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Those with boys, toilet area cleaning tips needed.

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1) If you can't see it or smell it, and if you are cleaning regularly, I wouldn't get too too freaked out. Our lives are full or germs. Are refrigerators are full fo them, our hands have even right after we wash, and life is just germy. Wipe with clorox wipes, clean fully once a week, and if everything smells and looks okay, don't sweat it.


2) Cleaning around toilets is a good job for boys. I don't know how old your sons are, but once they are 6 or 7, maybe you should put them in charge of cleaning. I always say in threads about boy pee all over the place that my three boys don't seem to spray everywhere. Maybe a blacklight would tell me otherwise, but ultimately, the people who are most likely to pee on the baseboard should be cleaning them. THey are shorter than you anyway:)


3). Clorox wipes. I don't care if they are expensive. They are awesome for baseboards and woodwork.

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Clorax and then doing a daily cleaning with Clorax wipes or some other cleaner and let the boys clean it up. I can't stand that smell, so I was so glad when my son was learning to use the potty and he wanted to sit, since Daddy did. :-)

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1) If you can't see it or smell it, and if you are cleaning regularly, I wouldn't get too too freaked out. Our lives are full or germs. Are refrigerators are full fo them, our hands have even right after we wash, and life is just germy. Wipe with clorox wipes, clean fully once a week, and if everything smells and looks okay, don't sweat it.


2) Cleaning around toilets is a good job for boys. I don't know how old your sons are, but once they are 6 or 7, maybe you should put them in charge of cleaning. I always say in threads about boy pee all over the place that my three boys don't seem to spray everywhere. Maybe a blacklight would tell me otherwise, but ultimately, the people who are most likely to pee on the baseboard should be cleaning them. THey are shorter than you anyway:)



That's what we do. I don't worry about it if it doesn't look yucky or smell. With three boys, there's only so much I can do and I'd drive myself nuts if I thought about it too much. I just have a kid wipe down the toilet, floor, and surrounding area periodically and then deep clean weekly.


ETA: I do mop once a week with either bleach or vinegar in the boys' bathrooms, that seems to really help around the toilet area.

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Yup, 2 boys here, 3 if you count the big one. I've started in on the sit, sit, sit chant as well. My 8yo already does and I love it. My almost 6yo on the other hand.....not only does he spray the bathroom but he inevitably gets himself at least once a day. That's lots of laundry for me. Clorox wipes for me, deep clean once a week. The only time I really lose it is when I have to take down the cloth shower curtain because someone's aim was off. The toilet is RIGHT next to the tub. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

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I agree that we as a society need to loosen up about germs. Germs are an everyday fact of life. Being too clean can be unhealthy, just like being too unsanitary.


I really feel that it is unfair to make the females clean up after tinkle sprinklers. So, I taught my boys how to clean a bathroom around ages 5 and 7. I use an orange oil cleaner or a vinegar cleaner. I don't use bleach, partly for environmental reasons and partly because I want my kids to be able to do the cleaning. I made up a chart/checklist with step-by-step instructions on cleaning a bathroom and laminated it. Then I trained them how to do it. At first, I demonstrated what I wanted done. After a few times, I supervised them cleaning, helping them use the chart/checklist. Now, they are responsible for cleaning the bathrooms. I have them do a 5 minute wipe down at least every other day because clean bathrooms are my "shiny sink."

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One morning I announced that anyone who would like to stand may have the distinct privilege of cleaning around the toilet area twice a day. Once before morning break and once before bed. Smiling, I even got down on my hands and knees and demonstrated how "easy it was."


For some reason both boys immediately warmed up to the notion of sitting.


Problem solved.

Edited by Janice in NJ
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If you're outside, I don't care what you do (just don't get arrested).

Inside, there's no reason you can't sit. I mean you sit to poop, right? Why can't you sit for this? And don't give me the malarkey about the water being too cold on the appendage.... :D:D


Aerosol pee is just not something I need in my bathroom. However, the males here are darned stubborn - so I just keep the toothbrushes hidden away (yes, the mist will hit the counter too!) & use the clorox wipes liberally.


You can compromise by kneeling I guess......dh does that to minimize the noise at night (say, can you tell we had a fussy baby who didn't sleep?)

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Why can't you sit for this?


Because we are MEN!!! (thumps chest loudly).


Aerosol pee is just not something I need in my bathroom. However, the males here are darned stubborn


Thank goodness! Australian blood?


You can compromise by kneeling I guess......dh does that to minimize the noise at night (say, can you tell we had a fussy baby who didn't sleep?


Kneeling mixes too many sacred/profane issues in my mind.


If there had to be a compromise (A BIG IF) I suppose a man could stand on the rim of the toilet-seat and squat (to keep from waking up the baby).


Bill (who's horrified :D)

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Here is my sure-to-be unpopular opinion: I think forcing boys to sit on the toilet to urinate is akin to emasculating them.

Teach them to aim, teach them to clean, whatever (their future wives will thank you), but resign yourself to the fact that boys (and men) are messy. My dh is extremely neat in the toilet area, and my boys are becoming neater as they get older (nobody with a penis sits to pee in our house).

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Dh stands. hes a clean freak, has his own bathroom, cleans it himself.


I have been wondering though why ds has never even left drips on our toilet seat and also never lifts the seat. It's just never been an issue. However, for many years, he did sit, and it wasnt because we asked him to, he just chose to himself. Later he naturally took to standing- and I guess by then he was a good aim!

Dont want one of those black light thingies though.


A friend with several boys has always told me- you get a kettle full of just boiled water, and you pour it all over the toilet and all the tiles around it. There should be a drainage hole there somewhere (better check first!). If necessary, do it again. The boiling water cleans AND sterilises the whole area. It takes away that urinal stink. I guess if it was really bad you could add some disinfectant to the water too.


And the truth is I have never done it because it just doesn't stink in my loo!

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1) If you can't see it or smell it, and if you are cleaning regularly, I wouldn't get too too freaked out. Our lives are full or germs. Are refrigerators are full fo them, our hands have even right after we wash, and life is just germy.


We were very healthy living in China, which is in no way a hygienic country. I suspect the boys have developed very strong immune systems.



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My boys clean the bathroom daily.


I'm quite sure it's still not clean enough. . .


Here's a thought. We need to re-paint our bathroom. Why?


Because the "splatter" has gotten all over the walls / baseboard, and the, errr, ummm, *people* who lived here before us painted it with a cheapo flat paint. The kind that disintergrates when you try to wipe a mess off of it. The kind that does not protect the wallboard, and that stuff seeps in. . .and the smell is IN. YOUR. WALLS.


Not that I'm the mother of 4 boys or anything. . .


Nuts, yes, I am.


I have noticed though, that it's not the aim so much as the "splatter factor".






On another note, but honest and truly related (and may make Bill feel ever so much better).


Have you read the article about toilet flushing? Someone did a study way back when on flushing toilets and the germs in the bathrooms, and discovered that most of the junk scattered around the bathroom, toilet area, was actually from the toilet flush.


Go ahead, stand over your toilet and flush, if you dare. You will notice that a lot of "spray" is thrown outward from the flush of the toilet. (And all the lovely contents therein. . .)


Get your family to close the lid before flushing.

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After learning that bleach is a pesticide and harmful carcinogen I have been looking for safer alternatives to cleaning the stinky toilet area.

I found Oxygen Bleach by Nature Clean. It is hydrogen peroxide. I put it in a spray bottle and spray the toilet area. Bubbles appear where the boys have missed. Easy, safe, cheap (less than $3 for 1L), and my own version of the black light method :)

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On another note, but honest and truly related (and may make Bill feel ever so much better).


Have you read the article about toilet flushing? Someone did a study way back when on flushing toilets and the germs in the bathrooms, and discovered that most of the junk scattered around the bathroom, toilet area, was actually from the toilet flush.


Go ahead, stand over your toilet and flush, if you dare. You will notice that a lot of "spray" is thrown outward from the flush of the toilet. (And all the lovely contents therein. . .)



Now the ladies are going to have their boys sit while they flush too :D

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Eew, eew, yucky, no, no, eew. That's so...so...there's not even a word for it... unnatural. Bleck! Vile! Disgusting! :D


Bill (who's draging his knuckles out of this thread :tongue_smilie:)


Emasculating. I promised dh I would never make the boys sit down to urinate.


Every once in a while, armed with vinyl golves, toilet cleaner and a scrub brush, I remove the toilet seat and scrub it down in the bath tub (of course, the bath tub gets it's turn, too, I use the one my guys shower in, no one sits for a bath in that tub). There is no other way to get all the dried, splashed urine out from in and under those hinges. Toilet itself gets a thorough wipedown, as do the surrounding floor and walls. All my bathroom walls have serious moisture resistant paint and the floors are linoleum - no carpet, no grout!


Between big scrubs, the floors, walls, seat, etc are cleaned with the steamer and clorox wipes, clorox toilet scrub in the bowls.


I really really really hate this chore :glare:

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On another note, but honest and truly related (and may make Bill feel ever so much better).


Have you read the article about toilet flushing? Someone did a study way back when on flushing toilets and the germs in the bathrooms, and discovered that most of the junk scattered around the bathroom, toilet area, was actually from the toilet flush.




This is why we close the lid before we flush.

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My dh is the manliest man I know and he chooses to sit at home. My boys don't sit, but they are the toilet scrubbers. They clean all around the toilet, the wall, the floor. Not a problem.


We have manly sitters here, too.


It's funny how people get certan connotations in their minds. Guys sit to do the other. Why not do both?


That said, we do have standers, too. And splatters on the wall. Yuck. So NOT my favorite job.


We, too, don't worry about germs as much as some people. And we're very healthy.

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We mop with disposable, disinfecting cleaner pads, although I'm guessing straight vinegar would work well, too. I also wipe down the walls and baseboards with disinfecting wipes. I can't "see" anything, so their aim is at least pretty good. But just the idea of what might be there invisibly drives me to do this, LOL!

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We started my son sitting because he was too short to reach standing and once while on the step stool fell off sideways and cracked his head.:eek:

So after that he wanted to sit.

Now he is starting to stand but really could care less which way he goes. if he is out in public he prefers to sit(which I cringe at so we rarely go somewhere where this is an issue).

Although there was one time that he thought he was done and went to shake and he was pointing it up to see if he was done and he started peeing again. he was about 2 inches away from his face.:lol:

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Eew, eew, yucky, no, no, eew. That's so...so...there's not even a word for it... unnatural. Bleck! Vile! Disgusting! :D


Bill (who's draging his knuckles out of this thread :tongue_smilie:)




I haven't a clue what my boys do in the bathroom these days, but I assume they stand. That's what they were taught to do.


And they clean their own bathroom. Every day.

If they miss, it's their mess to clean up.


(Don't tell them, but I deep-clean their bathroom weekly, just in case.)

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1) If you can't see it or smell it, and if you are cleaning regularly, I wouldn't get too too freaked out. Our lives are full or germs. Are refrigerators are full fo them, our hands have even right after we wash, and life is just germy. Wipe with clorox wipes, clean fully once a week, and if everything smells and looks okay, don't sweat it.


2) Cleaning around toilets is a good job for boys. I don't know how old your sons are, but once they are 6 or 7, maybe you should put them in charge of cleaning. I always say in threads about boy pee all over the place that my three boys don't seem to spray everywhere. Maybe a blacklight would tell me otherwise, but ultimately, the people who are most likely to pee on the baseboard should be cleaning them. THey are shorter than you anyway:)



Yup. I agree. Can't see it, can't smell it...it's clean enough for me. And I do make the boys clean.


I also suggest they sit.


Eew, eew, yucky, no, no, eew. That's so...so...there's not even a word for it... unnatural. Bleck! Vile! Disgusting! :D


Bill (who's draging his knuckles out of this thread :tongue_smilie:)




Thank God for Australia!!! :D

Oh no. Here I am an antipodean who advocates sitting :lol:. Bang goes that theory.

DH does about 50/50...and there's nothing wrong with his manliness :D One boy mostly sits and one boy mostly stands. I'd rather they all sit all the time. But oh well, they clean it.



On another note, but honest and truly related (and may make Bill feel ever so much better).


Have you read the article about toilet flushing? Someone did a study way back when on flushing toilets and the germs in the bathrooms, and discovered that most of the junk scattered around the bathroom, toilet area, was actually from the toilet flush.


Go ahead, stand over your toilet and flush, if you dare. You will notice that a lot of "spray" is thrown outward from the flush of the toilet. (And all the lovely contents therein. . .)


Get your family to close the lid before flushing.

Yeah. I read that too. We really should start closing the lid.

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We have manly sitters here, too.


It's funny how people get certan connotations in their minds. Guys sit to do the other. Why not do both?


I agree.


Teaching your sons to sit while they urinate is "emasculating"? We must live in a pretty precarious world! I think it'd be better to teach your son "manly" things to do, like, say....hunt game for dinner or keep out intruders, than depend on a particular pose for the elimination of body fluids. (At least then someone could appreciate their masculinity.)


Less controversially, I think standing and aiming while urinating should be reserved for those who have the skill to do it. If it results in messes everywhere, then retrain yourself and/or sit. I once was in charge of a classroom with an attached toilet, and believe me, there was a horrid smell that couldn't be eliminated, despite that the janitor and I teamed up to clean up. Ugh.


I saw someone on Oprah who was cleaning out a packrat's house and he said her kitchen sink was much dirtier than her toilet.

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Now the ladies are going to have their boys sit while they flush too :D


Okay, it escapes me at the moment, but I recall it starting with a "d". . .


Isn't there a "toilet" that does this? It's a French word, and I believe it's considered fairly "uppity" (socially) to use one.


I should honestly know what they are called as we had one in our German home. Massive dust collector, that.

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A bidet? One would hope there is a difference between using a bidet and sitting on a toilet, getting sprayed while it flushes after being used. For anyone bold enough to post in this thread, I highly recommend the book The Big Necessity: The Unmentionable World of Human Waste and Why It Matters by Rose George. She asserts that there are two cultures in the world: dry ones and wet ones.

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