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Who has ordered their curriculum for next year?

Mrs. Lilac

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I just bit the bullet this weekend and placed my orders for curriculum for the next school year! :D Anyone else? I'd love to hear what everyone is going to do!


For my 2nd grade DD, we're going to do....


MFW Exploring Countries & Cultures (we're doing MFW Adventures currently)

BJU Press 2nd Grade Language Arts (haven't tried this yet; moving on from FLL, which was dragging- hoping for good things!)

Spelling Power (we're using this now- we love it!)

Veritas Press Genesis-Joshua for Bible

Alpha Omega Lifepacs for 2nd grade math (we're using this for math now, and it seems to be fine, so sticking with it for now.)


We're also going to do the Cycle 1 memory work from Classical Conversations on our own at home.


What about you all? :lurk5:

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I ordered last week.

I am doing LBC Grade 5 and Grade 1.

For math next year we are doing Saxon 6/5 and Saxon 2.

We will also do Martha Wilson's Latin Primer for my oldest, adding FLL for my younger son, French and working on Artistic Pursuits Book1 still.

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Some. I have math and English and geography for my upcoming 3rd grader. Have collected them used from booksales, seconds sales, and was given some from a friend. I have most of 1st grade for my upcoming 1st grader too. I have my copies of What Your X grader needs to know.


As far as ordering, I have my list ready for Rod and Staff for the few things I need new (music, handwriting, speed drills and the last unit of workbooks for 1st grade) and will buy at convention. And I have a couple of things I buy during booksales at other places throughout the year too (like SOTW during Mardel's 20% off sale in July etc) I still need to decide on Latin, but I really want to see them in person at convention.


I love this stage of planning!

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I pretty much have it planned out what I want to get, just need to get our taxes done now (and wait until after a couple of book sales) before I place my big order.


We are planning on using

HOD-RTR, Preparing & BHFHG with their history & science choices

R&S English

Math - still deciding between Ray's, Singapore, LOF & R&S (or any combination thereof)

Art - Learn to See, Learn to Draw DVD (with supplemental books)

Music - Meet the Great Composers 2

Latina Christiana

Abeka Health

Typing for Kids

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I have half of it so far.


I have bought:

TOG year 1 and most of the books I need

Miquon for DD

Apologia Botany with Lapbooks

Singapore 2A & 2B

Math Mammoth the Light blue series (bought this after the Singapore purchase... I am sorta using both right now, but I think once I run out of Singapore books I will just use MM)

A Reason for Handwriting A

Passaporte al Espanol A

Artistic Pursuits Book 1


I still need to get:

The Phonics Road level 1

Violin Lesson Books

A couple more books for TOG

Apologia Zoology 1 and Lapbooks for second half of the year


I would like to get the Piano Wizard Academy, but might be put on hold due to cost!

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I've purchased a few things:


BJU Math 4

CLE LA 4 (I was able to find 1/2 of the set unused)

Portraits of American Girlhood + some needed resources

Holling C. Holling Set

Writing Tales 1


I'm waiting on our income tax return to purchase the rest:


CLE Reading

Elementary Greek

Intro. to Classical Studies (Memoria Press)

Mapping the World With Art (something I know I want, but not sure when we'll add)

Some science experiment kits


I'm also planning to purchase the MCT Grammar Island level if the budget will allow and see if this is something that will work for dd. I love CLE, but dd is a very creative wordsmith. She loves to write, and I'm thinking MCT might foster her love for language. I'm not letting go of CLE just yet, and may even work it in somehow even if we use MCT. We'll see how it goes.

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All done unless DS continues to insist on keeping up with Latin. I've already ordered French. We're continuing with what we have now and only adding in art (now that he and his handwriting skills are up for it) and French, which *I* plan to have take the place of Latin, but *HE* wants both. Oh, and I ordered a logic book just for fun.

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I have everything except for CLE math (I'll order it in a month or so). We'll start our new school year in mid-May since we school year-round.


For Kindergarten:

HOD Little Hearts for His Glory

Singapore Earlybird Math

ETC/Bob Books

Apologia Astronomy


For 2nd Grade:

HOD Bigger Hearts for His Glory

R&S English 2

R&S Phonics 2

CLE Math 2


Spelling from Bigger

R&S Music 3

Thinking Skills 2

Apologia Astronomy


For 3rd Grade:

HOD Bigger Hearts for His Glory

R&S English 3

CLE Math 3


Dictation from Bigger

R&S Music 3

Thinking Skills 3

Apologia Astronomy

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I haven't purchased it all, but this is what I have so far: Biblioplan/Renaissance & Reformation and Elemental Science/Chemistry. Not alot, but it takes care of history and science for me. I already had science for ds/12, so that was already purchased.


I have a lot more left to get and alot of researching to do.

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I'm mostly set for next year. I still need to figure out middle school science, but I know I will need:


TOG 4 (not until Dec.) I will probably just buy a unit at a time.

PR 4 (Jan.) Will save babysitting money for this one :)

Noeo Physics 1, 2...hoping for 3 Buy these when I need them, it'll only be $40. I use the library for the books

Chalkdust Alg. 2 - babysitting $$

LoF Algebra 2 - babysitting $$

LoF Decimals - babysitting $$

Student notebook for PR3 - next week, not for my dc

*fingers crossed* Sensational Strategies - next week, not for my dc

Singapore EB K and maybe the readers? - next week, not for my dc

WriteShop 2 (Jan) - next week, not for my dc


Turns out, I spend a little at a time. It's easier on our budget :) I am hoping to get some $$ from the tax return. We'll see. Bills and camping gear first.


I own:


Rosetta Stone 2

Apologia Marine Bio.

TM for PR2, PR3

all the Singapore Math for the Elementary students

total elementary for MUS (2 students using this)

vocab program

WriteShop I



I just realized there are only 13 weeks of school left....WOWZA! Better get to some planning prep, huh?

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I only have my Rod and Staff math books left to order. So far it looks like this:




Oak Meadow 2/3 (will order 3 in Dec.)

Singapore Math 1b/2a

Rod and Staff Math 2/3

various lapbooks

various easy readers




Oak Meadow 5

adding in study of presidents

Singapore math 5a/b

Rod and Staff math 5

various lapbooks

Lively Latin



I think it will be a good year.:001_smile:

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I have made all my choices but for some reason haven't ordered much yet. I did however just place a whopper of an order with All About Spelling. I finally came to my senses and realized my son isn't going to teach himself to spell and although SWO works for many it just doesn't for him. He needs the hands on and the organization AAS gives him. I could kick myself for not sticking with it. So now that I made that revelation, I ordered all 5 levels plus extra material packs for my dd who was enjoying it. I had her stop because we needed to focus on getting that girl reading.


Now that I've read all the posts here I think I may just go order the other items. After all the money is sitting in the bank and I know what I want.


ETA: I forgot to put what I plan on using


For oldest who will be in 6th

Analytical Grammar

IEW for writing

AAS for spelling

TT for math

REAL Science Odyssey

My own plans for geography of the US and a study of the presidents


For middle child who will be in 2nd/3rd

McRuffy LA 2

McRuffy math 3

AAS for spelling (McRuffy includes spelling but she likes AAS so what could it hurt)

REAL Science Odyssey

My own plans for geography of the US and a study of the Presidents


For youngest who will be in K

McRuffy LA K

McRuffy Math K

tag along in anything else that interests him.


We'll continue with How to teach art to Children and use Meet the Masters as well.

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Pretty much - I ordered Sonlight Core 3 about 2 years ago when I got a good deal on it, and have been looking forward to it ever since! :D I also found a math program I really like (SRA Real Math), so I've ordered that through 6th grade already.


Other than those kind of crazy examples of buying really far ahead, I also have the next couple of levels of Spelling Workout, FLL, WWE, and way more science resources and kits than a dozen families could reasonably do in a school year. :001_huh::lol:

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I purchased back in January because we had friends visiting from the States who offered to bring the books I needed. (I'm not sure that they realized it would take up almost a whole suitcase :)). Here's our line up...


Language Arts: Spelling Workout, Classical Writing Aesop A, readers and read-alouds that go along with history

Math: Singapore Primary Math

Science: Elemental Science Chemistry

History: SOTW 3 with the AG and other selected books, US state study

Latin: Prima Latina


I'm still not sure if I'm going to add a grammar program or not, time will tell.

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I actually just added next year's CLE to my cart since I have to get some stuff now, and might as well save on shipping. Then I think I'm done for next year!



-CLE Math 400s

-Singapore 3A/3B to supplement



-CLE LA 300s (grammar only)

-Explode the Code 7 & 8 (phonics)

-Sequential Spelling 1 & 2

-Getty-Dubay C (handwriting)

-Four-Square Writing

-Steck Vaughn Reading Comprehension



-Singapore MPH 3/4 science

-Snap Circuits



-American History resources I've already put together



-Artistic Pursuits 1-3

-Usborne Recorder book & CLE Music

-Spanish (maybe - I don't have this yet)


DD is going to public school next year so we'll just supplement as needed. I am hoping to find a copy of the Chalk Dust geometry DVDs so she can use them with her textbook.

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I've bought everything except history (although I already bought several additional books for it), WWE2, art, and Building Thinking Skills.


Story of the World: Middle Ages

Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding

Right Start Math C


Dancing Bears Reading, Apples & Pears Spelling A after this is done

Jolly Grammar 1

Writing With Ease 2

Building Thinking Skills

Atelier Art 2

Song School Latin

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I have ordered 95% of it and have received most of those orders, though waiting for my MCT order and a back order from a homeschool curric store here in my province. When I am closer to needing them I will order our Sonlight books for the next core, and have some fun/suppl stuff to order this summer when we get next year's funding. Otherwise I am set for all 4 kids.


Oh and still trying to decide if I want to order AAS for my hopeless speller.

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I have ordered a lot already, but some subjects we had already finished or were transitioning from K12....when we finish a subject, we just keep going :)


We're continuing with Singapore 3A (ordered), MEP Y3A (print as we go), WWE2 (have, and then will continue with WWE3), SOTW2 (and will order SOTW3 when we're done), Vocab Cartoons (awaiting), MindBenders (need to order this) for Logic and Megawords (just started this, switching from k12 spelling, so we'll be transitioning over the next few months)


The three subjects we have not ordered yet are Latin (will probably do Lively Latin, but I'd like to find a hard copy for sale here as I have enough downloaded books in my life!), Art (we're either going to do either Artistic Pursuits or our own curriculum of Great Artists through lapbooking and notebooking), plus art classes locally, and Science (still debating, but I've narrowed it down to Sciencesaurus and Nebel...probably a combo of these two. Nebel's next book isnt' out yet, but I've ordered his first. We'll also do experiments from YSK and Everything Kids' Science)


For my younger, we'll be doing Singapore Math and perhaps Horizons Phonics--not sure yet on that. We're finishing up Horizons Math and Phonics K, so we'll see if we want to go in a different direction. Plus lots of books, of course, and art, science and history with his older brother :)


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We made some big changes in math & LA for 2nd semester so I want to see how they turn out before ordering anything for next year.


I should get my kiester in gear for figuring out what to use for science though. It's physics, which I never even took in high school or college. :eek:

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I buy in chunks so it isn't such a shock to our bank account. I have only one more chunk to buy.


I will be ordering these in May, probably:


BJU Math 4--for ds


CW Homer B for oldest


REAL Science Earth and Space for the two youngest


RightStart Math--Level C Worksheets for youngest


LoF Decimals for oldest.


I think that will take care of everything.

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I'm waiting on all of mine to arrive:)

2nd grade and 4k


Saxon 3

Classical Cursive

Spell to Read an Write and PLL (we currently have been doing Shurley 1 & Spelling Workout B, but I don't lik eShurley at all).

Apologia Zoology 1 & 3 with workbook

SOTW 1 & 2 (we go year round so we will finish 1 sometime in early fall).

Prima Latina

Lit- is a list of twenty books and using How to Report on Books

HWOT for Ds

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I didn't have much that I needed to buy and was able to buy most of it used:


SMARR guides (found an older edition of the program used for an excellent price and some of the books)

Key to Algebra (only needed two of the workbooks)

Elementary Greek (we'll start this next week)

Recorder (for my 2yo, I think I had a momentary lapse in judgment here, lol)

Famous men of the Middle Ages with guide



I still need: TT Geometry, I have a few wants and depending on my budget i'll get a few of those.

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I haven't read the other responses yet but I'm sure others have answered the same way I'm about to.


We don't work from a school year end to new beginning. In other words we don't have an official end of school and beginning of school. I order the next math when the finish the current, the next grammar when we finish the current, etc. It is time to order the next math for our 13yr old and I am looking at ordering a vocabulary, geography and logic curriculum at the same time. That's just coincidence though. We'll start using them as soon as the come in and I have time to look over them and familiarize myself. :)


So, summary, I haven't ordered next year's curriculum simply because we don't actually work that way here. :)

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Our school year doesn't really run Aug-May, so I order as we need the next level in subjects. I've been picking up things here and there on the FSOT boards, but will need to order the following for this summer and next fall:


next level of MUS for older DD

student packs of MUS Gamma for DS

MUS Alpha for 1st grader.


If Phonics Road works for us over the next few months then I will need to order student books for my younger son and level 3 for my older 2 kiddo's! If not then I will be ordering Pentime Handwriting, the workbook for PLL and figure something out for spelling!

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Yup! Well, almost all of it.


MUS Alpha (have DVD & TM, need student book)


Building Foundations Of Scientific Understanding

Recorder Express

Hooked On French


ETA: Oh, I forgot ETC! Just need one more book.


I will be getting more ASL and possibly some grammar. For now the grammar plan is Mad Libs :lol: but that might change. I also may pick up Singapore 1A/1B and work on typing.


And for the wee one, I have Happy Phonics & MUS Primer & AAS 1 for her to play with, plus her Signing Time. She participates a little with her big sis but not a lot right now.

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I order my LA & Math from A Beka's homeschool displays because I don't have to pay shipping then. THe next one is the end of March. So, I'll do that there. The rest I get from Amazon as I get my $25 gift certificates from my credit card company. I got SOTW 2 & 3 used from a friend, so I've got that covered.

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Well, does *knowing* what you're going to order count;)?? For both boys, we're getting ECC by MFW. I would order it now, BUT MFW will be at our HS convention in April and I'd LOVE to see it "in person" and just purchase it there to avoid shipping.


That's all that I know of "for sure" that we're getting. Oh, I currently have a 1st and 3rd grader this year (there 3 y/o sissy tags along and does her own school). I know my 3rd grader will be doing ILL next year for LA (as he's doing it now...we finished PLL early). He'll probably be doing Singapore for math also as it's going so smoothly.


My 1st grader is another story. I just don't know anything with that boy. I'm trying to make it through *this* year without throwing him to PS:glare:. I wish I was joking...

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I have all of mine sitting on the shelf, organized, and binders full of paper to go with those that need it. LOL I am using mostly Rod and Staff with both of my boys now. The price is so inexpensive that I can afford to order early and relax! :)


DS 6th grade:


R&S English, Spelling, Health, Science, History, Bible, Reading, Music; CLE Math; Le Francais Facile; Draw Write Now; Read alouds from HOD list. He will also take Art in co-op.


Ds 2nd Grade:


R&S Math, English, Phonics/Reading, Spelling, Science, Social Studies, Music, Health; Hooked on French and then moving on to Le Francais Facile (slowly); Pentime 3 Cursive; Draw Write Now; Read Alouds from HOD list. He takes Art and gymnastics in co-op.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I wish I knew what I was going to do.


So far I have:


Miquon Green (I need Blue)

Language Lessons for Little Ones 3

Pathway Readers Grade 2

Pentime Grade 1


Don't know yet:


Either Queen's American History stories with TruthQuest or ~


Ambleside Year 1 ~ or some of both..... or ~


Oak Meadow 1.....


Science/Art/Music depends on the above-mentioned confusion.


Suggestions? :D

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I'm been ordering in bits and pieces and I'm getting ready to do a larger order tomorrow and later in the week. I'm getting:


Latin Alive DVDs - already have the books

Megawords 1

Uncle Josh's outline map books

misc books for our Asian Studies


Planbook software


and a few other misc items

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I'm nearly done. So far I've purchased:


DS for 2nd grade:

-R&S science, social studies, health, art

-MOH 1

-Song school Latin

-FLL year 2


Still need to purchase:

-SM 2a and 2b

-CLE Reading and possibly LA (still trying to decide if I want more LA than FLL)



DD for Kindergarten:

-Memoria Press K package

-R&S science, ss, health, art

-MOH 1 (hopefully it won't be over her head)

-Song school Latin



I will probably continue with ETC online for my DS and add on my DD. And I'm trying to talk my DH into buying Rosetta Stone Spanish.

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I have 2 (virtual) shopping carts loaded up... I'm just waiting to hit the "send" button to make sure I don't change my mind. :rolleyes:


Ready to buy:

Sonlight Core 5


Oak Meadow Science 7

Oak Meadow Math 7

hemming and hawing on Rosetta Stone Japanese


And for my younger:

SL LA 2 Advanced

everything else we're recycling... it's my cheapest year yet!

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I have only ordered MFW EXP1850 and Oak Meadow 5 English/History and Science Syllabus (although I don't think we'll use the science) The Bridge to the Latin Road.


I still need a lot:

Phonics Road level one binders (2), Phonics Road level 2 with extra student binder, Progeny Press Guides, Writing programs for the two older dc and much more......we have so much going on right now, it's not even funny :)

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My 1st grader is another story. I just don't know anything with that boy. I'm trying to make it through *this* year without throwing him to PS:glare:. I wish I was joking...




I wish I knew what I was going to do.


So far I have:


Miquon Green (I need Blue)

Language Lessons for Little Ones 3

Pathway Readers Grade 2

Pentime Grade 1


Don't know yet:


Either Queen's American History stories with TruthQuest or ~


Ambleside Year 1 ~ or some of both..... or ~


Oak Meadow 1.....


Science/Art/Music depends on the above-mentioned confusion.


Suggestions? :D


I was looking at Oak Meadow--I might use it for the following year. I think dd would adore it. I'm just not sure if I'm crafty enough to pull it off properly, lol!

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