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5th grade schedules/plans/curricula... anyone willing to share?? Please?

Virginia Heather

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Here's my current / incoming 5th grade plans, since I currently have both a 5th grader and a 4th grader. :001_smile:


Saxon Math 65 / Saxon Math 54


Latin's Not So Tough 3 / Latin's Not So Tough 3


LLATL Purple / LLATL Purple


CKE Biology w/ WTM logic stage science / CKE Chemistry w/ WTM logic stage science


SOTW 2 w/ WTM logic stage history / SOTW 3 w/ WTM logic stage history

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My main goal has been to get on-track with some things we can keep going with, so that's probably what we'll do. The math, history, etc. we'll just keep going in. I might add some RS G once we hit BJU6, and I might take a break from the BJU science between 5 and 6 to do Elements by McHenry. Haven't really looked at the BJU6 reading to know if we'll keep going with it or not. We're doing the BJU 5 reading now, and now that I've figured out how I like to implement it, it's going pretty well, covering some basic skills with a bit of fun and not too much trouble on our part. I wanted it for the variety of genres covered (as opposed to her very narrow interest in historical fiction).


Gotta go, screaming baby with 9 yo doesn't work. :(

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Here's what I'm planning for my 5th grader next year:



Singapore Primary Math 5A and 5B



R&S 5

SWO G and H

CW Homer and Poetry for Beginners

Assigned reading and dictations - yet to be planned

Latin for Children B



Mind Benders B series




Ancient history - probably put together myself



Human body - probably Apologia

Earth science - still to be determined


That's as far as I've gotten so far...

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I currently have a fifth grader. Here's what we are doing this year:


Latin: Lively Latin

Math: Saxon 76 with LOF Fractions

Language Arts: WT2, GWG 5, AAS, ZB5, Remedia's Outlining Workbook

History/Literature/Geography: Biblioplan Ancients with SOTW AG and Fr. Schuster's Bible History

Logic: Grid Perplexors and Mindbenders

Science: RS4K Level 1 Chemistry with (starting a couple weeks ago) the new RSO Chemistry (She'd had two years of bio-type science at her private school and felt she needed something new so it's not per the WTM schedule)

Memorization: IEW Poetry

Art: Art with a Purpose (Artpac 5)

Religion: Atrium-level 2, The Mass Explained by Maria Montessori, 57 Saints, Book of Angels, Faith and Life at Church Faith Formation class, Catholic Mosaic for Liturgical Year

Music: Piano lessons, flute in homeschool band

PE: Crossfit kids, Irish dance

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We are only a few weeks into our school year here, but here is what we are doing for 5th grade so far...


Math: Understanding Maths 5/6, Life of Fred Fractions and probably also Decimals and Percents, will add Mind Benders


English: Successful English 4A&B (includes grammar), WWE


Spelling: Word Lessons


Reading: a variety of literature related to history period, and some not, followed by book summaries.


History: SOTW 4 and Australian History, Succeeding in Social Studies 4 which covers mostly Australian Geography


Science: Considering God's Creation


Art: Lamb's Book of Art by Barry Stebbing, study an artist each term.


Music: piano, violin and singing



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Elegantlion, how are you liking Elements? Any comment about it, things that work or don't work, whether you tweak it, etc.?


We really like it. Science is not my strong subject and ds loves it. We read through the chapter and do some activities. We're about half way through it, after a rocky start with a few other curriculum.


I am learning more about the periodic table and feel it is developing a good foundation for further studies in chemistry.


The only thing I had purchased extra is a placemat with the periodic table.

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For my 5th grader next year:


Voyages in English 6 (old version)

Classical Writing Aesop B and maybe Poetry for Beginners A

Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6

Spelling Power

Saxon 65

Apologia YE Zoology 1

Faith and Life 5/bible history/Baltimore catechism

History Odyssey Ancients Level 2 plus Dorothy Mills' books, Famous Men or Greece and Rome, D'Aulaire's Greek Myths and Augustus Caesar's World

Latina Christiana 1

Seton Art 5


I think that is it, but you never know what I am going to change by the time fall comes around.

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I will have a 5th grader next year. Here is my plan for him:



LLATL Purple



CW Homer A/Poetry for Beginners A

Growing with Grammar 5

Singapore 4B & 5A/EP/IP/CWP 3


Child’s History of America

Spelling Power

Calvert Spelling 5 CD/Everyday Spelling Book

NOEO Biology 2

Pentime 5

Geography US

Discovery Bible Genesis

Vocabulary Connections E

Latin for Children


P.E, Art, and Music are all done through Co-op.

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I had one in 5th last year. This was the plan:


Science -- Real Science 4 Kids Level I, all three books plus labs

Soc. Studies -- Story of Mankind, Geography Songs

English -- Igniting Your Writing, Language Mechanic, Tales from the Mabinogion, Children of Odin, Black Ships Before Troy, Wanderings of Odysseus, Beowulf by Sutcliff, King Arthur by Tenggren, Lang's Arabian Nights, Garfield's Shakespeare Stories, The Five Sons of King Pandu (an Indian mythology novellization for kids), The Magical Monkey King (a Chinese mythology).

Math -- Modern Curriculum Press, but we switched to Life of Fred halfway through the year and it was much better


I assigned him a weekly BrainPop video and related research project on health or fine arts topics (alternating), to meet our state requirements in those areas. He also did bowling and swimming, drama, and worked in our business. Oh, and we did The Art of Argument, too.


I was aware that he would very likely be going back to school next year, and I felt like I was giving him a one last overview/review year, thus the overviews in literature, history and science.

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My 5th grader will be doing:


Saxon 7/6

Imitations in Writing Aesop & Poetry Primer

Mystery of History 1

Rod & Staff English 4

Latin for Children B

A Child's Geography 2 (The Holy Land one)

Mind Benders and A Case of Red Herrings

Real Science 4 Kids Level 1

Spelling Skills 5


We'll keep on with Piano & Judo.

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My current 5th grader:



SL Core 3 history


language arts

SL Core 3 readalouds, regular and advanced readers (lowest level readers replaced with other books)

Winston Grammar Basic, 2 sentences/day

Sequential Spelling 1, 15 words/day

http://www.spellingconnectionsonline.com proofreading, 2x/week

Rewards Reading, 1 page/day

Fables, Myths, and Fairy Tales from IEW



Singapore 4B/5A

Daily Math Practice, finished grade 4 and started grade 5



Scholastic Study Jams

when she finished Study Jams, she started watching science videos from the library

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I know this wasn't your question, but if you are following WTM then it will be soon

The hardest new thing for my 5th grader (and I ) to learn has been outlining.

I read and re-read the WTM chapter on logic stage history, ds worked through the Remedia book on Outlining (I highly recommend this), and initially I had to help him significantly.

We have now got the hang of it, but it does take a bit of effort.

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Here is the current plan...subject to change daily!!

SL 4 Core (Bible, History, Reading)

BJUP English 6

Spelling Workout E

Wordly Wise

Lively Latin

Horizons Math 5

BJUP Science 5

Perplexors B then C, Logic Lift-Off

continue Visual-Link Spanish

Keeper's of Faith club

Master's Academy of Fine Arts for art, music, drama, history

don't know about PE yet, gymnastics or dance, maybe

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I'm working on my plan now. It's looking like this:


My Father's World - Exploration to 1850 http://www.mfwbooks.com/exploration.htm

Sonlight Core 3 Readers

MathUSee Delta and Singapore Primary Math Challenging Word Problems

First Language Lessons 4

Spelling Power

English from the Roots Up - finishing up the Greek roots now, will be doing the Latin roots next year

Living Memory: A Classical Memory Work Companion

The Greek Alphabetarion & Greek for Children

Brave Writer & Writing With Ease 4 plus the Remedia Outlining book

something for pre-logic

piano lessons

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So far this is 5th grade:



SWO G & H (maybe)

Story of the World 4 w/ AG (we start this next week)

Classical Writing - Homer A

Singapore Math 5A & 5B, or maybe Right Start Geometry --- GAAH!

Science - dunno yet

Elementary Greek - Year Two

Latin - maybe Henle plus Lingua Latina (will have finished LFC)

some informal Spanish here and there -- he resists this but we might visit Nicaragua, so.......


not much art


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5th grade next Fall...


Singapore math 5A/B, supplemented with Key To series

Classical Writing Homer A (also considering CW Poetry program)

History -- ancients per WTM suggestions

Mind Benders per WTM

Science per WTM

LC 2, assuming we finish LC 1 this year



continue with piano/bagpipes, outside art class, and sports



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What I've bought so far:


MUS Epsilon

CW - Poetry for Beginners A

AAS- Level 3

SOTW with the KF History Encyclopedia (I also have the Usborn if needed)

We are starting CW Aesop B today. If we don't get it finished before June I'll carry over then add Homer

Growning With Grammar 5

For science I've got the DK Encyclopedia of Nature and the National Geographic Encyclopedia of Animals

A variety of reading books based on our history study of the ancients

Artistic Pursuits


I need to get something for human biology, Latin, vocabulary, CW Homer, and logic.

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My daughter will be in 5th grade next year.


Saxon 8/7

R&S English 7

Henle Latin 1

Famous Men of the Middle Ages

Nature Study using the MODG Natural History syllabus

Mind Benders (optional, but she likes them)

Bible (KJV)


Dance (ballet, tap, jazz, lyrical)


Just a few days ago I compiled a lovely reading list centered around the Middle Ages, but of course I've lost it already.

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Here's what we're using for 5th grade this year...


Singapore Math 5A&5B

Growing With Grammar 5

Wordly Wise

Spelling Workout

Writing Skills

Sonlight Core 5

Apologia Botany and Zoology 3

Lively Latin 2

Building Thinking Skills

Reading Detective

Beginning Outlining, and Outlining

How To Read Non-Fiction

Bible Study Guide For All Ages


I think that's everything.


I've slacked off this year and we're not doing any art or music.

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Our plans for next year (5th)...


Math, latin and greek are just a continuation of what we're already doing.


Math-BJU 6, Life of Fred Dec. and Percents, some CLE 6 for reinforcement and review


Latin-LfC Primer C, Lingua Latina


Greek-Elementary Greek 2 (if we finish 1 this year)


Writing-We've mostly done our own thing this year. DD9 is a strong writer; we may just work on the writing skills progression per WTM. We've been throught Writing Tales 2 and dabbled in IEW. I'd like to continue a classical progym-based program but I don't know what to do next. All the options that I'm aware of are too time-intensive (or maybe they're not?)


Science-We've done a BJU/Apologia combo and may do the same next year.


History-I have no idea...my thoughts change daily. DD dislikes history and nothing we do appeals to her so I may just flip a coin and be done with it.:tongue_smilie:


Violin and Piano

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I am nothing short of amazed at all the work some of you do with your 5th graders! Below are the curricula that we're using this year with success that I'm presuming we'll continue with next year for 5th. I absolutely cannot fit anything else in. With what I've got below, we are at 4 hours of academics a day. We leave our afternoons open for music, and typing, and we can't do more. I'm actually beginning to feel that pressure in the pit of my stomach that I'm not doing enough after reading others' posts. After 4 hours in a day, my ds and I are both done. We eat lunch, practice instruments, type, and then it's 2:30, other kids are home from school, and I'm not going to force him to do more. How on earth do people fit in all this curricula??:001_huh:



Elson Reader

Singapore Math

R&S Grammar 5

SOTW 3+ probably that DK History Encyclopedia

Lively Latin 2

Writing - ? Perhaps finish up IEW Medieval or do WT2

continue with Logic Liftoff

Science - who knows at this point - mix and match

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Well, I am just starting to consider what I will be using next school year for my fifth grade dd. Keep in mind that it is subject to change according to what I find at used book sales and other unknowns.:tongue_smilie:


English- Probably either Rod and Staff or Abeka


Math-Saxon 6/5 ( I found the text at a used library book sale for 50 cents.:D I will need to find an answer key at the upcoming used book sales.


History- Story of the World 1. I want to find something to do before this to lay a biblical foundation. I am considering World History Made Simple by Ruth Beechick.


Geography-A study of continents , countries and people using "Lands and Peoples" encycolopedias. (Found at used library book sale.)


Are you getting the drift that money is an issue? :lol:


Science- Christian Liberty Nature Reader Book 5 or Considering God's Creation. Also Nature Studies using our Field Guide.


Bible-Keepers at Home by Keepers of the Faith. I am praying about leading a Keepers at Home group for our hs group next year. I will use this guide for our Bible Memory and Bible Reading. This will also cover life skills.


Vocabulary- I am considering Vocabulary From Classical Roots.


Latin- Don't know if I will do Latin or not. Depends on time and money.

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We're doing 5th grade this year. Main curriculum in bold, rest is supplemental, outside class, or cobbled together.


Math: Singapore 5A/B, LOF Fractions, Math Detective, Fraction Finders, Decimal Destinations

Grammar: Easy Grammar, Editor in Chief, Punctuation Puzzlers

Writing: Outside writing class, Reports for science

Spelling: Sequential Spelling (dd1), Spelling Wisdom (dd2)

Vocabulary: Word Roots

Penmanship: Getty Dubay F

Reading: Monthly book club, assigned history, free reading

Science: Science coop, Science Detective

Foreign Language: German at Sat. School, Spanish the Easy Way

History: Lots and lots of books (with some videos and music thrown in) - doing 20th century US this year

Geography: U.S. Map Skills

Logic: Grid Perplexors

Music: Piano (dd1), Violin (dd2), Chorus

PE: Skating and Volleyball (dd1), Ballet (dd2)


I bought Artistic Pursuits, but it hasn't gotten done, so I don't think I can include it. Art has fallen off the end of the truck this year, it appears. :tongue_smilie: All the other stuff is actually getting done regularly.

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I am nothing short of amazed at all the work some of you do with your 5th graders! Below are the curricula that we're using this year with success that I'm presuming we'll continue with next year for 5th. I absolutely cannot fit anything else in. With what I've got below, we are at 4 hours of academics a day. We leave our afternoons open for music, and typing, and we can't do more. I'm actually beginning to feel that pressure in the pit of my stomach that I'm not doing enough after reading others' posts. After 4 hours in a day, my ds and I are both done. We eat lunch, practice instruments, type, and then it's 2:30, other kids are home from school, and I'm not going to force him to do more. How on earth do people fit in all this curricula??:001_huh:



Elson Reader

Singapore Math

R&S Grammar 5

SOTW 3+ probably that DK History Encyclopedia

Lively Latin 2

Writing - ? Perhaps finish up IEW Medieval or do WT2

continue with Logic Liftoff

Science - who knows at this point - mix and match



I looked at your blog...looks like you are doing plenty. I don't do all that you do and I do some other things you don't, but who is the judge? Are YOU happy? Is your son happy? Looks like you are doing some pretty amazing things yourself that I am unable to do, so to quote my husband "stop reading all that stuff and just be content." You are doing great.

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My plans right now for 5th grade are...


Bible and History- MFW 1850-Exploration

Continue EFTRU

Handwriting and Copywork using HWOT Cursive

Poetry- Child's Garden of Verses

Spelling- SWO Complete level E and start F

Grammar- R&S 4 or Continue with Shurley 5

Vocabulary- Wordly Wise

Science- Apologia Botany or Zoology

Writing- Writing with Ease and possibly Writing Tales

Math- Saxon 65

Latin- Latin For Childen A (very off and on this year)

Art- Continue God and the History of Art (We have barely made any progress this year)

Music- per Ambleside Online

Reading List- Ambleside Online

Logic- Need to open my WTM book and look for suggestions


I think that covers everything. It looks like a lot written out but we are pretty much scheduled for similar this year too.

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Well, here are my tentative plans for my 5th grade ds:


History/Bible/Music Appreciation: MFW RtoR

Science: Apologia Astronomy and human body study as scheduled in MFW

Grammar: Junior Analytical Grammar

Writing: Writing Strands (maybe IEW Medieval writing)

Spelling: Spelling Today (an old, out of print spelling text we like)

Math: Scott Foresman Exploring Mathematics 5 (maybe Life of Fred as a supplement?)

Latin: Latin for Children

Art: Mark Kistler's online drawing lessons

PE: Golf, basketball


I also have ILL which I'd love to use if I can fit it in somewhere. I have a tendency toward overkill when it comes to Language Arts. :)

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Here's what I'm using with my fifth grader this year:


Bible/Character - read through some books on manners at the beginning of the year and discussed; finished up Memoria Press Christian Studies II; now reading through The Moral Compass, Bennett.


Math - Singapore 5 and MUS Delta for drill work.


Handwriting - Getty Dubay Italic F, followed by copywork in italic.

Writing - miscellaneous workbooks covering outlining, summarizing, moving into WordSmith Apprentice, which we will finish up by the end of the year.


Spelling/Word Study - Spelling Workout G; miscellanoues workbooks covering word study skills, dictionary skills, etc.


Grammar - Abeka God's Gift of Language B, and Oral Language Lessons.


Literature - created my own study using two books covering mythologies of the world; various printouts and worksheets from the internet dealing with literary elements; and mythology, legends, and folktales for each culture that we cover in history.


Reading - selected stories and works related to literature are read weekly by my son and we discuss and/or he writes reports on these.


Latin - alternates with Spanish, so we move more slowly through it. We are using Latin Primer I this year.


Spanish - outside class with a native speaker once per week for an hour (using a workbook for homework and written work in class); Espanol para Chicos y Grandes at home.


Geography - doing two studies using the BF guide and Holling books Paddle and Minn this year, to cover the eastern US. Will fill in with a couple of other books at the end of the year for those few states not touched on in these two studies.


Logic - working through the Mind Benders books, in A3 right now.


History - using Kingfisher and other history encyclopedias, SOTW I, books I have at home and library books to cover the ancients time period. Ds is outlining, writing about selected topics, doing some related activities, taking tests over the SOTW materials, keeping a timeline, etc.


Science - covered biology during fall semester, focusing primarily on fauna rather than flora, using the Reader's Digest How Nature Works and other books, along with lots of written activities I found online or through books such as McGraw Hill's Complete Book of Science

5/6, some of the experiments, related field trips, etc. Now working on studies of the human body, using How the Body Works and other books. I am also focusing more on botany studies than I did first semester, picking up and finishing some work I had laid out using a botany study by Kym Wright. Ds is doing some of the labs from that study with a friend once a week now.

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My dd will be coming home for homeschool next year. I am pretty much doing the same with her that I am doing with my son who will be in 4th grade.


Bible/Character: Girl of Beauty for devotions/Daily Bible reading

Polite Moments for family devotions


Literature: Ambleside Year 4 selections (w/some Ambleside Free Reading and Sonlight Core 3 as our audio books and evening read alouds)

Reading: DITHOR

Poetry: Various


Composition: IEW if $$ available (if not then I will work on same skills without the aid of the videos)

NaNo Young Writer workbook


Book Reports using Love to Learn Place website

Penmanship: Copywork journal (daily scripture, poem or song, literature selection)

Typing: Free online typing site (2-4 times a week)


Spelling/Grammar: Dictation w/ an occasional School House Rocks and grammar game from Internet Skillbuilders.

Vocabulary: Word Roots and daily dictionary drills

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Latin: Rosetta Stone


Math: I am going to have to assess her as the school has different scope and sequence than Singapore but I think she will mostly be in 5A/B with some backtracking for some things. Life of Fred decimals.

Logic: Logic Liftoff


Nature Studies: Ambleside Year 4 readings plus nature walks/journal via Handbook for Nature Study site. Trying to get Horseback riding lessons for her too.

Science: 3 terms

1) Ben Franklin experiments

2) Snap Circuits

3) Gizmos and Gadgets book

Lego League once a week


Geography: Seabird and Minn of the Mississippi books w/mapwork; Learn the states songs. Travel Channel shows

History: Ambleside Year 4 readings, incorporate some of Sonlight Year 3 readers into DITHOR. Historical Movie and/or documentary a week.

Join our Co-Op's history club.

Citizenship: Ambleside Plutarch reading plus flag and election lapbooks where they fit in our history readings


Art: I Can Do All Things (will rotate her in whereever we start next year)

Picture Study

Music: Themes to Remember

Not sure if she will get music lessons or not

Drama: Homeschool Co-Op's drama club

PE: Cheerleading and Tumbling (twice a week)

Home-Ec: Co-op's 4-H group


Other: Homeschool Co-op class on Fridays

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Here are our plans:



Math: Teaching Textbooks Pre-Algebra

Latin: Latin for Children B

Memory work: LCC Living Memory

Classical Writing Homer



Ancient history: Veritas Press NT/Greece and Rome

Bible - Veritas Press Judges - Kings

Literature - Veritas Press list with guides

Geography - A Child's Geography Holy Lands

Science - with co-op group - unsure of curriculum yet




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Well, this is subject to change of course.... but I'm thinking about...


HOD's Hearts for Him through Time: Creation to Christ (covers history, Bible, science, Literature)

finishing FLL4

Math???? we're taking a break from MUS to use ALEKS - not sure where we're going from here!



Classical Conversations


eta: Getting Started with Latin

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Here is something I just posted on another board - but it can go here!


Well, I started out with Writing Road to Reading (Spalding Method) - way too complicated.

And Right Start Math - but I started nursing school and put dd in a Montessori.

But we always did science at home because we spent a lot of time on the beach, lagoon, and savannahs.

And we researched every bug, plant, bird, or creature we met along the way. We have been in the water with manatees who came to us - swam away - came back.

The kid is blessed! Our lives are science.


Anyway - so we started back (officially homeschooling) in 4th grade - last year. Dd was 10.

As she is a bit dyslexic - reading (gently) was a focus. We played with money. Mostly did our own thing. We were living on 20 acres - science was easy!

Lots of cursive practice. Some math. Mostly reading - using Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. And First Language Lessons (I tried to unbaby it).


Then I got pregnant! All kinds of crazy moving - which is my issue in this world - always moving!!!


Fast forward to 5th grade. Moving again......

But we school year round so I'm not too freaked out about our months of homelessness where we did a little school here and a little there.


This is my first year getting really serious.



Grammar -I am flying through the rest of FLL - it's really babyish, so I just want to cover the meat of it so we can get back to Growing With Grammar 5

(we had started GWG and dd loves it - but I felt we needed a little prep).

Might look into this down the road: http://www.studygrammar.com/

or this: http://www.analyticalgrammar.com/ - they also have JAG - Jr. Analytical Grammar


Spelling -I am using Sequential Spelling 1st level because it's an AVCO product - they help dyslexics.

Not really sure how I feel about it yet.


I am going to introduce Latin and Greek roots, suffixes and prefixes.

This is what I am looking at now:




And I just got English From the Roots Up - but think that will be next year.


Cursive - We practice daily. She has beautiful penmanship, but forgets some letters and has a chart for reference.


Writing - Writing Works (someone here recommended it) - we do the journal activities.

And she writes poems, stories, and letters to family for fun.



Right Start Math B - just finishing this because I hate to leave a book undone! Obviously we are flying through it and skipping so much because she already gets it.

Michele's Math - http://www.redshift.com/~bonajo/mmathmenu.htm

I plan on going through this http://www.themathpage.com/ARITH/arithmetic.htm and covering what we don't know before we move on to Life of Fred series.

Financial Peace Jr. (Dave Ramsey)

She's on it with money - can count back change. She knows time & Roman Numerals. Can do simple math in her head.



Story of the World: Ancients - just starting.

We've got Kingfisher History of the World and Usborne Internet Linked Ancients.



We do the homeschool classes offered at the local Museum.

We study subjects that come up in our lives.

BUT.....I am getting ready to do a more formal study.

I am going to start Biology using the outline from Pandia Press Real Science Life, I think the books are a little young for my dd, but I want to cover the basics.

Maybe get some Usborne Science books and supplement.

Then there's RealScience4Kids and I might do that. Or I might go ahead with the Life book.....I am hoping to keep busy doing our own thing for a few months

and then see what I find at the curriculum sale in May.


We are also going to start learning how to type in the next few weeks.

We listen to books on CD.

Memorize poems. (NOT the poems from FLL - they are DRY!).


We do analogies and Mind Benders (Critical Thinking Company).


We do gymnastics every Thursday and we take walks or sled if there's snow. It's been hard to get physical activity here, we came from a neighborhood of active friendly kids! So this new neighborhood sucks.

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