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Do you cut your son's hair?

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I'm wondering, if you give your son haircuts at home- how did you learn to do it?


I have four sons and professional haircuts are killing my budget! Part of the problem is that I like having their hair cut shortish, but not with a razor (other than trimming over the ears and at the neck). I'm just not a fan of the buzzed look (no disrespect meant, it's just a personal preference!).


I also was slightly traumatized as a child, because my mom always cut our hair, and she'd cut my bangs, and then a little more to get it even, and then a little more to get it even, and then a little more, until I had super-dorky half bangs! I swore I'd never do that to my children! :lol:


Is there some way I can learn to cut little boy hair, other than going to beauty school? I keep threatening just to try and learn through experience, but my husband wants me to have some idea of what I'm doing before I give it a go. :tongue_smilie:

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My little guy is a fan of the buzz cut (no offense taken :) ) But I like the top and the bangs to have a bit of style. I started doing his hair myself a few months ago. I went to our usual stylist and said we wouldn't be able to afford cuts for awhile (the truth) and could she show me how to do the top. She understood and was very gracious. She explained what she was doing, step-by-step, and gave me time to take some notes on my BB. I gave her a generous tip and that was that. I'm still learning, but I've gotten pretty good at it.


I share your childhood bangs trauma. My mom did that too. I think most boys are a little less self-conscious than girls and more forgiving of the slip-ups :) HTH

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When we all realized I actually do a better job I started to do my boys' and my hubby's hair. :001_smile:

Watch you tube. Lots of great tutorials!

Get a good clipper kit. I do a lot of scissor over comb for my 4yo.

Men's hair is soooooo easy.

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Both my mom and we have electric hair clippers. My mom has used them on my dad for years, and my husband uses them on himself from time to time. There are different length attachments, so you can start out cutting it long, having more to work with if there are mistakes to fix.


Of course, ds is 13 and therefore very particular and protective of his hair. He wouldn't let any of us within 10 feet of his hair, so I do still have to shell out for his professional haircut, but only every 2 months or so :001_smile:.

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I cut my Dh's and my two sons' hair. I hate cutting hair, but it saves us about 40 dollars a month. I tell Dh that when he makes x dollars I'm never cutting hair again, but I don't think I'll ever want to spend 40 dollars a month on haircuts. I started cutting Dh's hair about two weeks after we got married. I learned by trial and error, and it used to take me an hour to cut his hair. Now I can do all three in about 1/2 hour.


If you use a guard, you can use a razor and it doesn't get too short (like a buzz). I use a 3/8" guard on the back and a 1" guard on the top. Most families I know use a razor, because it is so much easier. If possible, pick a time to cut when you don't have to be anywhere for a couple of weeks and give it a shot.


Now, I have to finish with my haircutting story. Keep in mind that I HATE cutting hair and it used to take me an hour early in our marriage. Dh's hair really needed to be cut. He kept asking me to cut his hair at 9:00 or 9:30, but I kept saying ask me tomorrow when we have more time. This happened for at least a week, and he was looking pretty shaggy. Finally, I said okay, but you go get everything ready. He got the stool set up and the razor and scissors out then called me to come. I walked into the room, turned on razor and shave a two by three inch strip down to the skin. He had neglected to put a guard on, and I had neglected to check. :eek: I was horrified (the guys from central office were coming to his office a few days later). I wanted to shave his head, but he said to just cut around it. There was no way to hide it. I just finished the cut and he went to look in the mirror.


When he came out, he said, "You can't complain if it's free." At that moment, I thought I had married a saint.

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I learned by doing on my dh before I even had boys. I have always done their hair and have started using clippers in the last few years. My dh wishes that you tube had been around when I started! :001_smile:


Is there another boy-mom IRL that cuts hair and could give you some tips? I have done this for several women over the years.

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I buzz cut my oldest every few months. He hates having hair touching his ears.


Middle son gets a hair cut when I get tired of his hair being in his eyes-LOL. I will comment that he needs a cut and he gets a horrified look... then when I take him to get a cut he ends up telling the stylist he wants it cut short/spiked. Well I can do that-LOL.


Youngest I trim his hair in between stylist cut (every 4 months). His head is shapped too odd to have a short boy cut... just looks awful on him. So his hair tends to be longish to start.

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None of my children have ever had their hair cut by anyone but me.



[Well, that's not entirely true, there were two times.


1st - Dh and I took oldest ds to get his hair cut when he was about 5 and the lady starting giving him the standard boy cut that every other boy has despite me clearly telling her I did NOT like that. I tried to correct her a couple times but she didn't listen, so I took son out of chair and walked out ... dh was mortified!!


2nd - When I was in hospital having baby #7, my mom was watching the children and decided that dd, 18 months at the time, needed a haircut without consulting me. I came home and didn't recognize my daughter - she had cut off all of her adorable baby curls and given her a super short cut. The curls never came back :glare:. Whenever she watches the children now, about 2 - 3 times a year, I make certain to tell her the children do NOT need haircuts (she thinks all boys should have a buzz cut). The older dc are also now aware that haircuts are not allowed.]



I do not like the usual super short cut that it seems every boy around here has. They all look exactly alike. I had no clue what I was doing at first, but I'm started to get pretty good at it - although I could stand to do it a little more frequently :D. I've had many people tell me how much they like the boys' hair, as well as the fact that it's not the typical cut.


It's just hair. If you get it wrong, it will grow back - I know, I've messed up a few times. Also, they're boys - they don't care [at least not mine].

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I have cut dh's hair for so long that I don't even remember the last time he had a professional haircut--it's been at least 16 years. Until ER was about 16 or 17, he had never had more than 2 or 3 professional haircuts in his life. When he went off to college, he started getting his hair cut at a salon more often. I like the way I do it better. I still have to trim it when he gets home because they never do the bangs the way he likes them.


I don't really remember how I learned to cut their hair; I just learned by doing it. My advice to anyone who wants to learn to cut their dh's or ds's hair would be to go with them when they get their hair cut at a salon and watch what the hairdresser does. A few weeks (3-4) after the haircut, trim them up a bit. A simple trim is much easier than a full-fledged haircut.

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From Wayne's World, the movie...the flow-bee reminded me...


Wayne - "the suck-cut?"

Guest - "The suck-cut -- it sucks while it cuts."

Wayne - "Hold still Garth, while he puts that thing on your melon."

Garth - "AAAAA! get it off, get it off, it's sucking my will to live!"

Wayne - "(it certainly does suck...)"

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From Wayne's World, the movie...the flow-bee reminded me...


Wayne - "the suck-cut?"

Guest - "The suck-cut -- it sucks while it cuts."

Wayne - "Hold still Garth, while he puts that thing on your melon."

Garth - "AAAAA! get it off, get it off, it's sucking my will to live!"

Wayne - "(it certainly does suck...)"

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I cut my 16-yo's hair, and she cuts my hair and 11-yo's hair. We just started to save money, and got better as time went on.


Just watch what the hairdresser does, and do the same thing. If the hair has a little curl to it, it's very forgiving. (You can cut a little crooked and no one notices.)


You do want to invest in an actual hair scissors.

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My brothers were my students in highschool when I taught myself to cut their hair, out of financial necessity.


Cutting hair is not something I enjoy doing. My dh wanted me to cut his hair once we were married and I have cut his hair as well as all my children's hair ever since.

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Both my mom and we have electric hair clippers. My mom has used them on my dad for years, and my husband uses them on himself from time to time. There are different length attachments, so you can start out cutting it long, having more to work with if there are mistakes to fix.


We have these too, and I've cut DS's hair a few times. I have no professional training (and didn't watch any videos, etc.) - just learned by doing. We keep his hair pretty short (buzz cut on the sides and back and a bit longer on top). It usually turns out pretty well.


I prefer to take him to get his hair cut though (so I just use the clippers when our schedule is too hectic to get him to a salon).

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I cut the hair of all the guys in our family.

A friend showed me years ago. She had worked in a beauty parlor in high school.

  • Best tip: go to a beauty shop and shell out $$ for a good pair of scissors. I like a kind that has replaceable blades, but I can't remember the name brand! I think it's the only kind that has replaceable blades. Just ask at the beauty supply shop.
  • You said you don't like a buzz cut (i don't either) but clippers are foolproof if you use the guard thingees. The longest guard gives a very short haircut, but not what I would call a buzz cut.
  • I have not done the "evening it up stuff "very often--certainly not with bangs. I tend to err on the long side the first go round--you can always shorten it, but not the other way--ya know? Wet the hair and assume it will end up about 1/4 inch shorter when it dries.
  • I also often cut in 2 stages. I do most of the cut the first time, then the next day, fix anything that's not quite right. I think the break helps avoid mistakes from getting tired.
  • I didn't cut my husband's hair for years because I was afraid of messing it up. He has beautiful curly hair but all the hairdressers would cut it too short and lose the curls. I finally decided I couldn't do any worse and since then, he's had the best haircuts ever!
  • The easiest hair to cut is wavy--it's the most forgiving of errors. Straight, fine hair is

the hardest.

Edited by Laurie4b
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I'm pretty good at cutting my son's hair. I do a great job... well, except around the ears. And in the front. And in the back. And.. well, the sides don't look too swift. But the top always looks great!!!


I've been trying for 4 years now. The poor kid. I decided a few months ago that I'm not going to try anymore. I'm going to be a quitter, for the sake of my children. I'm gonna suck it up and pay the money so they won't grow up with terrible memories of their awful childhood hair :tongue_smilie:


But I know lots of people (okay, lots of homeschoolers) who cut their kids' hair and it looks fine! So go for it!

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I'm pretty good at cutting my son's hair. I do a great job... well, except around the ears. And in the front. And in the back. And.. well, the sides don't look too swift. But the top always looks great!!!


I've been trying for 4 years now. The poor kid. I decided a few months ago that I'm not going to try anymore. I'm going to be a quitter, for the sake of my children. I'm gonna suck it up and pay the money so they won't grow up with terrible memories of their awful childhood hair :tongue_smilie:


But I know lots of people (okay, lots of homeschoolers) who cut their kids' hair and it looks fine! So go for it!

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We don't have much hair around here. :) I keep mine super short (go to a salon every 5 weeks), and I use the clippers on all 3 boys (using the guards at various lengths) and dh. The boys look best in quite short hair and dh keeps his head shaved (which is better on him than the going bald look).

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Yes, if you use the clippers with all the different guards you should be fine. A decent set is $25-35 and will pay for itself in a month or two easily. Many clippers come with instructional DVDs. Look it up on YouTube. I have always done DH's and DS's, DH is picky and wants a real haircut, so I think he'll be going in pretty soon. Actually, DH has done the last few cuts for DS, he just figured it out after having me do his all these years.


From Wayne's World, the movie...the flow-bee reminded me...


Wayne - "the suck-cut?"

Guest - "The suck-cut -- it sucks while it cuts."

Wayne - "Hold still Garth, while he puts that thing on your melon."

Garth - "AAAAA! get it off, get it off, it's sucking my will to live!"

Wayne - "(it certainly does suck...)"

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Only one of my four boys has ever had a "real" haircut.


I use these clippers http://www.amazon.com/Wahl-79300-1001-26-Piece-Color-Coded-Haircutting/dp/B00006IVEN/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=hpc&qid=1273552323&sr=8-3 except I think mine is without a few of these pieces and was slightly less, at Target


My problem is that their hair needs to be longer on top than the longest guard, so lately I've been branching out by using the scissors on top - not having ANY idea what I'm doing. What is really funny is that DH let me give him a trim a few times - he really needs to get it done professionally, at least until I figure out how to cut the top.:tongue_smilie:


:auto: off to youtube for further instruction

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I cut both my son's and my husband's hair. I sort of learned it by doing it..

this is me. I did trial and error.


I would take them to get a hair cut. WATCH CAREFULLY.

then the next time it is getting a bit long try it out. use the bigger clips to keep from cutting too close.


I would then cut it for a few hair cuts. then take them in for a good cut that seemed to work.


one child likes the buzz cut in the summer

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No!! I'll eat an extra meal of beans and rice before I use scissors around the head of my wiggly little ones.


I warn you though...if you decide to try it out, be objective about it and honest with yourself about how it looks. I know a lady who cuts all of her family's hair--girls, boys, and hubby. They always look like they've been fighting with a lawnmower. I really feel sorry for the hubby, who is a businessman and must present himself with a professional appearance while having lopsided and chunked up hair. The oldest daughter had way, way crooked bangs in her senior pictures, and the 2.5 yo wiggle worm looks like she has her own scissors and uses them. Dh and I have been secretly hoping one of the children will opt for a career as a hair dresser and take the reigns from the mom.

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I cut everyone's hair but my own, though I did try to do my own once. I won't do that again.


I started with my older son when he was about 2. The first couple of hair cuts weren't all that even but I got better. At some point, I checked out a book from the library and started doing my older daughter's hair.


My family is easy. DS8 would love to have his head completely bald but I refuse to take shaving cream and blade to his head daily. Instead, I use a razor with no blade guards every couple of months. DH likes it a bit longer so I use a blade guard on him. DS3 gets it tapered from a size 1 guard at the nape of the guard all the way up to size 8 (1 inch) on top. I use scissors on my DD but treated her with a hair cut by my stylist last time. I get my hair cut about twice a year at a salon where my favorite stylist works, so we spent about $80 a year on hair cuts for the whole family.

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Does anyone cut boy hair with weird cowlicks?

I would love to cut hair here. All three of my male folk have identical unruly cowlicks (three to be exact on each head). I took the boys once to walmart and the lady botched them because of those cowlicks and I've been to afraid to even try because of that. I tried to cut my husband's hair when we were first married. It went badly. I took him to my mom who cuts my dad's hair all the time and she couldn't do it either though she did better than me. My husband's is thick and I don't think I'll attempt him again but the boys I'd be willing to try if someone thought it was doable?


Their hair is straight too and one if fine hair on top of it so maybe w/the cowlick they are too complicated?

Edited by sbgrace
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I used to cut my sons' hair.


Now if anyone sees me coming near them with scissors or clippers, they run and broadcast my lack of ability to everyone in hearing distance.


It all started when I accidentally made DS2 kind of bald and DH asked me, "Who is that kid?" when he came home from work.


Yes, I had the video, the clippers, the clipper guard things, the whole ball of wax. Yes, I diligently watched the video *twice* and thought it looked easy. Yes, if I go near my kids' hair ever again, the entire family will band together and have me committed.

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When we all realized I actually do a better job I started to do my boys' and my hubby's hair. :001_smile:

Watch you tube. Lots of great tutorials!

Get a good clipper kit. I do a lot of scissor over comb for my 4yo.

Men's hair is soooooo easy.

:iagree: Every now and then my dh will go get a haircut to save me some time... and he always regrets it.


It is not hard to learn... after about 3 bad haircuts I learned what works best for him:lol:.... so don't give up if it doesn't work perfectly the first couple of times. You will get the hang of it and you will realize how easy it really is.

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My boys like to keep their hair long (a soccer thing), and I'm trying to figure out a style that works for them but I have no idea of what that would be... every time I am tempted to ask for advice in this area I think of that ever-so-popular, scary post asking for long-haired boy photos and decide against it:lol:.

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Ds#1's stepmother is a hair stylist. She cuts ds's hair even though I hate how it looks, and so does he most of the time. He just hasn't wanted to make waves, though he does know I'll back him up.


I will sometimes trim my girls' hair, but that's relatively easy since they have long, straight hair with no bangs. They go to a salon once or twice a year.


Ds#2 has had 1 professional hair cut. I like long hair. As it was growing back in, I was trying to decide what I wanted done with it. Dh took him to visit the in-laws and ds came back with bangs, courtesy of mil. :glare:

Now I have no idea what I'm going to do with it.

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No. He has a head that is full of hair. He has cowlicks that I don't want to make worse. We also really like it cut with scissors instead of the electric things (can't remember the name right now).


We all have our hair cut by a friend. Dd and I end up only going about twice a year to get out hair cut, but dh and ds do go more often. My dh ended up a whole summer between jobs, and her dh got work for him. It really helped us out, so we want to return the favor.

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I cut dh and ds's hair with a pair of Wahl clippers. They are both pretty simple. I just cut it with one size all over and then a size or two smaller up the sides. They keep it pretty short, as they have curly hair, so it's hard to mess up. I also cut my two dd's hair until they were about 10.

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We do the buzz cuts here! Definitely don't have the $$ to take them all to the barber (we have 4 boys, plus dh). Dh was military and at one point doing everything we could think of to try to save a bit of money. He insisted I cut his hair....but knowing how the military is about "inspections", I was a nervous wreck!!!! He told me what they normally did at the barber's and "walked" me through it, and I guess I just learned over time!

Now I don't have any problems with it, but that's because the buzz cut is not really all that challenging :001_smile:. Dh doesn't do a "buzz cut", but his is still done all with different blades on the clippers, so not really "hard".

I told my sons that they were welcome to go to the barber's and get their hair cut if they wanted to pay for it themselves!

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