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How many days/evenings are you out of the house with committments?

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Some acquaintances suggested a part-time, one day a week job on Tuesdays. At first I thought, how neat is that!


Then, it's as if G-d showed me almost immediately that it may "look" good, but it indeed may not be so. With that, I counted up the days we are away from home and I was astonished...never figured it out before. Plus, my almost 11 yo dd is an only child and it's been difficult getting connected from K until this school year. Every previous year, we've been home more days than not. And, I was actually looking to expand our activities to socialize, etc. So, this school year in 5th grade has found us very busy, for us.


We're homebodies by nature so I was surprised to learn we are now out of the house more than not. Why didn't I notice it sooner? Well, we were so many days out and then one opportunity after another opened up and it was so fast I didn't process maybe. :confused:


Sunday - Church

Monday - Violin

Tuesday - Off, unless we accept this offer which I don't think I'll do now.

Wednesday - Church

Thursday - am/Bible Study at another church and pm/co-op at yet another church

Friday - homeschool group park day when we choose to go

Sat - Horseback riding lessons


It's caught up with me and would like a break.


What activities do y'all have that take you away from the house.




Sheryl <><

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We do Sunday Church

Monday nothing

Tuesday nothing

Wednesday soccer

Thursday coop

Friday nothing

Saturday nothing


That looks like we aren't busy. Here is the reality

Sunday church and visit the Cherry Blossoms

Monday pick up the truck since my dh went out of town

Tuesday take daughter to allergy testing, have older dd go to Honors club meeting, take older dd to another doctor

Wednesday- take younger back to allergist because she is having bad reaction to previous day's test, miss special class she was going to have at a local museum, go to soccer, end up in ER with older dd who is diagnosed with heat exhaustion

Thursday- Coop, pick up dh from trip

Friday- take older dd for recheck because of WEd Er visit, take younger to get blood tests, take younger for haircut,

Sat- older dd goes top ACT test

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Monday in the spring/summer months I have work in the am and then dog 4-H at night, fall,winter months 3 Mondays a month we are at the dojo.


Tuesday= dojo karate/kickboxing


Wednesday+ I work in the am, dojo karate/kickboxing


Thursday= hs gym class, dojo karate/kickboxing and dog training class for CGC refreshers occassionally throughout the spring/summer months


Friday= on call for work in the am, sometimes the park near the dojo, the karate


Sat.= I work in the am, hubby takes kids to the dojo for karate if he is not working. Sometimes my daughter comes to work with me. Once a month we have our other 4-H group mtg at varying members homes.


Sunday= we are taking a church sabbatical this year, otherwise our friend/family visitng day.


these are all of our regular activites and schedule. Anything extra like 4-H scrapbook or community service is done around these other schedules.

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Too many.


We are in the process of re-evaluating how we spend our time (and our money!), so we will not be doing as many activities next year.



Family karate class (day time), dh and all 3 boys

Afternoon, choir for ds9

Eve, swim lesson for ds9



Piano, ds9



Eve, swim for ds9



Dd14 has a group for girls with autism

This month only, the two younger boys are in a K/1 choir; normally, we have a playdate with friends at the park while dd's at her group.

Family karate in the evening



We go swimming together for fun in the morning

Followed by a nature hike in good weather, then

Afternoon play date with ps friends.




We're having a hard time deciding what to give up, though. DS9 does piano for school, choir is his activity of choice, and we put him back into swim lessons because he needs the exercise. He'll probably drop karate in June.



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Sunday - Church

Monday - Boys have Karate. dd9 and Mom rock climbing, 2 Mondays a month ds13 - Biology Lab.

Tuesday - 2 Tuesdays a month - dd9 science club, ds13 game day. 1 a month 4-h

Wednesdays - Mom Bible study, ds13 - statesmans club or Shakespeare club, ds16 - scouts, boys have Karate

Thursdays - 2 times a month - History/Lit club for ds16, dd9 - choir

Friday - ds13, dd9 - swim and gym, boys karate

Saturday - dd9 and Mom - Rock climbing


We seem to do best if we have activities to punctuate the day. Otherwise, my kids think it is ok to spend all day getting their stuff day.

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Not sure I want to know!!!


Sun - church

pm - baseball for 9 and 12 yo.


Mon - 13 yo - karate

9 or 12 yo - baseball


Tues - 13/9 yo - karate

12 yo - baseball


Wed - 12/13 yo - karate

9 yo - baseball


Thurs - 9/12 yo - piano

13 yo - karate

9/12 yo - baseball


Fri - usually off


Sat - Baseball ALL day.

1x/month - 13 yo - rocket launch

2x/month - 13 yo - science class



Later in May, the 13 yo starts his CC class in the AM!!!


Also, ALL of these activities are within one mile from our house. So, everyone can walk or ride his bike.


We all seem to do well on this schedule. It ends in June.

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Thanks everyone. Is it just me or does it seem like most of us are involved in alot! I'm also re-evaluating our schedule and time spent in activities. While I like being involved for me and for my dd and she enjoys it too, it just seems like such a rigorous schedule. Is it just me?


OK ladies, many of us have spoken before...tell me it's not just me. :D


Do you think I could/should alternate activities? For instance, violin alternate with horseback? Alternating sessions? I really MUST lighten our load some.


Blessings. Sheryl <><

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My kids are involved in a lot but mostly not stuff I have to do or drive to. In our previous home, I had kids do a lot in the local community where walking or riding a bike was key and then they had two activities I drove to. Again over here, I keep my driving down to two activities a week. Swim and dive is five houses down, and dd drives to Honor society and choir and will be walking to a lit class next year in our neighborhood. I may increase outside activities that I drive to for the year my youngest doesn't have a DL and the middle has left for college since she needs the most social outlets and also I have to find the right types of competitions for her.

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Um... all of them? :blush:


Monday - 4H (dd1&2), Orchestra (dd1), biweekly - Science coop (dd3)

Tuesday - Theater class (dd2&3) Ballet (dd1)

Weds - Chorus (all), Tae Kwon Do (dd3)

Thurs - Violin (dd1), Skating (dd2&3), Modern Dance (dd1)

Fri - Piano (dd2&3), Ballet (dd1), biweekly - Science coop(dd1&2) and Robotics Club (dd2)

Sat - German Sat. School (all)

Sun - Church (all)


It's even worse if you add in the two Spanish classes, but those I teach from my home, so I'm not really "out". Some of this stuff overlaps when it involves different kids.


And, the dancing kid was in two shows this year, which involved Sunday rehearsals till just a few weeks ago. The theater class is new - that just started. Everything else is ongoing. Whew!


Tae Kwon Do, Orchestra, Music lessons and one of the Science coops are less than 5 min. from my house, at least. Dancing lessons are near dh's work, so I only have to drop off. The music lessons are all very early in the morning - we do them before school time, at the same time they'd normally be practicing their instruments. Next year violin will have to move to the afternoon, though. :glare:

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For many years we have had many, many activities going on each week. Music lessons for both kids, various regular homeschool activities, art classes, science classes, gymnastics, Scouts. The only weekend thing has been Scouts until last winter when I allowed ds14 to play soccer for a season and I had to take him to Sunday moring matches all over the place. I was willing to do it for a season since he wanted it, but I generalyl try to keep weekends free, because I need downtime.

I was also in a band for 2 years and that involved weekend practices.

Yes, it was exhausting, but I dont regret it at all. We could afford it, and it make homeschooling work for my two extremely social, outgoing kids.


Now, its a different season. The kids have part time jobs they get to themselves. Ds just bought himself a really good bike and can ride place that before I needed to drive him to. Both can catch public transport now. Ds has quit all music lessons. We dropped all homeschooling classes as they outgrew them, including science. Scouts/ Venturers is the one big thing we keep doing, and that often takes a couple of evenings and a weekend day each week- sometimes more, someties less. Its whee th kids socialise now. Dd15 is away on a 12 day camp at the moment. Ds14 is on a 4 da one next week.


There are seasons. I found I needed to keep 4 mornings a week free to get enough school done, but some times it was only 3.


Yes- dh encourages me NOT to take on more work. I do work part time, from home, but I often crave to set up my practice again or do something else. Particularly now that the kids are out of the house so much, doing their own thing. But....a regular job, even one day a week, is a big committment, and if it burns you out and the homeschooling suffers- and you dont absolutely need to do it for the money- I would consider carefully.

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We are WAY over-scheduled right now and I hate it. I feel like we have no opportunities for seeing friends, going on field trips, doing fun projects for school, etc. It's actually turned school into a tedious parade of just getting the bare minimum done.


Mondays - computer club (DD), film making class (DD), support group (me)


Tuesdays - MOPS (all - 2x month), swimming (DD, DS), taekwondo (DS)


Wednesdays - taekwondo (DS)


Thursdays - swimming (DD, DS), taekwondo (DS)


Fridays - taekwondo (DS), leadership class with TKD (DS)


Saturdays - taekwondo (DS)


Sundays - church


We are all home by 6:30pm every night except for Mondays and Fridays. On Mondays, I'm gone until after bedtime. On Fridays, DH and DS get home at 7:15pm because of a new leadership class. If DS didn't show persistent hard work and dedication to taekwondo, we wouldn't allow taekwondo to take any of our evenings away. Everything else is during the day.

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OK, I think I'm the weird one then. I love the balance of being home w/o anywhere to go unless I choose *and* the committed activities. I just don't want to be tied down to a definate "must" everyday. I won't be giving up my Sunday, W or TH church and Bible studies. I don't see how I can give up violin for my dd on M's.


I need to refigure Sat horseback and NOT take the Tuesday job. Friday is our homeschool group's parkday....so maybe we'll go only once a month. That looks better already. Home on Tuesday's and most Friday's. If I could move horseback from Sat to another day we are "already" out that would be better.



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Our basic:

Sunday - church

Monday - home

Tuesday - home

Wednesday - My evening out; kids have an activity so I can be out ;)

Thursday - twice/month co-op, library, errands

Friday - errands, and some of: library, playgroup, homeschool group

Saturday - home


Field trips get added in, but only after fierce evaluation. Errands wait until they can be worked into the above. Next week dd9 has cheering tryouts every night. (That was another thread. :glare:)

Currently we are in soccer season - 10 weeks, which adds Wednesday afternoons and two Saturdays. However, come August we enter Football/Cheering, and we will have that 2-3 nights a week, plus Saturdays through the end of October. That is a REALLY hard few months for us, mostly because nothing is 5 minutes away, and dh isn't in a position to help with shuttling.


I've tried to get into 4-H, but haven't been connecting with the right people locally. Needing to try again on that one, esp since my youngest is 4 and might be allowed to be in attendance. But that would be about twice/month.


Saturday is DH's only day off most weeks, so I guard that. He's usually busy outside, but at least we are on the same property at the same time.

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Some acquaintances suggested a part-time, one day a week job on Tuesdays. At first I thought, how neat is that!


Then, it's as if G-d showed me almost immediately that it may "look" good, but it indeed may not be so. With that, I counted up the days we are away from home and I was astonished...never figured it out before. Plus, my almost 11 yo dd is an only child and it's been difficult getting connected from K until this school year. Every previous year, we've been home more days than not. And, I was actually looking to expand our activities to socialize, etc. So, this school year in 5th grade has found us very busy, for us.


We're homebodies by nature so I was surprised to learn we are now out of the house more than not. Why didn't I notice it sooner? Well, we were so many days out and then one opportunity after another opened up and it was so fast I didn't process maybe. :confused:


Sunday - Church

Monday - Violin

Tuesday - Off, unless we accept this offer which I don't think I'll do now.

Wednesday - Church

Thursday - am/Bible Study at another church and pm/co-op at yet another church

Friday - homeschool group park day when we choose to go

Sat - Horseback riding lessons


It's caught up with me and would like a break.


What activities do y'all have that take you away from the house.




Sheryl <><


My kids are competitive swimmers, so during swim season, which is basically all year except for April and August, we are out 4 nights a week (Sometimes 5), and then most Saturdays and some Sundays for meets. I walk for 1 hour a day with my friend 5 days a week...that is my mental health break...LOL. We do not do any outside classes and are not in a church right now, so we do not have those commitments.



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Sunday - day church, soccer game, evening AWANA

Monday - day tennis, evening Teen CBS

Tuesday - day writing class, music lessons, evening dinner with friends

Wednesday - NOTHING AT ALL

Thursday - day co-op, evening soccer practice

Friday - day free, evening soccer practice

Saturday - day soccer game, evening NOTHING


This is why I like summer so much! No tennis, no soccer, no CBS (community Bible Study), no classes.

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Sunday- church/ 2 Sundays a month travel 6 hours round trip for fiddle lesson for dd / 1 week a month Irish session for dd


Monday- usually at home during the day but occassionally fit in work meeting or appointments and sometimes wrestling practice for ds1


Tuesday- violin (dd)/wrestling practice (ds1)


Wednesday- I work from 7:30 until 1pm/ husband takes ds2 to guitar/at night wrestling practice (ds1)


Thursday- I work long day/ drums for ds1


Friday- violin (dd)/wrestling practice ds1


Saturday- orchestra for dd/ sometimes wrestling tournaments for ds1...just stopped more local Irish music lessons for ds2 and dd/ ds2 tennis



I just did some reorganizing and weeding out of a couple things to lighten our load.

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Thanks for the thread. I was beginning we were abnormal but, according to this thread, we are pretty normal. Right now we have something almost every night. Dd plays softball, oldest ds plays basketball, second oldest ds plays basketball and baseball will start for him in about a month, third oldest ds plays baseball and basketball. Add into that dentist appts, orthodonics appts, oldest ds has to get wisdom teeth pulled so that is more appts, not to mention church activities on Sunday and Wednesday.


Wew, I'm tired just thinking about it. Oh, and we are participating in a co-op this fall on Thursdays.

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Monday- Library, Swimming lessons (DD & DS), Aikido (DS)

Tuesday- Scottish Highland Dancing (DD), Boy Scouts (DSS)

Wednesday- Aikido (DS), AWANAS (DSS)

Thursday- Venture Scouts (DSS)

Friday- Homeschool Workshop at Children's Museum, Aikido (DS), Cub Scouts (DS)

Saturday- Home Depot or Lowes Kids' Workshop 2-3 weekends/month (DD & DS)


Throw in 2-3 random scouting activities each month and that's pretty much our lives.

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As far as planned activities/commitments go.....


Monday - nothing

Tuesday - speech therapy (gone a total of an hour), kids extra classes in the PM

Wednesday - homeschool group from 10 AM - 2 PM, playtime at the kids area afterwards, then home for only an hour or two before leaving again for church. This is our very busy day.

Thursday - speech therapy (gone for an hour), dinner at my parents every Thurs night

Friday - nothing/something LOL. On every other Friday my DD has an appointment with her psychologist.

Saturday - nothing

Sunday - church in the AM


I re-evaluated a while ago and cut some things out. I REALLY wish that I could cut out the speech therapy....or at least condense it into one longer lesson. I hate disrupting our schedule, getting ready, and leaving the house only to be gone for an hour. It's hard to get back on schedule when returning.

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We did not have any commitments to other people or groups during the day. My dds and I left the house two days a week for library and field trip, but it was just us, it was part of our "school," and we did it on our own time, in our own way.


For us, it would have been the daytime outside-the-house activities that would have done us in, not evening activities.

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Right now:


Sunday: Church and Sunday School;

Lacrosse Games are on Sundays -- we have 2 games on Sundays; Handbells and Junior Choir are on Sundays - lots of juggling now with lacrosse as HB and CH will continue for 4 more weeks;


Monday: Lacrosse practice for both girls -- usually same time in different locations


Tuesday: Lacrosse practice for one of the girls


Wednesday: Lacrosse practice for one of the girls


Thursday: Lacrosse practice for one of the girls


Friday: Lacrosse practice for one of the girls; DS has guitar lesson


Saturday: ME: Standing nail appointment in the a.m.;


Then there are some library programs the kids have signed up for, sometimes they go to chess club (which is quite informal as far as attendance), we have doctor's appointments, etc - you know, life.


As much as I try to keep it not hectic and manageable, it sometimes does seem to get out of hand and tiring.

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OK, my question is this. On paper we don't "look" that busy. In reality we are.


Sun/Wed/Th - Church and Bible Studies

Mon - Violin

Fri - Park day

Sat - Horseback


Tuesday - OFF PTL!!!


Compared to some of your schedules we're not that busy. But, like Christus or someone said you add in errands, meal making and everything else, on top of homeschooling....whew!!


Granted horseback is an extra, but what about those classes that kids need to round out their h'schooling, like: music or any other extra speciality area? Should we try to give our dc music lessons? We are not qualified so we have to pay "out" for this.

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We have someting nearly each day currently, but it's not all day, so it is working really well. We have all of the morning and most of the afternoon to be home. Unless a special trip is planned, we don't have to be anywhere until 3, sometimes 4. We are in a really good place right now with activities and everyone is doing what they enjoy.


Monday- Writing class/Ballet for youngest /Music for 16 yr old

Tuesday- Library and informal playgroup on library playground

Wednesday-Ballet /Music

Thursday- Art class /Music

Friday- Nothing/sometimes playgroup/knitting at hs friends house (about 3x month)

Saturday -Private Art class/Music for teens

Sunday- often nothing, sometimes Music

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