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So what are you cooking for tomorrow, and which of it are you doing today?

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I'm making:

Turkey* (Done)

stuffing* (argh...not done!)


mashed potatoes

rolls (store bought)

garlic bread* (done)

green bean casserole (done)

cranberry sauce* (done)

corn-seasoning & putting in pan to warm tomorrow* (done)

pickle/olive platter* (done)


The ones with the asterisk I'm making today.

How about you?

Edited by Julie in CA
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It's only my immediate family (me, dh, and 3 kidlets).


Today I made:

Not-Ritz Cracker stuffing (made with similar, but healthier version, of ritz crackers)

Pumpkin pie

cranberry relish

Honey Corn bread muffins

Cocoa krispie treats (big deal for kidlets who NEVER get these, heh).




Garlic mashed potatoes

Uncreamed spinach (not dairy)

Roasted carrots/sweet potato (roasting with the turkey)


Happy Thanksgiving!

Edited by gsanmb
forgot about the muffins
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Sausage dressing

Non-sausage dressing (into the crock to cook tomorrow morning)

Mashed potatoes (into another crock to warm tomorrow)

Smoked salmon

cheese/crackers, dips, cut veggies for appetizer trays

roast veggies and make tomato mixture for Navajo Stew (with sweet potatoes and beans and such)






Green Beans

Assemble and bake the Navajo Stew


Already done:




I think that's everything...

Edited by LauraGB
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It's a carb fest!!!! :tongue_smilie:



I just got done with:


sweet potato casserole

cornbread dressing (I use Paula Dean's recipe)

green beans with bacon and onion


Tomorrow I will add:

some appetizers for pre-dinner




cranberry sauce

Gooey Pumpkin Cake


YUMMMMMMM!!! Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!!!:D

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Just us four.





Cornbread stuffing


Mashed potatoes (not much but hubby has to have them)

Broccoli, steamed

Butternut Squash/Apple Bake


Homemade cranberry sauce

Pumpkin Pie (just from Costco)


I'm chopping celery and onion today. Peeling & slicing the butternut squash (a major chore). Preparing the rolls and making the cranberry sauce today.


Everything else will be done tomorrow. I just start cooking when we wake up and when it's all ready, we eat. Pretty easy. I'll have a TON of leftovers.

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I have made today:

cranberry/orange sauce

pumpkin pie

chocolate cake

sauteed veggies for dressing, and cubed/dried bread

three layer Jello



assemble dressing and pop into oven

smoked trout, brie, hummus (all thanks to Trader Joe's) and crackers

mashed taters

pear crisp (Cooking Light mag. has a great recipe this month, with crushed almond cookies)

steamed broccoli

white rice


heat up Trader Joe's rolls, TJ's gravy, too (hubby smoke grills turkey outside)


relatives bring the no-milk or egg pumpkin "pie", salad, some odd veggie in probable cream sauce :ack2: olives (I forgot to get them).


Plus champagne , wine, soda pop


And a plate of fennel. These people can't have a feast without fennel :glare:


Now that I have read the other posts, I think I will do a LauraGB and crockpot the dressing! Free the oven up for the rolls and whatever the relatives bring to "Pop this into the oven" or 'fridge - do they really expect there to be room for anything????

Edited by JFSinIL
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Turkey w/ gravy

Pioneer Woman's stuffing - cubed to dry out overnight

Pioneer Woman's mashed potatoes

whole Green Beans w/ toasted almonds

Pioneer Woman's acorn squash

homemade loaves whole wheat bread - made today

Sour cream apple pie - made today

Pumpkin pie - made today


I made chicken divan (no cr. soups this time!) with brown rice for tonight.

I'm already tuckered out, but tomorrow will go smoothly.

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Well, I go to my inlaws Thursday (I'm taking green bean casserole) and my parents Friday (I go early and just help mom cook any and everything)


So Today is my day to cook a Thanksgiving dinner just so we get lots of 'leftovers' (if that makes sense!? There's not many leftovers at my inlaws or parents bc there are so many people there to split them with). I love to cook Thanksgiving dinner! Here's what I'm doing today just for us:





Mashed Potatoes


Cranberry sauce



This is alot less than normal bc we've been pretty sick for almost 3 weeks and so I've been really busy the last couple days getting our house back in order. :001_smile:

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I'm making a triple batch of homemade rolls. I'll start the roll dough here in a bit and it will rise in the fridge overnight. I'll be up baking early in the morning.


Also making hot spiced fruit. Fast and easy.


That's it. On Friday I'll do a turkey breast and mashed potatoes so we have some leftovers.

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Yesterday I made the corn chowder and the cranberry sauce.

Today I made the turkey, gravy, stuffing, and prepped the veggies for the roasted veggies. Turkey stock is now simmering on the stove.

Tomorrow I will roast the veggies and make pumpkin dinner rolls.

Other family members are bringing:

Green bean dish

sweet and sour meatballs

broccoli souffle



I am contemplating making a lasagna tonight. I fear there is not enough food. Even though I know there is I can't stop myself from making more. I am a product of my upbringing. Make enough for 10 armies and at the last minute panic and make enough for 10 more.

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Done so far--


Sweet Potato Praline Casserole.

Pecan pie

Cornbread Sage Dressing

Cranberry Sauce


Left for today


Choc Chip Cookies for the kids

Cinnamon rolls (dough only)

dinner Rolls (dough only)



cook cinn rolls for breakfast


Cook rolls

roast Turkey

giblet gravy


SIL and MIL bring everything else

fried corn and devil eggs SIL

squash cass, green beans, old fashion mac n chees MIL


all other guest are driving long distance or will be here tonight, so they just bring themselves:D


Oh! and tonights supper Little Ceasar pizza for all

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My mother and sfather are bringing the turkey, stuffing, gravy. lol I lucked out there. My brother got a free turkey from work, and that his contribution although she is cooking it. She wants to make it at her place. She also made a pumpkin pie. My brother also makes a really good cheesecake.


My younger sister are her family are bringing chocolate cake, wine, and her dh is making another kind of stuffing that is his signature and we love.


My older sister and her family (coming from anther state) are bringing artichoke dip and wine, and already gave me two Klonopin. ;) (j/k!!)


My aunt and father are contributing a green bean casserole, turnip and carrot mash, bread pudding, wine, a blueberry pie, a pumpkin pie and a peacan pen. In fact, they just dropped everything off. lol


I am making butternut squash soup, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green beans with almonds, cranberry sauce, salad, pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting. I have appetizers, cheese & crackers, little spinach pies and I think that's all.


I am trying not to start drinking the wine my dad dropped off. lol My house is clean and I am waiting for the last of the slipcovers to come out of the dryer. The kids were vaccccuuuumming and dusting elves this morning. :)


But yes, I host my divorced parents and my mother's current dh...fun. They are pretty mature and most of the commentary and eye rolls are far, far in the past. That's why everyone brings wine. lol family. We alwasy have fun and my aunt beats everyone at Boggle.

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Monday I made the cranberry-orange sauce.


Yesterday I made gingerbread scones for Thanksgiving breakfast and defrosted the kale I made a couple of weeks ago.


Today I did the bulk of the work:

I roasted and peeled chestnuts, diced veggies, and sauteed them so they are ready to mix into bread cubes for stuffing tomorrow.

Made the brussels sprouts

Made the sweet potatoes

Baked pumpkin, apple, and coconut custard pies (and ended up with enough dough left for another pie on the weekend!)


Tomorrow I have to:

Roast the turkey and make gravy

Mix the stuffing ingredients together and bake

Make mashed potatoes.

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It's just us and dh's parents tomorrow. His mom is bringing green bean casserole and cranberry relish. I have it relatively easy!




Pumpkin pie is baking

Chopped up veggies for appetizer plate




Make stuffing

Roast turkey

Make mashed potatoes and gravy


Happy Thanksgiving!

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I only have to bake crescent rolls (my specialty) and make a beet salad, recipe provided by my baby sister, who has taken the TG thing by the horns and handed out an assignment. It has toasted pecans and goat cheese, and itis entirely nontraditional for our family. Whatever. I don't have to cook. I don't have to cook. I am not in charge of much AND I don't have to clean. Tra la la la la.

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Well, I go to my inlaws Thursday


So Today is my day to cook a Thanksgiving dinner just so we get lots of 'leftovers' (if that makes sense!? There's not many leftovers at my inlaws or parents bc there are so many people there to split them with). I love to cook Thanksgiving dinner! :001_smile:


Back when we had to go to my in-laws for Thanksgiving I'd make a second full meal for us on Friday...just to have all the leftovers!

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Sweet Potato Casserole

Stir together green bean casserole, leave topping off

Cherry Pie

Pumpkin Pie







Mashed Potatoes

Gravy (NOT homemade)

Rolls (NOT homemade)



I might think we overdo... but, with 8 kids, most of them teens... nope, we'll eat it up!

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Okay, so I REALLY love Thanksgiving. One of my sweet friends was specifically praying that Katya and I would be home from Ukraine in time for Thanksgiving. Most of the time I invite any and all college students, singles, young marrieds, and anyone else who is too far from family to travel. But this year, I did say "Just us." However, we are fixing a whole meal. For Thanksgiving I use old-fashioned recipes, don't hold back on the white sugar/flour, and enjoy the day. The kids love to help and we've had a fun day of cooking today. So, here's the menu:



Cranberry Bread (recipe from Cranberry Thanksgiving) - Adelyn has made it and it's cooling

Ham and Cheese Croissant Casserole - Done and in the fridge. Just need to cook it in the morning

Fruit Salad - We'll fix this fresh in the morning

Cheesy Grits - Grace made and it's in the fridge to cook in the morning



Brie with Cranberry Chutney - Adelyn made the chutney. Just need to spread it on the brie and heat it up

Apple Cider - ready to go


Thanksgiving Dinner

Turkey - brining

Stuffing - done - will stuff turkey and put some in a separate pan also

Green Beans - bacon is cooked and onions sauteed in the bacon grease. (I ONLY cook them this way on T-giving!) Tomorrow it will all simmer together for ~ 45 mins.

Rolls - Still need to make the dough and get it in the fridge to rise overnight

Sweet Potato Casserole - made by Grace

Mashed Potatoes - almost done and ready to go in the fridge

Orange Cranberry Sauce - made by Grace



Pumpkin Pie - Made by Sara Maria

Lemon Chess Pie - Made by Grace


So, basically everything is done with some putting together and putting in the oven for tomorrow. Josiah just made nachos for dinner to go with all the leftovers from all the wonderful people who have made us meals over the past week. :) :) :)

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I'm making Thanksgiving pretty easy this year. It's just us.


Pumpkin pie for the family*

Apple pie for me*


Turkey breast

Dairy-free mashed potatoes

Stove Top stuffing

Canned corn

Steamed green beans

Homemade rolls

Fruit Salad


The breast is because I didn't feel like messing with a large turkey and the leftover carcass and meat. Normally, I make an awesome, labor-intensive stuffing but decided to keep it simple this year. The fruit salad is a surprise for DD who loves it...just canned mixed fruit and cool whip. I opted to forgo everything else for various reasons.

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Yesterday we made:

Spinach dip

Cranberry relish


Today we made/ will make:


Cranberry chutney

Creamed onions

Pumpkin soup (we'll add the cream tomorrow when we heat it)


Tomorrow we'll make:



Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Rutabaga

Green beans with garlic and almonds

Crescent rolls

Baked sweet potatoes and apples

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I only have to bake crescent rolls (my specialty) and make a beet salad, recipe provided by my baby sister, who has taken the TG thing by the horns and handed out an assignment. It has toasted pecans and goat cheese, and itis entirely nontraditional for our family. Whatever. I don't have to cook. I don't have to cook. I am not in charge of much AND I don't have to clean. Tra la la la la.


Hate you.

Just kidding.


This is the first year that I put my foot down and said no to going to evil in-laws.


I am doing the whole Thanksgiving feast by myself. Yay.


I want your beet salad recipe

I want your baked cresent rolls recipe.


I am baking tonight


Sweet Potatoe with Praline topping

Macaroni and Cheese

Green Bean Casserole

preparing the turkey to go in oven in the morning

Pumkin Pie

Pecan Pie




Watergate Salad

Fresh Asparagus baked

King Wilifred's Honey Cakes

Homemade rolls (maybe)


Lots of crafts in the morning and the Thanksgiving story out of the book

"Stories of the Pilgrims" by Margaret B. Pumphrey.


we will do pine cone turkeys, indian headbands, pine cone ornaments and then after dinner

The Christmas Carol at the movie theatre


Thanksgiving my way for the first time in 22 years. That is a big YAY!!

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(everything prepared, willl be baked tomorrow)

cranberry sauce

sweet potato puff (bake tomorrow and add topping)

broccoli "pudding" (casserole)

corn bake (casserole)

chopped everything for stuffing






mashed potato

green bean casserole

apple crisp (bought pumpkin and pecan pies this year)


I think I gained five pounds looking over our menu. :glare:

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made salad dressing, carmelized almonds, onion/celery/mushroom prep, apple pie filling



made/baked pumpkin pie

put together sage dressing, broccoli casserole, sweet potatoes



bake apple pie, sweet potatoes in crockpot, roast turkey, cook all casseroles, put together salad, make gravy, bake dinner rolls (courtesy of Sister Schubert :)), scoop cranberry sauce out of can (but it's "whole berry" so, you know, that makes it fancy :D ), anything else last minute that I completely forgot about.


The rest of the family will be cleaning house, making Turkey Cookies, helping me in the kitchen, and keeping the baby happy.


I just remembered that the silver needs to be checked / polished. Rats.

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This year I am doing a traditional meal for 16 people.


Tomorrow I'll be making :


Turkey, Cornbread dressing, gravy ( Turkey from TJ's)

Dinner Rolls ( Sister Schubert's)

Green beans and Mushroom casserole

Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Sweet Potato Casserole

Apple Orchard Punch, Coffee, Tea


Guests are bringing :

Cranberry Relish

Pumpkin, Apple, and Pecan Pies

Fruit Salad


Today, I cleaned out the turkey and put it in the fridge, set the table, put out all the serving dishes, and did grocery shopping. Kids and dh. cleaned the guest bedroom, all the bathroom and did yard work in preparation.

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Sausage dressing

Non-sausage dressing (into the crock to cook tomorrow morning)

Mashed potatoes (into another crock to warm tomorrow)

Smoked salmon

cheese/crackers, dips, cut veggies for appetizer trays

roast veggies and make tomato mixture for Navajo Stew (with sweet potatoes and beans and such)






Green Beans

Assemble and bake the Navajo Stew


Already done:




I think that's everything...


Navajo stew sounds yummy! Would you mind sharing your recipe? :D


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