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The new leggings/skinny jean trend-anyone joining in?

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My mom just got back from NYC and said EVERYONE is wearing them there. We're just starting to see them on the teens here (upstate NY). I broke down and bought a pair of black leggings and dark skinny jeans today, and some cute black ballet flats. I plan to wear both with long sweater dresses, kind of like the two looks on the left here, but with cute flats rather than boots:



(My sweaters are a tiny bit longer though.)


I must admit I am a little nervous about being ahead of the trend for my age group and just ending up looking like a 40-yr old trying to look like a teen! I'm about a size 8, so the fit is decent, but I don't want to look like I'm trying to look too "young." I did see leggings and sweater dresses in the women's department at Penney's, so I'm thinking it must be going mainstream, and maybe we'll start to see people my age getting them for Christmas and wearing them?!


So has this trend hit your area yet? Are you wearing them?

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I love my skinny jeans! I wear them all the time. I got them a year ago.

The same day I also got leggings which I wear with sweater dresses :) Love those two on the left!!

I have knee high heeled boots too which I LOVE!!

I'm 6 months off 40 too and about US size 2. I don't feel dressed like a teen.

Pity it's summer here LOL.

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:clears throat:


Yes. The trend has hit our area. But since I wore them the first time around, I hardly think it necessary to go there again.


But you whippersnappers, you go right ahead. Please. Be my guest/s.


Yes - that is my opinion too. I remember those things. Now when polyester leisure suits come in again - :party:

I guess skinny is nice change from the bell bottoms that have been big recently. I like boot cut because I wear winter boots, but bell bottoms :001_huh:

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Guest Dulcimeramy
:clears throat:


Yes. The trend has hit our area. But since I wore them the first time around, I hardly think it necessary to go there again.


But you whippersnappers, you go right ahead. Please. Be my guest/s.


LOL! I've always heard that, too. I am sitting out for the same reason. Also because my legs are not as good as they were in the 80's!


Won't be wearing the stirrup pants, either. :001_huh:


As an aside, are any other old moms troubled by the FLAT HAIR that people are sporting with these clothes??? If you are going to wear chunky plastic jewelry, sweater dresses, and leggings, please invest in some hair spray and possibly a spiral perm.


Not because it is the style, but because you are very distracting to those of us who used to know how to finish the look. The hair is half of it.

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As an aside, are any other old moms troubled by the FLAT HAIR that people are sporting with these clothes??? If you are going to wear chunky plastic jewelry, sweater dresses, and leggings, please invest in some hair spray and possibly a spiral perm.


Not because it is the style, but because you are very distracting to those of us who used to know how to finish the look. The hair is half of it.


I could just kiss you for that. I work on a college campus, and every time I walk down the hall between classes I want to take a few girls aside and fill them in on their need for product.


As another aside, what is up with tights worn over shorts!?!? Like, fishnet stockings with cut offs on top?! That's just odd. I don't remember that from the 80s or any other period. Fashion emergency!

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LOL Nooooo stirrup pants here!!

I remember wearing skinny jeans the first time around in the early 80's and I loved them back then too.

But I will never ever wear stirrup pants or zips. Eurggghhhh.


I've noticed decidedly 80s t-shirts making an appearance too. I do think that each time something is used it has a new twist (hence flat hair and no chunky jewellery) but thank goodness for that or I'd feel like I was in a time warp.


Although I have to say I did love the body suits of the late 80s and 90s. They produce a great line. Interesting to dome up when you have had a few wines though :rofl: Still I drink much less nowadays so I'd be fine getting more of them. I've hunted to no avail :(

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LOL! Nope I can't wear anything with the word skinny in it anymore. I did wear those the first time around though, but I was like 6 and my mom worked in a boutique that insisted all the employee kids wear the latest fashions in the annual fashion show. We got to keep some crazy outfits lol.

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I like the sweater dresses with leggings and tall boots like in pics 1 & 2, however, they aren't terribly flattering for my pregnant body. By the way, I suddenly started looking pregnant about 2 days ago.


Skinny jeans? No never. I like my low rise boot cut jeans.


I definitely do not want to revisit the long shirt with leggings or stirrup pants look again. I swear I only wore them the first time around to "fit in". At my age, I don't care about "fitting in" anymore. I have my only style and I'm happy with it.

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I say, "Yay!" I very much miss wearing leggings and long sweaters. My skinny legs have always been my best feature, and my thrice-post-pregnant belly loves elastic leggings, and big sweaters. I think the new look, sporting sleek boots in place of slouchy socks, looks great. And, I don't think it looks too young. It's so much more sensible in winter to wear leggings or tights than the last few years of shorty dresses and bare legs.


I still have about a dozen pair of leggings that I've been saving, hoping they would come back in style someday. :) Maybe it's time to pull them out. I just need a sweater dress or two.

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I could just kiss you for that. I work on a college campus, and every time I walk down the hall between classes I want to take a few girls aside and fill them in on their need for product.


As another aside, what is up with tights worn over shorts!?!? Like, fishnet stockings with cut offs on top?! That's just odd. I don't remember that from the 80s or any other period. Fashion emergency!

The fishnets and shorts reminds me of Cyndi Lauper. She always used to wear the mini skirt and fishnets or the layered skirts and fishnets.

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Guest Dulcimeramy
The fishnets and shorts reminds me of Cyndi Lauper. She always used to wear the mini skirt and fishnets or the layered skirts and fishnets.



Thank you!!! Off to google a photo.....I loved her hair and the layered short skirts. Not that my mother ever let me attempt the look, even sort of.

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I like the look of tights or skinny pants, a long shirt or sweater belted over them, and tall boots. Reminds me of a sort of medieval look, you know, tunic belted over leggings.


But unfortunately, I am no longer the proud possessor of the size 4 body I wore back in the 80's, when I was young and carefree. My current, middle-aged body would not look so good in such tight jeans....... :tongue_smilie:


Michelle T

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Guest Dulcimeramy

OK, I just had a quick look around google images.


I don't think Cyndi Lauper did the cutoffs/shredded tights thing. She actually looks very feminine in her punkishness!


It seems to me that I can remember Madonna wearing ripped tights and shorts. Off to google again.


Evidently I need some escape from reality tonight! LOL

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OK, I just had a quick look around google images.


I don't think Cyndi Lauper did the cutoffs/shredded tights thing. She actually looks very feminine in her punkishness!


It seems to me that I can remember Madonna wearing ripped tights and shorts. Off to google again.


Evidently I need some escape from reality tonight! LOL


Cyndi Lauper was feminine in hers. How about Madonna?


What kind of shoes are these girls wearing with their fishnets and shorts? Its not the same knee-hi boots that they are wearing with the skinny pants is it?

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I have skinny jeans and wear them with tunic-type tops or longer sweaters and either flats or boots. I also wear leggings or tights under my dresses, with boots. But I probably wouldn't be brave enough to just wear a long sweater with leggings under it. :D


I was in Beverly Hills last weekend and there were women walking around wearing tight leggings (some looked as thin as a pair of tights) with waist-length t-shirts. Can't say I am a fan. :lol:

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I've might try the leggings with a longer sweater or sweater dress. I won't do skinny jeans as they don't work with my body, but I do love the longer fitted sweater. I have short legs and would like to avoid the look of the baggy sweater with leggings that I enjoyed in the 90s.


Love the website, Btw, thanks.

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I still have skinny jeans from the first time around. Maybe not quite so skinny around the ankles but definitely tight from waist down with tapered legs. My children used to call the my mom jeans. I am very good to my clothes so I can easily seeing them withstanding this wave as well.


My children are much more practical about their jeans. They have ones for every occassion. Skinny jeans, regular jeans, flare jeans and boot cut jeans plus several different types of leggings. They also have either khakis or cords. They are much more fashion concious that I ever was.


I am tickled to see boots back in style so much. I love boots. Absolutely love them. IMO, boots go with darn near everything or even nothing at all. There only problem is that there are so many wonderful boots but they cost so much money.


I have been watching the shirt styles as well and with five dds with totally different taste, I can honestly say that I am not seeing a whole lot of 80's repeat in this department. The only item I see making a big reappearance is the polo. None of my children are terribly fond of the polo so we are seeing a lot here.


My hairdresser said that people are finally starting to get more perms again so maybe I can finally get a nice tight spiral perm like I used to do. I haven't been able to get a decent on in at least 10 years.

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Dd12 thinks skinny jeans are "awesome" and while I've allowed her to buy a few pairs, the rule is that she has to wear LONG tops with them, to keep a fairly modest look. She agrees, but every few days she tries to get away with a shorter top and we have a little drama-queen moment. ;)


You'll never catch me in them. I don't like them, and I don't wear jeans anyway. I wear mostly skirts, all fairly long. I do, however, like the leggings that are turning up in stores because winters here are VERY cold and leggings are perfect under my skirts --- and they look better than long johns when they peek out now and then. :lol: (ditto on the leg warmers)


Sooooo much of the eighties fashion is back. I had to laugh the other day when dd12 got all excited over some brightly coloured high tops on a table at the mall... they looked just like the ones that I wore in grade seven! :tongue_smilie:

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I did this the first time around. I don't need to repeat the experience. My dd, however, looks adorable.


One PSA, for everyone:

Always make sure to wear an appropriate length shirt with your leggings.

Never, never, never, (can not stress this enough) never wear stirrup pants with loafers.

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and oh please, please let's not do the flipped up bangs again.......


oh god oh god oh god


And not the sturrup pants. Not those. No no no


I like jeans with my black books, and I am going to buy myself a new pair of boots soon.


I am more Title 9 -ish. So I don't know that I would do the skinny skinny jeans.


I do like skirts with tights and boots.


I hope that will be enough...

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Unless you are uber skinny (like my size 0 daughter) and under 18 I'm not a big fan of skinny jeans.


I keep making my daughter try them on because she looks amazing, but she won't have anything to do with them.


When I read everyone's posts all I can think about is my mothers 60 year old cousin who buys juniors sizes that she is bursting out of (short skirts, tiny shirts, etc). Yuck!

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This thread is killing me :lol: I have to ask, though, what are the flipped up bangs??? I did live through this in the 80s, and I'm not remembering that particular fashion phenomenon.


I'm still waiting for the multipurpose clothing to come back. Do you remember the stretchy cotton bits? The tube skirt could be a tube top could be a belt could be a headband could be a cowl? I remember an entire store in the mall that sold that kind of fashion, and I would always wander in there, muse for a few minutes, and then wander straight back out, because I could never figure out what anything was supposed to be!


And yeah, this size 16 bod will be sticking with my nicely constructed, dark denim trouser jeans, thanks!

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As an aside, are any other old moms troubled by the FLAT HAIR that people are sporting with these clothes??? If you are going to wear chunky plastic jewelry, sweater dresses, and leggings, please invest in some hair spray and possibly a spiral perm.




Add me to the been there done that! I wouldn't mind dressing that way again, but I would really need to drop this extra 20lbs I'm caring first. I'm not fat, but I have too much in the hip and tummy area for this look.

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The pair of jeans I brought with me on a trip a couple months ago ripped at the knee while I was there. I decided to pick up a new pair in tax-free NH rather than paying 10% CA tax.


I ended up getting a pair of skinny jeans, not because I love the style but because buying a pair of girls size 14+ was literally 1/3 the cost of a misses size 6. They were exactly the same size (I laid one on top of the other to make sure) only differently labeled.


My DH laughed that they're back in fashion but the price was right :D

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I'm still waiting for the multipurpose clothing to come back. Do you remember the stretchy cotton bits? The tube skirt could be a tube top could be a belt could be a headband could be a cowl? I remember an entire store in the mall that sold that kind of fashion, and I would always wander in there, muse for a few minutes, and then wander straight back out, because I could never figure out what anything was supposed to be!



Ah, Units. They were the best clothes for travel.

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I wonder if anyone else ever pegged their pants or used safety pins to secure them around the lower leg? Anybody have a clue what I'm talking about? I hope that never comes back.


Safety pins, no. But I could probably still remember how to peg my pants. :D


Back in jr high, I used to wear pegged pants, boat shoes untied with knots in the laces, and two pairs of socks with a different one on top of each foot. :lol:

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Just had a chance to ck back in and I am ROFL!


I am ONLY wearing the leggings/skinny jeans with a long sweater dress-would not dream of any other way because it just would not be modest or age appropriate. I am wearing my leggings today and they are so comfy! It is actually a more updated look-I was getting kind of sick of boot leg. I felt kind of kicky and "in" wearing this today!


So funny-I actually said to my mother yesterday in the checkout line-I can't believe I'm actually buying black leggings-I had so many in the 80s!

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I resist this look at all costs. Unless you have the figure of Twiggy, your legs look fat in this and if you have the figure of Twiggy, you look like a malnourished stick.


Resist skinny leg looks. They are anti-woman.



Skinny jeans are UGLY! They make even the smallest feet look like duck feet too!

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See, I think the skinny jeans look almost exactly like leggings, when they are worn with a long sweater dress. Here is an example:



BTW-I hate the sweater she is wearing in this pic! I prefer a classy solid. Plus I wear mine longer than that.


(Also I am not advocating the Cosmo site; this site just came up when I googled "long sweater and skinny jeans" and the picture showed what I meant!)

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See, I think the skinny jeans look almost exactly like leggings, when they are worn with a long sweater dress. Here is an example:



BTW-I hate the sweater she is wearing in this pic! I prefer a classy solid. Plus I wear mine longer than that.


(Also I am not advocating the Cosmo site; this site just came up when I googled "long sweater and skinny jeans" and the picture showed what I meant!)


The problem I see with skinny jeans is that everyone that I have seen wearing them are wearing them like regular jeans (t-shirts, short tops, etc.). Perhaps if they wore them with a long top, I would like them better.

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I don't do skinny jeans. I don't do capris either. I won't even say the word "leggings".

Well I do do skinny jeans (and I don't feel at all anti-woman in them :glare: ) but I'm 100% with you on capris. They should be illegal. No one. NO ONE looks good in capris. They are absolutely the wrong length.


Sandra (proud to be a stick)

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