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How do you spend on schoo per year?


How much do you spend on curriculum each school year?  

  1. 1. How much do you spend on curriculum each school year?

    • less than $100.00
    • $100.00-$300.00
    • 300.00-500.00
    • 500.00-700.00
    • 700.00-1000.00
    • more than 1000.00

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I am wondering what the average homeschooler spends on curriculm per year. Is there some magic number you stay under. For us we like to find out how much public school lunch would be for the year and use that as a guide. This is an anonymous poll.

Edited by Kissy
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I put that we spend $500-$700 but it's definitely been closer to the lower end of that. Now that I am starting to school 2 boys instead of only my oldest, that number will need to go up. I could spend well over $1000 if I didn't use the library so much and sure wish I could. :) In our school budget I also include one pass to a place for the boys and I to go and change each year: we've had zoo passes twice, health museum for one year and this year we got passes to Space Center Houston.

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I spend a little over $1000 per year right now. However, 90%+ of that is non-consumable and I have 2 littles (so far) to use it in the future. When my 3yo is ready for K, it'll only cost me $50 and then $90 for 1st grade. I could hs for a lot less, but thankfully I don't have to right now. We have a hs budget and as long as I'm within that AND use the materials I buy, my dh is happy.

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I'm only buying for one, so have a hard time justifying spending a huge amount on curriculum that I'll only use for one year.:glare: In the past, I have spent around $250-300, which included lots of used items. However, this year, it looks like it will be more like $350-400, since I want to buy IEW. I already have all 4 years of TOG, and we get lots of books from the library.


My biggest weakness is school supplies. I go wild when the local stores have glue sticks for two cents each, or a 24 pack of Crayolas for a dime. I will never have to buy some of those basic items ever again, I have so much! (But if I see them that cheap again, I probably will buy a dollar's worth, just in case we need them. If we don't, some day I will donate the whole lot to some up and coming hs mom who is on a limited budget!)

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I put down about $500-$700 only because I am not 100% certain. I know that it is around $500, but don't quote me. I get a load of stuff towards the end of the year in May. Then I get more during the school year. I spend in May about $200-$300. So, if I purchase more stuff in the year, it adds up.





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My budget is $1000 for each child. It's high but I've noticed that each year I spend more wisely and it will probably go down. Although I am known to buy too much or try too much. (I don't know anyone else who does that.....;) )

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We're funded for $1000 per child, but I spend over and above that as well. We use TOG so the books alone are a significant purchase. We're pretty steady when it comes to actual curriculum - these items tend to be used long-term and I know what works and what doesn't by now.


Next year should be interesting because it will be our second time using TOG year 1. I already have all of the dialectic books and many of the lower grammar books so (I think) all I'll have to purchase are rhetoric books.


Maybe we'll get a telescope :)

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I am aiming to stay under $500, and to find things that are partially or wholly reusable by the next child in line. Things like the McGuffey's readers, OPG, the SOTW book, and the textbooks for Singapore and Rod and Staff. I hope that it'll eventually be lower per child, but we'll see what the future holds.

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That is kind of a tricky question for me, but I said, "300-500"


We are signed up with a charter school that gives us a set amount each year for each kid to use for curricula, lessons, activities, supplies, ect.


The amount I voted for was the amount that still comes out of our pocket...field trips they won't cover, and "sectarian" materials I need (their word, not mine:glare:), supplies I needed right then and there, fencing equipment, ect.

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I put that we spend 300-500, but I imagine that will begin to go up. I am slated to spend about 500 on what I have planned for next year, but I tend to buy a few extra things here and there. Mine are very young though and the line between homeschool supplies and plain old good parenting is kind of blurry.

I am beginning a campaign to convince dh that a higher budget is needed. There is just so much out there that I want to invest in that isn't strictly required for school--things like quality picture books, games and art materials. Those blur the boudaries and so I tend to downplay them, as they are neither fish nor fowl (neither school, nor home)

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Guest aquiverfull

Right now I spend between $500-$700 for one child. This price will only go up in the years to come as I will have 3 more joining her.

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I wish there was a magic number that I stopped at!!


We really need to have a school budget, I see that after this year especially. Not only because of multiple curriculums (and I do use a lot of it-but do I need it all?), but also because I am ordering books a lot, art stuff I see, etc....

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I put $300-$500 because that's what curriculum costs for us. Then we do Classical Conversations and so that's an extra $800 or so for my daughter and $400 or so for my son. Next year we'll be doing Challenge A which will be about $1250 for my daughter and $400 again for my son. So... after books and such next year, I expect to spend about $2250. Good to put it down, so I can start allotting the $$$.

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We spend about $1500 for four children, but I have already graduated two and have lots of things that we use for each child. That doesn't include activities which I'm ashamed to say is about $1000/month if you average it out for the year. Most of that is due to competitive gymnastics and includes travel for baseball, gymnastics, track, dance competitions, etc.

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I spend at least $2000 a year. Actual curriculum would be less, but I buy lots of books. Lots. I get a thrill when my reader picks up a science or nature or history book and learns something on her own. I have hundreds of books (mostly bought at garage sales and eBay in large lots) at each reading level, and I love when she grabs a stack to read on her own. And I buy everything I need for all four children. My oldest is in 2nd grade, and I have everything I need for all four children for 2nd.


I would buy a lot of the extras even if my kids were in school. Actual curriculum, it probably averages out to 250-350 dollars per child per year.

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$1200 a year for 2 kids. $100 a month gets deposited from dh's paycheck to a separate account. We set that amount because that is what we were spending on dd's preschool the year before we started home schooling. We are blessed to be able to afford that, and it makes my teaching job easier to be able to build a home library and be able to afford various curricula.

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I spent $3500 total for this school year. I started off trying to be more frugal than previous years but ended up spending about $1000 more than the year before. So I think $3500-$4000 for all 4 kids will be our total pretty consistently, until the youngers (9,7,and 5) get to where they're using more of oldest son's (15) resources that we already own. But they're all so different, that I don't know if even that will happen.


My husband encourages me to spend as much as needed on hsing, he's of a similar mindset, with strewing and the kids having access to a lot of varied materials and books. He loves books as much as me, so we spend a lot on our home library.


Also, what has ended up working has been expensive curricula like SL, RightStart math, AG, and IEW. I am spending nothing on my youngest son's 1st grade year in the fall because he will use things we already own, so hopefully I'll see that pattern continue.


We budget a portion of our disposable income every month to include curriculum money and we school year round, so I spend on school stuff as we go along and need things or finish things.


ETA: That includes curriculum and books only, not classes or field trips or lessons. Also, my oldest child is in high school and it's so expensive. Science courses for $250, history for $500, math for close to $200, etc.

Edited by Annie Laurie
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I am spending a lot right now but I know that the cost will go down at some point, since some of the curricula I am purchasing can be used for multiple years, and some can be re-used when dd3 starts school. We are using TOG also, and read a LOT of books, and I buy most of them.


I figure it's a fraction of the cost of private school, so I am saving us lots of $$. ;)

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I am wondering what the average homeschooler spends on curriculm per year. Is there some magic number you stay under. For us we like to find out how much public school lunch would be for the year and use that as a guide. This is an anonymous poll.


I think how many kids you have also plays a big part.


It has been averaging between $2,500 and $3,000 a year, but that is for all 4 kids, and includes reading books, art supplies and school supplies I am sure we would buy either way.




p.s. And I don't use the library at all.


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I know we spent around $1000 for all 4 kids this past year up front. I've ordered a few things since then so a bit over. This doesn't include any field trips/activities... just basic curriculum. I see that number going down some though as my youngers cycle through and I don't have to buy teacher's manuals, pdf's etc.

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I checked $5-700, but I did not include the extracurricular things like music, dance and gymnastics. Those would put me over the top, and I really really don't want to know how much those are a year. Violin is about $150/mo, gymnastics is $120/mo and piano is about $140/mo. That comes to....OMG!!!!!!!!!!! almost 5K :scared:


I'm going to go take a tranquilizer now.

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I just checked this in my Quicken program and I spent $1938.18 for 2009. I know many of you are looking at that thinking, "that is insane". However, I literally track every penny of our budget. For homeschooling, this includes curricula, copies, school and art supplies, science experiment needs, field trips, library overdue fees, homeschool convention fees (registration, gas, food, CD's for seminars), co-op classes, and testing fees. So, when I divide that between 2 kids and consider that my county spends around $8000 per child for ps, I think I've done pretty well!



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I guessed at what I put down since I don't have a budget. I buy what I need depending on where we are. I do lots of research before I buy so I don't waste any money though.


I use the library a lot, buy used or thrift store books, and buy almost all curr used. I also try to snag any of the freebies of the day or week stuff.


My dd will not use any of the same books my ds used :glare: so I do have to buy different things for her. Anything I don't need anymore goes to my local homeschool community for free.

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I'd say that we spend around $500 on curriculum materials for all 5 currently schooling, though many things are being reused. This also doesn't include the $400 per year of having all 5 schoolers in the once-weekly co-op. However, I still feel we are getting off easy. :) I have been pretty good at deciding what I want to use and sticking with it, although now all the chat about MCT has me pretty sure I am switching...:tongue_smilie:

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Wow! We'd be deep in debt if I didn't use the library! We get loads of books each week!


No debt here. :D


But I do a lot of PaperBackSwap, BookMooch and buying used off of Half (who allows you to combine shipping from one source). I also take advantage of the Amazon buy 4 for the price of 3 sale a lot.


Plus I always had fines, but the real reason why I don't use the library is because the main library had it out for me and made my life miserable. She would pick out board books all the time she decided we had damaged and charge me for them. We aren't talking torn just dented or scratched. Then I would go in expecting the other librarian to charge me and she would look at me like I had three heads at the suggestion, and would state it was normal wear and tear (ya, that is what I thought). I once was in and paid on fines on Saturday and asked for a payment plan so I could check out books on Tuesday. It was swamped, and the person told me they didn't do payment plans anymore. I asked if she was sure, and she assured me she was sure and that I could check out books on Tuesday. Come Tuesday they wouldn't allow me to check out books, even through I owned less than $10 and they could see that I had paid a $3 on Saturday. Yes they did still do payment plans, but you have to pay something to go on one then you can pay as little as $1 a month no matter how high your fines are. I had no cash and all the kids had found books (toddler age at the time). I had to take 4 crying kids and put them in the car because they didn't get their books. The last time I went we had check out Muzzy Spanish, which I didn't even use but one of the kids were looking at the Parent insert (this just was advertisement, not informational at all) and they got water on it. Two of the pages stuck together a little bit, could be ripped apart, but it would have left damage. The librarian I had problems with told me she was going to charge me over $100 for the whole set so she could replace the useless pamphlet. I checked everything in that day and haven't ever check a thing out again. They never did charge me for the Muzzy Spanish, but I am not sure if it was because it was so petty or because she figured she couldn't get it out of me not that I wasn't using the library.


The sad thing is the Library on the other side of town is in a different county and is run differently. Never had a problem over there. But it is an hour drive. They would still allow me to check out books, but with the cost of gas and time it just easier to buy.


I know more than you ever wanted to know...:D



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My budget is $100/month, but I never spend that much. It's going to get more expensive, though, as we hit the high school years.

Same here! I try not to use all of it also, but we do include zoo membership in it in addition to everything else. This for 2 homeschooling and 1 afterschooling.

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It seems like it varies depending on what people include in what they consider the price of homeschooling. For us, we would have the internet and new computers and such because of our business (IT company run from home). We would have a zoo membership, a childrens' museum membership, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, swim lessons, and Scottish Highland dance lessons (DD) regardless. I would have bins full of art supplies and would be buying pencils, pens, crayons, notebooks, etc., for PS anyway....


So if I just were to look at the curriculum/additional expenses that I have encountered since we decided to HS DS, I would say around $300 (buying WTM, FLL, WWE, SOTW with AG, math curriculum, AAS, and a few other random things)...


Edited to add that $300 is for DS7 and then stuff for DD to do.

Edited by m0mmaBuck
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Wow, I go way overboard. I give myself $100-200 a week to spend on books alone. This is my first year and I really stocked up on everything we'll need for the next few years in terms of art supplies, and anything else I could think of that we need. I imagine I won't be spending at such an accelerated pace in the future.

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