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How was everyone's day back today after the holidays?

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Well we ended on a good note and the day *overall* went very well - but I did have a couple really tough moments this morning with my 6yo. We started some new stuff this semester and a new schedule so it will take us some time to figure stuff out. Primarily I think he had a tough time adjusting out of "vacation mode".

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dd, 14: "I remembered how to do this algebra!"


dd, 10: "I love school."


ds, 8: "This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!"


ds, 7: "Are we almost done with this stuff?"


I guess 3 out of 4 isn't bad :001_smile:.


Personally speaking, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, either. Wish me luck..... besides being our first week back, we are also watching over 40 ewes who are scheduled to lamb anytime! :ohmy:

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dd, 14: "I remembered how to do this algebra!"


dd, 10: "I love school."


ds, 8: "This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!"


ds, 7: "Are we almost done with this stuff?"


I guess 3 out of 4 isn't bad :001_smile:.


Personally speaking, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, either. Wish me luck..... besides being our first week back, we are also watching over 40 ewes who are scheduled to lamb anytime! :ohmy:


That's funny! I heard mostly, "Have I ever done this before?" and "What is a fraction again?"

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Our day was good. I wasn't sure how it would be, esp. since I was waiting for our new math curr. to come in. It showed up about 10am, in plenty of time for schooltime (afternoon, during ds's nap). We also started Spanish today, and it all went rather well.


It actually felt good to have school this afternoon. It's been a good day.

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That's funny! I heard mostly, "Have I ever done this before?" and "What is a fraction again?"
:lol: That's often the way it is after vacation!


We planned on starting back today, but we got 7 inches of new snow, on top of our 4 or 5 that was still there from our previous snow, so my kids were playing in the snow all morning. I figure I'll have them do some math and english and call it good for today. Tomorrow is another story though!

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Our day is ongoing because we didn't get started until 11:30. The boys are not overly thrilled so far, especially about their new poetry class. To spice things up, I read them poetry that DH wrote when he was 14. The boys wanted to know the background of some of the poems and were disappointed to find out that DH made it all up -- he didn't know anyone who lived in a psyche ward after all.



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I had the worst day possible!!


Normally, the dc are pretty good workers. However, today it took 12 yo ds 4 1/2 hours to correct his math lesson w/me. We had to work through each once several times...it was absolutely torturous. The good news is that when he did a supp. page for extra practice, he got a 100%!! Then he said, "Wow Mom, I guess your advice does work!":glare: Really?!!


Then, 10yo dd threw an absolute out-of-this-world royal fit about having to do a Pilates video. It morphed into something just out of control. After about 2 hours of discussing, waiting, having her do chores, discussing again, etc. she tried the video, liked it, and said she couldn't believe she had lost some much over something was that actually kinda fun.


It all ended up on a positive note but they almost killed me! We will be working after dinner though, we just lost so much time today.

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DH was home one more day, a fact I didn't know until last night, but he did his own thing in the morning. Thankfully they finished the basics by noon amid some sad faces, and we went out for Thai food for lunch and swung by the library to get entertainment for tomorrow during the potential ice storm. Then DH went on an errand while we did history and Latin, and that was that.


They were not happy but didn't dawdle or complain, and I sure could have used another week. I lost a lot of time over the holidays with a broken foot, but January came whether I liked it or not. Co-op starts again Thursday, and I go back to college teaching Monday, so there's some prep work for those.



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Our day was good. I wasn't sure how it would be, esp. since I was waiting for our new math curr. to come in. It showed up about 10am, in plenty of time for schooltime (afternoon, during ds's nap). We also started Spanish today, and it all went rather well.


It actually felt good to have school this afternoon. It's been a good day.


What are y'all using for Spanish? I can't find one that works for us!

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We had a pretty light day. With dh away for 2 weeks, I had already planned on taking it easy a bit. But last night my 12yo spent half the night vomiting, so we were all a bit tired this morning. :tongue_smilie: In the end I managed to get most of what I had planned accomplished with the other 3 dc, but the 12yo only did science, Latin, and geography.


I just hope the illness doesn't go through the rest of the family!

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I had the worst day possible!!


Normally, the dc are pretty good workers. However, today it took 12 yo ds 4 1/2 hours to correct his math lesson w/me. We had to work through each once several times...it was absolutely torturous. The good news is that when he did a supp. page for extra practice, he got a 100%!! Then he said, "Wow Mom, I guess your advice does work!":glare: Really?!!


Then, 10yo dd threw an absolute out-of-this-world royal fit about having to do a Pilates video. It morphed into something just out of control. After about 2 hours of discussing, waiting, having her do chores, discussing again, etc. she tried the video, liked it, and said she couldn't believe she had lost some much over something was that actually kinda fun.


It all ended up on a positive note but they almost killed me! We will be working after dinner though, we just lost so much time today.


Hopefully, that was just a one day thing!

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School went really well: our first day of French, and our first day in the new homeschool room.


On the other hand, we don't have central heating (we ran out of gas in our tank and didn't realise, so are waiting for a new delivery) so the only warm place in the house is by the fire, and the kitchen sink became so irretrievably blocked that I need to get a plumber in tomorrow. Oh, and there's a mild odour eminating from our septic tank.....



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Mixed here. Tom did awesome except that we should have practiced handwriting during our long break (6 weeks). I kept up on the phonics so there was no loss there.

Huck didn't lose any knowledge and actually remembered the last chapter we had read in SOTW1. But he was weepy half of the school day. That's typical but not ideal.

So overall I give it a thumb's up!

Tomorrow I hope to be even better.

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It went pretty well. We started review math today since the kids finished their math for the year before the holidays. We started Charlotte Mason's 'Your Business Math'. It was so much fun! The girls had a blast getting started on setting up their 'bookstore'. So far, I'd recommend it!


The day was a bit longer than usual but I think as we get back into it things will move along more efficiently.

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It was really light, but went ok. I had the hardest time I think. Everyone else has been looking forward to starting back, but I felt sick half the weekend and I'm just not up to doing the full schedule yet.


We did do math, reading, and history. We're trying to catch up to my original SOTW schedule so we're just reading lots of history this week and working up to a full schedule next Monday.

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It went pretty well here. I heard cries of "But I just want to play one game of Tony Hawk on the wii before I do that...." I expected that to happen though.


We got through almost everything, and even did 1/2 a chapter of SOTW! So the couple things we didn't get to aren't stressing me out tonight!


Here's to a good rest of the week for us all.

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Ours was pretty much our standard school day.


My daughter got hers done in just under 2 hours which is a problem. I need her to complete 5 hours of school a day to meet our virtual academy hours. Our teacher suggests that I keep track of her chore time, any time she helps with cooking, all independent reading time, all time she writes for fun, and anything else that even remotely looks like a learning opportunity to make up those hours.


My son finished all of his work without complaint and went on to do the entire week's worth of math on top of that.

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Ours went pretty well. In all his 6yo wisdom, DS remarked in the middle of his math lesson (that took longer than usual today): "You know, the bad part about holidays is that I don't remember anything." :D But I am happy that we are back at it and excited about some of the new things we are starting.

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Our first day back was a co-op day. Other than a very tired 8yo, it went very well. Dd8 just hasn't been able to get back on a sleeping schedule after Christmas and New Year's Eve. I think this week might be a tough week for her. Surprisingly, my 14yo did well. She's my aspie and has a hard time with changes in routine/structure. Tomorrow is our full day back so I guess we'll see then:D

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We did a modified day to get back into the swing of things: we reviewed multiplication facts (after taking 15 minutes to do a five minute drill), some language arts, cursive practice, bible and ind. reading. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth until I laid down the law, ie, you have no choice, we are having school today no matter how you fuss. After that it got much better.

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Mine was all about my awful case of the stomach flu. I was up all night making several runs to the bathroom. In between times, I couldn't sleep because of the body aches and chills. Not the way I wanted to begin our first day back at school.


I'm thankful that my oldest two can handle the two year old just fine without me. They got him up, dressed him, fed him breakfast (and later, lunch), and kept him well supplied with videos (mainly Kung Fu Panda) while I lay around in my bed until about noon. Then I came out for some applesauce and went right back to bed. My four oldest *supposedly* did school all day, but I couldn't help with any of it or check their work. Every once in a while I'd call across the house to see if they were staying busy. My sweet husband picked up Taco Bell on the way home. Despite the rough beginning to our week, I'm so thankful for my husband and kids. They really got along just fine without me and carried on (mostly) as usual.

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Mine was all about my awful case of the stomach flu. I was up all night making several runs to the bathroom. In between times, I couldn't sleep because of the body aches and chills. Not the way I wanted to begin our first day back at school.


I'm thankful that my oldest two can handle the two year old just fine without me. They got him up, dressed him, fed him breakfast (and later, lunch), and kept him well supplied with videos (mainly Kung Fu Panda) while I lay around in my bed until about noon. Then I came out for some applesauce and went right back to bed. My four oldest *supposedly* did school all day, but I couldn't help with any of it or check their work. Every once in a while I'd call across the house to see if they were staying busy. My sweet husband picked up Taco Bell on the way home. Despite the rough beginning to our week, I'm so thankful for my husband and kids. They really got along just fine without me and carried on (mostly) as usual.


Hope u feel better! Thank God for good hubbies!

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Our day went well. Better than I had expected really. My ADHD son was totally on focus today and got through his work in record time. My little britches was moody and whiny as usual and told me he didn't want to do school at all. I asked him if he wanted to go to ps and he told me that no, he just didn't want to go to any school. I told him that was fine but they would take mommy to jail if he didn't do school. Do you know what the little stinker said???? "Oh no mommy! How long will you be gone???!" :seeya:




But he did finally come and do school and without much of a fuss. He had forgotten what the minus sign was and kept telling me that "5 equals 5 equals 0." LOL And then he seemed to forget how to make a 2 and wrote it backwards twice. By the end of lessons, though, he was functioning on par.


All in all, it was good. The worst one today for just wanting to be lazy a.little.bit.longer was ME!:tongue_smilie:

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Our day went well. Better than I had expected really. My ADHD son was totally on focus today and got through his work in record time. My little britches was moody and whiny as usual and told me he didn't want to do school at all. I asked him if he wanted to go to ps and he told me that no, he just didn't want to go to any school. I told him that was fine but they would take mommy to jail if he didn't do school. Do you know what the little stinker said???? "Oh no mommy! How long will you be gone???!" :seeya:




But he did finally come and do school and without much of a fuss. He had forgotten what the minus sign was and kept telling me that "5 equals 5 equals 0." LOL And then he seemed to forget how to make a 2 and wrote it backwards twice. By the end of lessons, though, he was functioning on par.


All in all, it was good. The worst one today for just wanting to be lazy a.little.bit.longer was ME!:tongue_smilie:


Brutal honestly, huh! That is so funny!

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I was just checking in to see how everyone's day has gone. Ours went well so I'm encouraged!


Dear Mrs. B,


I'm so happy to hear of your encouraging day! Homeschooling can be such a warm, wonderful experience, no? Long days spent learning lessons and reading and teaching and living. Aaah...such contentment!


Our day was lousy. Awful. Wretched. Horrid. No warm, wonderful experiences. No learning, no reading, no teaching, just living. Grrrrr....such exasperation!


But hey, I'm happy for you, my dear Mrs. B. Really. I am. But our day stunk. Thanks for asking!! :D


Your friend,

Mrs. O

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Dear Mrs. B,


I'm so happy to hear of your encouraging day! Homeschooling can be such a warm, wonderful experience, no? Long days spent learning lessons and reading and teaching and living. Aaah...such contentment!


Our day was lousy. Awful. Wretched. Horrid. No warm, wonderful experiences. No learning, no reading, no teaching, just living. Grrrrr....such exasperation!


But hey, I'm happy for you, my dear Mrs. B. Really. I am. But our day stunk. Thanks for asking!! :D


Your friend,

Mrs. O


Awww, I'm sorry for you! But, hey, I've missed you!!!!! I know tomorrow will be better for you! I'm speaking it, girl!!!

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Hand me the Bad Momma Award. I yelled at my 12 year old when he attempted to argue about doing some work. Twice.


Didn't know it was that close to the surface, yk? I thought I was sailing on an even keel, then !Whamo! Out comes this angry yelling. Ugh.


I am praying for patience and self-control tomorrow.

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well since you asked, MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!:sad: I went to bed last night all prepared for the day, happy to settle into our little routine, etc. I had a slight headache, took half a Unisom and 1 tylenol PM for the pain, (I know, but it was a sleep deprived headache!) and awoke in the middle of the night in with a THROBBING migraine! DH slept downstairs to allow me to sleep really good so I didn't call out to him for help, didn't want to awake the kids. In the morning I took 3 Advil, didn't work. I was desperate, dh was gone to work, took another 3 advil an hour later. Finally crawled out of bed at 11:00, made STRONG coffee and ate, and then it finally went away! So we did math and English only, before I remembered I had to get my hair done.


Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I've NEVER had a migraine two days in a row. It's going to be a GOOD day!!!!!!!! :D



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Even though we started 2 hours later than I planned. we have been doing this for enough years that I should have done this long ago.


I spent 2 hours on Sunday making a general plan for the next 20 weeks (chapters from SOTW and science, chose composers and artists to go with them). Then, I wrote out not just a "daily schedule," but more of a "dream day."


Started the day talking about the "dream day" with dd, and used the timer on a necklace I got in my Christmas stocking to stick to the plan. DD even finished her math early, giving herself an extra 15 minute break. WOW!!!


I am excited about tomorrow... :)

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I almost didn't start school again today. I've been feeling really overwhelmed -- not just with the baby's arrival, but with planning and such for school. We left off around week 8 or 9 of Unit 1 for TOG, and we were behind on science, too. This was all before Thanksgiving. I usually take off from Thanksgiving to New Year's anyway, but we broke a little early because of the baby.


I'd talked to dh about it -- told him I felt like I couldn't go out and face the dragon that was waiting for me just yet. I was dreading it, and he gave me mental permission to take off an extra week or two to finish my planning and organizing, pushing back the end of the school year, so that I could get my bearings. I realized, though, that if I didn't start today, we'd be even further behind, and I just couldn't take it.


So I decided late last night that we'd start today. The kids were actually happy to get back to school. They asked to do science today, so we went back and reviewed about half of what we'd covered so far this year. I was surprised at how much they remembered. They got pretty squirrelly, since we were sitting on the couch together. That's a recipe for disaster around here. Plus, PHB woke up from her nap sooner than I wanted. But our first day of school with three students, a toddler, and a newborn wasn't half bad.


Now, if I could just finish this family calendar and get history going again... :glare:


ETA: I just need to put in a plug here for God's Design for Life science (we're doing Animal Kingdom right now) and the importance of review. I've spoken here before about how much I loathe and despise reviewing material. But I've done a fair amount of review of the key points in our science study and it has really paid off. My kids haven't done science for about two months, but they have remembered a ton of info. I know a lot of people don't like GDL because the writing is dry, but if you put it into your own words, it seems to work much better. I guess that holds true for a lot of curricula -- review as you go, and present content in your own words to keep it from being boring. Someone remind me of those two things when I drift away from them a few months from now, OK?

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The kids usually operate on slow speed the first week we're back at doing school. Yesterday was typical. We started early and went late, but we got everything done. Perhaps they're learning some time management skills. Now if I could only get them to clean their rooms....:)

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well since you asked, MISERABLE!!!!!!!!!!:sad: I went to bed last night all prepared for the day, happy to settle into our little routine, etc. I had a slight headache, took half a Unisom and 1 tylenol PM for the pain, (I know, but it was a sleep deprived headache!) and awoke in the middle of the night in with a THROBBING migraine! DH slept downstairs to allow me to sleep really good so I didn't call out to him for help, didn't want to awake the kids. In the morning I took 3 Advil, didn't work. I was desperate, dh was gone to work, took another 3 advil an hour later. Finally crawled out of bed at 11:00, made STRONG coffee and ate, and then it finally went away! So we did math and English only, before I remembered I had to get my hair done.


Oh well, tomorrow is another day and I've NEVER had a migraine two days in a row. It's going to be a GOOD day!!!!!!!! :D




That's right. Just speak that it's going to be a good day!

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Great and terrible at the same time. LOL!


My two older kids started school early with a cheerful attitude, but altogether my kids were driving me crazy:


My dd schools in our breakfast nook near an outdoor thermometer. She really wanted it to snow yesterday so she keep shouting out weather reports every 5 mintues to keep us all updated.


My youngest ds was concerned about about his yearly physical at the doctor's office that afternoon. He was really stressed that the doctor would be looking at his private parts and kept asking non-stop questions. Finally, he decided he should practice by showing off his privacy to all of us - over and over again.


My oldest was working on a research report about Yellowstone Park, but never finished his note taking over the break. He tried to work on his outline yesterday without having finished the note taking, which of course, didn't work out so well.


Then during lunch my dd discovered that her hamster had died overnight, which we were expecting, but it was still very sad.


All and all they did great for their first day back, but I hope today goes better.


Oh, I forgot to mention the soup bowl filled with split pea soup that somehow managed to get knocked off the table at lunch time. Boy, those Corelle dishes really shattered when they hit tile. Ugh!

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As predicted, dd's day went great. Ds (10) had a hard transition back to the real world. He kept saying, "What are we going to do today?" I kept saying, "School." He kept saying, "No, but then what are we going to do?" And I kept saying, "More school." He just needed a little Real Life 101 Refresher course. :-) No, we aren't going to go somewhere, watch a movie, plan something fun. You can just hang out and read or play when you are done!!

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