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Among the recent high-profile deaths, whose affected you the most?

Among the recent high-profile deaths, whose affected you the most?  

  1. 1. Among the recent high-profile deaths, whose affected you the most?

    • Michael Jackson
    • Farrah Fawcett
    • Walter Cronkite
    • John Hughes
    • Senator Edward M. Kennedy
    • Mary Travers
    • Robert Novak
    • Jim Carroll
    • Les Paul
    • Patrick Swayze

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I put Patrick Swayze because he was relatively young and died of the same type of cancer my grandpa did. And I loved Dirty Dancing.


I chose him too. I didn't cry or anything, I'm pretty casual about it and did pray for his family. But Dirty Dancing came out when I was a young and impressionable teeny-bopper, longing to be Baby so I could dance with that man... so, yes, he did have an influence on me, but the affect it's had on me? Meh, an ounce of sadness and life goes on. Don't mean to sound calous, but after my parent died, it just puts things in perspective.

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... but I picked Michael Jackson just because he was only 50 and it wasn't expected. Farrah F, Patrick S, and Kennedy had all been ill for quite some time so I knew it was just a matter of time. I was actually surprised they lived as long as they did. I don't know anything about the rest of the list.

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death of someone that I don't know doesn't affect me much at all. I will usually send up a quick prayer for comfort for the family left behind


I agree. But my son didn't know who M.J. was so we've spent some YouTube time showing the song-n-dance man in action, beginning with the Jackson Five


Aww, come on now, who here had a

metal Jackon Five lunchbox

in the early '70's :lol:



Edited by Moni
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Mary Travers was such a part of my growing up. Her music (and folk music in general) composed the soundtrack of my childhood, and since the age of 6, I wanted to become a singer (hopefully with a voice like Ms. Travers'). I found myself stopping to cry off-and-on all day yesterday, and I am sure certain songs will start the tears again for a long time to come.


Her passing also felt like the door closing on my childhood in some way. I'm not sure exactly why, but there you have it.

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I would say John Hughes death gave me the most *pause* but to say it affected me might be overstating it.


Same here with Patrick Swayze. I didn't know him, so I'm not affected but I did take a minute or two to be sad for his family. Mostly he just made me think of my dad who died this summer of cancer.

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I said Patrick Swayze because I liked Dirty Dancing and to die so young from cancer but I wasn't really affected.


Other. Natasha Richardson (although not as recent)


Good answer. I would have gone with this one too as an avid skier I'm now going to wear a helmet.

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I remember the nightly body count during the Vietnam years, and his familiar, "and that's the way it is...", and I will miss that. But you know what? He always reminded me of Captain Kangaroo, another icon of my childhood. Maybe that's why they remind me of each other; they were both a big part of my childhood.

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I have to say that the death of someone that I don't know doesn't affect me much at all. I will usually send up a quick prayer for comfort for the family left behind, but that is the extent of it.


:iagree: The only thing I felt was sadness for Patrick Swayze's wife. I once heard an interview with them and he said that they both had focused so long and hard on their careers that they kept putting off children and then one day, it was too late. It was a terrible regret for both of them. So now, she is left alone and I'm sad for her that she doesn't have children by him.

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Mary Travers was such a part of my growing up. Her music (and folk music in general) composed the soundtrack of my childhood, and since the age of 6, I wanted to become a singer (hopefully with a voice like Ms. Travers'). I found myself stopping to cry off-and-on all day yesterday, and I am sure certain songs will start the tears again for a long time to come.


Her passing also felt like the door closing on my childhood in some way. I'm not sure exactly why, but there you have it.


You're kidding? I have never heard of her. I'm going to have to go youtube her. I'm sorry you are sad.


Edited: Okay, duh, Peter, Paul and Mary!

Edited by katemary63
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Mary Travers. But then I am 57 and was a flower child in the 60's.


Susie in SWVA


I agree. I picked her too. I am only 32 but my dad is 59 and a musician. From the time I could hold a guitar I have been plaing Peter Paul and Mary. My dad sang Puff the Magic Dragon to me as a baby.


There is not one Peter Paul and Mary song that I don't know word for word. It was a big part of my childhood. I hated having to call my dad and tell him she had passed. :sad:


She will be missed.

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Annie Le's death has affected me far more than any of those you list. The whole story just absolutely breaks my heart.



I know what you mean. I read it a few days ago and googled her name again yesterday to see what was going on in the case and found that they had arrested the killer. It's tragic what happened to her. They said it was a case of "workplace violence" :( Poor, poor girl! Her family and her fiancee must be absolutely devastated. :crying:

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You're kidding? I have never heard of her. I'm going to have to go youtube her. I'm sorry you are sad.


Edited: Okay, duh, Peter, Paul and Mary!



Thanks for doing my dirty work - had no clue who she was.


None of these deaths affected me. It did bother me when Natasha Richardson died.

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I haven't voted yet... I too am usually not affected much by celebrity deaths unless it was someone I was really fond of... If say... Robin Williams died I would probably cry... people like that who are just loveable and that I "know" a little more.


So far in my life only one celebrity death has really affected me... it was a few years ago so obviously it isn't on the list... That was Steve Irwin. I cried, I watched his memorial service and sobbed, and I was in a funk for probably two weeks or more. It really really really really broke my heart... :crying: The memorial service was just too much for me to handle... Just his passion for life and love for animals.. He just seemed like an amazing man. I loved to watch his show. Then seeing his friends, family, and co-workers who were more like family talk about him... When his daughter Binidi gave her speech... *tearing up right now*. And his father's speech... Oh, I just bawled...


Out of the list I would have to say Michael Jackson. I loved him back in the day, he was so awesome!!!

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:iagree: The only thing I felt was sadness for Patrick Swayze's wife. I once heard an interview with them and he said that they both had focused so long and hard on their careers that they kept putting off children and then one day, it was too late. It was a terrible regret for both of them. So now, she is left alone and I'm sad for her that she doesn't have children by him.

I always wondered about them not having children, as they seemed so devoted to one another. I just assumed that it was either a choice, or fertility issues.


He gave me pause. Like SpecialMama, I wanted to be Baby. He'll always be Johnny Castle to me.


'scuse me while I wipe the drool from my keyboard remembering Dirty Dancing :drool:

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Walter Cronkite was the voice of my youth. I dabbled deeply in journalism as a young adult. He was a great hero in that field.


I loved Dirty Dancing and hate that Patrick Swayze has died. Sad for his wife, for sure.


I'll cry when Richard Dean Anderson goes (someday a LONG time from now.)

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I haven't had the chance to see Peter, Paul, and Mary in concert since 1995. The years I would have been able to go, Mary's health prevented them from coming to a local venue. But my son has grown up hearing their music and, for the past 5 years or so, hearing "maybe next summer they'll be able to come to Ravinia." Just the thought that he'll never experience that with 'dear ol' mom' was enough to make me tear up a bit. Plus it reminded me of all those years I went to see them with my high school sweetheart (even after we stopped dating and had families of our own -- he missed the 1995 concert because his wife was about to give birth!).


My son has taken an interest in Michael Jackson and I must say that he will be missed. I can't speak as to what kind of man he was (that's between him and G-d), but he was one heckuva performer. I never much cared for his style or music, but I still admired what he could do.


Anyway, for me those are the two that have most affected me.



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The star's death that affected me the most is not listed:


Mollie Sugden


Star of the British sitcom Are You Being Served? passed away July 1, 2009. She portrayed Mrs. (Betty) Slocombe.


She was only 86...and my dad is 80. Our entire family has spent many hours laughing our heads off at her in this show. She came to visit our local PBS station and recorded a commercial voice bit that I loved to listen to...as her accent when she said the word "television" was so....British!


I will truly miss her. She was a classy lady.

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I have to admit that Patrick Swayze was a major part of my highschool years . When I think of highschool, I think about many things but Dirty Dancing and Patrick Swayze just remind me of highschool. I actually skipped class in 10th grade with my best friend to call Patrick Swayze on a radio show . We kept putting quarters in the payphones trying to get through. We never did! However, I have not spoken to my best friend from highschool in YEARS. When Patrick Swayze died, I suddenly heard from 5 of my highschool friends. We all reconnected on facebook over Patrick Swayze dying . It jolted us back to our highschool days. It is sad. I also remember watching him in the North and South miniseries.

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None of the above.


The person who affected me most is Norman Borlough.


(He helped increase the yield of wheat, rice, and other staples, saving hundreds of millions or perhaps a billion people from starving to death. Plus, since you can grow more in the same space, he saved a huge amount of natural forest and such from being turned into farmland.)


After that, Rose Friedman. :) (Wife of Milton Friedman.)

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The star's death that affected me the most is not listed:


Mollie Sugden


Star of the British sitcom Are You Being Served? passed away July 1, 2009. She portrayed Mrs. (Betty) Slocombe.




I will truly miss her. She was a classy lady.


I will miss her, too! She was wonderful. I voted for Cronkite, though. I used to be a journalist in my pre-mom years and loved him.

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