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How many of you have a pic of yourself as your avatar?

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That's me. I guess I don't "get" the concept of "avatar" because if never occured to me to have an "avatar" be DIFFERENT from my profile picture.


Can somebody bring me up to speed on this whole "avatar" thing. I don't even like the WORD .. LOL. Sounds like something Shirley MacLaine would need. Ack. I'm revealing my worldview biases now, aren't I?:p:eek::rolleyes:


PS In my photo, I am standing, in true English-Geek mode, in the shadow of the statue that reportedly inspired Percy Bysshe Shelley to write my favorite of his poems, Ozymandias (I met a traveller from an antique land ... blah blah blah.)

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Nope. I have a profile picture, though.

I've had other images of myself online, but I thought it was time to be honest about my plumpness.

That's the real me. A fat girl with too much makeup. :D


Call yourself fat again in my presence and I'll give you too much eye make up... all in various shades of black and blue!! :mad:













but seriously... Plumpness? I'm not seeing it. shrug.gif

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Not yet, but as soon as I can find my photos I'm going to scan either a baby pic or a white face pic (if I haven't thrown the latter out in some moving purge). It will be the real me, but not what I look like now. Anything from 1yo and up looks pretty much like me. Plus, I was at my most beautiful when I was a baby. The white face photo would be fun, because that's a side of me not seen on the boards, but it's very much part of me. No one can get a word out of me when I put it on (needless to say, I've had to take a break because I can't afford to be that silent when caring for my particular set of kids.

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Okay, well I added my pic to my profile, I must have had a temporary lapse of insanity. :-O


Why would you say that? You look so lovely! (I started with cute, but some people think that cute is not a good complement -- so I went with lovely but if you are ok with cute, then I think you're cute too!)


GAH, am I a dork with trying to give a simple complement or what!

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So, what do you think? My favourite photo of myself ever, not necessarily because it looked/s like me. Yes, it's old. How old do you think I was? My mother, completely unbiased, of course;), told me at the time that it doesn't look anything like me. My dh, equally unbiased;), said it looks just like me even now (yeah, at 48. Right:rolleyes:) My ds, 7, had no idea who it was. My girls weren't sure. But, after all, I don't wear makeup, my hair up or pluck my eyebrows that thin anymore. Not to mention, my lips were reshaped by lipstick...

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