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Quotes for the bathroom wall?

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We've been repainting the bathrooms and have been writing quotes in the plaster. For example, in the main bathroom we put, "A room without books is like a body without a soul. ~G.K. Chesterton" and "Wash your hands. Use soap. ~Mom"


Now we're painting the boys' bathroom which is also the laundry room. Any ideas for a quote?



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I have "You're my favorite" under the kids' bathroom mirror.


You can find some good ideas for the bathroom part here and for the laundry room part here. I especially like "Wash, Brush, Floss, Flush" for the bathroom and "The Laundry Room: Loads Of Fun" and "Sorting Out Life One Load At A Time" for the laundry area.

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"Good Aim A Must"

"Those Caught Watering The Floor Will Be Moved Outside"


Sorry, that's what ran through my head when thinking of my brothers, son and dh in a bathroom :D



Reminds me of a saying my grandmother has always had in her bathroom:

"If you sprinkle when you tinkle

Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie." :lol:

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I love that! :001_smile:


It's fun. We have a joke here -- I'll say to one of the kids, "You're my favorite!" within hearing of most of the others. They'll all say, "Mom!" And on and on it goes. So I custom designed that at Uppercase Living -- it cost $18 or so. We're moving soon and I'm going to try really hard to transfer it off the wall to move to our new place.


{ Full disclosure - I'm an Uppercase Living demonstrator, so these are my links }

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Reminds me of a saying my grandmother has always had in her bathroom:

"If you sprinkle when you tinkle

Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie." :lol:


My aunt had a similar version in her boys' bathroom.

"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please be neat and wipe the seat."

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When I was growing up, we had an "outhouse" at our cabin before the main cabin was built with indoor plumbing. My Mom hung up a sign that read:


When you make a deposit in this bank, please don't leave any change on the counter.

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When speaking of bathrooms remember....."The best measure of a man's honesty isn't his income tax return. It's the zero adjust on his bathroom scale"-AC Clarke



Oh, dear.



Crissy (who will forevermore hide the scale when she's expecting guests)

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Hysterical. . . .


My Aunt & Uncle had this one:


"No job is finished until the paperwork is done."


I have a drawing in my bathroom of a little one on the potty pulling out toilet paper with this exact saying on it.

It was my grandmothers and I salvaged it before it was thrown out when everyone moved around after she died. It brings back lots of memories for me.

And I love the saying! :)


-Kymmie.. who is currently singing.... 867-5309....... (ugh!)

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It's fun. We have a joke here -- I'll say to one of the kids, "You're my favorite!" within hearing of most of the others. They'll all say, "Mom!" And on and on it goes. So I custom designed that at Uppercase Living -- it cost $18 or so. We're moving soon and I'm going to try really hard to transfer it off the wall to move to our new place.


{ Full disclosure - I'm an Uppercase Living demonstrator, so these are my links }


:D We have a similar joke. We have "Favorite Child Status." It goes to whomever has done something kind or helped out dh or me.

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When I was growing up, we had signs hanging in the bathroom that said (some repeats here):


"If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie."

"We aim to please. You aim, too, please."

"In case of air raid, hide in here. It hasn't been hit yet."

and so on...


We also had signs with bathing hippos, etc.


Yes, the ultimate in potty humour. :D

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We've been repainting the bathrooms and have been writing quotes in the plaster. For example, in the main bathroom we put, "A room without books is like a body without a soul. ~G.K. Chesterton" and "Wash your hands. Use soap. ~Mom"


Now we're painting the boys' bathroom which is also the laundry room. Any ideas for a quote?





Ok...probably not totally appropriate, but one that I remember from somewhere deep in my past....



If you sprinkle when you tinkle,

be a sweetie and wipe the seatie

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Just out of curiosity- do you have books in that bathroom?


called The Library.


One day one of the teens from our youth group asked about it. As we have a home office and a study (converted formal dining roon), we kept saying no there wasn't a library.


It provoked fits of laughter (and embarrassment) when we finally "got" what he was asking for: he really did want to use the restroom; he had heard my kids call it The Library.

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:D We have a similar joke. We have "Favorite Child Status." It goes to whomever has done something kind or helped out dh or me.



You could hang this on the wall behind their dining room chair, lol:




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