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Were you in the greek system in college?

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No, it didn't appeal to me at all. I did go to college 4 years after high school, but the biggest turn-off about it was that 2 of my best friends went to the same college (right after high school) - one joined a sorority and the other didn't, but the first one just totally blew off a 4+ year friendship for her new sorority sisters. She would act like she didn't see my other friend and wouldn't speak to her. And we really were best friends in high school. Maybe it was just the university we were at, but the Greek system seemed very cliquish and was mainly for partying.

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I was an Alpha Xi Delta. It was a waste of money, too much alcohol/parties, etc. But, through it I met my DH who totally is the most wonderful part of my whole college experience. So, it was worth it!! We've been married 18 years, and he is still the cute Delta Tau Delta he always was! (neither of us can believe we were who we were then!! And neither are active post-college!).

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Kappa Alpha Theta. I guess I still am a Theta. I do go to some alumni events. I do things for the local chapter at Emory, like bake cookies during finals and some light sewing. I thoroughly enjoyed being a Theta in college. I am still in touch with some of my pledge class. My DH plays tennis with the DH of one of my sisters. When we get together, we still have a great time.

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I loved being in a Sorority in college. I met dh there, he was in Sigma Phi Epsilon. We're going to a brother's wedding in a couple of months. It was a great experience!



I am so glad you posted this. I was beginning to think I was the only one...

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First I pledge Alpha Phi Omega which is a National Service Fraternity. Co-ed! It was a blast.


My second year in college I did go through greek rush. I joined Alpha Phi sorority. For me it was another leadership opportunity and not about the parties. in fact we had a rotation sheet to attend parties with fraternities and such and I always asked someone to go and sign me in. I was making dean's list when involved in the sorority. I did have some of the service group not like me going to do the greek thing, but again, it wasn't my life. Most of my friends were outside of the group. I enjoyed the networks it provided for volunteering and being involved in the campus.


Once I transferred I did not participate. The next school told me academics weren't important. Uh huh. I was asked to not wear any shirts with letters on it while at that school if I was not an active member. Uh huh. So every school varies.


I transferred again and this time became an adviser while still on campus. After college I was an adviser to my chapter I pledged to and that too was a great experience to mentor to others in new leadership positions.


I think people assume they are all the same but there are some great sororities out there that aren't all parties. Every group has academia types and party types. The group wouldn't survive without a little mix of all. :001_smile:


So yes, I was in a sorority and enjoyed every minute of it. It did not buy me friends. It made my college experience better by having an outlet to be active and leading people. I enjoyed helping after college. I am not active now but only b/c I have young children and am not available. Maybe when I am older.


Every school is different, every chapter of the same group is different. Oh, dh was in a fraternity. He doesn't drink. He pledged without ever having a drink. He was very much part of the group, but he made it clear he wasn't there for the alcohol. And he too had a great experience being able to attend conventions and try out leadership positions in the group. So it is what you make it to be.


Would I let me kids rush in college? yes depending on their maturity. Obviously a kid who likes to party I wouldn't support and pay for it. but a child who understands the group can be an avenue of experiences to benefit your college experience, yes, I would help pay for.

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I was in the dorm my first year with a Delta Delta Delta as a room mate. Even *if* I wanted to join (which I didn't...I was a happy geek), she would have turned me off completely. Major party girl. And since I went to LSU and (at the time) you could drink at 18, well, you can imagine the party life in most of the greek houses.


This is NOT to say all greeks are partygoers. I know plenty of greeks in my adult life that enjoyed being greek and did not do the party thing. And some that did and were just fine regardless.


Like others, I didn't have the fashion sense either. To me, fashion is making sure I wear my clothes right side out ;) (which sadly my children have yet to master) :lol:

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I joined Alpha Phi sorority.


I was an Alpha Phi too. I'd give you the secret handshake if I could remember it. :D


Sororities at my school were a little different from most. We rushed in Jan so you had a semester to make friends first. And we had no houses for sororities. Fraternities had "lodges" for parties but noone could live there. It worked well to mix things up more.


Senior year I lived with 3 other girls..my roommate (of 3 years) was in a different sorority, one of the other girls was in my sorority, the other was not in a sorority at all. My college boyfriend wasn't in a fraternity.


Because of no houses, it helped make it just another club instead of the center of your college life.

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Kappa Kappa Gamma.


I totally didn't see myself as sororiety material, but it was actually a mostly great experience. It was nice to have a lovely home at which to have dinner with really nice people every night, and I made good friends there. One of my best lovely homeschool Moms in town pledged my sororiety when I was a senior, and I have other connections that have lasted the years.


Honestly, I was so *not* a party girl. I think people have really odd ideas about what soroieties are like. The women there were SO nice to me an academically accomplished and involved on campus. On the other hand, pledge week was completely horrible, and I hated everything about it. I also hated the meetings. It was sort of like church, come to think of it. Loved the people, hated the meeting and expectations:)

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No, but the Greek system was fairly new at Texas A&M, and diehard Aggies like me didn't and don't think it belongs there.


My dh still has his T-shirt that says "Rent a Friend, Join a Frat" and he stopped donating to the Association of Former Students and won't give again until they bring back bonfire!



Me ... I was a Kappa Delta. It was a great experience and I have life-long friends that I never would have made without the organizations. My undergraduate campus had about a 50/50 splint to Greek/non-Greek. Four of us lived together my sophomore year ... a Biomedical Engineering major, a journalism major, a political science major and a math major. My best friends were a biology major (who played lacrosse) and a art history major (who was a nationally ranked fencer).

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Alpha Omicron Pi. I joined because I really wanted to be part of something and I knew that, with my shy nature, I would probably have hid in my dorm for my entire college career. While there was some of the partying, I have to say that I met some of the most warm, inviting people who were active in school and their community and valued their education. Some of the other sororities were very snobbish about non-greeks, but mine accepted my geeky engineer friends rather openly. Without their encouragement, I might never have tried the things I did in college.

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Despised the sororities at my college. Blech! I joined Alpha Phi Omega, a National Service Fraternity (co-ed). Not really part of the Greek "system" at my college, but it was fun. Dh was also part of this fraternity. Oh, don't want to step on toes here...I'm not saying all sororities are bad...just didn't like the ones at my clge.

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