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A new grocery store opened about a mile from our house. It has reserved parking for..

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I have lived in many states where the stores had reserved spots for pregnant women and then sections for people with young children. The section for children had covered kitty corrals with various kinds of carts so that you could get your children in and out of carts either under the covered section in bad weather or very near your car if not. I absolutely loved that and thought it was the most ingenious idea.

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Wow! We can't even get people to use canvas bags at our grocery store. I take them 75% of the time and in the last year I've seen ONE other person bring them. Certain cashiers still give me the evil eye when I use them.


There would probably be people who would think low carbon emissions would mean that if *you* don't have gas (the bodily kind) right now, you can park there. :lol::lol:

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I have lived in many states where the stores had reserved spots for pregnant women and then sections for people with young children. The section for children had covered kitty corrals with various kinds of carts so that you could get your children in and out of carts either under the covered section in bad weather or very near your car if not. I absolutely loved that and thought it was the most ingenious idea.


Yes, I've seen parking spots reserved for things like that. But never for a specific type of car. That's odd!

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I drive a low carbon emissions vehicle to the grocery store. It's called a bicycle. And my parking stinks. I would love to bolt my bike to the sign for that parking space and see what people would do!


Nicole, feeling a little smart aleky this morning.

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I drive a low carbon emissions vehicle to the grocery store. It's called a bicycle. And my parking stinks. I would love to bolt my bike to the sign for that parking space and see what people would do!


Nicole, feeling a little smart aleky this morning.




and take pics. I smell a meme. :biggrinjester:

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At our local Fry's Electronics store, they have reserved spaces for compact, and I think, electric or hybrid vehicles. I don't see anything wrong with it really.


IKEA has spaces for family parking - right near the store so you don't have to walk across the huge parking lot on a busy day with all your minions in tow. I love it!


I think the stores are smart to use reserved spaces to help focus on their targeted consumers.


One thing I do hate, though, is that very few stores down here have bike racks. I don't get that at all. A few years ago, when we were down to one vehicle, I would ride my bike with a Burley trailer attached and buy groceries. It was a hassle to find a place to lock it up.

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The idea of pregnant moms not getting a space close to the door over someone driving a LowE car irks me for some reason.:001_huh:

I have the same thoughts on this. I'd be shopping in a different store, for sure.


I remember being a bit frustrated when I had 5 kids under age 7, and would watch my sil (who has a downs syndrome kid) park in the handicapped spots (most of the time her son wasn't with her). The closest spots should be reserved for those for whom it's difficult to get safely into the store. Period.

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Wow! That's just...annoying! I guess pregnant women won't get a special parking place because they are making a bigger "footprint" by bringing another life into the world. ;)


Did I miss something? I don't think the pregnant spot was eliminated to make room for the low emissions spot.


What annoys me is that you can't get good bike parking, you can't safely walk to many grocery stores, so the only people who get "credit" for leading a (relatively) low impact life are the ones who can afford fancy cars. Many of us have a very low impact but don't have the glam factor going.

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Pregnant women aren't handicapped, so they don't qualify for a handicapped parking spot. IF they have a high risk pregnancy, they may qualify, though going to the DMV with the necessary paper work is a pain. Stores are free to still mark some spaces as being for pregnant women, but they don't have to do that. I personally would not have felt like I needed a special spot, even when I was 9 months pregnant with twins. I could still walk just fine (actually, driving was the problem, because I could hardly reach the wheel past my belly, lol).


Anyway, it's possible that the store has spaces for pregnant women AND low emissions. But if I were choosing, I would certainly choose women with young children over pregnant women. I think there are a lot of people who have a great need than pregnant women - people post surgery, people with young children, people on crutches, people who have someone with dementia with them, people who are very elderly or frail .....


But I think it's also fine to reward those who invest in energy efficient cars. Why not? You can have parking for one group without slighting another.

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But if I were choosing, I would certainly choose women with young children over pregnant women. I think there are a lot of people who have a great need than pregnant women - people post surgery, people with young children, people on crutches, people who have someone with dementia with them, people who are very elderly or frail .....




Exactly! When I was pregnant with my now-12-year-old son, one of those signs went up for pregnant women. I didn't use that spot, except once when it was pouring down rain and I had three four-year-olds with me. It was after the baby was born that I needed that spot!

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Anyway, it's possible that the store has spaces for pregnant women AND low emissions....


It's probable...that's what Fresh & Easy does. I can't remember now if the "family" spots are closer than the "hybrid" spots or not.


These are NOT covered by the handicapped parking law. Anybody can park in these spots. So feel free to use whatever spot you want, as long as you are immune to possible dirty looks.

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I got a temporary handicapped parking tag when pregnant with the twins. It wasn't hard at all. I had my dr. sign the form and took it to the DMV. I think it cost 5 or 10 dollars. I needed it because I couldn't walk very far at all. I had to go to the hospital every week for either an ultrasound (twins were sharing a placenta) or my regular appointment. I couldn't park all the way back in the parking deck. At the end, I was barely walking at all - my twins were 15 lbs. combined! I remember one VERY hot day in the summer before I had the tag, I stopped at Whole Foods. When I got back to my van, I almost started crying because I could not walk the cart back over and I couldn't leave it because the lot was not level and it would roll. Then I saw a lady heading toward the store and asked her if she would return my cart for me. I just could not walk that far in the heat!


Personally, my problem with the low emissions spots is that it's like reserved parking for people who have more money than the rest of us peons!

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The pregnant spots here do include new moms and those with oodles of little ones. :001_smile:



Pregnant women aren't handicapped, so they don't qualify for a handicapped parking spot. IF they have a high risk pregnancy, they may qualify, though going to the DMV with the necessary paper work is a pain. Stores are free to still mark some spaces as being for pregnant women, but they don't have to do that. I personally would not have felt like I needed a special spot, even when I was 9 months pregnant with twins. I could still walk just fine (actually, driving was the problem, because I could hardly reach the wheel past my belly, lol).


Anyway, it's possible that the store has spaces for pregnant women AND low emissions. But if I were choosing, I would certainly choose women with young children over pregnant women. I think there are a lot of people who have a great need than pregnant women - people post surgery, people with young children, people on crutches, people who have someone with dementia with them, people who are very elderly or frail .....


But I think it's also fine to reward those who invest in energy efficient cars. Why not? You can have parking for one group without slighting another.

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I'm having a really hard time understanding the reaction to this.


It is a private company. If they choose to make life easier for people who are doing something that they want to encourage, that's their right. If you don't like that policy, don't shop there.


And it is hard for me to understand hostility toward low-emitting cars. Whether your issue is global warming, dependence on foreign oil, run of the mill pollution, . . . what's to mock about low emissions?

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What really irks me is, people who drive their golf carts to the store and do not park in the golf cart area, but in regular parking spots.


They do not even park in the regular spots correctly. I think a lot of them must have a competition going, to see who can use up the most car parking spaces with one golf cart.

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I'm having a really hard time understanding the reaction to this.


It is a private company. If they choose to make life easier for people who are doing something that they want to encourage, that's their right. If you don't like that policy, don't shop there.




Well, I posted about a county library doing the same thing. We all pay tax dollars for the library, yet someone's decided only people with hybrids are "special" enough to get the prime parking. Also, for the amount of parking there was overall, the number of hybrid reserved spaces were quite ridiculous.



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What really irks me is, people who drive their golf carts to the store and do not park in the golf cart area, but in regular parking spots.


They do not even park in the regular spots correctly. I think a lot of them must have a competition going, to see who can use up the most car parking spaces with one golf cart.


I have never seen anyone drive a golf cart to the store. It must be where we live or something. I have seen that they are starting to sell them in our downtown area, but I've never seen one at the grocery.



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I have never seen anyone drive a golf cart to the store. It must be where we live or something. I have seen that they are starting to sell them in our downtown area, but I've never seen one at the grocery.





I live close to a huge retirement community and the all of the stores in the area have golf cart parking. They even have special lanes for driving on the side of the road.

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I'm having a really hard time understanding the reaction to this.


It is a private company. If they choose to make life easier for people who are doing something that they want to encourage, that's their right. If you don't like that policy, don't shop there.


And it is hard for me to understand hostility toward low-emitting cars. Whether your issue is global warming, dependence on foreign oil, run of the mill pollution, . . . what's to mock about low emissions?



So I'm not allowed to comment on something a private company does?

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I'm having a really hard time understanding the reaction to this.


It is a private company. If they choose to make life easier for people who are doing something that they want to encourage, that's their right. If you don't like that policy, don't shop there.


And it is hard for me to understand hostility toward low-emitting cars. Whether your issue is global warming, dependence on foreign oil, run of the mill pollution, . . . what's to mock about low emissions?


Because we can:lol: and I have a right to complain. And you're right. I'd never shop there. And because some of the people who are like this pounce on "us" who don't have these cars, don't want these cars, and can't possibly use these cars due to family size or pets. So tit for tat! Not pouncing on you, just "sayin".:lol:

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I haven't seen spots reserved for LowE cars, but the factory outlet near us (Lancaster, CA) has spots for electric cars with free power! They aren't actually "prime spots" though--they're near the middle of the lot.



Oh LOL! They'd need to go to an outlet too, 'cause they have no money left after buying that car!

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Because we can:lol: and I have a right to complain. And you're right. I'd never shop there. And because some of the people who are like this pounce on "us" who don't have these cars, don't want these cars, and can't possibly use these cars due to family size or pets. So tit for tat! Not pouncing on you, just "sayin".:lol:


What is "like this"? I mean, I think the whole parking issue is pretty weird. I know people who find pregnancy parking ridiculous (which it kind of is for the average pregnancy), but I don't see what there really is to complain about in either situation.

I'm just trying to imagine my non-pregnant self saying I won't go to a store that has pregnancy parking without young-child parking because the store is discriminating against my uterus status.


Then again, we don't have pregnancy, young-child, OR hybrid parking around here. ;)

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That's cool, I can understand enigmas. :D In many ways I am one, myself. :lol:

(my apologies for being a little short-sighted about hybrid owners :001_smile:)



We don't all bite. :001_smile:


To be fair, the Prius is "dh's car" and I have a minivan. We DO have 4 kids! But I do all kid-free errands in "his car".

We have put 98,000 miles on the Prius in 2 years. We find it a necessity with all of the driving he does for work, especially when the gas prices were at their highest.

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Well, I posted about a county library doing the same thing. We all pay tax dollars for the library, yet someone's decided only people with hybrids are "special" enough to get the prime parking. Also, for the amount of parking there was overall, the number of hybrid reserved spaces were quite ridiculous.




I would feel differently about a library--that the public should have a say in how parking is allocated since they are paying the bills.

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So I'm not allowed to comment on something a private company does?


I don't believe I said or implied that. What I did was express surprise that so many people thought it ridiculous that a store would "reward" low-e cars. There are all sorts of reasons for supporting low-e cars. What's so ridiculous about it?

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If you're pregnant, walking is good exercise for you. And What's an extra 100 yards on top of all that walking you're going to do in the store?? Or... do people expect to have scooter carts for that, too?


Pregnancy is not an enfeebled state.

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I live close to a huge retirement community and the all of the stores in the area have golf cart parking. They even have special lanes for driving on the side of the road.


Aaaah. I was reading along and had to back up and double check that my eyes had indeed read "golf carts" correctly - I've never seen a golf cart outside of a golf course, nevermind at a grocery store. :tongue_smilie:


Then again - it might seem odd to people from *there* to come *here* in the winter and see an ATV or snowmobile parked outside the grocery store. ;)

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:lol: I'm surprised they're not encouraged to pull right up to the front doors and leave their cars idling while they shop. :tongue_smilie:


:w00t: My hybrid doesn't idle! If it is stopped, the engine kicks off.


I do usually park far away at the supermarket. I don't like to circle or look for a space, so I pull in and grab the first space I get to and walk. :)


Our hybrid was more $ at first but it has since paid for itself in gas savings. I <3 my hybrid.

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I think it's a wonderful idea to encourage people to consume less, and to consume more responsibly. Even better, maybe stores like the one you describe might install bike racks (maybe they already do?) to encourage people who choose not drive cars. I think any actions by businesses, who, let's face it, also encourage driving (to their stores!) to mitigate the impact of the consumption they encourage, are worthwhile.

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Our hybrid was more $ at first but it has since paid for itself in gas savings. I <3 my hybrid.


I just crunched some numbers and got a very rough estimate of $7000+ in gas savings in the past two years. Obviously that's mostly b/c dh drives so much, but there's no getting around that.


Not too shabby. If we can keep the car alive long enough, it could wind up being practically "free"!

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I just crunched some numbers and got a very rough estimate of $7000+ in gas savings in the past two years. Obviously that's mostly b/c dh drives so much, but there's no getting around that.


Not too shabby. If we can keep the car alive long enough, it could wind up being practically "free"!


We also got $2500 cash back on our taxes the year we bought it. :)

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:w00t: My hybrid doesn't idle! If it is stopped, the engine kicks off.


Now that's pretty cool. I didn't know hybrids did that.


I do usually park far away at the supermarket. I don't like to circle or look for a space, so I pull in and grab the first space I get to and walk. :)



Same here. The kids are always complaining that I should try to get a better spot. And they always get the same response from me: "Waking is good for you!" :D

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