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What's for dinner?

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Whatcha making????



I just went to the freezer and dug out an enormous ham hock and found a bag of black eyed peas in the basement. I'll also cook brown rice and some kind of cabbage.

Good enough for a Friday night!



I'm also having ham, rice, and cabbage, but I'm making fried rice.

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Chicken al Fredo (I can't chop up a chicken, but I can grate cheese <g>), roasted brussels sprouts, salad.


And the *only* reason I know this so early is because Sweetie is on his way home. Otherwise, we'd be digging through the fridge at 6:30 and warming up left overs. :-)

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Whatcha making????



I just went to the freezer and dug out an enormous ham hock and found a bag of black eyed peas in the basement. I'll also cook brown rice and some kind of cabbage.

Good enough for a Friday night!


Aw man, that sounds GOOD:drool5:


I've been cleaning the house today, so we are having pizza. I don't know if is good or bad having Pizza Hut in your backyard:glare:

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Not a stinking clue. Just trying to figure that out now -- by talking to dh to see what he wants to do. Dh JUST suggested we could go out somewhere. Funny thing is that I cooked this week, we ate it, now it's gone. Hmm, don't you hate when that happens. Now I have no food plan for tonight but I don't need one now except to decide where to go. Woohoo! Now I just need to get my hair washed and all is a go.

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My son has a show tonight with a 7:00 call. So, he has to eat on the early side and be ready to boogie out the door for the drive downtown by 6:00. Since pasta is pretty high up on his list of favorite foods, he's happily looking forward to having me re-heat the leftovers from last night for him.


My husband is heading out for his every-other-week role playing evening at a local gaming store. As it worked out, he got out of work early and was home in time that I could have prepared an actual meal for everyone. However, neither of us knew that was going to be the case. So, he had already made plans to grab something from Taco Bell with the friend with whom he is carpooling.


It worked out, because his being home early and not having to use the time to eat means he and our son are getting the time they need to finish the model rocket they are hoping to launch tomorrow morning.


I will probably just wait until I get home from dropping off my son and fix myself a snack.

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I think the dee-aitch is picking up cheese, crackers, olives, and fruit for a light supper, but I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally want Mexican. Y'all send positive queso power my way, 'k? ;):lol::lol:


awww, you really should come here. We're going out for Mexican tonight. I'll eat something really tasty for you, okay!

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I've had to go for volume lately. My boys are back to eating every 3 hours again...so I'm making a large meatloaf, 5 pounds of mashed potatoes, and a big pot of green beans. The scary thing is that I'll have very little food leftover, and they're not even teenagers yet!



I feel your pain. My boys alone can eat 2 large pizzas and still be hungry. What am I in for??? :001_huh:

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Now that I'm pulling my nose out of the homeschooling books I have to come up with a fast meal before studying tonight (conference workshop stuff)...I just decided to make chicken gravy with lots of meat over some hearty mashed potatoes and a nice green salad with sliced almonds and dried cranberries.


Reading all your posts sure makes me hungry! I'm drooling over my keyboard...eatdrink026.gif




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MREs :gnorsi: Boys and I have Spaghetti and meat sauce and dh has Cheese Tortellini. Guess what breakfast is :D MREs (Meals Ready to Eat just like in the military) Chicken Noodle for those with testosterone and on the BSA camper hike this weekend. For me it is bagels and cream cheese.


Dh and sons just left weighed down with their backpacks ready to do a 7 mile hike before setting up camp. They not wanting me to miss out have left me an MRE but I have a shrimp cocktail that I shall eat as I think of them with sleeping bags and gear on their backs marching along. Hmmm and now for a chick flick :lurk5: ............... chocolate........ and raspberry ice tea............. if only the hounds would stop barking at the stray leaves that blow across the lawn :cursing: Oh well can't have everthing ;)

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Friday is cook's night off! DH is bringing home Middle Eastern food: chicken shwarma, tabbouleh, hummous, rice and lentils, and falafel.






Oh my lands I love :001_tt1: Shwarma! You lucky, lucky girl!!!! I haven't had it for 20 years tho but practically lived on when I lived in Israel.

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I feel your pain. My boys alone can eat 2 large pizzas and still be hungry. What am I in for??? :001_huh:


That's what I keep thinking too. We have two boys and we are friends with several families who have two or more boys and we all just shudder when we think about what our grocery bills will look like in about ten years!

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Friday is cook's night off! DH is bringing home Middle Eastern food: chicken shwarma, tabbouleh, hummous, rice and lentils, and falafel.






Okay, you win!!!! I love Middle Eastern food. You're making me jealous!!!

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