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I'm decluttering & I *should* have a garage sale...but I dont' wanna!!

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Tell me it's O.K. to forgo the extra money I could make from a garage sale and just haul it off to Good-Will or something. I really could use the money from a garage sale, but I'm SO overwhelmed with decluttering and the state of my house, it would be a relief to just get rid of the stuff.


What should I do? What would you do?


ETA: I do live in an area where garage sales *do* make pretty good money. Our subdivision has a HUGE sale every year and the people literally flock here. So I know I could make some money, but I still just want the stuff gone!!!!!! But I feel like I should try to make some money!

Edited by KIN
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Tell me it's O.K. to forgo the extra money I could make from a garage sale and just haul it off to Good-Will or something. I really could use the money from a garage sale, but I'm SO overwhelmed with decluttering and the state of my house, it would be a relief to just get rid of the stuff.


What should I do? What would you do?

I hear you here! I have had several garage sale. The thing that I got from them was a whole lot of work and major frustration. Oh, I did get a few bucks also but not enough to pay for the time and effort put into it.

I DON'T DO GARAGE SALES ANY MORE!!!! I AM FREE!!!:lol::lol::lol:

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I give all used clothing back to the local church. They have a "free" store that you can use every month. I have gotten alot of nice things for all 3 girls. Actually, if you go on my blog, you can see one of the dresses Ana wore for Good Friday. It is beautiful. Her Easter dress is even more beautiful and that was free also.


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If you itemize your taxes, you can take a deduction for charity donation. If you did that, I would donate over having a garage sale. I think you come out "ahead" doing it that way.


We do itemize our deductions, but with the poor economy the past several years we haven't ended up paying much income tax. It wouldn't help our taxes, unless this turns into a great year for our family business.

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If it is clothing, foster care agencies usually love to receive them. For children coming in to foster care, clothing is often a luxury. If they were removed from a home manufacturing drugs they most likely were not allowed to bring any of their own clothing with them due to contamination.

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Anything you might get some decent money from, I'd list on Craigslist. (These would be big ticket items, though. Baby equipment, furniture, electronics, appliances)


Women's and children's clothing, I'd give to a women's shelter. In fact, I'd ask if they need household goods, as well. Some shelters help the women with establishing new homes when they're ready to leave the shelter.


Men's clothing-- to a homeless shelter or Goodwill/Salvation army.


Assorted miscellany: Goodwill/Salvation Army.


Or, if you attend church, ask your pastor if anyone in the congregation has a need for the things you have.

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We have just finished a huge decluttering due to our upcoming move. There was no time for a yard sale. I listed big items for sale in a note on Facebook and sold almost all of it to friends or friends of friends. I gave away a bunch of stuff too, mostly baby/kids clothes. The "odds and ends" went to goodwill, but it was still a lot. I liked giving some of the things to friends who I knew would use and appreciate it. I gave one friend enough clothes to outfit her baby for probably 2 years! I earned "warm fuzzies" instead of cash!:D

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I'd donate it all, unless you have a special item you think would bring in good money on it's own, and then I'd put it on Craigslist. I don't have the time or the patience to bicker with people over pennies at a garage sale. Just donate it and take the tax break. You'll be happy you did (at least I am). ;)

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We are decluttering, too. I wanted to have a yard sale or sell stuff somehow to make extra money, too. I had bags sitting around just waiting. Then God spoke to me one word..."PURGE". In prayer, he told me He would take care of the money but to just get rid of all the clutter. See, for me, clutter just steals my joy...it sucks the energy out of me, makes me cranky. So, I'm just bagging up junk and either trashing it or donating it. That extra $200 or so isn't worth the effort for me.

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We are finishing the basement of our house. I have had big plans for a yard sale for a while, but it just keeps on not happening.


This weekend, I put about 30 big boxes of gently used kids toys, an oak highchair, some yard toys, and a few garbage bags of kids clothes by the curb in front of our house with a big FREE sign.


We left it all out for about 24 hours and there are 2 boxes with barely anything left in them. Everything else went.


As nice as it is to have the extra money, there are a lot of people who need whatever help they can get right now.


I love knowing that stuff that was just taking up space at my house is now blessing someone else's family (and that I don't have to deal with the clutter any longer).


Good luck and I hope you are able to make a decision you can feel at peace with. :)

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Another vote for surpassing the Garage sale and just going straight to donation. We also live where garage sales can be very successful. We've done quite well in the past with sales, but they are so much hasle and people are honestly looking for something for nothing.


This past year dh and I started taking stuff straight to the Good Will box and have felt so free because of it.

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I don't do yard sales anymore. I did one about seven or eight houses ago. I think the only way they can be profitable is if either you do one every ten or twenty years and have lots of stuff or if you are a person who buys lots of extras or gets lots of extras. We are always moving and I don't want to have to move extras. I give away. I give away to groups that pick up. I take things to groups. I will soon be planning to give away a lot of curriculum. I find that the my time is worth more than the few dollars I make. I don't have the extra time to waste on a half day.

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My reasons for not having yard sales:


My house is hard to see until you are on it. Even if put up signs and balloons, we don't get much traffic. Our road is a U Shape so even when we put it in paper, people can't find us because there are two places you can make a right off the main road.


I live on cul-de-sac and there is not a lot of parking. People block my neighbor's driveways.


My front yard is sloped, so hard to put up a clothing rack to hold the clothes that hang. We have no trees to string anything.


We get the full sun and have no shade in front yard. By 9:30, it's sweltering.


People walk all over the flower beds, my neighbors' lawns, etc.


At one yard sale, I spent hours sorting baby and toddler clothes by size and type. I had all two pieces together. ONE lady came and looked at it and when she was done, all the clothes were in one big heap.


I have tried spending all my time putting prices on things only to be asked over and over "how much is this?" If I don't price, then people tend to not buy as they assume it will be too much?


I am a yard saler. I go to yard sales. I price my things on the cheap side. Yet, it never fails that people still want to ask me if I will take a quarter for something marked $1 or more. THEN they want to pay for a quarter item with a $20 bill. OH and if you have it marked a quarter, they want to pay a dime.


I have had things stolen from yard sales!!!


We had a yard sale at my mom's in a small town once and this man bought an antique camera from her really cheap. He then get mad because he looked her up on ebay and found out that she has listed it there and not sold it! He sent her nasty messages, left nasty messages on answering machine, etc. True nut case.


Similarly, I have had people come back wanting a refund the next day!


I don't have a garage or any place to store things out of the way until yard sale day. To gather enough for a yard sale, I have to clutter up my living room or kitchen.


IT never fails that we lose business because our signs fell down, were taken down or whatever. I can't run the sale and go around checking to make sure signs are okay at same time.

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We used to do garage sales and even though you make some extra cash, I don't think it is worth our time and energy. Plus, my husband didn't like people coming to our house and looking at all the stuff in our garage that wasn't for sale...and asking if it was for sale. Plus, I am all for bargaining as I do when I go to sales, but some people are just rude!!

Donate or see if you have a friend that loves to do sales and see if you have everything priced and ready to go--maybe they would let you put it in with their sale and give them a percentage of your profit for selling it for you! Remind them that it helps to have a good selection in order to bring people to your sale.

Good luck purging! My other problem with us having a sale is that my husband and kids end up sneaking things back into the house because they don't like the price I may have on something. Anyway, good luck!

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I just moved and thus did a major declutter/downsizing in preparation. A few large items I sold on Craigslist. A mattress and microwave that were older, but still usable I donated free through Craigslist. Most of the remaining items were donated to two different places, both of which offered pick-up for my donations. Then there were the odd and end items that weren't really something to donate, but still usable to somebody. Those I sat nicely at my curb with a "free" sign and sure enough there were folks who were interested.

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I stopped having yard sales, too. Too much effort for not enought gain. Give what you can to people you know could use it. The rest, itemize and donate it. You will feel less stress and much RELIEF when it is GONE! (And this will happen much more quickly than if you hold it all for a yard sale.)

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I'm in the exact same boat. I have this big room full of stuff we've been collecting for a garage sale (we've had really good luck in the past with garage sales)...but now the stuff has been here going on 6 months and I'm really tired of tripping over it. soooo.....


I pulled the choice girls' clothing pieces and nicest toys out and sold the clothes in lots on eBay...making more than I would ever have in a garage sale.


I might Craigs List the next best stuff, and then donate. I was able to make some money, and help people out as well.

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I have the same issue. I have this PILE of stuff in my storage room that must go, but how? I am thinking about the garage sale route. Yes, it takes time to sit out and watch the stuff. I usually do 8-1, so it's not too bad. I did 2 days last fall of that and it was pretty painless. I really don't mind the bargaining since I am just going to give it away for free to Goodwill on Sunday anyway. I always take less if asked. I didn't make a ton of $$, but it was more than I had before, and more than I could have had for a write-off on taxes. My dh is out of work right now and it will help with grocery money, so I can give my time to make $250 in a weekend.

If I really didn't need the money, I would probably do the Craigslist/donate route.


good luck,


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At first I was going to say it's ok to just purge.

But when I saw your ETA, I thought MAKE the $.

Advertising is half the battle!


Price low to start but get a few dollars for the pricier things.

After 2 or 3 hours - you literally make a sign that everything is a quarter.....

ALL of your stuff will be gone. And you will make money!

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I just had my first one about a week and a half ago--totally not worth it. Between the prep time, and the actual day, I figure I made less than minimum wage. On the upside, it was a good reminder. You can get good stuff real cheap at a yard sale! I'll never have another one, but I may go to yours if you live close enough! ;)

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I am so glad that karensn and mom2tbcnm posted to go ahead and have a yard sale! My thinking went along with what they posted. If you need the money, and you don't mind "minding the store" for half a day, it's worth it in order to have the cash.


I've only had one yard sale and am planning another one for this summer. (BTW, it will be my last simply because we are not acquiring more things and will have purged a great deal between last yard sale and this one). Anyway the yard sale was fun from the standpoint of visiting with those who wished to visit as well as buy. Met some neat people. NO ONE dickered price with us (which really surprised us). We were prepared to come down in price and, as someone else posted, to mark things way down the last couple hours - never had to, though. I even offered to lower a price on an item someone picked up and put down and picked up again - she said no, the price was great and bought it!


As a Christian, I also viewed it as a time to quietly share Christ by putting a little "Jesus Loves You" card in each bag. Some people pulled back down the road to tell us how much they appreciated that.


Some people got out of their cars and walked with great purpose and smiles on their faces to specific items, grabbed them up, and said how they had been looking for just that item for some time - they were blessed and delighted to find it!


All in all, a yard sale can be fun, a blessing, and profitable (keeping in mind that you won't make a fortune, but cash IS cash):)

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We donate and do garage sales. Clothes I always donate. We enlist our boys to help with yard sales. They help us sort and price and last time they had a bake sale. The reason we chose to have a yard sale was because the boys really wanted a Wii and this is a way that we could earn it as a family. It means to us that they have pride of ownership and take care of it because they had to work really hard to get it. What we did was used a section of the garage and piled stuff up in it for about 4 months (the hottest summer months!). Once it cooled down, we dug it all out and organized it. We made enough money for the entire system and it was fun for the boys.

Usually though, we have a battered women's shelter that calls about once a month for donations. I keep a pile aside for them and when they call, I take advantage of their free pickup!

Don't feel badly if you don't want the hassle of a garage sale. Donate and dance in your clutter-free place!

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