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What is your addiction?

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How about your significant other (as it applies)?


Mine is recipes. I am addicted to recipes. I make it according to the recipe, then I taste it. Then, if needed, I remake it according to my own personal taste (taking into account my family's tastes as well). I taste it again, tweak it again...and so on. What? The house is on fire? Call me back, I'm busy...


Dh's is fishing. Not the "get a six pack and get the boat ready" kind of fishing, but the "tie the flies, get the waders, I'm heading out, I'll see you when I see you" kind of fishing. No Keeping-Love Stories About The One-That-Got-Away kind of fishing.


Anyone else got an OCD sort of family?

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For me, it's the computer. I think my family would say so, anyway :) However, I don't miss it if I am on holidays and away from it. I get on first thing after meditation time, I pretty much leave it on all day, and check my email and here several times a day.


Apart from that, I get pretty obsessive about books, sewing, cleaning, health, food, and whatever other subject has grabbed my interest at the time- but the interests, while obsessive at the time, rotate and pass and return- I am not obsessive about any of them all the time.


Dh is obsessive about medieval fighting at present. He gets in armour and kills people (pretend!) with swords. I find it amazing anyone could actually want to do that, but there you go, we are all so different! :)

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Mine is remodeling/redecorating. I get is from my dad the paint contractor. My whole life I have lived in places that were always being changed. My dh is not really the change it up kind of guy. His parents still live in the same house he grew up in with the same wallpaper and paint. We are currently remodeling our 'new' house, and I'm sure when we get through next year I will find something else to change lol.


My dh loves books, and he will read until 2am if he can keep his eyes open.

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Mine is creativity...anything related to art, creation, passion, etc...stained glass, quilting, writing! and photography...I love to think about, write about, and experience.


Gardening is a passion.


Following the Texas Ranger baseball team is an obsession.


Other than that I'm a really normal person....


well, maybe except for the Stargate SG1 addiction...I collected the DVDs, wrote fanfiction, and planted a Stargate garden one year. I miss that show! ;) (Then I photographed the garden and wrote about it on my blog...see how many obsessions I can combine???)

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Very interesting phenomenon, don't you agree? Most people don't actually "get this" - they think I'm joking.


It is! And does your husband go alone? Mine does most of the time. He sometimes takes our oldest daughter, but he really likes to go alone. He really really really loves it. And he will go rain or shine. And stay all.day.long. It's funny.

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It is! And does your husband go alone? Mine does most of the time. He sometimes takes our oldest daughter, but he really likes to go alone. He really really really loves it. And he will go rain or shine. And stay all.day.long. It's funny.


He used to, but lately ds has caught the bug...literally.:lol:. So, ds goes with him when dh is going somewhere safe enough. Ds'll sit downstairs tying flies for hours, so I capitalized on that by loading his mp3 player with our Lit choice and other books I know he'll never get around to reading, so he sits down there, ties flies (which he counts as art, and I'll surely give the credit) and listens to stories for school!


And I really have to laugh because ds calls the instructions for his flies...recipes!

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Books/reading and yarn.


I can knit and crochet, but I really only learned so I would have an excuse to buy yarn. Soft, squishy, colorful yarn. sigh... I think I'll have to go pet my yarn stash now. :)


Me too! Also, fabric. I LOVE fabric. I can barely sew a straight line, but every Halloween get so excited because I can buy soft, potential filled, amazingly printed fabric. If there was a store that combined books, yarn, fabric and coffee.......my family would never see me again:lol:

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COFFEE. I start looking forward to my morning coffee the night before.


The computer -- mostly homeschooling boards and blogs, but also any random subject that has captured my attention. I'll research it until I feel like that old Far Side cartoon, the one where the guy gets to the end of the internet. :tongue_smilie:


Books -- especially great books on sale at Goodwill. I lose all semblance of self-control and restraint. If I can't use them, I give them to my friends. It's a win/win.


Yarn -- I know how to knit and crochet, but I don't, mostly I just buy yarn when it's on sale. We're getting ready to move, and our house has these amazing nooks and crannies built in to the eaves, so I'm going to finally have the craft room I've dreamed of. Maybe that will inspire me to actually DO something with all that yarn.

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My addictions change over time. I have a neglected yarn stash in the basement. I used to have a truly excessive number of cookbooks...my DH would say the number left is still excessive. ;)


Now my addictions are the computer (social, research, photo image processing) and collecting books.


DH has no obsessions that I'm aware of...he doesn't seem to have trouble sticking to moderation. He does go in phases though: wood-working, piano, reading a hurricane blog during hurricane season, etc.

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I love to cook, to eat, and to discuss food. I love to feed my family, my friends, and perfect strangers. Have I mentioned that I love to eat?!


Me too. I just love it. I can sit and read a cookbook like it's some fantastic piece of literature. Menu planning makes me all happy inside. I can sit at work and get excited about trying a new recipe at home that evening.

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For me, it's the computer. I think my family would say so, anyway :) However, I don't miss it if I am on holidays and away from it. I get on first thing after meditation time, I pretty much leave it on all day, and check my email and here several times a day.



I could have written this post. Yes, I think it's the Internet.. and books. I do like to cook a lot, but since I have to provide food for my family on a regular basis, I happily get to do this often and guilt-free.

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I have a similar relationship with the computer. I am working on it - so much so that after this post, I am going to leave it alone for a while:).


I am also addicted to breakfast cereal. Now granted, I only eat healthy cereals, but I can never stop at one bowl. I can eat half a box of granola in one sitting. This is the reason for my larger than healthy waist size.

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1. Computer.

2. Coffee. I just don't function without that first cup. And have more during the day.

3. Books. We have a serious shelving problem! Many books are bargains that I picked up 2nd hand and will be used for school in the years ahead. I walk around with booklists in my purse.

4. Bookmooch (and adding to my wishlist) ties in with 1 and 3 above.

5. Chocolate!!




1. Work

2. Books. Unlike me, he reads what he buys! We're not packrats in general, but we're both contributing to the shelving problem.

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1. Computer.

2. Coffee. I just don't function without that first cup. And have more during the day.

3. Books. We have a serious shelving problem! Many books are bargains that I picked up 2nd hand and will be used for school in the years ahead. I walk around with booklists in my purse.

4. Bookmooch (and adding to my wishlist) ties in with 1 and 3 above.

5. Chocolate!!



:iagree::iagree::iagree: Everything except Bookmooch, I don't know what that is, but it sounds yummy. Barnes and Noble (Starbucks, books, and wi-fi) is my happy place.

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1) Planners/Organization

2) Books/Reading

3) Coffee (which all of the above runs on)



1) Work

2) Office Supplies (He loves paper, numbers, spreadsheets)

3) Anything sentimental (he keeps weird things (IMO) like all of my dd's ballets shoes she's ever worn, all the kids' pulled teeth, his rock collection from when he was a small boy, all of our old love letters, etc.) This makes him a pack rat and interferes with my #1. :001_smile:

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I'm addicted to reading - have been since I was 7 or 8. I'm also addicted to recipes. I love looking for them, trying them out, changing them, organizing them... I've gone through times where I've had obsessions with things for a short period of time, usually when I've just started a hobby or learned how to do something. Several years ago it was sewing, then it was knitting for a couple of years. I still do those things, but not as frequently as I used to.


My husband is obsessed with running and fishing. He will run 4 days a week for 5 to 7 miles each time. He was running more often, but he's been having some knee and hip pain and has cut back. He spends Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings fishing. He takes the kids and will spend a couple of hours each night at the pier drowning worms. He's now looking for a boat so that they can go out on the lake - I won't see him all weekend if he gets a boat.

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mountain dew


it's simply horrible the number of times I've attempted to stop drinking only to get sidetracked by a tiring day


on the plus side, I have pretty much quit any other kind of pop, any kind of candy, and any kind of chips, and reduced consumption by 90% of the dew ... that counts for something right? :D

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The original ones, not the greasy wet ones with a roller top. Yup. LipSmackers. I'm completely addicted. I typically have 8 or 9 tubes on hand wherever I am... plus about 30 stored throughout the house and car. My faves are Blueberry, Dr.Pepper and Strawberry-Banana. The only one I detest is orange, there's something in it that tightens my throat. I dream about new flavours all the time. I'd love to see a pomegranite one, or canteloupe, or red licorice. Even toasted marshmallow has crossed my mind. I started using LipSmackers when I was 13. I use them about every hour. If my lips are dry I freak out, seriously, I get angry and the world is not right. I do believe my lips are unable to create or maintain their own moisture now. Which is okay, because I love LipSmackers. If they ever go belly up and close up shop, I'm toast! Hmmmm... a toast flavour... :lol:

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1. Running.

2. Reading.

3. Beer.


Beer should probably go first. ;) But, I have to run first thing in the morning. Not so with beer. I have to read lots all day. Not so with beer. But, that beer I have after I put the kids to bed, well, that's the most appreciated addiction of the three.

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Mine are:


Computer - mostly 2 forums, facebook and blog reading


Lip Balm - regular old chapstick or Burts Bees Pomegranate


Sunglasses - can't be outside without them - even if it's overcast. I seem to always have them over my eyes or on top of my head.

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You know in movies, how they show the person craving their drug and being frantic until they get it, then smoking/snorting/injecting the drug and they instantly look relaxed and look relieved?


That's me settling down to read a book.


DH: The computer.

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1. Writing - I could happily be a hermit in a cave writing all night and sleeping all day. Except the cave would have to have wi-fi capabilities.


2. Computer - mostly for writing and posting on a few message boards. :D


3. Books - I probably love to collect more than I love to read. I love to languish in a book and savor its essence.

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: Barnes and Noble (Starbucks, books, and wi-fi) is my happy place.


Or a swing through Starbucks and hit JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby for a while.


ETA: This is a fun thread. I hear echoes of other (milder) addictions I have in your posts. I'm chuckling as I read about people petting their stash of fabric or yarn, or needing to read the way an addict needs a fix or an obsession with paper/pens. Yep...guilty

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Reading - surfing Amazon, browsing bookstores, and of course reading anything and everything... I freak out if I don't have a pile of 20 books by my side.


Surfing the Internet, reading blogs, updating my own blog, reading forums... Used to love to web program, but I'm out of that now.


Homeschooling, researching perfect curriculum, activities, converting our entire house to a homeschool haven...

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