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What are your projects/activities over this weekend?

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I am going to weed my flower beds and make them all lovely looking and weed the few rows of our veggie garden.


I will also finish a pioneer dress that I am sewing for a teacher at the ps, who is taking her class to a pioneer fort next week. I've really enjoyed sewing these historical dresses, aprons and bonnets!


What are you up to?

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Yesterday I got all of my gardens weeded and ready for the new plants that should arrive in a week or so.

I also FINALLY finished painting the trim in my bedroom.

Today my guys are gone so I'm getting some work done at my desk, then I'll be dusting/vaccuuming all the bookshelves.

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We just moved so I was planning on organizing bedrooms and bathrooms today. Then move on to our school area. There was also a b'day party planned for my sweet nephew. But, I am sick and it looks like I will accomplish nothing this weekend. However, it is a good time to pull out all of those homeschool catologs and hope for a financial windfall so that I can order everything I want.

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Today we are cleaning the house. The kids all have their sections to do and I cleaned the master bathroom and bedroom this morning. I'm planning on weeding the front and side flower beds and I'm going to plant some annuals this afternoon. I also need to take oldest dd shopping for a few things she needs. Our library is also starting their summer reading program so we are signing up for that. We are having a small 8th grade graduation party for dd next weekend so I also want to start cleaning/organizing the house.


Tomorrow is my birthday so I'm hoping that we will all go to the zoo or perhaps a minor league baseball game. Hopefully this will be my day to relax :D


Monday I think we will be staying at home. Oldest dd has to study for finals and dh has to do some office work.

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Clean clean clean.


6yo has a birthday party to go to after lunch.


I plan to spend the afternoon quilting--I'm working on this really neat album quilt that a bunch of the people at the library made for a coworker who is getting married and getting her MLIS this month. I have to have it done in a few days, so I'm spending a lot of time quilting! :)

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I weeded my flower beds, moved some black-eyed Susans, and spread pine needles. This afternoon we're taking our boat and pwc over to the church youth group lake party to help pull kids on tubes. The lake is going to surely be bumpy with loads of boat traffic -- not really looking forward to it! but the burgers and hot dogs should be good :-)

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My dh is away on business and my 3 big kids are with Grandma for the weekend, so it's just me and the 2yo. I figured I'd get a bunch of chores done since I "only" have 1 kid around. And now I realize what a dumb thought that was!


It's been a very long time since I've been any child's sole source of entertainment. I'm exhausted, even after taking my own 45 minute nap. Now I'm goofing off for a bit before FINALLY getting in the shower.


I wonder if I can squeeze in dishes, laundry, mopping, cleaning the bathroom, cleaning out the fridge, scooping the litter box, and finishing up my grocery list before HIS nap is over and he demands we play trains. For the 6th time today.



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we just got back from a trip to another state, with all the kids, so I am do laundry, laundry, laundry.


we are also getting our new labradoodle puppy tomorrow, so I have to set up her new crate, and clean before she gets here.


hubby is working on the lawn.

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Let's see...


DS #1 and I are involved in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. We had a show last night, 2 today and the closing show tomorrow. He has 2 roles -- a brother and Potiphar, I'm in the pit.


DH is at our nieces college graduation today.


In between this madness we are cleaning house because my MIL is arriving tomorrow to stay for a few days. She hasn't been here in more than 10 years and is excited to see the graduation today and "Joseph" tomorrow.


In a few weeks I should be able to enjoy some free weekends and lazy summer days of reading, gardening and swimming! In the meantime, off to shower and change into my "pit black" musician clothes then head to the theater...

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What are you up to?


Finish hacking up the last of my flu-bug, catch up on schooling, get everything ready for the upcoming week so I can just rest in the evenings, nudge hubby to finish sanding the west side of the house, so he can stain and seal it soon, so I can get better windows in.


My delight these days, and I intend to bask in it all weekend, is that if all is quiet, and firmly tell kiddo I am too busy right now, he'll wander off to the Jenny Lind bed in the living room and READ to himself. Not just mess up a pile of Henry and Mudge books but READ. Ahhhhh.

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My dh and oldest dd are working, as they do most Saturdays. My middle ds went on a job interview and was hired. The rest of us are cleaning and doing laundry. When we get done we are taking my mom shopping.

God bless,


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* finish a card catalog of every book in my house.... 800 down & many more to go


* put all books for next year on school area shelves & rest on shelves upstairs (after in card catalog)


* NAPS!!!!


* open the pool (if it will stop raining for a day)


awh man... nothing exciting:glare:

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1. Celebrating son's birthday - so I am working on a decadent chocolate cake:) and watching my waist get bigger.


2. Prepping the bathroom to be painted this week. This will involve washing the rest of the wallpaper paste and spackling, sanding and priming. It has been in a state of disarray for 3 months.


3. Watching hubby and kids plant flowers. I am not much of a gardner, but if I am going through the trouble, I want to eat it.

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We're moving to Korea in a week, so I cleaned some of the basement, dropped kids at a birthday party, and back for a quick snack and hopefull finish the basement, clean out the truck we are selling before we go, and then go get the kids.


I have to hang out for a while at the party, and unsociable, super-busy-stressed me is not looking forward to it. Plus most of the other moms are Russian or speak Russian, so...its tough to socialize too much. I mostly stand around and smile vacantly at these things, LOL.(Its a party for one of the girls at my DD's rhythmic gymnastics team, they are all msotly Russian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian, etc. Just not us! I do like to (try) to talk to the Russian grandmas, they all have moms who live with htem and they are a hoot!)

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Well, one thing I want/need done is for my old entertainment unit that is now my homeschool unit to be pulled out from the wall, cleared out behind, and have something nailed to the back of it so that books, etc quit falling behind the unit. What I *really* need to do is get rid of this hunk of junk particle board and replace it with a lovely Trofast system from Ikea, but alas, I'm some what short of the $400 or so that would cost. Like about $398 short :lol:


After dh gets up, that'll be his job, while I head for my nap...and then at some point this wknd, Diva will get a trip to the nursery, where she'll get to decide how to stretch $20 and design our flower bed this year.

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Guest cleona

We have nice weather here for a change:001_smile: so we are working on gardening, lawn mowing and everyone else's favorite, house cleaning! Hope everyone has a nice weekend.

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Yesterday we did the grocery shopping we couldn't do on Thursday as we usually do, came home and did the "Saturday Morning Tidy Up" and inevitably found the vacuum cleaner filter needed changing and couldn't find the spare one. Gave up on vacuuming and washed the dishes instead. In the afternoon we had dh's mates over to play GURPS and for any of you gamers, we ended up in RAVENLOFT!!! My dad showed up too and actually sat in on the game, pronouncing it a bit hard to follow but fun nonetheless.


This morning I am a vicious maniac from having children wake me up every 5 seconds last night. So, I think I'm going to get dh to make the pikelets for the medieval potluck this afternoon. I still haven't decided if I'm going to fight in the boffer tournament or not. This morning will be spent in getting everything set up for that.



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Hey, we can hack together, and drown our sorrows in some decadent chocolate cake. I actually slept through the night last night (if you count 6 hours "through the night".)



Me, too! But I paid for all that sleep with having to cough for 15 minutes in the shower to make up for not hacking every 10 minutes all night. However, no blood today.


I'm still on the HaggenDaz Blueberry/cranberry sorbet. I'll save the cake until I can taste it.

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Try to pack as much as I can in preparation for our move!


Wow! I'm still in denial that you are actually going! What an amazing opportunity!


Me - I've already weeded three flower beds and planted annuals. I hope to plant some veggies and help dh get the lawn finished up. I need to weed the biggest flower bed - the one in our back yard. I need to pick out the color of our new countertops in our bathroom (now I just may paint them after the thread on painting countertops).


I think that's it!

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Let's see, we went to Home Depot last night (hopefully the ONLY trip this weekend) for odds and ends for the yard. Today we went to Gettysburg, PA. This was on my list for school trips this year so we finally got it in. It was a nice day, hot, but nice. I switched the boys summer/winter clothing this evening. Got rid of four bags of stuff. :hurray:


Tomorrow is church and then I think we'll just hang here and work in the yard if the weather cooperates. Monday is a family gathering at my Mom's.

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I've been working on my school room all day, moving books and getting things pulled together for next year. We finished school yesterday.


Tomorrow I plan on working in my flower beds and planting some things.


Monday I think we'll berry picking (strawberries)....


My husband is taking off next week so that we can work on cleaning out and repainting our garage.

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I am hosting a Mom's Night Out for our homeschool group tomorrow night, so I have been busy today starting to make the food (strawberry trifle) and cleaning the house. I also weeded two flower beds and planted my annuals.


Tomorrow will be finishing the preparation of the food ( veggie bars and fruit pizza,) washing floors and cleaning bathroom. If I have enough time, I would like to start planting the vegetable garden. I would like to get in the tomatoes, green peppers and cucumbers.

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Today we had 10 yo dd's birthday celebration with her girlfriends, including two friends staying for a sleepover. Tomorrow is church and family time -- visiting a ranch and enjoying the nice weather. Monday is dd's actual birthday and we are having a big family BBQ at our house. Burgers on the grill, watermelon, pasta salad and cheesecake.


Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend everyone. I pray you are all safe and happy.




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I am waiting for unexpected company, while being in way toooo much pain to deal with them. Dh's best friend and his non-english speaking, 8mth pg wife, are coming for the night. I was not too happy with dh when he told me, but he says that his friend called on his way, to give us a heads up he was coming (3 hour drive). :0( Normally it would have been fine, but stressful... add in pain.....and really sucks!


I asked dh to call him and tell him that it wasn't a good time to come, offer to pay for a hotel, but dh doesn't feel right about it since his friend always lets dh and the kids stay at his house when we travel. We don't have a guest room so they will be in the living room on an air mattress.





Uggh, not a good day. :0(

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Today we celebrated my 18 yo's graduation from a 12 year career of home- education! About 60 friends attended, lots of laughs, cake eaten and FUN! Tommorow we are resting, doing yard work, packing up my 22 yo who will be leaving for Romania and Hungary for a month on Tuesday.

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Today we celebrated my 18 yo's graduation from a 12 year career of home- education! About 60 friends attended, lots of laughs, cake eaten and FUN! Tommorow we are resting, doing yard work, packing up my 22 yo who will be leaving for Romania and Hungary for a month on Tuesday.



Wow, what an awesome milestone! Congratulations!! And best wishes and travel mercies for the one going abroad, what a proud mama you must be:001_smile:

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