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"We do not except checks"...

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My sister and I have a wonderful time sharing bloopers from our local Craigslist.com site. A funny one I found a few days ago listed a Cocktail birdcage (rather than cockatiel). I also saw an "overstuffed chair with autimun". But sometimes the pictures of the items are the funniest :-)

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We saw a sign at the zoo last weekend where they had spelled safety saffety. Not sure that is funny or sad.


There is a sign in the local coffee shop that says "unattended children will be given coffee and a free puppy" that always amuses me.


Oh and last year I saw a sign next to the Gutenberg Bible at the Library of Congress where they had misspelt photography. So we took pictures :lol:

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I am so glad to see this thread! My husband thinks I am the only one that can't get over it! One of my favorites was a few years back when we were living in the Seattle are and the Mariners were having an awesome season. The local motel put up a sign that said "Refuse to Loose!". :lol:

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I dearly love verbal "bloopers" ! My all time favorite -- (It has retained first place for several years.) -- is the sign hung for a local "self-storage" unit facility : " ALL UNITS ALARMED. "


Dear me ! What ARE the storage units so afraid of ? !


(Never mind the ghoulish images available from the term "self storage" ! )

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"No exceptions allowed" .





:lol::lol: HAHAHAHA FUNNY!


Edited: Oh my gosh, they are ALL so funny! I love these bloopers. I read an ad (oh my, I almost made my own blooper and typed "add") in our local paper that listed a "Chester Drawers" for sale. I can only assume the ad meant to read, "chest of drawers." Cute!

Edited by katemary63
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On the in box on the desk of a woman in the Social Security office who kept asking who my adopted Chinese daughter's "real parents" were. I insisted that my husband and I were her real parents, and the identity of her biological parents could not possibly be relevant to her Social Security records. It was so painful to be jerked around by someone who can't spell incoming. Of course I pointed out her misspelling on my way out.



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On the in box on the desk of a woman in the Social Security office who kept asking who my adopted Chinese daughter's "real parents" were. I insisted that my husband and I were her real parents, and the identity of her biological parents could not possibly be relevant to her Social Security records. It was so painful to be jerked around by someone who can't spell incoming. Of course I pointed out her misspelling on my way out.



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Down the street from us recently there was a sign that read "Hose For Sale", when they meant "House For Sale". That really made me laugh!


It is funny that you mention this. Click on this link. I am sure this child's teacher laughed until his or her stomach hurt. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/8789/I+Like+HORES/ :blushing:


Edited by LUV2EDU
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It is funny that you mention this. Click on this link. I am sure this child's teacher laughed until his or her stomach hurt. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/8789/I+Like+HORES/ :blushing:





I just laughed until my stomach hurt.


If my child had turned that in, it would now be framed and on the wall somewhere for me to laugh at every day.

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These are all so funny!


Several years ago our dog had a litter of puppies. To sell the puppies, I called the local newspaper and placed an ad-making sure to say that the puppies were fully weaned, had their first shots, etc.


The newspaper arrived the next morning and I flipped to the puppies for sale section to read our ad.


Well, we must of had some pretty special dogs, because right there in black and white it stated that our puppies were "fully winged".


I guess I should have enunciated better. :)

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Perhaps she thought that if she asked you long enough you would stay overnight????




On the in box on the desk of a woman in the Social Security office who kept asking who my adopted Chinese daughter's "real parents" were. I insisted that my husband and I were her real parents, and the identity of her biological parents could not possibly be relevant to her Social Security records. It was so painful to be jerked around by someone who can't spell incoming. Of course I pointed out her misspelling on my way out.



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While typing up some ad copy that was faxed to be listed in a local Real Estate Magazine, I noticed that several companies listed "attacked garages" in their home descriptions.


I told my boss that I never wanted to move to that town. Too many garage attacks. It didn't sound safe.

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there's an army-suprplus store in TN that sells "knifes."


in Atlanta, a store under renovation had a handwritten sign that said "Coming soon - The Sweet Potatoe Cafe." i told my son that i hope someone tells them there's no 'e' on the singular of potato before they pay for the real sign.

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There is a green sign on the interstate out here in the West Valley that says:


Exit XXX:


State Prison




Of course, they mean the city of Surprise, but in my head I always think, "Umm..I think I'll take door number 3, Bob."



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When I worked for a health insurance company we had to investigate injuries from car accidents to see if the car insurance company was already paying the medical bills.


On our form asking for details the person wrote, "Fail of bac a truck." Huh? What's a bac on a truck? How does it fail--is it like failing brakes?


It all made sense when I realized the person's home address showed the person lived in the south, must not have been able to spell, so had sounded out their answer: Fell off back of truck.

Edited by Garga
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a jar of candies sitting at the check-out counter of a small shop had a [handwritten] sign on it:

.5¢ each :confused:

My girls and I were each going to buy one and even my 10 y.o. dd had caught on and looked at me, with a sly smile, as I asked the cashier just how much the candy would be. The lady had no clue why we had to ask that question. I just chuckled and told her it was a little misleading.


Sheri :)

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My husband was a supervisor in a large Navy avionics shop. One day he arrived to see one of the new pieces of equipment labeled by the last shift tech with the following information:

Does not work in the O-F-F position. Sending in for repair... :D

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My husband's Grandma (my Grandma-in-law?) asked me if I wanted an African, since she had an extra one and her friend made it. I said, "an African WHAT?" She said, "you know, an African" and showed me a lovely crochetted blanket. (an afghan?) I thought maybe it was an African sculpture or something?


I told dh about it and he said,"ohyeah, when I was little they went on vacation to Pepsicola, Florida!"



I realize that some people say soooot for Suite, but I still think it's wrong. In OKlahoma they pronouce the name of the town "Miami, OK" as Miam-UH. I refuse to say it that way. It sounds wrong.

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Oh, that's one that gets me, too! I refuse to say it that way, but most people around here will tell me *I* pronounce it incorrectly.




Hehe. Yeah, a girl at work corrected me. I said, "I'm sorry, I just can't seem to get my mouth to say it that way. My eye is bound to start twitchin'!" :tongue_smilie:

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