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What's everyone doing tonight?

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What's everyone doing tonight? This is the first year I'm not with DH on NYE since we've known each other.:crying: DD has had a cough/sniff the last couple of days and I figured I shouldn't plan on anything since she'd probably be feeling crummy and want mama anyway. Well, today she's fine of course, but too late to line up anyone to watch the sweeties so I can join DH, who is of course working...


So we are making pizza, decorating party hats, eating "ice cream party hats," watching a movie, and having a balloon drop at 9pm.


I'm praying that my MIL is going to call and say they are done with thier plans early and would I like her to come over, but that is kinda a long shot.;) If I'm supposed to be there, He'll make it happen. :lurk5:


Happy New Year's Eve!

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We're making pizza too. It's Make-Your-Own-Pizza night, followed by board and cards games, possibly a movie and ice cream sundaes.


Young folk over the age of 8 get to stay up until midnight to watch the ball drop. Last year, we recorded an east coast channel and let the younger guys watch before they went to bed.


Our Japanese student says that in Japan they try to stay up to see the sunrise. Not sure us old folk will make it, lol.



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We've played the Monopoly card game so much since Christmas that the kids exclaim at bedtime, "But we haven't played Monopoly yet tonight!" Can you tell their Mama's a little...obsessive?


So we'll play that some more, lol, work some puzzles Mom sent, *maybe* play other games...if the kids are lucky, poor things. (We made them choose between Monopoly & doing dishes the other night, so they'd be a little happier about playing *again.*)

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We had hoppin' john & cornbread for dinner (yes, I know it is supposed to be for tomorrow, but we're of German stock, so we'll have sauerkraut & brats tomorrow). Jason & I had Prosecco to drink, children had sparkling cider in fancy glasses. Hats, noisemakers, necklaces were at the table. Children are now in bed and we're watching football. Probably watch other tv/movies until midnight ... Fun stuff.

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We are watching movies. Dh and the kids have their sleeping bags out and plan to have a "sleepover" in the living room. I expect ds to crash in about an hour and we'll see if dd makes it to midnight or not. I'm going to stay up, then go to sleep in my own bed - I don't do floors anymore!

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Oh, and we might watch some of the Burn Notice marathon ...


I'm doing that and eating some of the stuff I bought for our company, which I had to cancel due to my illness. :glare:


Ah well, the kids are playing and enjoying the appetizer dinner. Dh bought ice cream and I have sparkling cider on ice for someone's [not the PNW] new year.

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Dh is at the deer camp, oldest dd is staying at her bf's (he is working all night tonight and she went there so she could study for her internship next week), 18yodd is with friends, 16yodd with friends, 14yods sleeping over at his best friend's house (he was attacked by a pit bull a few years ago and had another surgery last week so ds is gonna hang with him and play video games all night).


My mom lives right next door and we MAY play a card of yahtzee or something later, but I've been sick and I'm vegging with my Reese's trees and some milk!:tongue_smilie:

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Dd has a headache and is lying in bed with the light out. I am checking email and such right now. Then I am going to straighten up the "dining" room and clean the bathroom. Then I have cheesecake to make for tomorrow and ... that's about it.

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! Apparently a fort was built w/out me. It's the size of the living room. I've never seen one so big. :w00t: I guess I should go ask for some adjustments so it fits my dimensions. Because right now, the roof is about 8" off the ground, & I'm, uh, a little more dimensular. :lol:

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We're streaming WinterFest live from Liberty University on our t.v. (If you have Godtv it's on there, but we're using our computer hooked up to the t.v.) Christian music instead of the usual Billboard stuff! Which we don't mind, either, but it's cool to be able to do this, plus dh is an online student with Liberty!


Eating snacks, cupcakes that dd made, playing games, just chillin'. :)

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The kids are in bed and dh is at work (he won't be home until about 3 am). I am going to pull my cheap bubbly out of the freezer and put in Bridget Jones' Diary. Unfortunately this is becoming my NYE tradition - me, Bridget Jones, and a cheap champagne for the 3rd year in a row. Doesn't get better than that, does it? :tongue_smilie:

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We are all watching "Persuasion." I am proofreading a newsletter and it is driving me batty - I'm really too tired and I can't think. Dd17 made pizza for dinner - a real treat because hers tastes as good or better as any you can buy.


At midnight we are all going to drink "October Ale" - grape juice mixed with ginger ale (from the Redwall books).:)

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We have thrown poppers and other various banging things in the street, had Shirley Temples and are now watching Napolian Dynamite. My husband is making a new noodle dish, and it smell wonderful! We will play some games, maybe bake a cake.

My husband and I are also watching a zombie movie upstairs called 'Pontypool'.

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Guest mamasojourner24Him

:party:Well, it's a quiet evening here with me on the computer, my 7-year old playing chess online, and my hubby and 5-year old son wrestling in the room next door. Most likely we will all be asleep before Midnight. We certainly don't want to be out and about on the roads/highways later on!!


Happy New Year to all.

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The kids are in bed and dh is at work (he won't be home until about 3 am). I am going to pull my cheap bubbly out of the freezer and put in Bridget Jones' Diary. Unfortunately this is becoming my NYE tradition - me, Bridget Jones, and a cheap champagne for the 3rd year in a row. Doesn't get better than that, does it? :tongue_smilie:

that actually sounds pretty good. :D

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We had dinner with the kids which consist of crab legs, salad, and corn. The boys put together their gingerbread house and we topped it off with cider. Now both boys are out for the night and hubby and I will eat ice cream together and watch the ball drop! Not to mention enjoying our own fireworks if you know what I mean!!! Happy New Year!


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I worked all day and made: White chocolate raspberry cheesecake, creme brulee, rum cakes with fresh whipped cream, champagne poached pears with orange champagne sabayon, Triple layer warm chocolate cakes covered with chocolate ganache.


Now, my dh and the kids are down the road at my sister-in-law's house, having dinner. As for me, I'm home alone, vegging on the computer and trying to rally enough energy to make myself a low-carb meal. :glare: This is my kinda NY's! ;)

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Was going to stay up, but got tired. Dh and the kids played "In A Pickle" - fun game! Convinced the kids to watch a ball drop on YouTube (we found a good one from 06-07), drank sparkling grape juice, and called it a night!


My poor kids, they really wanted to stay up. Oh, well.

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We had a Wii tournament - Mario Cart, Toy Story Mania, and Smarty Pants. I explained our theme for the year - prayer - and introduced our family song for the year. We then had a Praise Fest with Rob Biagi music and prayer after every song or two. We decorated the letters in the word PUSH - pray until something happens - to put on the wall. Then we put out their favorite snacks, toasted in the 9pm hour with sparkling grape juice, and talked about our favorite memories of the year. We ended the night with some more praise songs and counted down to the New Year along with Paraguay because we have friends who are missionaries there.


The kids are all in bed now, and I am relaxing so I can get some sleep.

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DH & I are watching the new Terminator movie, well, he is, I'm sitting next to him surfing. We were invited to a party, but the kids were up late last night, and won't nap. They also arise at the same time EVERY morning, nomatter how late they are up, so we decided to skip it. So, the kids are in bed, and we might watch the ball drop, depends on where we are in the movie :D

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It's just the three of us. We've had a bit of an MST3K marathon, with some Wii playing as well. We just went for a walk around the neighborhood.


When it's just the three of us, I don't see much point in staying up until midnight. We can watch the ball drop in Times Square at 10pm our time, and that's good enough for me!! But ds is determined to stay up.



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We do the same thing every year, which all of us cherish. We order pizza for dinner. Then all evening we play games, usually games that the kids got for Christmas. Tonight we played Electronic Monopoly, Uno Flip and Disney Scene It. We start watching the countdown around 11:45. At midnight we have hugs all around and then have a sparkling grape juice toast. The kids and I usually sleep in the family room by the Christmas tree but I don't think we are going to do that this year due to my middle daughter's insomnia.


We all prefer staying home and just spending time with our immediate family. Since my oldest will be heading to college in the fall I really cherish the fact that she still wants to spend the evening with us.

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