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Strangest place you have ever lost an item

City Mouse

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Yesterday I misplaced my Apple Pencil. For those who aren’t familiar, it is a stylus that works with certain iPad devices. I looked everywhere last night and again this morning. At least I thought I looked everywhere. Just a bit ago, I went to the freezer to get vegetables tor dinner, and I found my Apple Pencil in the freezer. I don’t remember putting it there, but I must have as no on3 else was home when I lost it.

What strange places have you found something that was lost?

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Today I couldn't find the dog harness and discovered I had hung it up on top of my kitchen aprons. So instead of on the door of the closet of the laundry room I hung it on the inside of the kitchen pantry. I have no idea at all what I was thinking when I did that. I must not have been thinking at all!

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1 hour ago, TechWife said:

I once dropped my keys down a freight elevator shaft - the space where the gate comes down on a freight elevator was quite wide.  I was unable to retrieve them.

This happens all the time! You can call the company and they can get a service mechanic to retrieve them if the keys are expensive enough to make the call out fee worth it. With many new car keys it definitely is as replacement cost is crazy. 

They find all sorts in the bottom of the shafts, drugs, cash, syringes, keys, etc etc

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I don’t know if this counts, because it’s more like the item was hid from me. We misplaced a TV remote. Could. Not. Find. It. Turned the house upside down looking for it. I finally ordered a replacement. When it arrived, DD (age 3-ish) asked me what it was and I explained it was a replacement for the lost remote. She said, “Oh I know where that is!” She promptly pulled up the couch headrest, unzipped it, and pulled the missing remote out of the couch batting! 😂😂😂

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Not me, but my ILs gave each kid a very large denomination bill recently. They came home with DH, told me about it, ate dinner, showered, went to bed. The 6 year old lost his bill by the following morning. We tore the house apart, dug through toy bins, moved furniture, stripped the beds. Finally we gave up, older kid lifted pillows to toss them back onto the beds, and the bill came fluttering out of the pillowcase. They both just stared blankly at me, and I walked out of the room in silence. I don't know who or why and I don't care to know.

Edited by Brittany1116
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I once put my keys in my laundry peg bag.  This bag ties around the waist and has two holes on the sides to get out the pegs.  I apparently put my keys in the opening of the peg bag instead of in my front jeans pocket wear I always keep them. Obviously, the two openings are on top of each other, so I just went in the wrong one. We didn't find them until we had another nice day to hang the laundry outside. Which was about 5 days.  Never occurred to me to look in the peg bag. LOL.

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I can't think of a strange place I've lost an item, but I can think of a strange item I've lost. 

We had a Mickey Mouse trivet, like a pretty good size that you would put a hot pan on. And metal, so it had some definite weight to it. We rarely used it for the intended purpose, so it mostly sat on the warmer spot on our stove, looking pretty. 

One day I realized it hadn't been there for a few days, and it wasn't in the sink or the dishwasher. I was like, huh, weird. Asked dh, who said he had been about to ask me, lol. We have a small galley kitchen, and we checked every drawer and cabinet, the stove and warmer drawer, the floor and corners of the little pantry. None of those are likely places, even putting things away forgetfully, but we checked them anyway. 

We hadn't had a party or done any big cooking jobs that would make it more likely to accidentally be misplaced or thrown away. And, like I said, this thing was a good size and pretty heavy, it would be really hard to accidentally throw it away! 

It has to be over a year now, maybe more, and we're still haunted by our loss. First, bc it was the perfect trivet, both style-wise and utility-wise. Second, bc it slightly freaks us out. 

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I wear glasses but not all the time, so I am forever taking them on and off.  Once, I could NOT find my pair despite searching diligently in all the usual places (aka  where I had just been!).  Two days of virtually not being able to read went by.  By happenstance, on the third day I decided to make pot roast dinner. Lo and behold, after pulling out my stack of roasting pans, I found my glasses BETWEEN the top one and the middle one.  ?????  So strange.

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5 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

This happens all the time! You can call the company and they can get a service mechanic to retrieve them if the keys are expensive enough to make the call out fee worth it. With many new car keys it definitely is as replacement cost is crazy. 

They find all sorts in the bottom of the shafts, drugs, cash, syringes, keys, etc etc

Yep - for me it wasn’t worth it. I was a college student and had a car key and a house key - both easily replaceable at the time. Now car key fobs cost quite a bit to replace from what I understand. 

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For me, it’s more often that I put something in a very certain place, while telling myself, “I’ll put this *here*, because it’s really important I can find it again later…” and then, when “later” arrives, all I can remember is where the thing was *before* I moved it to the supposedly better location. 🤦🏻‍♀️

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7 hours ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

I don’t know if this counts, because it’s more like the item was hid from me. We misplaced a TV remote. Could. Not. Find. It. Turned the house upside down looking for it. I finally ordered a replacement. When it arrived, DD (age 3-ish) asked me what it was and I explained it was a replacement for the lost remote. She said, “Oh I know where that is!” She promptly pulled up the couch headrest, unzipped it, and pulled the missing remote out of the couch batting! 😂😂😂


Once we lost Jesus.  He just disappeared from the manger in the creche.  Gone.  

After looking everywhere . . . I finally asked the three year old.  Did he know where Jesus was?  Yep!  He went over to a chest in another corner of the room, got on his hands and knees and reached way under.  Sure enough there was Jesus lying there happily (well as happily as a tiny clay baby can lie there).  I asked him if he had put Jesus there and he nodded.  I asked why and he told me "I wanted to say "I FOUND JESUS!"  The last part was yelled like the very best evangelical preacher.  

Always start by asking the 3 year old.  

6 hours ago, Brittany1116 said:

Not me, but my ILs gave each kid a very karge denomination bill recently. They came home with DH, told me about it, ate dinner, showered, went to bed. The 6 year old lost his bill by the following morning. We tore the house apart, dug through toy bins, moved furniture, stripped the beds. Finally we gave up, older kid lifted pillows to toss them back onto the beds, and the bill came fluttering out of the pillowcase. They both just stared blankly at me, and I walked out of the room in silence. I don't know who or why and I don't care to know.

Clearly the tooth fairy stopped by that night to help out.   

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When my oldest was 18-24 months-ish, we lived in my mom’s house. There was a odorless closet with the vacuum in it.  He almost obsessively would take people’s keys and hide them in the nu-nu. (Teletubbies era.). The first few times, it was a mad hunt.

To this day, if keys are missing, my whole family will ask “Did you check the nu-nu?”

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1 hour ago, Quill said:

For me, it’s more often that I put something in a very certain place, while telling myself, “I’ll put this *here*, because it’s really important I can find it again later…” and then, when “later” arrives, all I can remember is where the thing was *before* I moved it to the supposedly better location. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Yes.  The dreaded "Secret place" that is so secret it is never found again......

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I have the funnier stories about a kid who misplaced things, in the kitchen especially. One kid is more of a "sub" on the dishes job. One time he put a clear travel mug lid inside the blender, because he thought it was part of the blender lid. DD was so annoyed that her expensive travel mug lid was missing. I found it days later. Worse was when he put the meat carving fork in with our grilling utensils in another part of the house entirety because "the meat fork was the same shape as a grilling fork".  Ok, but the size was way different, and it wasn't even grilling season. 😁😁😁. It was found months later, and said kid remembered putting it there, but of course he didn't know it was the carving fork. Now if he has done dishes, I ask him first if I can't find anything. 🤣

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Yesterday I misplaced my purse and found it under a 20 pound bag of birdseed...

One night when my oldest was 18 months and just starting to talk she was admiring my wedding rings on my nightstand.  I reminded her not to touch mommy's pretty rings.  The next day they were GONE.  I asked her if she knew where they were-- her face lit up and she said " In a soft sock".  I asked her where the soft sock was and she said " In a special place!"   When I asked her where the special place was she looked at me as if I was crazy and said matter-of-factly " In a soft sock!!".   6 months later my rings appeared in the dryer in a load of towels.

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Twenty dollars in a stack of cards. DH has a habit of obsessively putting things back in envelopes, and it's problematic because bills won't get paid that way, birthday checks won't get cashed, etc. I went through an old stack of cards last year from our first anniversary (we've been married almost 23 years), and the money was in one of the few cards that still had its envelope. I felt very vindicated that I've spent 20+ years trying to break DH of this habit, lol! 

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Two come to mind immediately. 

One year, we went to Texas RenFest, and stopped and bought discount tickets *on the way there.*   I put them in the little side pocket of the door of the car. When we arrived, I reached into the pocket and found....nothing there. I spent about 5 mins trying to figure out what happened, where they were, etc. to no avail. Baffled, confused, annoyed (b/c it was a lot of money for us at that time), we resigned our fate and got out and bought full price tickets and went in. 

Some weeks later, thankfully still during RenFest season (and thankfully they were tickets valid for any day they were opened), we found the tickets....in the side pocket. They'd static-clinged to the side and I couldn't feel them. They released, finally, and there they were. We were able to sell them, thank goodness. 

The second one, I was working at a private school and had to do Saturday detention duty, so I had the main door key. Came home, put the key away, and come Monday....no key. Holy cow. I was panicked. It was one of those "do not copy" keys, and I had no idea what would happen (fortunately not the only copy of said key, but....). *Eventually* (weeks? months? before the end of the school year, thank goodness) I found the key......in a lower kitchen cabinet. My then toddler had apparently taken it, placed it there, and walked off. I only found it when he did the same thing with something else, in front of me. 

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Our ds lost his glasses while swimming in a lake.  (Oops!  Forgot to take them off before he dived in!)

One year later, we were swimming in that lake again, and we always swim in the same general area.  Randomly, we were swimming underwater trying to see how long we could hold our breath, and we actually found his glasses -- we weren't even looking for them -- that he'd lost the year before!  They were buried in the sand, deep underwater. 

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After an anniversary trip a few years ago, I was missing a necklace pendant. I remembered switching from one to another one before we went to dinner one evening. Over a year later, after assuming the pendant never made it to my jewelry pouch in my overnight bag, I filed an insurance claim and received a check. 
The next day my DIL was over with grandkids. I was in the bathroom and saw the little guy who was walking but not talking yet, going thru my husband’s drawers. Minutes later I saw the pendant laying on the floor just inside my office, which was a few feet away. I still have no idea how it ended up in my husband’s drawer (which is where his travel stuff is stored) or why we didn’t see it in over a year!

Yes, I returned the check!

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1 hour ago, J-rap said:

Our ds lost his glasses while swimming in a lake.  (Oops!  Forgot to take them off before he dived in!)

One year later, we were swimming in that lake again, and we always swim in the same general area.  Randomly, we were swimming underwater trying to see how long we could hold our breath, and we actually found his glasses -- we weren't even looking for them -- that he'd lost the year before!  They were buried in the sand, deep underwater. 

Oh, this reminds me! I once lost my son's glasses in a tribute river of the Amazon. He was swimming, so I was holding his glasses -- I tucked one arm onto my shirt, and went about my afternoon. Bent over to scoop the preschooler up out of the water, glasses fell off into the water. Oops. Unnoticed until oldest asked for his glasses back. (thankfully, his vision is just barely even in need of correction, so it's not like he spent the rest of the trip half-blind) (also, we had his old pair at home, so we used those until we could replace them)

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2 hours ago, fraidycat said:

So... my deodorant was missing when I went to use it this morning. I used it yesterday morning before work, but it was nowhere to be found today.

I'll let you know if it turns into an interesting story.

(I used DH's today so I don't stink at work. 😃)

In this house, it would mean one of my teen daughters ran out and borrowed mine 😄

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Oh my goodness with my 4 kids of all the things I lost it’s hard to think. We lose things constantly and find them in odd places often. One memorable one was when my oldest son as a toddler and he stuffed our checkbook inside the printer where paper comes out. Also same son lost a couple toy trains that we searched everywhere for and we found them months later wrapped up in paper and hidden for his brother’s birthday. We also found a lost train in my mom’s refrigerator. My daughter also lost her little stuffed monkey that she stuffed in the top couch cushions and we didn’t find her for a long time. 

There is also 2 really odd stories about us losing dh’s keys and debit card, but they are too long for me to type out right now. 🤣

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43 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Oh, this reminds me! I once lost my son's glasses in a tribute river of the Amazon. He was swimming, so I was holding his glasses -- I tucked one arm onto my shirt, and went about my afternoon. Bent over to scoop the preschooler up out of the water, glasses fell off into the water. Oops. Unnoticed until oldest asked for his glasses back. (thankfully, his vision is just barely even in need of correction, so it's not like he spent the rest of the trip half-blind) (also, we had his old pair at home, so we used those until we could replace them)

Oh no! I temporarily don’t know where I put something only to discover it’s tucked under my arm.

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1 hour ago, Forget-Me-Not said:

In this house, it would mean one of my teen daughters ran out and borrowed mine 😄

This is the likely culprit, but the deodorant "lives" in the bathroom, along with everyone else's stuff. We each have a basket, all side by side on the shelf, so it really shouldn't have gone more than 12" away even if it got put away in DD's basket. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But, she might have walked around the house with it in her hand for 20 minutes before she remembered to use it or lose it. 😄 

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