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Who's itching to have another baby?

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I am!!! I told dh last night that I think these boards are giveing me the itch...right now he's not fond of this place ;) I had my tubes tied after ds #4, so it would take a miracle :(


Everytime I get pregnant I run I higher risk of another set of twins!

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It depends on when you ask me. Some days I really do want another baby. Other days I think about the fact that ds is nearly potty trained and won't need a nap too much longer. I would love to do school in the morning and be done, instead of waiting til naptime every day. Right now we don't really have the $ and space for another child, so we will have to wait and see what the future brings.

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ME! But I can't. I had major health probs with my last one resulting in him being 11 weeks premature and me almost having a stroke. So, no. It ain't gonna happen. And I think dh is done. But I keep thinking about adoption. The problem is I really want a little and it's too hard/expensive to adopt a baby. And there are so many big kids that need homes. Not sure if it will ever pan out, dh is not on board. *sigh*

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I am but everytime I talk to dh about it he says either, "Are you crazy?" or "Are you insane?" LOL He thinks at 45 he is "too old." I told him I wasn't too old, but he isn't going for it yet.


LOL. We had to take fertility meds with our oldest two. Our youngest was a surprise to say the least. When we had her, DH declared that we were done. I started having baby fever when she was about 2...but he was not having it. One day, when she was about 3/4...he came home and said he was ready.


What changed his mind? He would come home everyday for lunch. On the way back to work, he would take youngest DD to pre-school, and then pick her up after work. They would always play "eye-spy" on on the way there and back. That day, he realized that when she was too old to play "eye-spy"...that would be it. She is nine now, and he will turn 42 this year...but he still misses having little ones. He says they make him feel young :)

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oh me SIGH. I have 3 healthy ones and the youngest is 2. I see an end to diapers, he sleeps well, we can leave all 3 at my moms for a week at a time.


Do I want to start everything over again? I want DD to have at least one sister (I have 4 and they are my lifeline) I have had 3 easy pregnancies and one miscarriage. But I am terrified of having a sick child, or one with challenges and turning our whole little comfy world upside down.


I just dont know.....

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I have been for a long time. Keep hoping this is the month, sigh. Month after month... :(


Same here, sighing and all. We're just waiting on God.

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Depends on the day you ask me. Some days I'm absolutely sure that we're finished, other days I can't wait to have another one. Even if we did have another, though, I wouldn't be getting pregnant for at least another year, and possibly two more years.



I have been for a long time. Keep hoping this is the month, sigh. Month after month... :(



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Guest aquiverfull

I always want another one. I don't think I'd ever be satisfied to stop...lol. My dh says he doesn't want another. I wish I could have a boy so bad. Most people think it's because of him trying for a boy that we have so many girls as it is, but it's really not the case. We aren't trying or anything but not really actively preventing either, so there's always a possibility. There are some times when I think I'm crazy for wanting another and sometimes feel my hands are quite full now. If I had another I know it would be my last, as per my dh wishes I'd have my tubes tied.

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I keep going back & forth with the itching & the satisfaction that we are done with four...it is quite an emotional roller coaster for me! I am taking down the crib today, actually...my dd2 has been in the toddler bed for a few weeks and today is the day. I'm expecting a few tears (of mine!)...and yet...she's potty-trained, she's talking, she's so much fun to watch as her little personality emerges that I'm excited about the next few years of discovery...and trying to think of the stage ahead rather than feeling sad about what stage we're leaving.


But then I'll have a friend tell me she's expecting or I'll watch a stinkin Johnson & Johnson commercial or I'll peek through some photos and see my sweet little newborns...ah...sigh...will my arms always long for a wee one to be in them?

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I have baby fever right now even though DD is only 8 months! We had an "oops!" last month, but was disappointed when my period showed up this month. We'll officially start TTC #3 in September, if I'm not pregnant before then!

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Me. I want one. At least one.


But we've been "trying" for 14 years and only managed 2 pregnancies--both of which were unexpected (for medical reasons), but certainly not unwelcome or "unplanned". (It was funny to see my doctor's face when I turned up pregnant within months of being married. We (doc and I) thought it would take much longer than that, and probably fertility treatments. There's no reason I "can't" have healthy, happy babies, just reasons it's not very likely to happen.) We've also taken a dip in the foster/adopt pool and after three years of ups and downs with no actual placement in our home (they always pick one of the other families--I suspect it has to do with our having 2 "special needs" children already), we're taking a break from it for a while while we sort out better what exactly happens when we combine autism and puberty at our house, and while dd is going through a fairly "needy" time too. We'll probably give it another try again in a few years.


But yes, I would love it if God would just send us another baby. I think a newborn would be wonderful around here just now. (I'd have to babyproof the house, though, it's been almost 8 years since we had a newborn around here.) And I don't think we're picky about how a baby gets here. As long as it's legal, of course. :)

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for at least 10 years- my husband tried to have his vas reversed but no luck.

So for now I try not act like a psycho over other people's babies-lol.

I don't know why but I just feel I was made for those baby/toddler years. I love them! I have such sweet memories and when my teen daughters drive me nuts- I just remember their little baby selves and get through it.:lol:

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I am! I would LOVE to have another. I always wanted 4, but dh was completely done at 3. I had to beg for that 3rd one. Now, I've had my pet spayed or neutered;), so there will be no more. Of course, I keep trying to tell God how awesome it would be if He would demonstrate His power by allowing just one of those guys to get through, but I doubt it will happen. *I* would adopt, but dh isn't on board with that idea. I will just have to be happy with the 3 wonderful kids I have, unless God decides to work a miracle.

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We had the itch, had 2 boys. We were done, no more-can't get our minds around any more-can't handle anymore. God, in His Infinite Wisdom, blessed us with a girl last spring. Again, we're done since she was a delightful surprise. No more, can't afford it since DH had a job change, got rid of all the baby and maternity stuff. Fast forward to this spring, DH gets the itch. Big time. Thankfully, we both got the itch at the same time. Then he turned 40 and whammo-itch went away-literally overnight. Ok, fine. God, in His Infinite Wisdom, is giving us another blessing in Feb '11. We joke that the new baby is DH's 40th birthday present.

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I am! I would love to have another in the next year.


I worked in the infant nursery at church on Sunday, for the first time in a long time. As I was holding a sleeping baby, I told my friend that was the only part of having a baby I missed. (I usually work with kiddos I can teach.)


It's a good thing I'm not itching, since both dh and I are too old to be having any more babies.

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It's the itch that I doubt will ever be scratched. :nopity: Practically speaking, it's absurd for me to want another and dh is no-how, no-bloody-way, not on board. But I still stare at everybody's little girls (and sometimes, their little boys). I think up names. I need about 7 more kids to use all the great names I have in mind.

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DH has been pushing for #4 since before #3 was born. I do want at least one more, just not quite sure when. Some days I look at how big my 17 month old has become and think soon. Other days things are crazy and think there's no way I could add another kid into the mix until #2 and #3 are much older.


Another issue is that we currently have a 5 person car and so would need to get a minivan or other vehicle with 3 rows. We're saving up for one but won't have enough until probably the middle of next year (and that's assuming we don't need it for something else before then like the furnace which is getting towards the end of its expected life).

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I think up names. I need about 7 more kids to use all the great names I have in mind.
lol, I'm this way, too! One would think I am near the end of my name list yet every time I use a name another one comes along that I absolutely love and hope to use. :D


If it is at all possible to have the baby itch BEFORE a baby is born, then I have it! Last night I said to dh, "I'm ready to do this all over again." He just said, "Yep, I knew you would be!" I hope my baby itch goes away when the time is right and not a moment/baby before. ;)

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Shame on you for asking this question. Shame, shame, shame.


I want a baby around this time every year. Maybe it's the transition from school to summer and the upcoming excitement of new adventures. I was doing pretty well this year being happy with two teenagers and looking forward to college visits and ACT prep.


I guess now I have to say YES! But it won't be happening.

Edited by The Dragon Academy
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