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What are you looking forward to Fall edition?


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Well I just booked dh and myself a 2 night airbnb in Baltimore at the beginning of Oct because we're going to an event, Punk in Drublic, a live concert with punk bands and craft beer tastings.  One of the bands, NOFX, is on dh's bucket list of bands to see.  We decided we'd just make 2 nights of it and do other stuff in Baltimore as well, not sure what yet.

I'm really excited about the school year because the kids have picked things that are really fascinating to me to learn about so I envision a lot of good convos.  ds, entering 8th grade, is studying the world wars and doing a deep dive into tolkein and c.s. lewis.  Dd, entering 7th, is interested in learning chemistry which is right up my wheelhouse.  ds, entering 4th will be joining in the chemistry class because he is my biggest science kid and will be able to keep up with the higher difficulty I plan to bring to it. 

We still have some smaller family outings to figure out and plan but the other big thing we are in the process of planning is a multiday get away for dh and myself for our 15th anniversary.  We eloped and never went on a honeymoon so this trip is specifically to make up for that.  We can't decide where we want to go though so not much planning has happened yet. That'll be at the beginning of 2023.  Shortly after that we start planning a big multi day family trip that the pandemic postponed.

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1 minute ago, Jaybee said:

Cooler weather, for one thing!

For sure!!! 

Equal parts worry and excitement--my younger son is going to a brick and mortar high school. It's a small school that takes state scholarship money, and it's set up with a lot of supports for ADHD and LDs (someone said they think most of the teachers have ADHD too, lol!). They haven't had a high school all that long, but the principal of the high school homeschooled her kids all the way through, they have some subjects that are multi-age (history, etc.), some integrated subjects (lit integrated into history), and their graduates last year all got into their preferred schools (big variety and includes select schools). 

I have one that should graduate this year--delayed a year for Covid since he is attending a vocational school part-time. As I understand it, he has some really promising prospects for job placement. During his fall break this year, I think he and I will do some fun day trips to museums and such. 🙂 


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I am trying to grow as much of my food as possible. I spent from January through spring doing a major garden overhaul. This summer has been awful trying to keep the newly planted trees and shrubs alive. I am looking forward to cooler weather and fall rains so watering won’t be such a chore. I am really looking forward to fall vegetable growing! I am also trying to think through a multipurpose structure to harvest rainwater off of, while also providing an area that is rabbit and dog free. 

edited to add: How could I forget this?!? I am running a 10k this fall. My first run since I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s. I am really looking forward to that and all the training leading up to it. Though I am also a bit nervous because I am wobbly. 

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4 minutes ago, GoVanGogh said:

I am trying to grow as much of my food as possible. I spent from January through spring doing a major garden overhaul. This summer has been awful trying to keep the newly planted trees and shrubs alive. I am looking forward to cooler weather and fall rains so watering won’t be such a chore. I am really looking forward to fall vegetable growing! I am also trying to think through a multipurpose structure to harvest rainwater off of, while also providing an area that is rabbit and dog free. 

edited to add: How could I forget this?!? I am running a 10k this fall. My first run since I was diagnosed with early onset Parkinson’s. I am really looking forward to that and all the training leading up to it. Though I am also a bit nervous because I am wobbly. 

Wow, good for you!  Let us know how it goes.  When is the race?

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We have an upcoming trip back home to California coming up, including a few days in LA where I've never been. That part is probably going to be mostly just me and DH and I’m looking forward to puttering about at our own pace. It looks like we’ll likely have a couple trips overseas coming up,too; it’s been a stressful summer and we can really use the break.


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This is my oldest's senior year (he goes to public school). He's running cross-country and I've promised to come to some of the weekend races. I'm looking forward to doing that with him. I'm also hoping to go to some fall bird migration places with him, especially for Sandhill Cranes (he's an obsessive bird-watcher and photographer). So, generally, special times with ds17.

Additionally, we do fall things like apple picking and corn mazes with a friend who lives an hour away. I'm looking forward to doing those again.

I am dreading homeschool starting again, but know that it will be fine once it begins.

Finally, we're joining a new coop and I am looking forward to having people to talk with about homeschooling again. There were so many ways the people inspired me when I visited. I hope being with them will renew my vision of homeschooling. My youngest is going into 1st grade and it really makes sense to homeschool her, though I'm not currently excited about doing so.


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More manageable weather here for working outside and gardening. It’s so hard to work out there in real feels over 100. We have two 100 foot hoop houses that have been on loan to DD. This year she is scaling back and we’ll have at least one to grow in for ourselves. We’ve always gardened but we’ve never grown in the hoop houses for our family since they were installed for her use. I used to grow a lot of our own food and I look forward to going back to that 😊

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Milder weather. I don’t tolerate heat well and thus stay indoor most of the summer. But bring on fall and winter so I can be outside all day every day! hiking! Cycling! Waterfalls! Yardwork! And since our woodworking shop has no hvac, I live for fall/winter so I can work in comfort. I know a lot of people here in N Georgia think it gets cold, but I’m coming up on 4 years here and have not worn anything heavier than a hoodie. 

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I’m looking forward to the fall routine. This summer has been, I don’t really know the word. Not exactly hard, kinda disappointing, but still ok. I feel like we stumbled through the summer.  I got more alone time than since Covid. That was awesome. My dc did a lot of camps, which was fun for them. Of course one was sent home with Covid, and I had to miss my trip to Maine, which was sad. Dd was sick a couple of times and got exercise induced bronchiospams which is tough bc she’s my athlete. Dh was exhausted and stressed out, but took two weeks off and is doing better. The van needed $3000 worth of work—the kind of work where you get something done, get the car home and something else goes wrong—3 times in a row. The dishwasher broke, then a tree fell in our yard ( but not ON the garden like last time) and last night the upstairs bathroom started leaking into the downstairs bathroom. And soccer went up 25%. But everyone is happy, busy, getting along and pretty healthy l, and we are careful with our money so the financial hits aren’t killing us. 

Anyway, I know all this won’t go away with fall but I expect summer to be more restful and it hasn’t been. 

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Everything about October!  Beautiful weather, colors, smells, birthdays, football/marching band!

Hopefully getting into a good routine with the girls / school / activities.

Getting my 2nd degree blackbelt??

A visit from international friends expected in November.

My kids asked for a sweet 16 party (modified quinceanera) which is likely to be in November.

Holiday spirit.

ETA one of my kids getting her license (thanks for the reminder, Rebcoola).

Edited by SKL
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I’m ready for a weekly routine.  6yo dd started school almost 3 weeks ago.  She has had 5 days of school.  Ds started last week.  He hasn’t done much either.  We have been super sick with a horrible cold that doesn’t let go easily.  Dd is still pretty sick, even after getting a shot and meds from the doctor yesterday.  She’s supposed to be going back to college Monday.

I just want some plain vanilla weeks.

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Um school to start to keep the kids busy.  however I am not looking forward to school starting because I feel way more stress with all the activities and deadlines and homework. 

Fall colors.

I am not looking forward to the cooler weather.  I used to, but this summer I have embraced the heat.  And the cooler weather leads to snow, and I don't want that.

New TV shows.  I haven't watched anything since May.  

All the holidays.

Living in sweatpants all the time.

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Looking forward to?
I guess the RV trip from middle of August to middle of September.

After that, I am guessing my mom will be put on hospice and I will be watching her die for the rest of the fall, spending the majority of my time at her house. Honestly, I am dreading this fall.  Part of the reason my husband wants me to go on the trip. He leaves for an overseas mission trip for a month when we get back. 

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I love summer and find fall weather depressing, but I do enjoy getting back into a routine. I'll still be homeschooling DD and I do a lot of direct instruction and discussion, but she's in high school now and doesn't need me for most of her work. We're joining an enrichment homeschool co-op for the first time ever and I'm excited about the class I'll be teaching there. DD is also trying cross country this year ( a sport I excelled in as a high school student) at our local public school and I'm looking forward to attending a few meets and watching her try something new.

Many of our old friends are having amazing adventures (becoming missionaries, bike trips around the country and world, major travel, moving to their dream retirement homes) and I'm feeling a bit left behind, so I need to plan some smaller adventures or at least some big projects to keep me focused.

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9 minutes ago, perky said:

I am currently listening to Christmas music.  Too soon?


Nope, for 25 years when I directed children's choir/ youth choir at either church or school, I was listening to Christmas music in the summer to decide what we were going to do. So yeah, July and Christmas music are traditions for me!

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