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What was your first car?

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1982 Toyota Starlet.


Totally appropriate name for a car that was mine. ;)


Unfortunately, it had a piston frozen in the engine block, which finally exploded out of the bottom of the engine, through the oil pan and out onto the highway after I had driven it a few thousand miles. Considering that it was running on 3 cylinders they whole time, it was an awesome car.

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A 1991 Plymouth Sundance. That thing was AMAZING. It never broke down. It went through 3 accidents (only the first was my fault) where the other car was totalled and it didn't even have a scratch. It was great on gas, and I think that over the 4 years I had it we spent a total of $300 on repairs (aside from oil changes, etc). We sold it when I got pg with my eldest, thinking it wasn't "safe enough". That was SUCH a bad decision.

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Love of my life car ! When I was 23, thereby around mid-1978, my parents gave me a (used) 1969 semi-automatic Volkswagen Beetle.

[see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autostick ]


Mechanics ducked for cover or fled when they saw that car coming ! (Evidently they were a pain to work on.)


It had the nicest ride. But oh, those rusted-out heater boxes. Exhaust inside the car. It finally died (oil leak, no mechanic would work on it for FREE). I moved up to a 79 Honda Civic Hatchback with REAL heat and married a Honda mechanic. Happy Ending. But, I still miss my last really cool car.

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Our first car was a 1987 Toyota Tercel station wagon. We ordered it new and I was so nervous becaue it wasn't arriving and I was supposed to be moving with it from Chicago, to VA where we registered it, to San Antonio where I was picking up dh from OTS to our first station= LA Air Force Station. THe Toyota dealership go the car to me with one day to spare.

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My parents got me a car so I could drive my brother and myself to school (no buses)..... it cost them $3500 and was a 1984 Pontiac Phoenix. It was a cute little thing, and apple red. I loved it. It had some intermittent & seemingly unrepairable engine problem, though, so after a year I bought myself a brand new car. See Brigitte's quote below:


1986 Honda CRX - I loved that car.


Mine was a 1987 Silver CRX, and I, too, loved it. Sigh. My brother ended up loving it, too, as in 1989, he bought him self a new white one, but by then they had been redesigned, and I preferred the look of mine.


Ahh.... memories.... :D

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Mine was a 1985, and I loved it, too.


Whenever I see one, I get a little misty...



I drove cross country in that car at the ripe old age of 19. It was fun to drive. My oldest sister drove it one day (she was married with kids) and she said it :lol:felt like she was driving a roller skate.

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I drove cross country in that car at the ripe old age of 19. It was fun to drive. My oldest sister drove it one day (she was married with kids) and she said it :lol:felt like she was driving a roller skate.


:lol: She was obviously too old to appreciate its greatness! Ah, yes, 19 was the perfect age for that car. I taught my (now!) DH how to drive a 5-speed in it, and when we drove to Sonic and he first heard me order a Diet Coke with vanilla, he said, "Yuck!" And now, he orders his very own nearly every day.:D


I wonder if it's possible to rent a 1985 CRX? Just for a weekend?

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I think it was a Pontiac Bonneville, 1978. What I know for sure is my dad bought it at an auction for $750. It was red. And I could have taken my friends and myself across the Atlantic in it. That thing was a BOAT! I honestly don't remember what happened to it. :confused:

I do remember that $5 gave me half a tank.

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The first car my parents let me drive was a 1969 Pontiac Ventura. It was a boat! Of course the car was almost 20 years old when I started driving it. It was very recognizable. My best friend had a 70s Nova that was bright orange. With those two cars, it was difficult to leave high school and go out to lunch without someone noticing! (Obviously, a frowned upon event!)


The first car I bought was a 1987 Izuzu Trooper II. I loved that car! At least 12 people learned to drive a stick with it, and I'm pretty sure that my dh married me to trade cars! (To be fair, I use the term "bought" loosely. My parents gave me a certain amount of money for a car and my uncle took pity on me and sold it to me for that amount.)

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Mine was a 1980-ish (don't know the exact year) green Cutlass Supreme. My sister gave it to me. It got 11 miles to the gallon, on the highway, going downhill, with a stiff breeze propelling me forward. I was the mac-daddy in that car.



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'79 Mercury Zephyr - silver with a black interior an AM radio and a sunroof-:D


Hot as heck in the summer but man I thought that sunroof was cool. It was a great car too - had a ton of miles on it when we got it and kept on going until someone rear ended it and destroyed the frame.


It was a great first car for a teenager.

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My first car was a 1963 Thunderbird that my Dad bought and restored. That was a great and fun car.


My dream car, that he let me drive sometimes, was a 1966 Mustang convertible that we restored together. Some of my best memories of my Dad involve cars, car shows and scouring junk yards for car parts. Since he had four girls, one of us had to show some interest in his hobby.

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197x (don't know) Ford Courier pickup, painted puke green on the inside and puke brown on the outside. With a cab on it. It was lovely, but I think my parents' goal of discouraging too much cruising was achieved!

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