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Omicron anecdata?


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1 hour ago, wathe said:

Going after the well-organized bad actors will be more difficult, and I worry that they'll get away with it.

I had a temporary office job 30+ years ago with an insurance industry lobbying firm. They asked me to find a way to send faxes with no originating number to chambers of commerce all over the US, from a fake organization with a homespun-sounding name. The fax detailed how to organize local business leader opposition to the classification and management of Superfund sites. So it would look like spontaneous local opposition in the interest of the local economy, when in fact it was very much coordinated from above, by lobbyists for insurance companies facing potentially huge payouts to individuals and communities with industrial contamination.

I called around but alas! couldn't find a way to send a fax with no originating number, and then I quit that job. It shocked me, but only because I was naive and idealistic, and had no idea how common grasstops or astroturfed organization was even then. 

It's unbelievably, exponentially easier now for industry groups, the Russian government, political groups who want to destabilize something or shift public opinion to spread disinformation that looks like a grassroots uprising. Which is not to say there aren't ordinary Joes who drive trucks across the border, aren't vaccinated and genuinely oppose quarantine requirements.  

But it's worth asking who stands to benefit right now from disrupting North American supply chains, the US automotive industry, the economies and internal politics of Canada and the US during the pandemic. Same question for who benefitted in 2019-20 when "Facebook's most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by eastern European troll farms." 


Edited by Acadie
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28 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

That’s hilarious. This country barely has any mandates. As usual, its just an opportunity to terrorize, no platform needed. 

I'd guess they’ll lose a lot of sympathy they might currently enjoy should they go through with it. And to what end? 

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1 minute ago, wintermom said:

More anacdata: my ds 19 is having major sleeping issues weeks after Covid. My ds 15 is having hand tremors.

I'm getting more stressed just waiting for the next ball to drop. We thought we were over the symptoms. ☹️

No advice. Just ((hugs))

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In January, a Missouri woman's hacked Facebook account started a handful of groups on the protest, gaining over 340,000 followers and posting more than 7,500 times before the groups were disabled. The reach of this stuff is absolutely unbelievable. 


A hacked Facebook account is behind some of the organizing

The entity behind some of the largest Facebook groups supporting the protests is an unknown person or persons who used the Facebook account of a Missouri woman. She says her account on the platform was hacked and stolen.

The account launched a handful of Facebook groups for the protest, all between Jan. 26 and 28, before the trucker convoy reached Ottawa. With a combined following of more than 340,000 members and more than 7,500 posts, the group names were variations on a theme: “Convoy to Ottawa 2022,” “Convoy for Freedom 2022,” “Freedom Convoy/Ottawa 2022 for Canada,” “Freedom Convoy 2022” and “2022 Official Freedom Convoy to Ottawa.”

Facebook groups are organized by administrators. Grid found that the only administrator account for these groups belonged to the Missouri woman. Reached briefly by phone on Monday, she said her account was hacked and she was not involved with the groups....

“Someone stole my identity on Facebook,” she said. “I don’t know how they [did] it.”

The woman, whom Grid is not naming because she is the victim of apparent identity theft, said her daughter set up a new account for her. A new Facebook account with the woman’s name appeared in October 2021 with the post: “New account. Last one got hacked.”

The groups were disabled Monday afternoon as Grid was reporting this story. Facebook did not immediately respond to questions about the hacked account. 

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

I wish people who feel this way would shut up


Like everybody else, I can’t wait for COVID to “be over.” Commentator Bari Weiss recently complained about the fact that, even after getting vaccinated and doing everything she was supposed to do to responsibly keep COVID at bay, it doesn’t seem like our coronavirus vigilance will ever end. She referred to America’s COVID protocols and school closures as measures that will “be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime.” A moral crime.

What purpose does the griping serve except to undermine any sort of effort to get us out of this whole thing? I know people who felt like this before the end of March 2020. 

It's like being in a group punishment situation where every time someone breaks a rule, the whole group is punished again, but it's the rule breaker who is doing all the b*tching. 

ETA: in fairness, maybe she's continuing to be careful, but framing all of this as a moral crime is undermining in so many ways.

Edited by kbutton
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22 hours ago, wathe said:

 I’m sure a small business won’t like it as it will be expensive. I think it’s one of those things where you actually need a mandate to make it happen. If left up to individual businesses it won’t get done 


13 hours ago, MEmama said:

Sadly, I can. The same people who try to dismantle the works of the EPA, for example, and those who deny climate change. There are a lot of people— voters and government officials alike— who think any sort of regulation threatens their perceived “freedom”. If we’ve learned anything over the past years, the “threat” doesn’t have to be real to create enormous faux outrage. 

I guess I was thinking more that the people using the spaces would not object to improved air quality, unlike masks or vaccine requirements. This is a very good point that the businesses may object due to costs 😞

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5 hours ago, kbutton said:

I wish people who feel this way would shut up

What purpose does the griping serve except to undermine any sort of effort to get us out of this whole thing?

Honestly, I'm going to see if I can word this to stay within board parameters.... I think it is very difficult to untwine the covid mask protesters from the political aspect of their arguments.  

And, if I were to take it another step forward---I think the Portland riots were a breeding ground and test action done by Proud Boys and other far-right groups who have gone on to be at the Jan 6th Insurrection and at other events like the one in Ottawa. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/proud-boys-oath-keepers-antifa-portland-violence-spreading-1224762/  I think the culture wars have been less about the physical violence but more about shaping how the general public views things, including the legitimacy of the most recent US presidential elections. The fact that such a wide swath of the media repeats the griping about masking just goes to show how deep the movement is. I think the investigation into how the Ottawa protests have been organized just emphasizes how serious the issue is. 


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DS was diagnosed with covid toe yesterday. But, they think it goes back to his sickness about 8 weeks ago, where he tested negative with a PCR test and we assumed it was the flu from community spread and symptoms. So, who knows? Dr says it was brought out by the cold and possibly his recently upped vyvanse dosage. So, that’s fun. 
He was pretty sick for a couple days, fever, terrible night sweats, exhaustion. He was double vaccinated but not boosted. And it was 7 1/2 months after second shot.

I haven’t read that covid toe takes that long to show up. But that’s what they think. 

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22 minutes ago, Toocrazy!! said:

DS was diagnosed with covid toe yesterday. But, they think it goes back to his sickness about 8 weeks ago, where he tested negative with a PCR test and we assumed it was the flu from community spread and symptoms. So, who knows? Dr says it was brought out by the cold and possibly his recently upped vyvanse dosage. So, that’s fun. 
He was pretty sick for a couple days, fever, terrible night sweats, exhaustion. He was double vaccinated but not boosted. And it was 7 1/2 months after second shot.

I haven’t read that covid toe takes that long to show up. But that’s what they think. 

Ugh! 😞 

I haven’t heard any accounts of Covid toe since 2020 and have wondered why that might be. So it’s interesting to me that it’s still a symptom being diagnosed. 

I hope it clears up soon for him! 

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I hadn’t heard about it either. When he FaceTimed me, it’s the first thing I thought- that looks like covid toes. Then  we sent pictures to his dr, who thought the same thing, but couldn’t tell fro pictures. So he went to the hospital urgent care and that dr said it immediately as well. Whatever it is, it certainly looks like covid toe! 

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Maroon is almost gone!


Go Minnesota!  Our data was SO lagging for so long, it's nice to see it finally catching up.  Our metro wastewater levels were showing like September covid levels as of a few days ago which is great progress.  

And in the meantime, my college student may have covid.  He got an inconclusive PCR test yesterday.  Required testing for performing group and MANY of them tested positive this week.  Sigh.  He retested this morning.  He may have a minor scratchy throat but that is not at all uncommon in the upper midwest in a forced air apartment.  All those vaccinated students seem to have had very minor symptoms if at all.  They are catching a lot of cases by required testing.  

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1 hour ago, catz said:

Go Minnesota!  Our data was SO lagging for so long, it's nice to see it finally catching up.  Our metro wastewater levels were showing like September covid levels as of a few days ago which is great progress.  

And in the meantime, my college student may have covid.  He got an inconclusive PCR test yesterday.  Required testing for performing group and MANY of them tested positive this week.  Sigh.  He retested this morning.  He may have a minor scratchy throat but that is not at all uncommon in the upper midwest in a forced air apartment.  All those vaccinated students seem to have had very minor symptoms if at all.  They are catching a lot of cases by required testing.  

I am so sorry.

And yes, the scratchy throat due to dry air/forced air is soooooooo common. If Mark and I tested every time we had this symptom, we would just be going through boatloads of tests. It is so problematic. 

Michigan is down to just over 2500 positives per day. This is a huge drop. But my concern is nine counties are dropping their mask mandates for schools (my county never had one this year 😡), and I think it is too soon. We have a very low vax rate for 5-17 year olds. I wish protocols and cautions continued until we had the state below 1000 new cases per day because if that happened coming into spring when people spend so much time outdoors and the indoor sports events for schools and colleges are primarily done, I think the situation would be so much better and HCW's could catch their breath.

We have a road trip of mostly outdoor escapes planned for April 30-May 9. Where we are going there are no mask mandates. But, when indoors at the Museum of Danish America, National Park visitor centers, etc. we will be masked, KN95. I am sure people will look at us like we have three heads a piece. Oh well. Hopefully no one will be aggressive about it. We get a lot of dirty looks here, but no verbal abuse. I think that the National Parks will probably still have a mask mandate for inside the visitor centers, but who knows by then. Caving to political pressure is the norm these days.

78 days until we move ds out of the dorm and hang around for commencement. I have my fingers crossed that we will get a warm, sunny, non choppy day on Lake Huron before then and get the sailboat out. Mentally, I could really use a day out on the water.

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1 hour ago, Melissa in Australia said:

They had an investigation in Australia and came to the conclusion that it is all in the females head.

I’m confused why this is such a big thing in either direction. It seems pretty clear and understandable that like many illness or other things that involve the immune system, the vaccine has a potential to have a short term effect on menstrual cycles around the time the shot is given, since the endometrium is one site of immune defense in the female body. I don’t know why some have  been so reluctant to acknowledge that might be a thing or why some others think that it’s some scary thing to be concerned about. Similar things can happen to someone who gets the flu or who has a stressful event happen  🤷‍♀️.

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On 2/12/2022 at 11:49 AM, catz said:

And in the meantime, my college student may have covid.  He got an inconclusive PCR test yesterday.  Required testing for performing group and MANY of them tested positive this week.  Sigh.  He retested this morning.  He may have a minor scratchy throat but that is not at all uncommon in the upper midwest in a forced air apartment.  All those vaccinated students seem to have had very minor symptoms if at all.  They are catching a lot of cases by required testing.  

Just to update this, my college kid was PCR tested again and was negative.  The inconclusive is often considered a presumed positive.  You may get this result early or very late in an infection when viral levels are low but not high enough to hit the threshold for a positive.  So it is possible he may have been positive for a couple days last week?  He was PCR tested Tuesday w/negative and then inconclusive on Friday.  Negative on Saturday.  He did a negative rapid somewhere in there too (this group is taking covid seriously!).  He was certainly exposed repeatedly.  SIX people in his performing group he was with the previous weekend tested positive last week (out of like around 25 of them, 5 had it a couple weeks ago.  All vaccinated, some are newly boosted).   This college kid was boosted at the very end of December so hit the 2 week point right as he went back to campus around January 12.  So he did have a very well timed booster for this wave.  

Anyway - I for sure thought he would be positive, but just thought I'd put that out there for anyone else who might get an inconclusive.  He tests all the time at the same place on campus, so I'd be surprised if the inconclusive was due to sample issues.  This was his first non-negative result.  

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New study in Science suggests that CBD oil is effective against covid:

"CBD and its metabolite 7-OH-CBD, but not THC or other congeneric cannabinoids tested, potently block SARS-CoV-2 replication in lung epithelial cells. CBD acts after viral entry, inhibiting viral gene expression and reversing many effects of SARS-CoV-2 on host gene transcription. CBD inhibits SARS-CoV-2 replication in part by up-regulating the host IRE1α RNase endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response and interferon signaling pathways. In matched groups of human patients from the National COVID Cohort Collaborative, CBD (100 mg/ml oral solution per medical records) had a significant negative association with positive SARS-CoV-2 tests. This study highlights CBD as a potential preventative agent for early-stage SARS-CoV-2 infection and merits future clinical trials."


(x-posted in Wuhan thread)

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