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Don't Pick Your Nose While Driving

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Please, don't do this. Other people *can* see you. You are *not* as alone as you may feel. If we are not completely grossed out, we will laugh at you. And talk about you. And post about you on public forums :D.


I saw 4 people doing this today while driving around. Four :001_huh:! The last was an older gentleman who passed me at an intersection (and whom I ended up following after my right turn) who was doing waaay too much work on his nose when he passed that he veered onto the shoulder in front of twice while I was behind him!


I just needed to say it out loud and to the masses. Thank you for the opportunity.

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I remember seeing Rosanne Barr on the Tonight show when she was first getting started and she was complaining about how uncivilized her kids were. She said "I told my son, if you wanna pick your nose, at least do it like an adult — buy a car and sit in traffic!" :lol:


It amazes me what people do in the "privacy" of their cars — tinted windows are not an invisibility cloak! :blink:



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"It wasn't a pick! It was a scratch!" :D


Lol! Not only did I see that episode, but I think of it every time I see this and just give the benefit of the doubt where applicable. All four occurrences today way surpassed any possibility of a scratch.


And "eating and picking" - good gracious - who does such a thing? :ack2: Possilby someone needs to just slloooowww dooowwwnnn a bit.

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"It wasn't a pick! It was a scratch!" :D






Seriously though. My nose always itches when I'm driving or otherwise need to use two hands for something. Funny how that works. I wonder how many people glance up and are convinced I'm a nose picker. :lol:


I recently discovered if you scratch your nose while driving a zero turn mower, you'll start to spin in a circle.

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It amazes me what people do in the "privacy" of their cars — tinted windows are not an invisibility cloak! :blink:Jackie


MY brother is an OTR Driver and because he drives a big rig he sits up above people and can look down into their cars. He said that you would be absolutely amazed at the things people do in their car. :001_huh:

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I was at a stop signal once and glanced into the rear-view and noticed the driver in the car behind me was an elderly lady from church. And, she was pickin'. LOL


Just today, I was at a conference and the woman in front of me was blowing her nose into a kleenex, then looking at the contents of said kleenex. The angle she was sitting at allowed me a full view. Blech!

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Or your booty while playing tennis. I am so sick of watching Wimbledon, and every time Rafa Nadal goes to serve , he picks.





All right. That's it. Right there. I'm making a bumper sticker that says "Quit Pickin'" and maybe a yellow face with a big grin (you know - pickin' and grinnin'). Maybe I'll be the next "Sh*t Happens".

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I don't know. It's just snot. I think it's fine, because they're not forcing the view of it on anyone - it's easy not to look into someone else's car if you don't want to - and it's not something you need absolute privacy for because it's not indecent. It's kind of funny, but it's not bad behavior, I don't think.

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I disagree. Picking snot from ones nose in what amounts to a public place is definitely bad behavior.


Oh, it's only semi-public. I think you have some expectation of privacy in your car. Not absolute, but there's a barrier. It's like being in a library carrel: you shouldn't do anything truly shameful in one, but you have the right to expect people not to hover and read over your shoulder. It's like a little house with the curtains open. Again, don't do anything truly private, but you can expect people not to stare in.


But on picking and eating: ew. I stopped that when I was about five and my mom explained to me that anything I could smell I could smell because there was a teeny bit of it floating in my air and hence in my nose. I didn't want to eat manure. :)

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Please, don't do this. Other people *can* see you. You are *not* as alone as you may feel. If we are not completely grossed out, we will laugh at you. And talk about you. And post about you on public forums :D.


I saw 4 people doing this today while driving around. Four :001_huh:! The last was an older gentleman who passed me at an intersection (and whom I ended up following after my right turn) who was doing waaay too much work on his nose when he passed that he veered onto the shoulder in front of twice while I was behind him!


I just needed to say it out loud and to the masses. Thank you for the opportunity.


Amen sister! This drives me insane! Gross!!!

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Men. ;)


What? So I'm hammering on my bike into work today. I'm sucking wind and this phlegm begins to form in my interior sinuses and back of throat. What, am I going to stop my momentum, pull over, pull out my hankie and daintily eliminate the glutinous waste into it? And then what, put the hankie back into my non-existent pocket. Nope, I'm sucking it through and hocking it out.

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What? So I'm hammering on my bike into work today. I'm sucking wind and this phlegm begins to form in my interior sinuses and back of throat. What, am I going to stop my momentum, pull over, pull out my hankie and daintily eliminate the glutinous waste into it? And then what, put the hankie back into my non-existent pocket. Nope, I'm sucking it through and hocking it out.


I wonder if any teenage boys are out there googling "loogies" and come across this thread on the Classical Education at Home forum!!! :lol:

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My 5yo daughter picks her nose and eats it, my beautiful daugher :crying:. She doesn't like to be called on it so she tries to sneak a pick-and-lick. I've finally had to resort to telling her kids will make fun if they see her do it - which they will, but I don't know what else to do. Telling her it's gross doesn't work, she doesn't think so, and I'm certainly not going to punish her for such a slight infraction.

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As a chronic allergic rhinitis and sinusitis sufferer, I'll pick or blow with hanky in hand if the need is there. Nor would I object to a necessary spit. Constant ptyalism during first trimester of all my pregnancies forced me to carry a "spittle cup" fashioned out of large plastic cup lined with Lysol or bleach and absorbent clothes or paper towels. If I forgot the cup, my choice was to either roll down window or open door to spit or attempt to swallow copious saliva, which would most likely result in vomiting or dry heaves. So there, I have been known to unapologetically pick and spit on an as needed basis. When driving, the focus of my attention is on other vehicles, their speeds, will they stop for their red light, steering clear of angry aggressive drivers and so forth.

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My 5yo daughter picks her nose and eats it, my beautiful daugher :crying:. She doesn't like to be called on it so she tries to sneak a pick-and-lick. I've finally had to resort to telling her kids will make fun if they see her do it - which they will, but I don't know what else to do. Telling her it's gross doesn't work, she doesn't think so, and I'm certainly not going to punish her for such a slight infraction.


nose picking (in my opinion) belongs on the list of other personal activities that, while perfectly acceptable, should be done in private. So, instead of pretending that the activity doesn't occur or discouraging an activity that we all have done or still do, rather one should encourage seeking the appropriate venue for said activity (ie the bathroom or bedroom with door closed). And yes, I say "we all" because I truly believe anyone who says they have never picked is engaging in a particular form of revising personal history.

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What? So I'm hammering on my bike into work today. I'm sucking wind and this phlegm begins to form in my interior sinuses and back of throat. What, am I going to stop my momentum, pull over, pull out my hankie and daintily eliminate the glutinous waste into it? And then what, put the hankie back into my non-existent pocket. Nope, I'm sucking it through and hocking it out.


Maybe I should start a new thread, but I've always wondered:


WHY do men need to spit so much in public? I have never ONCE in my entire 37 years spit in public. Ever. And I've never needed to, either. So it's not like we women suffer in silence with all this phlegm, while men feel free to let loose.


Men do this constantly. What is UP with that????? I really want to know. If no one answers in this thread, I'm going to have to start a new one to find out why.

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Spradlin, thanks for the giggles.

nose picking (in my opinion) belongs on the list of other personal activities that, while perfectly acceptable, should be done in private. So, instead of pretending that the activity doesn't occur or discouraging an activity that we all have done or still do, rather one should encourage seeking the appropriate venue for said activity (ie the bathroom or bedroom with door closed). And yes, I say "we all" because I truly believe anyone who says they have never picked is engaging in a particular form of revising personal history.

Good idea.

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What? So I'm hammering on my bike into work today. I'm sucking wind and this phlegm begins to form in my interior sinuses and back of throat. What, am I going to stop my momentum, pull over, pull out my hankie and daintily eliminate the glutinous waste into it? And then what, put the hankie back into my non-existent pocket. Nope, I'm sucking it through and hocking it out.


Dh taught ds how to blow snot rockets.:glare: At this point, I think I'd rather he spit, because snot rockets are such a novelty that we can't step foot outdoors without him trying out his new trick.

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nose picking (in my opinion) belongs on the list of other personal activities that, while perfectly acceptable, should be done in private. So, instead of pretending that the activity doesn't occur or discouraging an activity that we all have done or still do, rather one should encourage seeking the appropriate venue for said activity (ie the bathroom or bedroom with door closed). And yes, I say "we all" because I truly believe anyone who says they have never picked is engaging in a particular form of revising personal history.


Now, THAT'S what I call "evil history"...:lol::lol::lol:


btw - you are popping my perception of practically perfect Paula in every possible way, who never picks, licks, perspires, or fluffs. Perhaps it's a biased position, but atleast I'm honest about it. (the bias, that is:tongue_smilie:):lol:

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Dh taught ds how to blow snot rockets.:glare: At this point, I think I'd rather he spit, because snot rockets are such a novelty that we can't step foot outdoors without him trying out his new trick.


Oh, you mean the Farmer Blow! One nostril, or two? :lol:

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Men do this constantly. What is UP with that????? I really want to know. If no one answers in this thread, I'm going to have to start a new one to find out why.


My fil does this constantly, and it's really disgusting. I have a hard time believing anyone has that much excess phlegm. I was a CNA for years and dealt with all kinds of gross bodily fluids, but big hunks of phlegm on a sidewalk make me gag. :tongue_smilie:

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So, instead of pretending that the activity doesn't occur or discouraging an activity that we all have done or still do, rather one should encourage seeking the appropriate venue for said activity (ie the bathroom or bedroom with door closed).

Actually, I like that advice. I will try and gently discourage the licking part.


WHY do men need to spit so much in public?Men do this constantly. What is UP with that?

I don't know about other men, but I only hock loogie wads when I'm exercising (outdoors, heavily) or in the winter skiing.


...but big hunks of phlegm on a sidewalk make me gag. :tongue_smilie:

I agree, grosses me out too, especially at the health club in the water fountain (ever see that? :thumbdown:). I try to always aim for the grass or snow and never, ever on a sidewalk. That's a foul.


snot rockets.

Snot rockets. :lol:



Yes, Mr. Darcy, that is exactly what you should do. :D

Hah! Mr. Darcy indeed. You will be well advised that in no capacity is my disposition reflected on this Mr. Darcy.


And do you know much energy and effort it takes to get going again? C'mon, give a fella a break. I ride on country roads with no one around.:001_huh:

Edited by spradlin02
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