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Why Blog? (feeling disouraged)

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I have two blogs.





No one reads them. Strangely, however, I feel compelled to write about my life.


I figure if I were writing for people who actually wanted to read what I write, they would. Sometimes when I update my blogs I find myself saying, "That was a real waste of time."


I have recently started the Well-Educated Mind and thought that blogging my way through that would be fun--perhaps set up a new blog or a section of my homeschooling blog for that would be attractive.


I have lots of thoughts and opinions, but frankly, I'm afraid to put it "out there" because I don't trust the political climate right now and fear backlash much later down the road (I used to live in China--it might seem a weird fear, but I have my reasons).


So, Why do We Blog? what can I do to improve or give purpose to it? Or, should I abandon the effort completely? I feel I'm hanging in the balance--I need to either make this a significant pursuit or cut bait.


Thoughts from the hive?

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Just went on your first blog and left a comment. I'll have to "follow" yours.


I blog also. I'm not a good writer but I like to put up a lot of pictures. I do notice that it is visited alot but they do not leave comments. I wish they would because I would visit their blog. :001_smile:


Keep blogging, I find I really like it. ;)

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I don't blog, but I do type up a week-in-review in Word every week, complete with pictures. I email it to a few friends and family who want to keep up with what we are doing.


Even if no one else wanted to read it, I would still do it, because it serves as my journal of our homeschooling experience. I print it out every week and put it in a binder, and once in a while I sit down and read it.


So, don't be discouraged. Blog for YOURSELF, and don't worry if no one is reading it but you!

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I don't blog myself, so I don't understand why people do, other than either to express themselves or share with friends/family.


Although, I do read other people's blogs a lot. I find them interesting and often helpful. Sometimes I get great ideas from them, especially if I google search on something and a blog comes up in which some one actually has an experience with whatever I'm looking for.


If it is helps you in some way, you should continue, regardless of who may or may not read it. If it is becoming a burden, then maybe temporarily set it aside?

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Two comments:


1. Change the text colour on The Accidental Homeschooler...it's REALLY hard to read because it blends in with the background so much. ;)


2. OMGosh is that your cat at the top of Two Cats in the Yard? catlove! :D


I'll bookmark ya ~ I love reading blogs [i have one as well ~ Tails Gone West, link in sig] - just never saw yours before.

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I would really like to read your blog, especially if you blog your way through WEM.


I'd like to blog as well, but I also hesitate to put my thoughts out there. My advice, which echoes other advice already given, is simply to write for yourself and enjoy that process.


BTW I'm sending you a pm about your accidentalhomeschooler blog.

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I have two blogs.





No one reads them. Strangely, however, I feel compelled to write about my life.


I figure if I were writing for people who actually wanted to read what I write, they would. Sometimes when I update my blogs I find myself saying, "That was a real waste of time."


I have recently started the Well-Educated Mind and thought that blogging my way through that would be fun--perhaps set up a new blog or a section of my homeschooling blog for that would be attractive.


I have lots of thoughts and opinions, but frankly, I'm afraid to put it "out there" because I don't trust the political climate right now and fear backlash much later down the road (I used to live in China--it might seem a weird fear, but I have my reasons).


So, Why do We Blog? what can I do to improve or give purpose to it? Or, should I abandon the effort completely? I feel I'm hanging in the balance--I need to either make this a significant pursuit or cut bait.


Thoughts from the hive?


There are many (MANY!) blogs that I read, and I do not post comments to people that I don't "know"......ever.


I look at blogging as something that you (general you) do for yourself (or extended family that live far off) and if someone benefits from your blog then that is great....but not the main purpose of the blog.


Does that help you any?:grouphug:

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I blog more for a personal record/journal of our homeschool (and other) experiences. Family members can check in there, too, and see what we're up to (when I'm good about updating. :D) I get a comment now and then but for the most part people aren't reading it. That's fine because as I said, it's for us. If anyone else reads it and gets inspired, that's great too, but I'm okay with the usual **cricket**cricket**. LOL


Keep writing!

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I blog for a number of reasons:

to keep family updated on what we are doing.

to put my opinoins, values and thoughts "out there" esp to family members who disagree (i.e. regarding specifically homeschooling and politics). It's been much easier to state my opinions via blog than via talking-which always gets bemuddled in trying to "honor" family members while still reamaining true to my self (rather than getting caught up in pleasing them).

to discipline myself regarding writing.

to share our homeschooling journey with friends and familly (since blogging and family reading "Weekly Reports" etc. seeing that we do indeed take homeschooling seriously, the climate towards our lifestyle has improved.)

To have a safe format to share my opinoins regarding such things as alternative lifestyles (homeschooling) and my political opinions.

To have a place to put my poetry- cause it's more fun to share it then just have it sit in a journal.


I've read a bit about blogging and have done a couple of things to try to get readership up. Participating in weekly, or seasonal lists, links, or whatever they're called (memes?) such as Wordless Wednesday, Weekly Reports, 7 Quick Takes and other blog hosted whatever they're called. I've also been linked on my pastor's blog (along with other church members that blog) and that has generated a bunch of regular hits. I have my blog listed on my FB account and that has generated some interst as well. I don't have tons of hits, but a regular small group. The biggest "hit" days have been when I've posted pictures and announced it somewhere on-line, like my dd's graduation pic, pics of the fire, etc.

I've tried to create a place on my blog that is full of resources, and put a vision out there of what a conservative, Christian family that is intellectual, thoughtful and visionary. Which gets around to the most important reason I blog which is to clarify my own vision about what I/we are doing and why.

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I have two blogs.





No one reads them. Strangely, however, I feel compelled to write about my life.


I figure if I were writing for people who actually wanted to read what I write, they would. Sometimes when I update my blogs I find myself saying, "That was a real waste of time."


I have recently started the Well-Educated Mind and thought that blogging my way through that would be fun--perhaps set up a new blog or a section of my homeschooling blog for that would be attractive.


I have lots of thoughts and opinions, but frankly, I'm afraid to put it "out there" because I don't trust the political climate right now and fear backlash much later down the road (I used to live in China--it might seem a weird fear, but I have my reasons).


So, Why do We Blog? what can I do to improve or give purpose to it? Or, should I abandon the effort completely? I feel I'm hanging in the balance--I need to either make this a significant pursuit or cut bait.


Thoughts from the hive?


I blog because it's cheaper than therapy. ;) Just kidding...I do it for my parents to kinda keep up with us.

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If you're doing WEM I'll follow your blog!


My husband has one on politics with his brother. I think about two people read it, and one is me. He just feels like he needs to express his opinions and get a record down.


I've been thinking of a book blog because I love joining the online challenges, but you're supposed to have a blog to participate. But I don't really feel compelled to speak to the world like some people do. If you do, then continue! At the very least you'll have a record for yourself, and you never know who will read it and be influenced by your words.



PS I agree about the background/type colors of the homeschooling blog--I love the color scheme but the two are too close together and it's hard to read.

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There aren't many people who read mine, but I want to do it anyway. It is a fun way to keep a record of what we are doing. I started it because I've always wanted one, and my in-laws live 12 hours away, so I thought it would give them a glimpse into our daily lives. They read it, but don't comment, because I think they don't know how. I have a sister and a couple of friends who read it. I do try and do the weekly reports and sometimes get comments from posting to the weekly update threads.


When we post something that we feel would be very encouraging to others or would be a great resouce, perhaps we should post a thread about it.

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I blog. Check it out; I love knowing that someone actually reads them! http://daniellesthinkwell.blogspot.com


One reason I blog is to keep my writing sharp, not that I always succeed. Sometimes, I go several weeks without blogging at all.


Another reason I blog is to "think out loud". That's why I call it my "Thinkwell". It helps me process my struggles and cope with my aggravation.


Sometimes, I do hesitate to write what I think because I mentally consider people who will disagree with/be offended by my point of view. But, in a way, that is why I need to blog the most. It reveals more of my true self to anyone who wishes to know, something I generally avoid IRL.


I would love to know more about making my blog fancier and also how to get on blogrolls, so I will get more traffic. Just not something I've put time into doing yet.


Do you have sitemeter? That at least lets you know that someone "out there" has read your blog, even if they leave no comments.

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I blog for a few reasons...


1. The extended family all lives far far away and they want to know what is going on with the children.


2. No one in real life wants to hear me say everything I dump on my blog. LOL. It is an outlet for all the words up in my head.


I checked out your blog and put you into my Google Reader. I'll be checking on you. ;-)

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I started the blog to keep my mother updated on what we are doing. I also feel that if I keep up the blog it will keep me from letting school work slide. I am accountable to my blog. So, that is why I do it. Other people reading it and leaving me positive feedback is a bonus.

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I will go check out your blogs in just a moment.


I've been blogging for a long time (since 2003). It's changed a lot in the last because it's really become a business. Many of the pretty successful blogs have marketed themselves very hard.


Back in 2003, there weren't a million homeschool blogs. Now there are, literally! Often I hit on a blog and then never come across it again. I used to feel like we WTM bloggers were a little tightknit community. But now there are so many I can't keep track of everyone.


I think you have to really examine WHY you are blogging. If a consistent following of readers is important to you, then it may end up being a very frustrating exercise. But if you look at it like it is simply for you to keep a record, discipline your writing, etc., then it will be a great experience and every comment will be a gift.


I went through a time of trying to write for readership and I failed miserably because it just wasn't me. I blogged a total of 4 times in 2009 because I kind of lost my purpose. But looking over my blog, particularly before I tried to boost readership, I realize how valuable many of those posts are to me personally. So I've started a new blog and I'm going back to my old whys and hows of blogging daily. If someone comments I will be beyond thrilled but if they don't I'll still blog.


Anyway, lots of words to say I understand, but don't give up if it is important to you! Good luck!

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I'm struggling, too. I originally blogged because we were away from all of our family. Now we're living near my parents, and so it seems .... strange. Even though I mostly blogged about homeschooling, somehow it feels unnecessary now.


But I enjoyed blogging, very much.


Hello?! What about....me? I miss you blogging. You have and excellent way of thinking "out loud" about your homeschool that really has helped me process a lot of what we do.


So not totally unnecessary, but I understand if you don't do it. :001_smile:

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I don't blog, but I do type up a week-in-review in Word every week, complete with pictures. I email it to a few friends and family who want to keep up with what we are doing.


Even if no one else wanted to read it, I would still do it, because it serves as my journal of our homeschooling experience. I print it out every week and put it in a binder, and once in a while I sit down and read it.


So, don't be discouraged. Blog for YOURSELF, and don't worry if no one is reading it but you!


I love this idea!

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I have a (very) small number of regular blog readers, and I appreciate their interest and comments to no end, but my blog is really just a way to keep myself busy and to amuse the kids. (And my husband!) I recently used Blurb to create books out of two years of blog posts. They'll never make the bestsellers list, but they've been very popular around here. ;)


A WEM blog is actually just the sort of thing I've been looking for. I've been searching for blogs about homeschooling high schoolers and haven't been able to find many of interest, but a self-education blog would fit the bill nicely!


Sometimes when I update my blogs I find myself saying, "That was a real waste of time."


I feel that way about every post I've ever written - but that's what makes it fun for me. :D

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Two comments:


1. Change the text colour on The Accidental Homeschooler...it's REALLY hard to read because it blends in with the background so much. ;)


2. OMGosh is that your cat at the top of Two Cats in the Yard? catlove! :D




:001_smile: I was wondering about the text color...on my computer it's fine, but I just changed it again. Hope that improves it. Thanks for the heads up.


Yes, the kitty is mine. She is a hilarious, unusual cat--my Winnie.

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I do not have a blog...simply because I can't see that many people would be that interested in what I'd have to say. But it's interesting...I *love* to read blogs, even of people I don't know. :001_smile:


What does interest me, however, is the ability to print out the blog into a book as a record of the year. I think that is cool.

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I blog to sharpen my focus on my creative life. Although I get disappointed that my blog isn't a raging hit like Ree's or a few others I know, I learned to value what I do get out of blogging. My focus is sharpened. I'm reminded again and again and again the direction I want my life to take...and the wealth of knowledge I already have. (but often forget to write about.... :glare: ) I love that I have several faithful readers who seem to geninuely enjoy what I do. I'm grateful for their encouragement.


Blogging benefits me first of all. It's a place I can come to explore a part of myself that might get buried under the laundry of daily life.

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Melanie, that's why I started to blog about 4 years ago. I couldn't find any homeschool high schooler blogs so I started mine. I'm not a faithful blogger and often do just do it just to rid my brain of all those words and stories floating around in there. The topic I just started is our application to college process. Maybe you'll find something of interest / help to you.


I also started to blog as a letter to a friend --- me. I never told my extended family about my blog since they are all so anti-homeschooling. Better for me not to have toxic folks in my life or reading my blog. Even now going back to read some of my early posts has helped me to remember some of the fun things we have done as homeschoolers. It is my journal of our journey.



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I have a blog. It's not about homeschooling, but just life. Very few people comment, but I've decided that I don't blog for others, but for my own enjoyment. It's helped me not get depressed when I don't get comments. However, lack of comments does not indicate lack of readership. I've had several friends say they like my blog and I'm like, "I had no idea you've read it!"



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I blog for my children. It's a journal for them. I don't get a lot of comments or readers either but I love journaling about our days. I also like to read older post, I realize how much school we actually do.

Like with my ds I thought we didn't do too much grammar in his early years but as I was reading my blog I realized we used SL & FLL for a time.


I also plan to have it printed for my children.


Another reason is to keep my family and friends in Ca updated (but I don't think they read it either ;) )

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I blog as an outlet. I think it's fun. I don't blog for readers. I've mostly stopped posting on my public blogs and am now "journaling" in my private blog. It's not that the content is of a private nature, I'm just trying to find my groove in life and reading what I've written gives me perspective (and quite often a well-deserved kick in the pants). :D

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Two comments:


1. Change the text colour on The Accidental Homeschooler...it's REALLY hard to read because it blends in with the background so much. ;)


2. OMGosh is that your cat at the top of Two Cats in the Yard? catlove! :D


:001_smile: I was wondering about the text color...on my computer it's fine, but I just changed it again. Hope that improves it. Thanks for the heads up.


Yes, the kitty is mine. She is a hilarious, unusual cat--my Winnie.


It's better now :)


She's AWESOME ~ love the colours & the pose :lol:

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Thanks to everyone who responded. :001_smile: Your input has really given me some food for thought, and I have some goals to consider now:


1 - I will blog through the Well-Educated Mind. If I can attract a few followers, perhaps I will push through more deliberately. Accountability is always good.


2 - I will do this for myself. I write because I exist. I always have. I guess I'm just working out the new medium. I'm going to give thought to branching out a bit in a more artistic way, perhaps by showcasing photographs and poetry a bit.


any further comments are more than welcome, and i'm going to go back through and link to your blogs so that we can check in on each other! ;) thanks!

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Well, I've been surprised. Just today I got an email from a friend I haven't talked to or emailed in a while--she said she reads my blog from time to time & found an article she thought I'd like. We've now had a nice, deep conversation about faith & culture.


I've gotten one or two other emails like that, & they always surprise me, because I always think no one's reading.


As far as why do it? I hate blogging. I don't know why, but I hate journaling, too. There's the pressure, the blank screen, etc. But I've read that one of the steps in a writing career is developing a web presence, so I've been trying to be more deliberate about it. I don't enjoy writing about the mundaneness of my personal life, though, so I write about the things that I think about as I lay awake at night, as I drive from errand to errand, etc.


And when I do it that way, it's not as bad of a chore for me. I mean...it's nice to be able to write about whatever I feel like writing about. But then I see a cute crafting blog or a really great hs'ing blog, & I think--why can't I be like *that*? :lol:

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I like to blog because it gives me a creative outlet. It also helps me keep track of our progress of turning our land into a small hobby farm. It does help keep in touch with family as well.


I like to write mostly from a humorous perspective but sometimes I vent or talk about things that are heavy on my heart. Even if no one else reads my silliness, it helps me work through things and see how far we've come.

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I blog mostly as a creative outlet. Madeline L'Engle wrote some things in her Circle of Quiet related...she wrote that she writes because she has something that has to be said, by her...and that for the same reasons that a painter paints and doesn't stop with merely putting his paintings away in the attic, but puts the paintings in an exhibit- that the painter wants to share.


I blog, therefore I am...I figure.


of course I had to blog about all this, lol.


I also like to let some family and friends see what our homeschool life is like, they don't ask much for some reason, but at my blog they can see more of what our life is like.


I also like to share helpful information with other homeschool moms or others maybe thinking of homeschooling, so I see parts of what I do as a public service.


I blog too, because writing makes me happy, and I someday hope to write a book or books, so I figure that blogging is a way to use my writing muscles.


I do get weirdly happy when people visit me, and specially when they actually leave a comment. I have a sitemeter, so I can see the very odd pattern of having say 60 visits, but only 1 comment. That makes me sad.:001_huh:


I've gotten more visits (which I like to think of more as friends) from joining memes such as wordless wednesday and Simple woman's daybook.


I'll come by and visit!:D

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For me, it allows the creative juices to flow. It is kinda weird, but I can express my feelings via a blog much better than in person and, though noone may read them, I feel better having released them.


I have several. I keep one for the family things, one I used for a devotional but now do that on paper, and one I use for various ponderings about whatever.


I just love to write. That's about it. And, I love to piddle around in cyberspace as much as possible.

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With my blog, I mostly try to blog about homeschooling and what works and what doesn't work and all my ideas. I do the weekly check-ins every week, don't post as many pictures as I should, review curriculum that we use/d and tell it like it is. I talk about the good time and the hard times.


Sometimes, I write posts about organization and time managment. For a while I did grocery deals.


Over the last 6 months my focus has been:


Monday morning and how our week starts

Weekly check-in (a review of what accomplished)

What's in the Box? (what we have planned for next week)


I blog because I have to write and with children and our schedule, I just can't get enough quiet solitude to work on my novel ideas. So I blog.:001_smile:

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There are many (MANY!) blogs that I read, and I do not post comments to people that I don't "know"......ever.


I look at blogging as something that you (general you) do for yourself (or extended family that live far off) and if someone benefits from your blog then that is great....but not the main purpose of the blog.


Does that help you any?:grouphug:


Pretty much why I started to blog. For friends and family to be better able to follow what is happening in our lives.

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I'm like many of the others here... I do it for a creative outlet, to let family and friends know what we are up to, etc. In a way, my blog has taken the place of the family picture album. It's alive, ever changing and growing. I also love reading other blogs from all sorts of areas (education, art, politics... life!)

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I started the blog to keep my mother updated on what we are doing. I also feel that if I keep up the blog it will keep me from letting school work slide. I am accountable to my blog. So, that is why I do it. Other people reading it and leaving me positive feedback is a bonus.


I intend to start blogging for the same reasons, next year when I start Tot School with dd. I don't want comments though. ! I figure the few people who will read my blog know my contact details, so if they want to comment (and my relatives are prone to negative comments) then they will have to put in the effort to go the long way about it. ;)


But then I see a cute crafting blog or a really great hs'ing blog, & I think--why can't I be like *that*? :lol:

I think some of us are destined not to achieve that kind of tidiness in our lives. You are one, I am another. I'd like to aim for a small sense of superiority, actually. To have a really cute and tidy blog, surely I'd have to be a one dimensional person instead of the multidimensional charmer that I am. Ah. Probably those cute, tidy blog people are multidimensional charmers too, but I choose not to dwell on that idea ;)


1 - I will blog through the Well-Educated Mind. If I can attract a few followers, perhaps I will push through more deliberately. Accountability is always good.



I'm intending to start the WEM next year too and while I'd rather write on paper than blog it, I haven't a reading buddy and reading your blog might well help fill that gap. So I will be very interested to read it!




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I have blogged for a very long time and just recently moved my blog mostly for a fresh start. I blog for several reasons. Mostly, for me, it is a way for me to gather my thoughts about the things I am interested in and it helps me focus on the positives in my life.


I like the connection I have made with people through my blog. I have many online friends who I connect with this way, and I also have been able to connect with people I know in real life through my blog (like friends from church or from years past). They will comment about things I have written about and it has helped me to get to know them better.


There are a lot of people who will tell you what to do to build readership. I think it is important to acknowledge people who comment on your blog. Go look at their blog and comment....unless you don't want them to come back. When I put a blog in a google reader there is usually something about that blog that I connect with....reading, gardening, the art of womanhood, or maybe someone who lives in the same state I do, things like that. But if that person doesn't act interested in my visit (and I do try to comment) then it has to be a really good blog to keep me coming back.


Just my thoughts. I am going to go take a look at the blogs listed.....

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I began blogging three years ago as a way to connect with family, talk about homeschooling and improve my writing. Since then it has bloomed in to all about homeschool, writing, reading, and life in general.


I have a couple things to add to what txbloobonnet said.

If you want followers and people to read your blog, you have to visit other blogs and comment on their blogs. Show interest. I've noticed a big difference between the homeschool bloggers and the book bloggers. The book bloggers love to comment on each other's blogs. Whether you know them or not. Folks are welcome with open arms no matter what. Where as with the homeschool community, like I did in the beginning, many lurk and read but never comment. I have a site meter so I know how many folks check out my blog and the 52 books blog. I really don't know what the difference is and why folks don't feel comfortable commenting.


There are several different meme's to get involved with that will expand your readership and you'll ever find more folks who are into reading the classics and discussing it. I have a couple linked on the 52 books site such as Teaser Tuesday and Wonderful Wednesday. Saturday salon is a great site for posting links to your reviews. Pick one and see how it works for you.


I'll be posting about mini challenge within the 52 books challenge for reading classics - 12 classics in 12 months when the new year starts. I'll be starting off with Aristotle and highlighting some classic books and authors over a period of time.


Good luck with your reading!

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I'll say it again: y'all have been such an encouragement today. :D I have subscribed to many of your blogs given them all a quick read, but I will go through them more thoroughly this week, as I sort through all of this. I'll be following them on my Google homepage. I may need reader--don't know how to use it just yet.


I especially appreciate the comments that people left on the blogs. They helped me a lot.


Happy Blogging everyone!

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I blog to keep friends and family updated. Most of the time much of the family never reads it which annoys me to be frank. However... their loss!

Occasionally someone completely random tells me they follow my blog. Or asks me why I haven't updated for a while.

I have a feedjit traffic thingamie which tells me where people visit from. It also shows me that there are many more visitors than commentors. It cheers me no end to see folks visit but I do wish they would comment! I wonder if I need to make my comment thing better/easier. Hmmmm

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I don't necessarily expect a conversation, although it is nice when I get one unexpectedly.


I blog because it gives me a place to collect links and thoughts.

Because putting somehting in writing helps me to process it.

Because I like to go back sometimes and see what was important to me a few months or years ago.

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