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Games for Group of 8+ Ladies


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We started a ladies game night here in our small town. We usually have around 8, but I think we will have more this week. They all seem to like games we can play together rather than breaking up into smaller groups. Any suggestions for card or dice games? I have plenty of those on hand already. 

We've played Nertz, Family Fued, Left Center Right, Yatzee, and a couple others I can't remember. 

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1 hour ago, happi duck said:

Pictionary on a white board with teams?  Charades?

That would be fun to me, but I am not a card person (so I gravitate to the non card games) lol. I suck at cards, it moves too fast and I can't mentally keep up. 

I remember liking Scategories but I don't know how many people to a game. 

Edited by heartlikealion
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We play a card game at big family get togethers called Up and Down the River.  I think you can Google for the rules. It can expand pretty large, you may just need a 2nd deck of cards. 

If anyone has the "party" size edition of Telestrations, than can be really fun and plays up to 12.   

Balderdash is another fun one with groups. If you don't have the actual game, you can play with a large dictionary. You would write out obscure word definitions from the dictionary on index cards. You take turns having someone be the person reading a word. Then everyone writes their own definition on an index card, all the definitions are read, and the group tries to guess which is the right one. The point isn't to know the words since they are so weird, but it's funny to hear the definitions everyone comes up with. 

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If you have 12 people or more you could play Bunco. I’ve only done it once, but it was really fun. Players are split up four to a table but as I recall you switched around among tables, so you get to play with lots of people. 

i think all you need is lots of dice, pencils, and paper.

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20 hours ago, mom31257 said:

@*LC or @Wilma, we own Codenames but have only played with four. I assume you have to be in teams, but is it still just one person who gives the clues? I would think you would hear people discussing what to do and give things away otherwise. 

Right - one person gives the clues, and her/his whole team guesses. It's fun with a group!

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Wits & wagers

Telestrations (this one it's best to just ignore the whole scoring thing -- the laughing about the interpretations is what makes it fun)

ETA: I see I was not first on those two 😄  -- we have also played Codenames and enjoyed it but only with 4 so far

Edited by LaughingCat
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We played Farkle with 6 yesterday. We enjoyed it more when we played the High Stakes rules.

A player can use the unused dice of previous players roll. If player rolls a scoring roll, they get previous players score plus their new score. We went all the way around the table with Thst rule one time. Scores were high and the game round went faster.


It might be an option to play two tables of some team games. Winning team moves to the other table, switches it up.

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