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How often do you...(cleaning questions)

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...clean under appliances?

Let's see, I just got a new stove last month due to old one breaking; first time I had seen that since we moved here 5 yrs. ago.

...wash all the walls in the house?

I have never done this unless there was reason, crayon, food splatter.

...wish windows, inside and out?

maybe once every few months or if it annoys me for the inside. I don't do the outside.

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?

When I see too much stuff and not enough places to put it away.



I really hate cleaning but do not live in a messy house. I just do what I have to to keep it looking nice. I think I need to improve my cleaning skills.:001_smile:

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances? like big appliances--you mean move them? I would say ummm never.

...wash all the walls in the house--our house is new, so I just spot clean the wall for now.

...wish windows, inside and out?--the kids love this job so we do it pretty often. Probably twice a month.

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?--I go in spurts where I do this weekly until things are under control, then take a break for a while.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?


Under the stove - weekly. Ours has a drawer that pulls out, so we don't have to pull the entire thing out to vacuum/mop under it.


Fridge - 4x/year or so.


...wash all the walls in the house?


??? I don't know. We wipe down the walls in the kitchen weekly. Entryway maybe 1x/month. Those are the ones that get the dirtiest. I don't think I ever wash the other walls!!


...wish windows, inside and out?


2x/year. Fall and spring.


...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


1x/year. I use Lent to do it so that by Easter I have a clean house. I skipped it this year though. I SOOOOO wish I hadn't because now I'm playing catch up!


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.


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I have never moved an appliance to clean under it. :001_smile:


As far as washing walls and windows, this is on our rotating monthly chore list. Each of my four children that are still at at home pick a weekly chore out of a bag at the beginning of the week. These are things that are done monthly. They also have daily chores for routine cleaning.


I go room by room and purge in the summer. I find there is just not time to do it during the school year.

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Before we home schooled, I kept a much cleaner house. I cleaned under the frig every 1-2 months (they function more efficiently if you dust under there) but now it's only when someone spills something that dribbles under there.


Walls - only when necessary.


Purging - constantly. I used to save stuff up for garage sales, but am findng that it's more peaceful for me to purge all the time and not have a pile of anything laying around. I sell books in one big group, though - just easier that way. I'm getting ready to post a huge number of books soon so I just did my spring book purge.


Are you in a spring cleaning mood?




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I clean under large appliances when I have to move them anyway.

I wash the walls when they get something on them - kitchen and bath every month or two, the rest of the house when ds does something to them. :glare:

I clean the windows inside every month or two, outside once a year.

I hate clutter, so I purge at least once a month on a small scale, and 4x a year on a large scale.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.


I clean under appliances in the kitchen probably once a week. ETA I am referring to movable appliances that sit on my countertops, like my juicer and super blender and coffee maker. I never clean under the fridge or dishwasher unless we are moving house.


I have never washed all the walls in the house. I spot clean them sometimes if I see grubby handprints.


Someone washes windows for us maybe twice a year.


I purge continually. Every day. No specific method or system.

Edited by Peela
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Are you in a spring cleaning mood?





Well, I don't know if I'm in the mood (:tongue_smilie:) but I see that some doors need to be washed, windows need to be done, I've GOT to get under the appliances (that's not such a big deal..WAY less work than the windows), and we've had SO many hand-me-downs from friends (thanks, friends!) that my 7yos drawers are overflowing. I definitely need to purge, but it's SO hard to purge nice clothes!!!! :)

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Wash the walls? Most of my walls have flat paint of not the greatest quality; washing them would not remove the paint. Other ones (esp with glossier finish) I do as required.


I move appliances every once in a while. Once or twice a year, or sooner if there's a need (dropped something perishable/valuable, need to check plug,...).

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Appliances -- varies, sometimes I go a long time and others not so long. Mostly depends on the cleaning I am doing and the mood I am in.


Walls -- try to wipe around the light switches often. Rest of the walls not so much. I do run the vacuum over the walls (using flat attachment) several times a year to get the dust.


Windows -- inside -- when I notice they need it. Outside -- let's just say the rain generally washes them.:blushing: Would I like them done more...yes. Does dh want to climb the ladder and take them down...no.

I am thinking of getting some of that stuff you use with the hose and trying that. Wish we could get some of those new windows.


Purging -- not often enough. But I feel a spree coming on. I am so tired of the junk around here.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.


1) it really depends. Some appliances often and others uhhh, never:001_huh:


2) at least once a week the areas that we can reach with a 3 step step stool


3) I only wash windows from the inside, never the outside. We live on a PA dirt road and all of my neighbors have a lot of 4 wheelers so washing the outside windows would be pointless.


4) we try to purge items often, but mainly as needed.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances? Once a month, I move heavy appliances then sweep and wash underneath them.

...wash all the walls in the house? Once a month

...wish windows, inside and out? Once a month

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? I go through a different room every week on a rotation basis. At first, it takes a while, but after you've done it regularly, it is maybe 15 minutes at most.


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.


I have one day a month that is deep cleaning day. That's when I do the walls, windows and washing under appliances, plus washing all cupboard faces and scrubbing the bathroom grout. That's also when I vaccuum or steam clean furniture and flip cushions and mattresses. Every other month I also steam clean the carpets.

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clean under appliances? Not as often as I should - probably twice in almost 3 years

...wash all the walls in the house? bathrooms and kitchen walls when I deep clean those rooms, so weekly; but in reality, this ends up being more often with littles always fingering the walls and doors

...wish windows, inside and out? Seems to be quarterly, but the front window by the front door and back slider are done very often

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? Ongoing -- truly. All the time.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

Maybe once or twice a year

...wash all the walls in the house?

:001_huh: Who does that? Me? Never.

...wash windows, inside and out?

Once a year, Christmas time. I just spray and clean, though.

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?

Once or twice a year, but I want to make it definitely twice a year or even three times a year.

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I purge all the time. I hire someone to do the windows and I clean walls here and there as I notice them dirty. I clean under appliance on the very rare occassions that I need to move them for something.


Yup. I do need to clean walls more often because our big dog shakes her head everywhere and saliva is flying. Sorry - not for the faint-hearted. I was so glad when the toddler years were over and the "crayons on the wall art" stopped - now we got ourselves into this situation. Some people never learn.

Edited by Liz CA
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How often do you...


...clean under appliances? Once a year or so.

...wash all the walls in the house? I wash the bathroom walls around the commode monthly, fingerprint areas once a month or so as it needs done. I don't wash the other walls.

...wish windows, inside and out? A few times a year. ...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? A few times a year



I used to do it all much sooner but as I have got busier, these are the things that get cast aside to an As Needed Only Chore.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.


1. When I have to, when they break and the repair man will see where the portal to hell is...


2. After Mud Season, otherwise known as Spring when the dogs are done bringing all of the dirt into the house and cleaning themselves on my walls. Wainscoting is my BFF.


3. When I've had enough booze to bolster my courage and walk out onto the roof.


4. If it's on the floor and I pass it three times into the garbage can it goes. A girl has to have some standards.

Edited by justamouse
can't spell
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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.

Clean, wash, wash gets done spring, summer and fall. It is too cold to do them in the winter.


I purge once a year or when we move, which averages every three years.

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I purge on an ongoing basis.


I give the kids a spray bottle and a rag and ask them to wash a few walls every week, so most of them get washed every couple months.


My 9 y.o. loves the window attachment for the hose, so I pay him 50 cents/window to wash when he wants to earn money. The inside windows get washed about once a week.


I am ashamed to admit that looking at my appliances and thinking, "I should clean under there" is about as far as I go.



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...clean under appliances? Only when I have to pull one away from the wall and am forced to look at what lurks beneath it.

...wash all the walls in the house? I'm constantly wiping of sticky kid-prints throughout most of the house. Every so often I get tired of looking at all of the magic eraser scuffs and stray marks that won't come off and then I just repaint the bottom half of the walls!

...wish windows, inside and out? Huh? When I move into a home and when I move out of one (roughly every 1 to 3 years since we are a military family).

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? On a regular basis.


1. When I have to, when they break and the repair man will see where the portal to hell is...


2. After Mud Season, otherwise known as Spring when the dogs are done bringing all of the dirt into the house and cleaning themselves on my walls. Wainscoting is my BFF.


3. When I've had enough booze to bolster my courage and walk out onto the roof.


4. If it's on the floor and I pass it three times into the garbage can it goes. A girl has to have some standards.



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I have lived in this house for nine years & this is what I have done:

How often do you...

...clean under appliances?

When we purchase new appliances & the old ones are removed - about 7 years ago for the refrigerator and four years ago for the washer & dryer.
...wash all the walls in the house?

Never have, probably never will outside of spot cleaning spills.

...wish windows, inside and out?
I spot clean on the inside, the front windows get washed outside every spring. I've never washed the outside of the side & back - I don't like working on ladders. I'll probably hire someone to do this soon.
...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?
About every third summer, it all gets to me & has to go!


I wondered what other people did.

What are your habits?

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I have one day a month that is deep cleaning day. That's when I do the walls, windows and washing under appliances, plus washing all cupboard faces and scrubbing the bathroom grout. That's also when I vaccuum or steam clean furniture and flip cushions and mattresses. Every other month I also steam clean the carpets.

Can you come to my house next month?

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Thanks for everyone's responses....and thanks to everyone for not making fun of my "how often do you WISH windows" question. Wish windows? WTH? lol


Someone asked me what my habits are....


Under appliances...whenever my dh moves it. My new-er stove is a tad smaller than my old stove, so I can see the dirt on either side. It'll be moved tomorrow so I can clean. :) Everything else tends to be as-needed or if something needs repair you can be DARN sure I'm cleaning under the thing before the repairman comes.


Wash windows...inside as needed, outside once/year as dh has to get on a ladder, remove the screens and power wash, etc.


Clean walls...I spot clean maybe every couple of months (did it today) but I never clean ALL of my walls. I always think I should, though. I know I did when I was first married and lived in a basement apartment. Of course, it was a SMALL apartment and I had two little kids with nothing but time on my hands (now's a different story with four kids and homeschooling!).


Purge...seems like all the time. :) I hate a messy house. I try to keep my areas as neat as possible. My dh, on the other hand, does not keep his areas as tidy (that'd be the desk area, the garage, and the furnace room...he's a plumber by trade but can fix anything, so we've got fixing-crap everywhere! A blessing and a thorn in my flesh all mixed into one nice package). I went through the kids' closets today. We've been really blessed to get lots of hand-me-downs for the younger two...they each have 32 t-shirts. Ridiculous! (Especially considering we live in Canada...it's not like we're in Florida!) :D

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How often do you...

...clean under appliances?

Um, when we move house! Or if there is an actual reason for cleaning under them. Eg we had mice in the kitchen (urgh) so that necessitated dragging out the fridge and freezer for a thorough clean behind and under.


...wash all the walls in the house?

Nope. We just clean them on an ad hoc basis, if they need cleaning. The only time I have ever systematically cleaned every wall in a house on the same day was when moving out of the house.



...wash windows, inside and out?

If I can see the dirt, they get cleaned. Although the sliding glass door I have temporarily given up on, because the kids put their filthy hands on it all the time. I'd have to clean it every half hour if I wanted to keep it looking nice.



...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?

Daily, all the time. I'm not a clean freak but I am a clutter freak. If we don't use it and we don't love it, out it goes. I'm constantly trying to eliminate, simplify and downsize our possessions. It's not only hatred of clutter, but also laziness, that motivates me, because the less stuff you have, the less work it takes to clean, tidy, and find the thing you're looking for.

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How often do you...

...clean under appliances?

Um, when we move house! Or if there is an actual reason for cleaning under them. Eg we had mice in the kitchen (urgh) so that necessitated dragging out the fridge and freezer for a thorough clean behind and under.


...wash all the walls in the house?

Nope. We just clean them on an ad hoc basis, if they need cleaning. The only time I have ever systematically cleaned every wall in a house on the same day was when moving out of the house.



...wish windows, inside and out?

If I can see the dirt, they get cleaned. If I have time. Although the sliding glass door I have temporarily given up on, because the kids put their filthy hands on it all the time. I'd have to clean it every half hour if I wanted to keep it looking nice.



...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?

Daily, all the time. I'm not a clean freak but I am a clutter freak. If we don't use it and we don't love it, out it goes. I'm constantly trying to eliminate, simplify and downsize our possessions. It's not only hatred of clutter, but also laziness, that motivates me, because the less stuff you have, the less work it takes to clean, tidy, and find the thing you're looking for.

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I am happy to report that we've just shipped out some old electronic junk that was collecting dust including old (and giant!) computer monitors through a local Earth Day recycling program. How nice to have some space back! I wish I purged more often.

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...clean under appliances? Only when we get a new one. I cleaned under the fridge and washer/dryer last year when we got new ones. But before that and since then, never.

...wash all the walls in the house? Only if I see something dirty on them.

...wish windows, inside and out? Ummm...never. Guess I might want to try it sometime though.

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? Often....probably every few months.

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...clean under appliances? Small ones- every month or so; Big ones once or

twice a year


...wash all the walls in the house? rotate rooms- every year or so


...wish windows, inside and out? outside- once a year; inside- depends on the room. Sunroom- weekly, living room- every couple of months, rest of the house- twice a year


...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? every time Purple Hearts, Easter Seals or Federation for the Blind calls



I have been spring cleaning since Wednesday night, with breaks here and there to get on the computer. I'm steam cleaning mattresses, taking everything out of kitchen cupboards and wiping them out, washing windows, scrubbing walls and floors. I hope I won't regret this too much on Monday!

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clean under appliances? Daily for small ones, once every 2 mo for larger ones.

wash all the walls in the house? As needed and a deep clean every few months.

wash windows, inside and out? weekly

go through rooms, purging extra stuff? Dh does that all the time:.D Other wise as needed and when the seasons change while I put that seasons cloths away.


And we mop every two days, here in Mexico my house wouldnt be seen as being that clean.:confused:

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And we mop every two days, here in Mexico my house wouldnt be seen as being that clean.:confused:

I think she means that in some places people tend to sweep out their entire house more regularly. My sisters-in-law, for example, sweep twice a day, at least, due to a lot of dust.

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...clean under appliances? Once a month, I pull out the stove and refrigerator. NEVER the dishwasher. We live in "bug" country and I feel like I have to be on top of things.


...wash all the walls in the house? Every 3 or 4 months, but we have two very slobbery dogs.


...wish windows, inside and out? Inside, weekly. Outside 3x a year. A Squeegee makes the work quick and fun for the kids!


...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? 2x a year for serious purging, but I always have a basket going for "donation" as kids outgrow tings, etc.




If I didn't have three kids and two 65 lb. dogs, I wouldn't be so vigilent. In a small home, if we don't stay on top of the mess, it buries us :D

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Please explain this? I mean, how is the culture so different that your house is seen as not so clean? Is there a reason?


Actually a woman having a clean house is a big thing in our culture. I don't know if I can explain it right though. You can go to a house where the floors are concrete and multiple people live in in a tiny two room home and it will be impeccable. I just don't know how some of these women do it. I mean, I have visited people who have sheets as curtains and boxes instead of closets they take a lot of pride in making everything look beautiful, and it does. I could never pull that off. Of coarse there are exceptions.


Allowing my kids to have a few toys on the living room floor is seen as strange, I have been to houses where you wouldn't even realize there were children in the home, even the kids rooms look like magazine ads. To me that is a bit sad though. I repeat there are exceptions.


In fact I am seen as very American and my husband who is American born but spent much of his life in Mexico is very Mexican when it comes to the house cleaning. I give him a hard time when I feel he is going overboard. But it is nice that he helps so much.


Again, I am sure I have not explained it well. You would have to live it to understand. There is another American women here on the boards that lives in the same city as me, and it was one of the things we laughed about when we first met.


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I think she means that in some places people tend to sweep out their entire house more regularly. My sisters-in-law, for example, sweep twice a day, at least, due to a lot of dust.


This is part of it. I sweep a few time a day. If dh is here he does as well. Partly because it gets dusty here, but he would probably do it anywhere we lived.:confused:

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?



Never, never, never, and a few times a year ;). Honestly, we usually move every 2 1/2 years or so. I clean under appliances if/when we buy a new one, or when we move them out, I never wash walls or windows (except maybe upon moving in) unless they have an obvious drip or junk on them.


As for purging extra stuff, I do this with each clothing season (remove clothes that don't fit to make way for new), holidays (remove unused toys to make room for new) and school year (remove books and supplies we are finished with to make room for new). Other than that, I purge when packing (I am not dragging this to the new place!) and usually again upon unpacking (I don't need/have room for this!)


Hope my confession makes all you busy homeschooling moms feel better about not "getting around to" the major cleaning, and if you do, feel superior and enjoy it!

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...clean under appliances? When something falls behind the stove, dh moves it, and I realize it needs to be cleaned under. Ditto on the fridge. If we get a new one, too. :001_smile:


...wash all the walls in the house? Once a year. Twice for the bathroom and kitchen.


...wish windows, inside and out? Twice a year for the outside. Insides frequently, as they all have a line of kitty nose prints.


...go through rooms, purging extra stuff? Constantly. I am in some closet, bookshelf, cupboard, desk, etc. on a weekly basis cleaning and organizing it. That puts me through everything a few times a year.

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How often do you...


...clean under appliances?

...wash all the walls in the house?

...wish windows, inside and out?

...go through rooms, purging extra stuff?


Can you tell it's that time of year? I wondered what other people did.



I once had a landlord keep part of my deposit because we hadn't (among other things according to her) cleaned under the stove. I was amazed she had expected us to do that, but I guess people do.:001_smile:

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