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Please post a picture of your Nativity set


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I don’t have them out yet so I can’t take a photo, but our first nativity was purchased after Christmas when our oldest was about 6 months old. I always loved the idea of having one the kids could play with and found one on clearance in a Hallmark store after the holiday. The little people and animals are made out of wood and they came in a little box/manger scene that you can latch. I loved it and bought it and have put it out every Christmas for the last 18 years. My dc played with it countless times over the years. ❤️ I’ll keep putting it out forever, even though they’ve long since stopped playing with it  

About 12 years ago, we added a wooden set that I found at Hobby Lobby and really loved. So we have those two. 

oooo…I actually found the nativity somewhere! Mine looks just like this one. 

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We have the one that I grew up setting up, and I would go out to the barn to bring in straw to strew about it. We still have some of that, too, ha!

It’s packed away still, or I would post a pic.  It’s handcarved wood, and my parents bought it from a little shop in Europe before I was born. It always meant “Christmas” to me. DH has made a point to go to the tiny town and visit the shop a few times over the years, and bring back a new piece or two. Same family, still carving nativities.

How it came to live with me is very emotional. And in the time before it did, I collected several nativities, but none filled the hole that one had left. I do love them, though: there’s a terracotta set from Peru, and a tiny set in a teacup, and a 1940s candle set from my grandmother that is just adorable.

But mostly we only put out the one, these days. What it means to me, that nativity, is complex and rich, and filled with family, love and tradition.


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The only picture I can find only has the Holy Family...the set also includes the Three Kings and a few sheep (no shepherds, though, which is weird and disappointing to me). It doesn't have much of a story...I was looking to replace our old nativity scene which was snowman-themed, and began to feel a bit irreverent to me, and I fell in love with this one. It has a simple elegance that I think is perfect, and I love the muted color scheme. I would love to also own a Fontanini someday (we had one growing up), but I don't think I have enough space for all of the pieces I would want to add!


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Mine aren't up.  But I found pictures.

i have an older Costco "kirkland signature" set,  I have a mossy wood/log creche (NOT the one it came with) that I haven't used i a few years.  I may get it out.




a peanuts set,

and a playmobile set I got for dudeling to play with.  I haven't had a good place to put it, and he doesn't play with it.  My grandson's will be here for Thanksgiving, so I'm sure they'll have some fun. 

This isn't my set - but it is the playmobile set I have.  I bought a bunch of other animals/etc. that he could use with his Noah's Ark (that actually floats in water.  It was very important that it float.)


I also got a nativity window cling set (and lots of snow flakes) so they can have fun.

I also have a six piece stained glass set my sil made many years ago.  I haven't put it out in awhile as one of the pieces needs to be repaired.

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This isn't my exact set, but it's the same mold and close to the same coloring. Mind has faces with actual skin color, and the gold detail on mine is just stunning. I cannot imagine how long it took my grandmother to paint each piece (I have 4 additional pieces than are shown in this set).

Story behind set: It's been in my mom's homes since before I was born. When I was in 3rd grade we moved from NJ to NM, and my mom had to earn money to pay bills. So she set up a yard sale. I was in charge of setting up the nativity set with a price tag of $20.00. I made the sign, my mom approved it, then when she went inside I added another zero - $200.00. When she came out to see how things were going, I stood in front of the sign. Surprise, surprise, the set didn't sell, and she'd said I could keep it if that happened.

I've somehow kept the pieces mostly unbroken despite having 13 kids who all adore the set and just have to "help" set it up each year. I've managed to track down 2 sets which are similar (yet not nearly as stunning as the one I have). As I know all of my kids want the set someday, I've stated in my will that it is to go to a different kid each year if possible.

It really is just gorgeous.

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17 hours ago, BakersDozen said:



This isn't my exact set, but it's the same mold and close to the same coloring. Mind has faces with actual skin color, and the gold detail on mine is just stunning. I cannot imagine how long it took my grandmother to paint each piece (I have 4 additional pieces than are shown in this set).

Story behind set: It's been in my mom's homes since before I was born. When I was in 3rd grade we moved from NJ to NM, and my mom had to earn money to pay bills. So she set up a yard sale. I was in charge of setting up the nativity set with a price tag of $20.00. I made the sign, my mom approved it, then when she went inside I added another zero - $200.00. When she came out to see how things were going, I stood in front of the sign. Surprise, surprise, the set didn't sell, and she'd said I could keep it if that happened.

I've somehow kept the pieces mostly unbroken despite having 13 kids who all adore the set and just have to "help" set it up each year. I've managed to track down 2 sets which are similar (yet not nearly as stunning as the one I have). As I know all of my kids want the set someday, I've stated in my will that it is to go to a different kid each year if possible.

It really is just gorgeous.

This is gorgeous!  I love the story too!!!

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20 hours ago, gardenmom5 said:

Mine aren't up.  But I found pictures.

i have an older Costco "kirkland signature" set,  I have a mossy wood/log creche (NOT the one it came with) that I haven't used i a few years.  I may get it out.




a peanuts set,

and a playmobile set I got for dudeling to play with.  I haven't had a good place to put it, and he doesn't play with it.  My grandson's will be here for Thanksgiving, so I'm sure they'll have some fun. 

This isn't my set - but it is the playmobile set I have.  I bought a bunch of other animals/etc. that he could use with his Noah's Ark (that actually floats in water.  It was very important that it float.)


I also got a nativity window cling set (and lots of snow flakes) so they can have fun.

I also have a six piece stained glass set my sil made many years ago.  I haven't put it out in awhile as one of the pieces needs to be repaired.

I really like all of these.  I hadn't thought about getting a Peanuts set, but you have tempted me!

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21 hours ago, MrsMommy said:

The only picture I can find only has the Holy Family...the set also includes the Three Kings and a few sheep (no shepherds, though, which is weird and disappointing to me). It doesn't have much of a story...I was looking to replace our old nativity scene which was snowman-themed, and began to feel a bit irreverent to me, and I fell in love with this one. It has a simple elegance that I think is perfect, and I love the muted color scheme. I would love to also own a Fontanini someday (we had one growing up), but I don't think I have enough space for all of the pieces I would want to add!


I love this one!

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22 hours ago, mmasc said:

I don’t have them out yet so I can’t take a photo, but our first nativity was purchased after Christmas when our oldest was about 6 months old. I always loved the idea of having one the kids could play with and found one on clearance in a Hallmark store after the holiday. The little people and animals are made out of wood and they came in a little box/manger scene that you can latch. I loved it and bought it and have put it out every Christmas for the last 18 years. My dc played with it countless times over the years. ❤️ I’ll keep putting it out forever, even though they’ve long since stopped playing with it  

About 12 years ago, we added a wooden set that I found at Hobby Lobby and really loved. So we have those two. 

oooo…I actually found the nativity somewhere! Mine looks just like this one. 

I like it!!

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You should probably re-post this thread the first week of December when everyone has had a chance to get their sets out of storage. 

I have the Playmobil one that someone posted above. I also got a simple wooden one at Target last year. 

But my favorite is a little wooden set that my parents bought in England when I was about 5 years old. The pieces are very small, and I have memories of playing with the pieces for my whole life. (Because, yes, I still sort of “play” with them when I set them up now 🙂 )

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I found a picture of my set online!! Mine still has the roof on the stable (it’s red), but I’m missing the big green tree in the set in the picture. I have the 3 smaller trees. (I always loved the trees—sometimes the wise men were traveling through them, sometimes it was the sheep.) None of the pieces are more than 2 inches tall.


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23 minutes ago, Garga said:

I found a picture of my set online!! Mine still has the roof on the stable (it’s red), but I’m missing the big green tree in the set in the picture. I have the 3 smaller trees. (I always loved the trees—sometimes the wise men were traveling through them, sometimes it was the sheep.) None of the pieces are more than 2 inches tall.


We had this growing up, and I LOVED it! Would love to have one now for my kids, but the one my parents had ended up at my sister’s house. 

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51 minutes ago, Garga said:

I found a picture of my set online!! Mine still has the roof on the stable (it’s red), but I’m missing the big green tree in the set in the picture. I have the 3 smaller trees. (I always loved the trees—sometimes the wise men were traveling through them, sometimes it was the sheep.) None of the pieces are more than 2 inches tall.


I have this same set. It was mine as a little girl and Dd has it now. Mine is somewhat sun-faded, the trees and stable and animals.

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On 11/7/2023 at 7:23 PM, Garga said:

ou should probably re-post this thread the first week of December when everyone has had a chance to get their sets out of storage. 

You are right!  I posted way too early in my excitement to see pretty nativity sets.  I love yours!  Thank you for posting it.

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I have a number of Nativity sets, none of them very fancy. My favorite one is a set of blocks I bought for my grandchildren from a lovely Catholic artist on Etsy, AlmondRod Toys. Here's the link:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/212135086/full-nativity-block-set-with-gift-bag?click_key=1cfd20d9e4528ef50ea8fe18ea1da422bf9b3bba%3A212135086&click_sum=d9fae40c&ga_search_query=nativity&ref=shop_items_search_5&frs=1&sca=1

If you're handy, you can buy the prints on lovely heavyweight paper for $18.00 and decoupage  your own set.

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No photo yet as they are not unpacked.   I have 3 nativity sets.

1. I got as a wedding present from a missionary my parents worked with.   It is made of soapstone and very sentimental to me because it came from where I grew up and because it came from someone who loves me.

It is very close to this one:  This one

2. The second set I got when my birth sisters went through our birth mom's stuff.   My birth mother loved Christmas (she has dementia now) and even had one room in her house with all her Christmas stuff set up all year long she loved it so much!   I was touched that they even thought of me to give me some things of hers.  It is a ceramic set, kind of whimsical with baby faced everything......including Mary and Joseph

3. A glass set that I found at the thrift store for $10.   I looked it up and it is a $200 glass set.   It is beautiful with some batting and lights.

Edited by DawnM
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19 hours ago, Brittany1116 said:

We have the complete Willow Tree nativity. My MIL bought us new pieces every year until it was complete. 

What a lovely and generous gift from your MIL.  I would love to have Willow Tree but just can't justify the cost of it.  I wish the Holy Family came alone (but not in the connected statue form they do come in....I don't like that one at all) because just having them would be enough for me.  Willow Tree is truly something special.

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18 hours ago, Halftime Hope said:

I have a number of Nativity sets, none of them very fancy. My favorite one is a set of blocks I bought for my grandchildren from a lovely Catholic artist on Etsy, AlmondRod Toys. Here's the link:  https://www.etsy.com/listing/212135086/full-nativity-block-set-with-gift-bag?click_key=1cfd20d9e4528ef50ea8fe18ea1da422bf9b3bba%3A212135086&click_sum=d9fae40c&ga_search_query=nativity&ref=shop_items_search_5&frs=1&sca=1

If you're handy, you can buy the prints on lovely heavyweight paper for $18.00 and decoupage  your own set.

Those are incredibly cool!  They are painted beautifully and so different.  Love them!  I bet your grandchildren love playing with them.

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My mom painted this (greenware) ceramic set for our 1st Christmas, 36 years ago!

The kids would take turns hiding 1 piece each morning during Advent (& the others would look for it).

My mom made a set for our daughter & her family, 10 years ago.
Delightfully, our (toddler at the time) granddaughter played with Baby Jesus so much that he got lost!


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I've thought it would be fun to do something like this . . . you can order one already run through the cricket, or download and run it through your own cricket.
Then put them on clear glass blocks or vases with lights.


and I want this one for my peanuts nativity!   
Now, I just have to find a glass block to put it on . . . . 

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I have two of these sets. One has a stable and one does not. One is from my childhood and resides at my house because my parents live with us. The other one I bought early in our marriage because I loves that I could play with the set growing up and wanted my kids to have the same experienceimage.thumb.png.4ccf2887b756348379c4f0e9f9879004.png

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This is a screenshot of one of the ones I have. DHs grandma had one. I really liked it, I sought out one on eBay. My mom, who loved vintage stuff saw mine and ended up with a full set and a partial set (I believe she probably found them on eBay as well). Time moves on, my parents passed, I ended up with the ones my mom had...DHs grandparents then started giving away things/downsizing, so I ended up with Gramma's original one as well. I do not put up three of the same one, but I guess I could, lol. 


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4 hours ago, Ditto said:

Those are incredibly cool!  They are painted beautifully and so different.  Love them!  I bet your grandchildren love playing with them.

Interestingly, the block set has clear plastic decals on both sides. The prints are just a bit more colorful due to the contrast of color on white paper. IN both cases, the art work is lovely, thoughtful, detailed. It's so much fun that she drew the front and the back of each figure. 

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4 hours ago, Ditto said:

What a lovely and generous gift from your MIL.  I would love to have Willow Tree but just can't justify the cost of it.  I wish the Holy Family came alone (but not in the connected statue form they do come in....I don't like that one at all) because just having them would be enough for me.  Willow Tree is truly something special.

Yes, I think that the freestanding pieces were discontinued many years ago. 

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Ours isn't out yet, but we have this one- https://www.ebay.com/itm/385744831810?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=385744831810&targetid=1531876741118&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9014003&poi=&campaignid=20398540558&mkgroupid=150863890759&rlsatarget=pla-1531876741118&abcId=9317246&merchantid=6493614&gclid=Cj0KCQiAo7KqBhDhARIsAKhZ4ujDBIwXYgvyf8WL3gXmHRM8yQGEaYgJQI5fEkg3osMiM6oPfXoyvbEaAr4NEALw_wcB. I bought it the year L was born. 


With a lot of added animals and people, borrowed from other sets, so everyone from King Herod to the Innkeeper to various other people in the town of Bethlehem, to the other animals in the barn are represented. 


My favorite, though, was the year I noticed that three toy dinosaurs were clustered around the manger, and then 5 yr old dinosaur fanatic explained "they'rehere to worship him! Rex MEANS king!!!"


We've also had stuffed frog nativity sets and Lego nativity sets and care bear nativity sets and my little pony nativity sets...and, basically, any toy that can be turned into a Nativity set has been.

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On 11/7/2023 at 6:29 PM, Garga said:

I found a picture of my set online!! Mine still has the roof on the stable (it’s red), but I’m missing the big green tree in the set in the picture. I have the 3 smaller trees. (I always loved the trees—sometimes the wise men were traveling through them, sometimes it was the sheep.) None of the pieces are more than 2 inches tall.


I had this one growing up. I want to say it was from one of those stationary catalogs? 

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5 hours ago, Dmmetler said:

Ours isn't out yet, but we have this one- https://www.ebay.com/itm/385744831810?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=385744831810&targetid=1531876741118&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9014003&poi=&campaignid=20398540558&mkgroupid=150863890759&rlsatarget=pla-1531876741118&abcId=9317246&merchantid=6493614&gclid=Cj0KCQiAo7KqBhDhARIsAKhZ4ujDBIwXYgvyf8WL3gXmHRM8yQGEaYgJQI5fEkg3osMiM6oPfXoyvbEaAr4NEALw_wcB. I bought it the year L was born. 


With a lot of added animals and people, borrowed from other sets, so everyone from King Herod to the Innkeeper to various other people in the town of Bethlehem, to the other animals in the barn are represented. 


My favorite, though, was the year I noticed that three toy dinosaurs were clustered around the manger, and then 5 yr old dinosaur fanatic explained "they'rehere to worship him! Rex MEANS king!!!"


We've also had stuffed frog nativity sets and Lego nativity sets and care bear nativity sets and my little pony nativity sets...and, basically, any toy that can be turned into a Nativity set has been.

I bought the FP little people set for my grandson's.  It's great for toddlers.

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1 hour ago, Dmmetler said:

I love that it's one kids can interact with and honestly play with. I have memories of being yelled at not to touch baby Jesus at my Grandmother's house....

That's why I got dudeling the playmobile one when he was 7? 8?   but too many small parts for my grandsons, so I got the FP one for them.  I also got them an advent calendar they can do.

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I have several of the mini international nativity sets from this Peruvian Etsy seller: https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/KuskaPeru?ref=l2-about-shopname  They're small enough to tuck into small spaces or use as table decorations.  We were able to find one representing the country our sponsor child is from, and some others to represent places we have a connection to.

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On 11/9/2023 at 6:43 PM, hjffkj said:

I have two of these sets. One has a stable and one does not. One is from my childhood and resides at my house because my parents live with us. The other one I bought early in our marriage because I loves that I could play with the set growing up and wanted my kids to have the same experienceimage.thumb.png.4ccf2887b756348379c4f0e9f9879004.png

We have this set. My mom gave it to me when I was a young adult . 

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1 hour ago, thatfirstsip said:

They're all so shockingly white.

you're welcome to post a picture of yours . . . . 

perhaps you'd prefer some that have been loaned to our local festival of the nativites?
I didn't' care about "color", I took photos because of the creativity of the maker.  (many of which were purchased during the various owner's travels, and not available for purchase in the US.)  (the third is made from pop cans, which I thought was especially creative)


2016-12-11 17.20.25.jpg

2016-12-11 17.20.36.jpg

2016-12-11 17.21.49.jpg

2016-12-11 17.22.03.jpg

2016-12-11 17.28.28.jpg

2016-12-11 17.38.56.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

We live in an old house in a small community. The woman who lived here for fifty-plus years passed away in the early 1980's. Her daughter and son in law lived across the street. The daughter passed away 10-15 years ago. Her son in law passed away a few years ago. Shortly after his passing, there was an estate sale. Being a nosy neighbor, I went to the estate sale so I could see what the house looked like on the inside. The day I went, there was a nativity set for sale, and they wanted $50, but I did not buy it because I am cheap. The next day everything was half off, and it was still there, and I was willing to pay $25 for the set. I brought it home and discovered that the mother had painted these at a ceramics shop. Her name, and the date - 1962, are written on several of the figures. So my nativity set came back home, so to speak. It is fun to think that the nativity set in my living room was set up in this very house sixty years ago.


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