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Next year's curriculum plans?

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Who has already planned out next years curriculum? I just spent the last week researching and deciding what we're going to use. I was wondering if anyone else was already this far. I'm excited to start next year already and this year isn't even over :lol:.



If you've already made plans what are they?:lurk5:

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The only things still up in the air is Science. We are having fun with what we're using now, but I don't know if they'll be able to get physics out by the fall, if not then I'm not sure what I'll use for my older son.


Oops forgot to add what the plan is.


We'll Move to AG and TT7 for older son. If he's finished SWI we'll go on to SICC C. DD will continue with McRuffy doing Math 2 and LA 1, although we're starting both of those in a couple of weeks so when she finishes those we'll move to the next level. My youngest will start McRuffy Math and LA K. We're going to take a break from history and do a US state and president study for the year. If I can figure out some other science for my older, then my dd will use McRuffy Science 2 or 3 and my youngest will just tag along in that area when it seems fun.

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I actually have a rough plan for the next six years!


There was a book I read as a teen titled, If You Don't Know Where You're Going, You'll Probably End Up Somewhere Else. I really took that saying to heart!


These past few weeks, I did fine tune plans for next year and make a few adjustments in the long-range plans, as well.

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Who has already planned out next years curriculum? I just spent the last week researching and deciding what we're going to use. I was wondering if anyone else was already this far. I'm excited to start next year already and this year isn't even over :lol:.



If you've already made plans what are they?:lurk5:




Yes, Angel, I'm on it too. However, I may switching a curriculum or two so it's taking me a little longer.


Would you or anyone else kindly tell me HOW to research and decide in 1 week? I am missing the boat on that one....;) HOW???? Sheryl <><

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Planned out and about 2/3 already purchased. We're moving into 5th next year (:willy_nilly:), so there will be some changes, mostly in history, science, and writing. We switched from CW to IEW in January and will continue that, just ramping it up more. For history we're changing to K12's Human Odyssey. Science will be Astronomy & Earth with real books, no texts or preplanned curriculum. Art is changing to something a bit more relaxed, as my dd is just not the artistic type. She's already showing definite signs of entering logic stage, so I expect more discussions/questions for next year as well.

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I usually have everything planned and purchased by this time. Not this year. We will continue with what we are doing this year in the basics. We will be doing CW Poetry and then Homer B. But as far as history and science goes. I haven't a clue. I don't like this feeling. I like having everything planned out far, far ahead of time.

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We love all of our curriculum choices so we will just move right into the next level. I haven't actually purchased anything yet, but my tax return will be here in another week or so, and then I will shop. :) Oh wait, I do have R&S math 5 because I bought it at the same time as math 4. :001_smile:

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I've pretty much planned what we will do next year, which will include continuing on with the same curriculum at the next level. I was thrilled to find that our science co-op will continue, because dd really loves the teacher's style and is getting a lot out of it. We will switch over to Spanish from Latin though, and it will either be with SFC or I may use some A.C.E. Spanish curriculum that a friend has offered simply because dh is still out of work and we are trying to stretch our dollars.


I usually plan my list this time of year, then start buying the books bit-by-bit until we have it all in the fall.




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Yes, Angel, I'm on it too. However, I may switching a curriculum or two so it's taking me a little longer.


Would you or anyone else kindly tell me HOW to research and decide in 1 week? I am missing the boat on that one....;) HOW???? Sheryl <><


Well I spend FAR too much time every single day looking at curriculum so I should say I spent the last week finally making up my mind :lol:

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OK we're changing a lot next year.


DDs 4 & 5


Right Start A


Possibly AAS 1 depending

They will sit in with the bigger kids when they are interested during Geography,Science,History,ect


DD7 & DS 8

Beautiful Feet Geography

MCT Language Arts Level 1

AAS Level 3 & 4

Math Mammoth 3

Rightstart D

ETC Books 5 & 6

Spanish Rosetta Stone

Apologia Botany

History Odyssey Middle Ages level 1

Beautiful Feet History of Classical Music

Art through various online sources


DS 8th

Analytical Grammar

Writing Strands

Teaching the Essay/Research Paper

Vocabulary From Classical Roots

Foerster's Algebra I

Mapping the World with Art

Apologia Biology

History Odyssey Middle Ages level 2

Rosetta Stone Spanish

Lightening Literature 8

Beautiful Feet History of Classical Music

Art through various online sources

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I just finished planning last night! And you know the best thing about it!??! I'm going to spend less than $500 on core curriculum next year!!!! That's why I have to start planning during this time of year. I have to be able to budget and watch for the sales. This just happens to be a year where my youngest will get some hand-me-downs and my oldest only needs me to purchase history and Math! YEAH!!!!:hurray:

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When I was reviewing where we are at the other day I wrote down a quick list of "what will be coming next". Looking toward conference time and used curriculum sale time, and I figured it would be good to know what I have to decide yet, and what I want to look at, and what I need to put on my "to buy" list. In doing that quick review, I'd say I have 75% decided for all three.

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I love to plan ahead. We will be on our third time through ancient history and thus will be reading the original Iliad , Odyssey and Epic of Gilgamesh. Her electives are as follows ancient philosophy focusing primarily on the pre- Socratics, American Civics and Government , Old Testament and a dose of anthropology to supplement her OT studies . I am in the process of pre reading and jotting down discussion ideas to connect the dots between disciplines.

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I have a large part of what we're doing planned out:


FLL 2, WWE 2, SOTW 2, Elemental Science (Earth), Horizons 2, Meet the Artists (Track B).


We're also going to start learning Sign Language this fall. We have some friends with a deaf baby daughter and our new neighbors are deaf so we'd like to be able to communicate with them. I'm starting a Sign Language class this fall and will teach DD what I'm learning since she can't take a Sign class until she's 8 (minimum age requirements for the class).


I'm undecided about Spelling - I have AAS 2, but I'm not loving AAS 1 so I don't know if we'll stick with it for next year.

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I just started this weekend -- snow day for the kids meant peace and quiet for me! Also, this year did NOT go as well as I had hoped, so it made sense to regroup and plan out the rest of this year, and go ahead and set goals for next year, all at the same time.


I hope that it will prove useful to make plans during the most difficult part of the year, as opposed to seeing everything through rose colored glasses in mid-summer, when all the angst and stress is behind me. I tend to gravitate toward "hands on" and teacher- and planning- intensive materials, when in reality those things do NOT work well for my family. What works well are textbooks, workbooks, and independent, student-directed materials. Hopefully, by doing some planning in the midst of that harsh reality, I will choose more appropriate and realistic materials!


That, and I find that the best way to motivate myself to finish out this year strong, is to start looking back on what we've accomplished (more than I had thought) and ahead to something new and exciting. :)

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Planned out and the majority has been purchased. I decided to change grammar from FLL to Jolly Grammar (just up my Sociable Sue's alley, plus FLL1 was too heavy on the auditory stuff and she just wasn't getting it), and moved from Sonlight science to BFSU, because I was really impressed with BFSU when I read through it.


History/Social Studies: Story of the World: Middle Ages w/Activity Guide and Moving Beyond the Page 6-8 (Communities)

Science: Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding

Math: Right Start Math C and MEP 2

LA: Dancing Bears Reading, Jolly Grammar 1, Writing With Ease 2, Apples & Pears Spelling A

Electives: Building Thinking Skills 1, Atelier Art 2, Foreign Language Friends (Spanish) and/or Song School Latin, Irish Dance (PE), Bastien Piano 1

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I've been researching for a couple of weeks now as I like to search for used items and pay less.


Here's what I'm planning for 2nd grade:




ETC 6 & 7

AAS Steps 3 & 4

Singapore 2a & 2b w/ IP and CWP

SOTW vol. 2 w/ AG

R.E.A.L Science Odyssey Earth & Space (just found on the boards :))


I *think* I'm adding Song School Latin, Classical Kids series cd's, and Discovering Great Artists, and Queen's Cursive Primers.


I kind of feel as if I'm forgetting something... am I?

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Here's what we're looking at:


8th grade dd:

Sonlight Core 100

Glencoe 8th Math (pre-algebra)

Rainbow Science Year 2

The Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox



LoF Pre-Algebra as a supplement

Separate LA from SL or at least a supplement of some kind, will decide when I can see it



2nd grade ds:

CLE Math


BJU Reading

Critical Thinking Books


History: will do a study of American history like big sis, but I'm still researching, will probably put it together myself from lots of sources

Science: will do Life and Earth science like big sis, but still researching this as well.

Bible: I was considering Apologia's Who is God for both of them, but I will have to see if there will be time with her Bible in SL

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Plans done for next year for all 4 kids. It will be our 5th year, with some changes in store for some things (will be the first year my older 2 will be using different currics for grammar and spelling), and the first year that I am actively planning for 4 kids (rather than general activities for the littlest one).


95% is already purchased and started arriving last week(1 box a day, was a nice pick me up each day). I go this week to pick up some items from my friend that runs a homeschool store, and then waiting till later in the month to order AAS for my middle two, and need to order the sonlight stuff after the new catalogue comes out in April. If things go well Friday we will not be leaving our province, but moving to a small town here which means I will still having funding for next year to buy all the little extras I want so now that i am done actual planning, I am building up those wish lists.

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so yr of TOG.


Math - Advance Algebra, Decimals and Percents, 6 A and B.


Grammar - grades 5, 8, and 10


spelling - grades 5 and 8


science - Chemistry, Physical Science, ds is unknown yet


teen CBS and Explorer's Bible Study


outside classes - writing dd 15, German dd 15


Seems like there should be more too.

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Dd is planning to enroll in the public high school when we move so all the plans for her have changed. But I am going to be "ready" just in case she changes her mind or things don't go as she hopes.


Ds#1 will continue being homeschooled. We will be enrolling him in on-line course for AP Chemistry and Precalculus. He will do Human Geography, Composition/Literature, and World Religion at home. We will use writeguide.com for his papers to be graded. He will also do Latin and German but we aren't sure if he will do these on-line or not.


For Human Geography we will use Human Geography: People, Place, and Culture 8th edition. The rest we don't know yet.

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My oldest will be graduated from our homeschool. Wow, I'm not sure how that happened.:auto: Times flies, anyhow...


DS 16, Junior next year will be doing:

TOG Y1; Bible/Worldview, History, Literature, Geography, Writing and Government

LOF Algebra II

Life-Pacs High School Health




DD 2nd grade:

SL core 1


A Reason for Handwriting


MUS- Beta

Abeka Health

Art Adventures


Apologia Astronomy



SL core 1


A Reason for Handwriting

MUS- Primer

Abeka Health

Art Adventures

Apologia Astronomy


The bottom 2 will hopefully do some Slow and Steady Get Me Ready.

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We're mostly moving to the next level of whatever we're currently using. We school year round, so we never have an all-subjects leap at the beginning of the school year, we just move to the next thing whenever we've finished the first thing. :)


The main subjects I have covered and mostly already purchased (I know I'm forgetting a few things, but this generally covers it):


DD#1 (will be in 7th grade):

Apologia General Science

R&S 7 English

will finish Saxon 8/7 and move to Algebra I

SOTW 4 and History of US

State History (we'll be in a co-op next year for this subject)

Spelling Power

Wordly Wise



DD#2 (will be in 5th grade):

Apologia Anatomy and Zoology II (all 3 kids are currently finishing the Botany book and beginning Zoology III)

ABeka Grammar

finishing Saxon 5/4 and will move to the next level

SOTW 4 and History of US

State History (we'll be in a co-op next year for this subject)

Spelling Power

Wordly Wise


DS (will be in 2nd grade):


ABeka Math 2


Apologia Anatomy and Zoology II

State History (we'll be in a co-op next year for this subject)


probably will begin SOTW Volume I at some point this year

Explode the Code



Then, the kids have logic, creative writing exercises,

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I am restarting again in a week or two :lol: once I take my last final and finish planning, and I have the next two years in the works. I have the extra subjects/unit study for each week chosen for this year, and I will do that part for next year when it gets closer.

This (new) year:

NOEO Bio 1

Hooked On French + supplements


Singapore EB

MUS Primer

Blend Phonics stuff


Next year:

Building Foundations Of Scientific Understanding

Hooked On French + supplements


Singapore 1

MUS Alpha

Blend Phonics


Art (I have it but I forget what it is, lol--Artistic Pursuits, maybe?)


Plus some music and geography and such thrown in for fun.

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