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How old are the Hive's kids right now?

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I couldn't force myself to answer this, because I never seem to get it right. When my daughter was still here and working on a high school level and I posted on the high school board, I got lectured to about how she wasn't "really" a high schooler, because she was only 10. I got to the point at which I not only didn't mention her age but actively tried to avoid the subject, but people who remembered or put it together kept bringing it up. So, while they insisted she was "really" in 5th grade, she was into her second year of high school. By the time she was in 7th grade, she was in college.


With my son, I've managed to keep ignoring the question of what grade he's in. And, probably because he hews closer to the typical in terms of emotional maturity and because he's a little more uneven in terms of academics, I tend to hang out on the K-8 board, even though he is working on a high school level in more than one subject. But now, apparently, I "make people feel bad" when I post about what my son is doing or reading.


So, I really have no idea how to answer this poll.


My son is 10, turning 11 next month, if that helps.

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Technically, mine are in 7th and 6th, and ds was just *promoted* :lol: to 3rd last week. We school year round, so the dc are above grade level, but we always answer in terms of what grade they would be in if they were in a *real* school. :001_smile:


And we've always homeschooled.:001_smile:

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I voted 6th and 5th but I also have a 2nd, K, and preschooler.


(This is so weird, I answered this post just a few minutes ago, and when it posted, it posted to the test board in some random thread. It will be interesting to see where this one ends up. :D )

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I voted 6th and 5th but I also have a 2nd, K, and preschooler.


(This is so weird, I answered this post just a few minutes ago, and when it posted, it posted to the test board in some random thread. It will be interesting to see where this one ends up. :D )

Mine did that, too! I couldn't figure out what happened. I thought it didn't register, so I tried to vote again and it said I already had. When I looked for my post, it was there, so I don't know how that all worked out!



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But now, apparently, I "make people feel bad" when I post about what my son is doing or reading.


So, I really have no idea how to answer this poll.


My son is 10, turning 11 next month, if that helps.


Oh, Jenny, I'm sorry my poll caused you angst! I hope those people who feel bad are telling you so as a kind of sideways method of complimenting you. :confused:

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However, they are out of level for all of their subjects so I can't really say the grade classification is the one I'm teaching. I don't think you can put their level in a neat box but since the purpose of the poll is to find out their ages, there you go!

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Weird. I voted 4th then got sent to the "how to test post" thread in a totally different forum.




That happened to me last night when I voted! I was puzzled, but I had a bunch of tabs open and I thought maybe I'd accidentally clicked something! Ha. Guess not. Weird! :lol:


as for the vote - I voted 6th and 3rd...that's just on paper though. Both kids work at a variety of levels, especially ds10. :)

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I too wasn't too sure how to vote. My son does a mix of grade 6, 7, 8 and 9.


Honestly, I thought no homeschooler really referred to grades. Only ages.


My 8yo does a mix of 1st - 5th grade material. My 6yo does a mix of kindergarten and 2nd grade material. So I understand about using ages instead of grades. I rarely discuss grade levels with other homeschoolers IRL, unless it's, "What grade level do I tell this or that bureacrat?" Even on other homeschooling forums, I use ages instead of grades. But here, on the WTM, is the one place where I consistently see my peers use the word "grade" rather than "age" when asking, "What is your child of ____ doing?" When in Rome...

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