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Do you wish they would do away with daylight savings time?

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I really enjoyed living in Hawaii. The beaches, tradewinds, temperatures, and they don't do daylight savings time(seriously what would be the point there). But even living in Maryland I do not like having to change the clocks twice a year. I am a creature of habit and it messes me up for weeks. Am I the only who feels this way? Please tell me I not!

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I hate it. Pick a time - any time - and stay with it.

The farmers get up before sunrise and stay up past sundown - so there's no excuse there. The kids are still waiting for their buses in the dark half the year - so no excuse there either.

So tell me - why are we still doing it? (Especially when everyone hates it!)


Also - if you look at insurance claims, they spike after both changes. You'd think with all their power the insurance companies of America would have lobbied already for change.

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I like DST. It allows us to enjoy more evening sunlight in the summer months, and sunrise earlier in the winter months--which is a bear to get up in the dreary weather.

Mostly we like the summer sunshine and hang out at the pool until 9:30pm with sunlight. That's worthy of celebration :)

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I like DST. It allows us to enjoy more evening sunlight in the summer months, and sunrise earlier in the winter months--which is a bear to get up in the dreary weather.

Mostly we like the summer sunshine and hang out at the pool until 9:30pm with sunlight. That's worthy of celebration :)


I wish we would stick to the summer time also. In winter, when we change the clocks it gets dark at 5:30...I would LOVE an extra hour of daylight in the winter. It would help with SAD so much!

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It drives me crazy.


In Alaska it makes so little sense, that it is, just, well, rather dumb. We either have no daylight or all daylight, so it doesn't really matter what time it is. (That was a rather large simplification of things, but it works for me.)


Did you know that all of Alaska is in the same time zone, even though it stretches across a distance equal to the Lower 48 (that is what we call the rest of the U.S.)?

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I actually prefer DST and don't like standard time as I fall in the ' more sun' category. Here in Montana, we run into really unbalanced days too. IN summer it's not dark totally till around 10 PM adn by 4 AM I can see outside very clearly. In the winter, with standard time the days are so short you miss them if you blink.

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I really enjoyed living in Hawaii. The beaches, tradewinds, temperatures, and they don't do daylight savings time(seriously what would be the point there). But even living in Maryland I do not like having to change the clocks twice a year. I am a creature of habit and it messes me up for weeks. Am I the only who feels this way? Please tell me I not!


Oh, and did I say I hate DLS? As a farmer, I was one of those people it was supposed to benefit. Well I say :phooey: on that and to any official who says it saves energy because people turn on their lights later. I've seen how people waste electricity burning lights that aren't used, using bulbs that aren't cfl, lighting buildings after dark. HOCKEY puck, I say! Energy savings from DLS is bogus!. The only thing dls did for me during my farming career was create light for me to work later into the evening thereby royally wrecking my family's dinner hour. Dh, the kids, and I have difficulty adjusting to the time shift - it takes us weeks.


So, shall we all get together and storm captitol hill? :D



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Awful. In fact, I bet it's a govt conspiracy...to keep us all...tired...and dumb...dumb because we're too tired.




LOL (sort-of)

:cool:Aubrey the Suspicious


govt conspiracy...hmm? I was thinking it's sponsored by the electronics companies to encourage us to purchase the clock radios w/ DST options! :D

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In the winter, with standard time the days are so short you miss them if you blink.


But the days are short in winter no matter what time the clock says. Most people get up when it's dark and go to bed when it's dark in the winter, so why would the time change make the days seem shorter? It's really the same amount of daylight.


Now, if it was already light when we awoke, then we'd be sleeping away some of our daylight and I wouldn't like that, but since most winter evenings are indoors anyway with artificial light I don't think it really changes much.

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You are not alone! I've never liked DST and I never will. I like it even less with a young child whose sleep patterns get messed up for weeks twice a year. :mad:


The messing up of sleep patterns is the reason why I hate it too!

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I'm with you... I like having my sunlight at the end of the day rather than the beginning---I'd do it year round and then have "double" daylight savings in the summer. Frankly, I'm much happier when the sun doesn't come up until after 7am, because I don't WANT to get up before 7am most of the time.

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They say (whoever they are) that there are more accidents just after the time change So it's a real problem.


But here we don't change time but everyone around us does. Our little valley (15,000 people) stays the same while everyone else we know - radio, TV, planes, buses, relatives - change. For several weeks, each fall and spring, I'm confused - don't know what time it is anywhere else in the world. And the rest of the world is always phoning here an hour early or an hour late. Makes me crazy.


It makes DST look easy.

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I have to say that this year, with the changes that have been made to the dates, I am finding that I'm having an easier time through the winter months (SAD tendencies run in my family). I live on the far western edge of the eastern time zone, so maybe only folks in certain areas are helped by this, but it's been very good for me this year!



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