do Nature Study. I will do Nature Study.

  • I plan to find my inner fun mom and invite her to our lessons on a regular basis.

I love this time of year. All of the plans are coming together and the schedule/routine looks ambitious but do-able. Ah, optimism.


Yes!! I feel freeeeee from the co-op commitment.....that summed it up perfectly:lol:

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I got all three kids with their music classes on the same day right after each other. They used to be on three different days with three different teachers. Travel time was awful. Dealing with three different schedules was miserable. Not this year!


I also have outsourced the classes I most don't want to teach. Latin, Literature, and Writing for my oldest and Japanese for everyone.


And finally I decided that it was most important that we have a good time. So we are doing US Geography and going to make a quilt square for each state. And for science we are doing Life Science (WTM style) and doing as many experiments as I can fit in and making quilt square for that too.


This will hopefully be a most excellent year!

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We made our big change in January--Oak Meadow. Six months later we are still loving it.


Our little changes that we have made over the summer that I am looking forward to:


adding in handcrafts

more Waldorf elements

listening to my children and what they are really saying both with their mouths and their actions

being firm and yet quiet



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We're sending our oldest to high school! :D I just can't tell you what a relief that was for me. He's going to a STEM School that is the perfect fit (we hope!)


So, now I'll be able to spend time with my younger two kids and focus on doing things that they want to do instead of always teaching the oldest. We have a little bit of catch up work to do and I'm honestly looking forward to just having more time to work on the basics and enjoy my younger kids! :lol:

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Our changes are:


We're trying a loop schedule this year


Going CM all the way


Relaxing and enjoying teaching/learning with the kids, even my highschoolers


setting up some things for my 2yo. to do during school time


Not looking at the FSOT board and reading posts here and then getting discouraged with what i'm using, which leads to more discouragement because I can't afford to switch so I spend the year unhappy even though my kids are learning.


Putting my 2nd grader in co op classes


Using HSTplus to the max to really schedule and organize our year

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I am excited about being more organized. Last year being our first year we had no idea what we were doing. This year everything will be planned out so I at least have an idea about what we need to do. This has also allowed me to add in more hands on and field trips which my kids love!

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We've changed a lot! I switched my DC from FIAR to HOD and I'm so happy with the changes (and so are my DC). We're only a week in, but I can already see that it's a much better fit for us. Our math and phonics are the same (SM and McGuffy/ETC combo) so I didn't change everything.


I'm also adding KOF books for handicrafts in the afternoons. I'm really excited about this and have stocked up a bunch of crafts for them to work on. Since HOD only takes 2-3 hours, we have lots of time for extras! :D

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I'm excited about SO much this year!! I think it's going to be my very favorite year of homeschooling so far!


We're using All American History this year and I LOVE it. Changing my very visual ds to RightStart Math, which I think he is going to flourish with. Oldest daughter is doing Apologia's General Science, which we're both excited about. We're in a state history co-op and a science co-op that the kids will love (so many fun things planned to do) - and we're having a book club again this year...


I started scheduling last year and it really helped, so this year I went full-out and have our entire year scheduled out (by weeks, not by dates, so I can move things back as needed). It's taken a lot of work planning it out, but I know this is going to help make this the most productive year we've had so far as well!



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I enrolled Elle in Latin and Chemistry co-op classes this fall. That solved my problem of putting together our own science program and the problem of me teaching Latin. :D


The kids are taking piano lessons this year - next door. No need to pile everyone in the car and drive to one more place.


I'm doing much more planning this year. Doesn't sound like a big deal, but I was flying by the seat of my pants for the past two years and it just wasn't working out. I think we'll have a more productive year if I have a schedule.

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I have learned that if I do not have everything for the year all planned out, it is okay. the plans always get changed or tweaked.... and life happens. So instead we are going to enjoy life and the love of learning.

Will I still plan.... of course, but I refuse to be driven by it. I am just now ordering everything... and typically it is all done by April and I spend all summer putting it all together. This year, I will plan a few weeks to a qtr ahead, and probably accomplish more than ever.


I am also excited about starting TOG and delving into MCT! And Lively Latin!

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So we are doing US Geography and going to make a quilt square for each state. And for science we are doing Life Science (WTM style) and doing as many experiments as I can fit in and making quilt square for that too.


How cool! I hope you post some pictures when you've gotten a start on these!

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I'm excited with the fact that I have our semester planned out in detail so we are just 'open and go'. Last year went well, but I was 'do the next thing' and always pushed the kids to do more in one sitting than was fair. I often felt the lesson was too short and that it would be easy to just do the next lesson too. Or I would see the next lesson was really short and we might as well get it done. The kids never knew what to expect and felt like school dragged on all day. I see that now in hindsight. School is so much easier now with a check-the-box system. There is a definite beginning and end to our school time each day.

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Oh, I forgot to mention Write Shop! I'm really, really excited about this program. I think I finally found a writing program that I can do and that the kids feel good about. I love the fact that each lesson has the same layout: pre-write, practice paragraph, brainstorm, etc. The kids and I are only on lesson 1 but they agree the program looks simple and not intimidating. Yay!

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I've added the Driver's Seat and let the kids each share something they have learned, a good book they have just finished, or explain a creation they have made. My oldest is very into inventing and he just eats this up and sounds like he belongs on "Shark Tank".




What is "Driver's Seat?"



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I am going to be teaching co op classes. I love teaching and can't wait to feel the kids' energy and excitement. Plus my dd is in three of the classes I am teaching so l would already have done that planning for her. I also have an entire hour free every week to go to Trader joes or get a coffee! I am also looking forward to our online book club; my dd will feel so much more encouraged to keep up with her reading assignments that way, and again I can't wait to sit around a just talk about good books with kids,

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I've made a lot of changes for this year!


We are going with a 4 day/week 45 weeks schedule. We are already into our 2nd week and I love it! We are taking Wednesdays off to have a day to do errands, housework and laundry.


I dropped Classical Writing and am doing Rod & Staff Grammar and SWB's writing recs for elementary and middle grades. I love it so far!


I dropped SWR and am using AAS. I love, love, love AAS!!! It is so much faster and more laid out than SWR.


I dropped Right Start math with my 2 oldest and moved them to Math Mammoth. I can actually do math with both of them at the same time in 20-30 minutes!!! It is beautiful! :)


And, I'm taking time for the fun stuff. We WILL get to science, history and projects. I've planned them out and we are doing them!

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The only thing I'm excited about is being more organized! Got the planners, the files...getting the workbox thingies, and making all my copies early. I just want things to flow without interruption and I want to know where the calculator is when I need it!


Dee :)

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I too am on the more relax/less stress track this year. We are going to try out a loop schedule this year. I think having a designated start/stop time(and working hard to accomplish what we can during that time) for school will be better for us instead of having a list of subjects & stressing out at the end of the day because spelling & science(etc) didn't get done!

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Guest Dulcimeramy

One major change that has me very excited: Morning Homework!


I have always tried to teach the math and grammar lessons the same day that they do the seat work. With 4 dc at 4 different levels, this has never gone smoothly because I never manage to get it done until afternoon. Then they are doing some of their lessons after DH gets home, which I do not like.


This year, I'll teach math and grammar to each in the afternoon and do enough practice problems to be sure they understand, and then they can do the independent part in the morning while I'm working with my 6yo.


So we'll start the day together with Bible reading, hymn, prayer, and taekwondo drills. Then I'll do the one-on-one stuff (going from youngest to oldest) while the others do their independent work.


I should be done with the younger two before lunch, which will leave the afternoon for those big ol' logic stage discussions while the little ones play. My 10yo might need some afternoon time for reading or something.


We'll all end the school day with the next day's math and grammar teaching, but they won't finish the lesson until the morning.


I hope this works. On paper, it does!

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For the first time ever I am doing a boxed curriculum. I decided to go with Paths of Exploration for my 3rd grader this year. I was not organized enough, and it was the closest thing I could find to what I wanted.


We have been doing school for a week with POE and we are loving it. Once we get that copywork out of the way the rest of the day is a breeze. I printed out the entire years worth (first ever) of student worksheets and put them in folders. Taking out the folder knowing that I don't have to stop school to run and make a copy has made things run smoother.


I still have a few kinks to iron out, but it is already much better than last year.

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I signed my girls up for a co-op this year where they will be taking science classes along with a few others. I am excited about this because there is nothing I loathe teaching more than science. I would rather be bled by leeches. :lol:


Also, I created my own tour around the world/geography history program for my girls. I am still working the kinks out of it but so far, they are enjoying it especially dd6 who loves all things geography. As a Catholic, I have struggled finding programs that I didn't constantly have to tweak so I am going it alone. It is fun.

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One major change that has me very excited: Morning Homework!


I have always tried to teach the math and grammar lessons the same day that they do the seat work. With 4 dc at 4 different levels, this has never gone smoothly because I never manage to get it done until afternoon. Then they are doing some of their lessons after DH gets home, which I do not like.


This year, I'll teach math and grammar to each in the afternoon and do enough practice problems to be sure they understand, and then they can do the independent part in the morning while I'm working with my 6yo.


So we'll start the day together with Bible reading, hymn, prayer, and taekwondo drills. Then I'll do the one-on-one stuff (going from youngest to oldest) while the others do their independent work.


I should be done with the younger two before lunch, which will leave the afternoon for those big ol' logic stage discussions while the little ones play. My 10yo might need some afternoon time for reading or something.


We'll all end the school day with the next day's math and grammar teaching, but they won't finish the lesson until the morning.


I hope this works. On paper, it does!



This sounds like a stroke of genius--I might have to give it a try.:) (except for the taekwondo...)

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I'm not stressing out about writing, giving myself permission not to use a formal program by the book and spreading writing practice out throughout the day, in varied formats, and just focusing on progression vs taking a composition through all the steps week after week.


We have added Science Excursions for hands on without having to track down supplies to eliminate excuses or procrastination of hands on science. Since we have all three levels, we do three hands on per week M - my youngest, W - my middler, F - my oldest.


My boys love freewrite Fridays and since implementing this in the spring, they now write in their free time.


Nature time is new for us and quite a hit. The last week we found a grasshopper in the house and studied him. This morning we woke up to a red tail hawk in our backyard, got a picture and he's our focus.


We combined poetry with tea time once a week, it's been a lot of fun.


Wednesdays we have movie afternoons, sometimes enriching what we are learning, other time just something fun.


I've added the Driver's Seat and let the kids each share something they have learned, a good book they have just finished, or explain a creation they have made. My oldest is very into inventing and he just eats this up and sounds like he belongs on "Shark Tank".


I've added games into school regularly instead of intending to play them.


Fridays we now have a lighter day and more fun stuff. The Business Math Series and History of Sports lapbook are hits.


Logic Links continues to be a favorite, I posted about this puzzle box before.


My kids also thought I hit my head when they saw their charts as I've added Brain Age or Flash Focus for a 5 minute "warm up", then if school goes smoothly, they may play Wii Fit or Sports for 30 minutes.



Wow...you sound like you are all having so much fun!!! Keep it up...sometimes is hard to not let the books get to you especially when they get in upper grades! You have a great schedule and this is what I love about homeschooling! Your kids are very lucky!

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It's in my signature, but I'm VERY Excited about Paths of Exploration (Geomatters Trail Guide to Learning)





So are we!!! We were bored to tears with Seton for 2 years: Even though it was a strong program, we just felt like some of the subjects were soooo dry...esp History! We are switching to POE and cannot wait! Even DH was interested when he saw the books. :w00t:


We are also switching to Math Mammoth, Faith and Life for Catechism, and Day #5 reserved for some logic stuff, a year long study of TN (one day a week) and a year long lapbook study of the orchestra/composers/music (also only one day a week).


Basically everything is changing and I am excited about all of it!! I can't wait to use living books and, mostly, I can't wait to be able to teach both school-aged kids the same thing at the same time!


Good luck with your changes everyone!

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And finally I decided that it was most important that we have a good time. So we are doing US Geography and going to make a quilt square for each state.


Do you have a book you are following in order to make a quilt square for each state? It sounds quite fun!


Thank you, Dixie

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I'm excited about doing cc at home, taking it slow. We are on week 5 but I think we have already "done more school" than all of last year, I can tell they are learning alot that I wouldn't teach otherwise. I'm also excited about MFW 1.

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A few changes for us:


I will now have 5 full days to work with instead of 4. I quit the Bible study I was leading one morning a week in favor of a 5 day school week. This means we can ease up on Fridays and incorporate more "fun".


I'm experimenting with a loop schedule. It's more for me, however as we use workboxes and I don't think the kids will notice a difference. I just want to make sure I include the "fun" things or something like art that always gets skipped if there is no time.


We are going to start a 6 week on/1 week off schedule this year. We are schooling through the summer for the first time (going well) in order to be able to do this.


We switched math curriculum so that has been a transition process over the summer. The kids have done well.


And... I officially add our last child to school... even though it will look a lot like last year our *almost* 5 year old will officially be a K'er!

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Nature time is new for us and quite a hit. The last week we found a grasshopper in the house and studied him. This morning we woke up to a red tail hawk in our backyard, got a picture and he's our focus.


We combined poetry with tea time once a week, it's been a lot of fun.


Wednesdays we have movie afternoons, sometimes enriching what we are learning, other time just something fun.


I've added the Driver's Seat and let the kids each share something they have learned, a good book they have just finished, or explain a creation they have made. My oldest is very into inventing and he just eats this up and sounds like he belongs on "Shark Tank".


I've added games into school regularly instead of intending to play them.


Fridays we now have a lighter day and more fun stuff. The Business Math Series and History of Sports lapbook are hits.


My kids also thought I hit my head when they saw their charts as I've added Brain Age or Flash Focus for a 5 minute "warm up", then if school goes smoothly, they may play Wii Fit or Sports for 30 minutes.


These ideas sound great!

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