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I need as many people's opinions as possible. Very easy question!!!!

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Doesn't look burned to me. If anything, it looks cold. The edges are just simply charred but that is typical.


The inside of the muffin is definitely not burned, and I don't think the tiny bit of charring on the edges would matter much. I would have eaten it if I cooked it that way at home; I might have scraped the edge a bit if the kids were fussy about it.



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I wouldn't serve it that way in my home; I would consider it burnt.


BUT....I can see that a chef may consider the charred edges part of the 'character of the sandwich'.


I really could go either way. I agree with a previous poster who said that if it was an upper class restaurant, I would think it was on purpose. If it was fast food....burnt.

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According to this, I read too many British books!

Thanks. Apparently, my vocabulary is thoroughly American English. :lol: At the very least I'll not think people who say burnt, learnt, spoilt, and the like aren't wrong. I do use the word dreamt on occasion.


FYI, my spell checker is highlighting learnt, spoilt, and dreamt.

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It looks like an english muffin, and I would say it is not burned. In order to get the main part of a muffin crisp, sometimes you have to sacrafice the rough edges.

I would probably pick off the rough edges before I ate it.


I agree, and I hate charred food. This wouldn't bother me.

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Thanks to everyone who responded! I haven't officially tallied up the numbers, but it looks kind of evenly split. Some of you think it definitely was burned (my kindred spirits...lol) and some of you would have been happy with it. And some of you got a lesson on whether burnt and burned were interchangeable. :D


The burned "breakfast sandwiches" from a famous restaurant happened once last August when I ordered five meals. I called the restaurant in my town directly and spoke with the manager. He said I should a) ask specifically that the sandwiches be toasted lighter and b) I should check them before I leave the drive-thru (ya, right). I haven't been back for breakfast since...until this week on our way to skiing (bad mom for having no milk or bread in the house). In the drive-thru I said, "Please tell the cooks not to scorch the edges of the sandwiches." We then waited almost 10 min for the meal and didn't check them when we finally got them because we were running late by than. As we were opening them we noticed that again, they're burned! So I called the head office and she said that she'll forward the info to the restaurant manager. He called today and said he was sorry that they didn't take my request properly. Then upon further talk he said that the way they cook them, burned (IMO), is STANDARD. This is how the head office wants them to cook them!!!! Are you kidding me? Then he said he'd like me to come to the restaurant and we can go through what would be acceptable. Again, really? I said that I could do that, but in the future they'd just do it like they normally do. He said no, he'd make sure that EVERYONE would know that when someone asks for it toasted lighter, they'd do it the way I suggest, so that I would be happy in the future. Sigh. I feel like it's kind of embarrassing, but if he's willing to do that, then I'll go.


I feel badly about complaining, but people's standards are SO LOW these days! If I'm paying money for a meal or a service, give me what I pay for! I can burn food at home for a fraction of the cost. :)


And yes, I'm getting five free meals tomorrow AND I now know that burned and burnt words are interchangeable AND that half the people actually like their breakfast sandwiches charred. :D


(BTW, I did an informal email vote with friends. Out of 14, 13 said that the sammy was burned and only 2 would have not returned it.)



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if the head office tells them to cook the English muffins that way, is that exactly what they mean? Is there a color chart showing them to get charcoalish edges? Or does it say to cook for 2.5 minutes in the conveyer belt toaster (and this restaurant's toaster is not adjusted correctly?) or some such misunderstanding.....BLACKENED is not a gourmet style that works on bread items....my kids all would have fussed and not eaten them, and I would have not been happy, and I like to eat burned stuff (sort of a survival thing, cause I do burn stuff a lot, if I'm supposed to be broiling it or timing the toaster myself)


Burned or burnt is my vote....too well done for my taste buds to be okay with it.



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if the head office tells them to cook the English muffins that way, is that exactly what they mean? Is there a color chart showing them to get charcoalish edges? Or does it say to cook for 2.5 minutes in the conveyer belt toaster (and this restaurant's toaster is not adjusted correctly?) or some such misunderstanding.....BLACKENED is not a gourmet style that works on bread items....my kids all would have fussed and not eaten them, and I would have not been happy, and I like to eat burned stuff (sort of a survival thing, cause I do burn stuff a lot, if I'm supposed to be broiling it or timing the toaster myself)


Burned or burnt is my vote....too well done for my taste buds to be okay with it.




Maybe their griddles are so hot that they burn on the edges before the middles are hot?

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I ordered five meals at a famous breakfast place this week and all the sandwiches, in my opinion, we burned. Could you click on the link and see the photo:




Now what I'd like to know is this:


Is this sandwich burned?

If you think it's burned would you eat it, or is this how you like it?


That's it! Apparently this is how they cook it...it's standard. Personally, I don't think it should be standard but maybe I'm in the minority!!!!


I don't like the bitter taste of charred food (plus it's supposed to be a carcinogen.) I probably would have broken the burnt stuff off and eaten it. I would probably have been a little annoyed at having to do that.

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Maybe their griddles are so hot that they burn on the edges before the middles are hot?


My son worked a McD for a few years.........they don't grill the english muffins, they run them thru a toaster. I rarely ate there, but I don't think that Muffin looks right at all..

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