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10 things you are enthusiastic about

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1. Sunshine

2. Counseling

3. Art

4. Choir

5. Soft, clean sheets on a comfy bed

6. Paying bills down

7. Pleasant interraction with my teens!

8. Dates with husband (lately this means watching something on the computer in the bedroom at bedtime... not spending money)

9. Bible reading

10. Hearing a favorite song


I tried to make these choices things that I really do get excited over... not just a simple, "I like rain" (although rain might be yours!)

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1. Child development and witnessing it in action

2. Baby farm animals

3. Produce fresh from the garden

4. Coupons matched with sales

5. Google

6. Reading

7. Budgeting- I may not be great at it, but I love crunching the numbers. Often.

8. Good pencil sharpeners- I requested and received 2 for Christmas!

9. Having everyone in my house call spaghetti "busketty" no matter what their age

10. Having a husband who can usually complete my thoughts when I can't find the words I'm looking for.

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1. Being part of the Book a Week challenge

2. Seeing a Pileated Woodpecker in our woods

3. Getting rid of clutter

4. Helping a family going through a rough time

5. Reading The Chronicles of Narnia with ds

6. The 50-degree temperature we got today, after all the severe cold

7. I was excited to wash the road scodge off the cars, but the hose is still frozen, so that bubble was burst.

8. The stir-fry I made tonight with fresh ginger.

9. Dh shared the stir-fry with some buddies of his that dropped by and I know they will say it was good!

10. I have some Paperback Swap books on the way.

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1. Getting comments on my blog, especially from new readers

2. My rice cooker -- seriously, best thing ever

3. Baby giggles from a baby who has just learned to walk

4. Rereading a favorite book while taking a bath and drinking a glass of wine while the kids are in bed

5. Knowing my husband is going to cook breakfast tomorrow

6. New solid perfume in my favorite scent

7. Being on Weight Watchers and starting to feel good about my body again

8. Two pounds of wool in a box...dollmaking, yay!

9. Captain Science being booted out of PT for regaining his strength and range of motion

10. Officer Daddyman came home from work early tonight

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I can relate to the clean sheets and the sunshine. Sometimes when I'm walking with the kids and my dog, I stop, look up at the sun (eyes closed), and tell them I need to sit there for a few minutes to soak up my Vitamin D for the day. They indulge me. ;)


3. a clean house

4. when I try a new recipe and it turns out great and my family loves it

5. my Chihuahua

6. weather - thunderstorms, snow, wind, perfectly still clear days, all of it

7. silence - I love it.

8. learning something new, however small and insignificant it may seem to everyone else


9. wild animals around here - bears especially - but I love to see the snakes, too.


10. going to the dump. Not these newfangled "Convenience Stations" ... so sterile and impersonal; but a good old-fashiloned, smelly, filthy dump. The kind where the seagulls scream overhead, the giant bulldozer geta a little too close for comfort as he crushes all the garbage, and you're afraid your car is going to get a flat tire or get stuck in the mud. I get chills just thinking about it. :lol:


I'm sure I've left out some obvious things. If I think of them, I'll add more.

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1. Sunshine

2. Counseling

3. Art

4. Choir

5. Soft, clean sheets on a comfy bed

6. Paying bills down

7. Pleasant interraction with my teens!

8. Dates with husband (lately this means watching something on the computer in the bedroom at bedtime... not spending money)

9. Bible reading

10. Hearing a favorite song


I tried to make these choices things that I really do get excited over... not just a simple, "I like rain" (although rain might be yours!)

1. knitting! Yarn, bamboo needles, patterns....... the whole enchilada. :)

2. budgeting, yes seriously. I love to plan future spending & savings.

3. reading a good book

4. a hot bubble bath with candles and #3.

5. time alone

6. buying curriculum :)

7. my kids expressing excitement to learn in areas I haven't yet introduced.

8. chatting with my mom on the phone daily.

9. planning, planting, and babying my garden in the spring.

10. eating a really good dinner out with just dh.

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1. My heated mattress pad (snuggly, hmmm)

2. Fresh new spices I received for Christmas

3. Meeting with friends for coffee

4. Bible study

5. Planning lots of new projects for the new year

6. The smell of a warm furry horse wearing her winter blanket

7. Paying off some of our debt from last year (relief, sigh :001_smile:)

8. New book of really tough Sudoku puzzles

9. New movie obsession (Sherlock Holmes)

10. Upcoming Renaissance Fair

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1) my salvation

2) starting a new book

3) singing in church

4) watching my dd learn and grow

5) starting a new adventure

6) climbing into a clean, made-up bed after a long shower

7) a quiet evening watching movies and eating popcorn

8) freshly fallen snow

9) thunderstorms

10) good conversation with friends

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1. the new church we are attending

2. photography

3. starting counseling with my husband

4. watching my girls do things they love

5. reading

6. the Twilight/New Moon party I am going to next week with my girlfriends

7. vacation

8. going to see my baby brother's new house tomorrow!

9. sunny days

10. love

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1. church friends

2. DD loving her history

3. new music blasting during housework

4. water aerobics 2 weeks in a row!

5. MrTea fixing my car window (yay! It can roll up! No more accidental roll-downs followed by frigid rides home!)

6. planning a roadtrip

7. phone call from the oldest warning me to recharge the wii-motes and to be ready for tomorrow night!

8. hot tea, lovely, glorious hot tea

9. DD picking up on her oral hygiene

10. finally, MrTea has some days off!

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1. Being part of the Book a Week challenge

2. Seeing a Pileated Woodpecker in our woods

3. Getting rid of clutter

4. Helping a family going through a rough time

5. Reading The Chronicles of Narnia with ds

6. The 50-degree temperature we got today, after all the severe cold

7. I was excited to wash the road scodge off the cars, but the hose is still frozen, so that bubble was burst.

8. The stir-fry I made tonight with fresh ginger.

9. Dh shared the stir-fry with some buddies of his that dropped by and I know they will say it was good!

10. I have some Paperback Swap books on the way.


Ohmygosh! We saw a pileated woodpecker in the woods on a rainy November day a few years ago and it was one of the most thrilling moments of my life. I thought, oh, this is why the ancients associated birds with omens! There was such power in that moment. I don't know how to describe how exciting that was. :D

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1. The absolutely cool tall, tall trees in my yard

2. Afternoon nap time

3. how much I love winters without snow

4. getting together with my writing friends

5. the silly little jokes ds and I share

6. writing - especially when I feel the creativity flowing

7. Having two cars that are paid for and in good shape

8. singing in the car - just got to do it!

9. the way nature literally comes to my door

10. realizing I've captured a really good photograph

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1. A good night's sleep. As a chronic insomniac sometimes that is hard to come by.

2. Homeschooling

3. Watching my dd grow up

4. When dh comes home from work

5. Healthy choices in food. It is a new thing I'm driving my family crazy with. Probably quite a few people here too.

6. Fresh baked cookies

7. Chai tea

8. Fall leaves

9. Living in a town with more than one grocery store which means I don't have to drive 72 miles one way to take dd to dance.

10. A new Nora Roberts or Amanda Quick book out. Yeah, I'm easy like that.

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10. A new Nora Roberts.....book out. Yeah, I'm easy like that.



Been there, done that!


1. Spring! (sunshine, warm breezes, flowers)

2. A productive writing day

3. Spending time with friends from years past.

4. Traveling

5. Playing with stained glass with dh

6. Lunch with writing buddies

7. Paris and all things France

8. Italian everything

9. Gardening

10. Spending time with dh.

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Good question for a long blustery day. :)


Seeing dh come home at the end of his shift


Hanging clothes on the line


Reading my new large print Bible, given to my by my insightful, thoughtful 8yods


Hugging my kids, even if they're taller than I am


Pine cones




Planting the garden


New goats, calves and horses


Looking at old family photos


Being able to help a family in need


Recycling (yes, this is really exciting to me!)


Listening to my dc play the piano and guitar

Edited by Aggie
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1. My garden

2. The fact that my teenage son came to me to learn how to hug a girl

3. camping

4. hot long bathes

5. Indian food

6. The calm quiet peaceful spirit I feel while I read scriptures with my kids

7. Sex with my husband

8. A good book filled with wrigh humor

9. swimming laps in a warm pool

10. Talking on the phone with my friend Jen


Not listed in any particular order! ;)

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I purposefully did not put all of this in order.


1. Going to the library, talking about books. Talking with the librarians about possible new book purchases.

2. Reading to my family, planning things with my family, playing Scrabble, but recently Apple to Apples. lol

3. Getting into the bed my husband has warmed, and he letting me put my cold feet against his warm calves. His putting his arm around my waist even though I've probably shocked his senses silly with my icy toes.

4. Discussing gentle parenting, respectful learning/teaching, natural childbirth, and breastfeeding with the cool people in my homeschool group.

5. Farmer's markets. Planning my organic garden, working in it, and sharing it with local foodies. Thinking about how to save the planet with good land stewardship.

6. Cooking interesting and healthy food, and visiting various local food shops in large and small cities.

7. Knitting and knitting group. I am not a great knitter and I always learn something and they are very patient.

8. Learning new things about the world, thinking about traveling, communicating with people who travel.

9. Sitting back and listening to my children talk with each other. Listening to their laughter. Watching them share their ipod music. Hearing them tell each other what books they like or loathed.

10. My barn full of organic chickens. Offering those healthy eggs to families with growing children.

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1. My 1959 Airstream trailer

2. The hilariously wrong things DD7 says with absolute authority

3. Really good homemade soup

4. Really good homemade bread

5. The golden late afternoon light in the desert

6. The incredible view of the mountains outside my window

7. My two crazy dogs

8. The fact that DS11 (all 5'3" of him) still happily holds my hand in public, without embarassment

9. New yarn!

10. Watching the running/jumping/bucking/kicking "ballet" our two fillies put on every afternoon around 4:30, before it's time to go back to the barn for the night



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In no particular order:

1. Going for a walk in the snow with the dog.

2. Hanging clothes on the clothesline.

3. Balancing the bank account to the penny.

4. Watching my kids play hockey.

5. Getting sucked in to a really good book.

5. Being able to do simple favours for others - tying another kids' skates, for instance.

6. Lying in bed, holding dh's hand.

7. Cozy bathrobe, everyone else in bed, hot cup of tea.

8. Homemade bread, fresh out of the oven.

9. Seeing the younger two get excited about... schoolwork.

10. Listening to all three kids playing happily together... OUTSIDE. :D Feels so peaceful.

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This is right now. My 10 favourite things would change regularly.


1. My vegie garden

2. My adventures into eating mostly raw food

3. The Anastasia book series

4. My Thermomix

5. Socialising with friends

6. the beach

7. planning our next year's homeschooling

8. Youngs essential oils

9. going to Bali with just dh in 3 weeks (for 3 whole nights!)

10. Just being alive!

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1. When my kids do well - at anything

2. When my husband comes home (work is out of the country)

3. My Cavalier King Charles after a bath - soft ears....

4. puppies

5. A good hair day

6. Having a good, productive day

7. Preparing good meals for my family

8. Researching something I want. (currently a car)

9. Going to 7am Mass on a bad-weather day.

10. Having someone appreciate a good meal I have made.

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1. flannel sheets and quilts on a cold morning

2. heirloom seeds for the garden coming in the mail

3. the strange and wonderful turn my life is taking

4. plans. big, small, bright

5. writing

6. heritage breed chickens

7. homeschooling method that is growing

8. crocheting

9. art

10. sleeping in on the weekend


(11.the new Laura Kinsale book coming out!)

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1. Cool birds at the bird feeder

2. Curriculum: buying it, reading it, selling it, sometimes actually using it;)

3. Catholicism

4. Watching my kids learn, grow, perform

5. Being debt free and encouraging others to make wise money choices

6. Homeschooling message boards :001_smile:

7. Radical decluttering

8. Almost everything about my 2yo - he just cracks us all up...and those dimples! :D (the tantrumming I can do without)

9. Reading and learning new things.

10. Deep talks with a good friend or two

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1. My down comforter

2. Frisbee with my dog

3. My enamel dutch oven

4. Talking with my husband before we get out of bed in the morning

5. Reading with my kids

6. Checking all the boxes on the list of the day

7. A glass of wine

8. Going to bed an hour early

9. Reading a book that has nothing to do with homeschooling

10. An afternoon at the art museum instead of something we "should" be doing

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1. Ancient Greece (finally done with Mesopotamia).

2. Life of Fred on the way!

3. New pair of jeans.

4. 52 Books in 52 Weeks b/c it is getting me back off the computer.

5. I'm healthy (labs/EKG, etc) & can start exercising again.

6. Online friends who accept me just the way I am.

7. Hubby moved the DVD player out of the bedroom! No more monkeys jumping on my bed watching cartoons!

8. Getting my seed catalogs in the mail soon.

9. Found a way to afford raw milk in the budget!

10. That daughter seems to be gaining better control of her hormonal emotions (Scared to say that in case I jinx myself). :lol:

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Guest janainaz

1. Going to bed

2. My coffee in the morning

3. Going to the movies ALONE

4. Organizing my house

5. Playing with my kids outside

6. Reading a good book

7. Hot green Chai tea

8. The bookstore or library

9. The IDEA of yard work

10. School - I actually enjoy it (but my kids haven't hit puberty either)

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1. That first cup of hot Red Rose in the morning

2. Bed after work. It is beyond sensous to lie down on my comfy bed and touch the pillow. I work the night shift.

3. Hugs from my big 16 yo.

4. Hugs from my just 13 yo whose feet are already bigger than dad and brother

5. Hugs (and cuddles!) from my 8 yo

6. Reading Les Mis aloud to 13 yo

7. Hugs from dh when we've had a rough day

8. Eating out spicy food alone

9. When my nephew cleans his room

10. reading alone when the house is quiet

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I've enjoyed reading all the responses. Here are mine (in no particular order) :


1. Driving cross-country

2. My morning coffee

3. Seeing my husband on his motorcycle ;)

4. Jane Austen novels

5. Frye boots

6. Babies

7. Chips and queso

8. Raising my sons

9. Home

10. A Memoria Press catalog in my mailbox

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1. God, and knowing him better

2. my children when they are sleeping

3. really well-crafted sentences

4. my vita-mix

5. jigsaw puzzle pieces when they click into place

6. a good book

7. watching birds

8. watching my garden grow

9. soup

10. golf on a good day, and on a bad day, complaining about it.

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