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'Fess up. To enrich your Medieval studies, have you ever

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I have shown them clips on youtube, but not because we are doing medieval studies, just because I like Monty Python. My mom's neighbor/friend and I were making a joke about something being "only a flesh wound" and it had me wanting to watch it again. The kids have now seen the clip of the black knight, the song from life of Brian "always look on the bright side of life", "the knights who say nee", and a few others. I plan on getting the Holy Grail from the library for the kids to watch now that I know they like the parts they have seen.


(they now pretend to have coconut shells to make hoof beats)

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Not as part of medieval studies, but for fun.


I did bring up the Spam skit from Flying Circus on YouTube when DD looked at me like I was nuts when I started singing it one day. (We were having spam for dinner.)


It bored her when she was 3. I may try it on her again soon, though.

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I loooooooooooove Monty Python. As I mentioned in another thread, my standard response to ppl grilling me on how I manage a 3 yo, 4 yo, 10 yo and homeschooling is to ask if I should donate some of them for science experiments :lol:


I'll definitely have to keep it in mind for next year, lol!

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watched Monty Python's Holy Grail or shown parts of it to your kids?


Guess what I'm previewing right now???




LOL but of course!! How else would they learn what a flesh wound is. ;) :) "supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses not from some farcical aquatic ceremony." "Help! Help! I'm being repressed." :lol:

Edited by Ibbygirl
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I'm planning to, but have to preview first... though I think there's only the one scene we'll have to skip.


I watched it last week. Yes, we'll skip that scene as well. I'll probably let ds watch, but only after we have read King Arthur.


Dd's still a little young for Monty Python...well, bits of it anyway.


Terry Jones has a wonderful series called "Medieval Lives" that you can watch on Youtube, and we have watched that. In fact, dd enjoyed it so much that she wanted to play a couple of episodes for MIL (visiting us from VA this week.)





I would recommend this as well. It was on instant watch on Netflix last time I check. I would also suggest previewing for your family. The first episode was pretty mild, but the others were very forthcoming about the time period, some details you may want to save until your dc are older.

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We let my 7 and 5 yo watch it last year...there's only one scene in there that needs to be skipped. I think they were a little young for the humor tho...The 7 yo understood the scenes but realized they were doing odd things and so she didn't think it was funny, and the 5 yo didn't get the oddness of the scenes, but laughed b/c dh and I were....they thought it was fun to watch a mom and dad movie, and it was fun horrifying MIL telling her we let them watch MP, LOL.

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My older sons are big Monty Python fans. Be careful - my 16yo follows me around quoting lines from the movie. It gets old fast. :001_smile: Or my three older quote them back and forth to each other. They liked Robin Hood, Men in Tights as well.


Right! When the kids are old enough to watch, I'll show it to them with extreme trepidation. If my DH gets wind that we've watched it, I'll have to listen to DH quote THE ENTIRE MOVIE for weeks on end.


He has the whole thing memorized. But he can only quote it if he speaks very, very quickly, so you can't really understand a word of what he's saying and it's more irritating that you could possibly imagine. :glare:

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To those of you who have watched the Terry Jones' Youtube videos, would you recommend them for all ages? I have conservative notions about what the girls watch (especially for this time period ;)), and didn't know if these were bawdy or not. So, what say ye? Thanks!


I would preview for sure. I've watched almost all of the episodes on netflix and with the exception of episode 1 (IIRC) there were some parts you might want to edit.

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To those of you who have watched the Terry Jones' Youtube videos, would you recommend them for all ages? I have conservative notions about what the girls watch (especially for this time period ;)), and didn't know if these were bawdy or not. So, what say ye? Thanks!


Hmmm...Dd is almost 9, and I consider her to be quite mature. We have let her see all of them. There are bits in "The Damsel" that are a bit racy, but he tells the story in such a matter-of-fact manner that I didn't have a problem with her watching it. (She understands the basics of human reproduction, so no issues there.) There are a couple of brief mentions of brothels, but I think that those went right over her head. And of course, there are Python-like, potty humor jokes sprinkled through the series, but nothing really objectionable in my opinion.


We thought it was a great series. But do preview it. (You'll probably enjoy watching it even if you decide not to let your kids see it!)


I hope this helped!


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Hmmm...Dd is almost 9, and I consider her to be quite mature. We have let her see all of them. There are bits in "The Damsel" that are a bit racy, but he tells the story in such a matter-of-fact manner that I didn't have a problem with her watching it. (She understands the basics of human reproduction, so no issues there.) There are a couple of brief mentions of brothels, but I think that those went right over her head. And of course, there are Python-like, potty humor jokes sprinkled through the series, but nothing really objectionable in my opinion.


We thought it was a great series. But do preview it. (You'll probably enjoy watching it even if you decide not to let your kids see it!)


I hope this helped!



I remember a few parts of The Damsel like that, but I think it was the Gladiator episode which included a section about children being forced to have s*x with animals and some other stuff, so I'd preview that episode too and make your own decision for your family.

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watched Monty Python's Holy Grail or shown parts of it to your kids?


Guess what I'm previewing right now???




Yep, they've watched it multiple times. We also have Life of Brian and Meaning of Life, but they haven't watched those yet. After reading these replies, I just checked out Medieval Lives...it's on watch instantly on Netflix, yay! :lol:

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watched Monty Python's Holy Grail or shown parts of it to your kids?


Guess what I'm previewing right now???




Sad to say, the other four members of my demented family enjoy acting out several of the scenes together and quoting lines at inappropriate times. Of course, I would never stoop to anything so juvenile...:D

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How did we miss The Meaning of Life? (hand smacking forehead emoticon, here)
I'm not ready for my little ones to serenade me with Every Sperm is Sacred... They're going to have to wait on that one. :tongue_smilie:
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I took a special topics class on King Arthur while I was in college and we watched the MP film.


My maiden name was "Knight" and it wasn't until I saw that movie during my senior year of college did I figure out why so many people would pronounce it "Kuh-niggit" and then laugh themselves silly. I had spent years thinking they were extraordinarily awful readers and spellers.

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