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Omicron anecdata?


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1 hour ago, Spryte said:

I have a couple of booster questions, if anyone has info/ideas, time to read:

1.) DH will be needing to travel (internationally) to an area with high Covid levels soon, and he’ll be exclusively using public transportation once there. He will mask, and do what he can to eat outside, but inevitably he will need to do an indoor dinner (with CEO, can’t be missed).

His trip is flexible, it’s going to be a spur of the moment thing as soon as we feel best about Covid. (I’d really like to see the state dept take that country off of level 4, too, but not holding my breath—that’s another question re: this trip, how that impacts travelers.)

We are thinking he might time his booster to get maximum effect. How soon after the booster would it be most effective, anyone know? 


I've read that maximal protection *from infection* after the 4th shot is 30 days. Not sure if that means for 30 days following the shot or the 2-week mark post-vaccine. I'd love more info on this too. 


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2 hours ago, Acadie said:

I've read that maximal protection *from infection* after the 4th shot is 30 days. Not sure if that means for 30 days following the shot or the 2-week mark post-vaccine. I'd love more info on this too. 


Yes, that’s not terribly clear. I’ll look for info and post anything I find. Hopefully someone will know.

We are guessing that it will need two weeks post shot to take full effect, but that’s a wild guess, so I’d live to hear it’s as effective for a full 30 days.

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3 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

Quibble: knowing what I now know about the United States, I'd say there was no way in hell we *weren't* going to hit 1 million Covid deaths.

And the only thing that'll save us from 2 million is the decrease in severity of the virus.

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Rise in at-home testing means we could be undercounting COVID-19 cases more (wisn.com)

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation estimates that only 7% of positive COVID-19 cases in the U.S. are being detected, meaning case rates are actually 14.5 times higher than officially reported. The last time the infection detection rate was this low was at the outset of the pandemic, in March 2020.

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4 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

I am seriously rethinking my plans for this summer if planes are going to be mask-free.

I didn't think they were going to extend it after that extra 2 weeks they just tacked on, but I wanted them too.  I mean from everything I am reading we are in a surge of BA 2 and man I just hate them taking restrictions away when this is going on.  

My dh has to travel for work and this just makes me way more stressed. Crap

I don't like this one little bit.

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3 hours ago, Happy2BaMom said:

Quibble: knowing what I now know about the United States, I'd say there was no way in hell we *weren't* going to hit 1 million Covid deaths.

I think the more shocking thing to me is that there are so many people who don’t even care and go so far as to say it’s not that big a deal and it’s over. Would not most people have found it scary if we were told in March 2020 that this would definitely kill at least 1 million Americans over the following two years?

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41 minutes ago, KSera said:

I think the more shocking thing to me is that there are so many people who don’t even care and go so far as to say it’s not that big a deal and it’s over. Would not most people have found it scary if we were told in March 2020 that this would definitely kill at least 1 million Americans over the following two years?

This is very sad. Many Americans are proud, selfish, very independent and just think its not going to affect them. I have friends who don't care and live like covid doesn't exist. As a nurse who has taken care of covid patients these past two years, I'm afraid we will continue to have surges of covid and many more will die.

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1 hour ago, Corraleno said:

I am seriously rethinking my plans for this summer if planes are going to be mask-free.

We seriously considered a conference this summer that would mean a lot to my son, but then we ended up with other needs. We'd have to fly, but it's a rare disease conference, and we know a lot of people coming have been really careful. I guess I need to root for it to be closer to home next year. 

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4 minutes ago, cintinative said:

This means school buses too right? Not that it's enforced from what I have heard.

I assume so. And no, it's not enforced, which is why they had to cancel school sometimes for a building at time--they didn't have enough drivers to cover everyone, so they prioritized the little kids.

My son that is in school part-time complained to the district, and they said they were as upset as him about it but couldn't really do anything since you have a right to attend school and a right to be bused. 

***ETA: I think if your school has busing, they can't discriminate vs. having an absolute right to busing. I know some school stop busing at a certain age, or you have to be a certain distance away, but they can't just discriminate against specific kids.

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The People’s CDC is a collective of public health practitioners, scientists, healthcare workers, educators, advocates and people from all walks of life working to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19.

We provide guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the public on COVID-19, disseminating evidence-based updates that are grounded in equity, public health principles, and the latest scientific literature.

Working alongside community organizations, we are building collective power and centering equity as we work together to end the pandemic.

The People’s CDC is volunteer-run and independent of partisan political and corporate interests and includes anonymous local health department and other government employees.



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24 minutes ago, mathnerd said:

Could you please let me know the url from which this graphic is posted? I would like to forward it to someone who is looking for this information to plan some travel. Thank you!

I just want to add I follow the NYT covid map. It looks like NE US, CO and AL have higher numbers.


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State of Affairs: April 19 - by Katelyn Jetelina (substack.com)




A slow roar is starting in the U.S., but the Northeast is getting hit particularly hard with transmission. It’s not clear whether this will translate to the rest of the nation. Nonetheless, the virus is mutating to continue to escape our immunity.

Together, this may be a good excuse to get your booster and start wearing a mask in increasing trend areas. And yes, this means on planes, buses, and trains too.

Love, YLE

P.S. In response to thousands of your messages, I do not have an update on under 5 vaccines. You better believe that when I do, I will update you all. This mama of 2 kids under 5 is anxiously waiting, too...

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13 minutes ago, TateyBonetto said:

Any theories as to why this index is showing positivity rates as being higher in the vaccinated groups?

Possibly those who are vaccinated are more likely to pursue testing if they feel sick. If you don't get tested, you don't get counted as positive. 

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22 hours ago, TarynB said:

Possibly those who are vaccinated are more likely to pursue testing if they feel sick. If you don't get tested, you don't get counted as positive. 

That seems to be one plausible theory for the lower numbers in the unvaccinated, but would that explain the variability between the vaccinated subgroups? Are those with 3 doses more likely to test than those with 2 doses and so on?

Edit: Just found on the index that the percentage of testing is higher in the unvaccinated than the other groups - so the answer can't be that they are not testing. Any other ideas? What's going on?

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Our numbers are still fairly low, but I know that even if we have a surge, most people will not be putting on masks or taking precautions where I live.  They are "done."  Many wanted to be done but loosely follow the rules.

One person who thought it was all a joke (a police officer) has posted how sad it was they lost a fellow officer recently.  

To Covid.  He hasn't mentioned the Covid part, but that is what he told my husband.

He is very anti-vaccine, anti-mask, etc.         I can't help but wonder how some people are influenced by others who nonstop harped on how horrible vaccines and masking were...

So the experts can tell everyone to wear a mask where cases are trending up, but few people will actually listen.  They don't believe masking works.  I still mask, but I am married to someone who does not believe in it, so sometimes it feels silly.  But at least I'll know I tried, I guess! 

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On 4/17/2022 at 4:31 PM, Spryte said:

I have a couple of booster questions, if anyone has info/ideas, time to read:

1.) DH will be needing to travel (internationally) to an area with high Covid levels soon, 

We are thinking he might time his booster to get maximum effect. How soon after the booster would it be most effective, anyone know? 

I was told my best coverage would be 30-45 days after immunization--long enough for my body to really kick up the antibodies, but to plan for essentially no protection 60 days after the booster. And, the booster is only as good as my body can produce antibodies, as good as the match to the prevailing virus, etc. 

For me, that means I really need to wear a N95 everywhere and if I meet for dining, aim for an outdoors setting.  Dh does not have a choice about dining with re: to work, so if he is in a large group setting, he tries to choose his chair wisely and not sit immediately next to an antivaxxer, puts his mask back on following the meal, etc.

That said, my friend from DK took photos from her trip to Germany this week and no one was masked in any of them. 😞 That's true of her photos in DK as well. 


2.) My other question(s): has anyone else been told *not* to get a booster? Did you listen to your doc? What does that mean for you, and how do you mitigate risk?

My doctors and I have a plan that surrounds vaccination--feel free to pm. 


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23 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

So maybe it's too early in the morning but I am somewhat confused.

Community levels are low in most places, but Community transmission is higher.   I'm not sure I understand the difference and which is more important to assessing risk. 

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3 hours ago, Wheres Toto said:

So maybe it's too early in the morning but I am somewhat confused.

Community levels are low in most places, but Community transmission is higher.   I'm not sure I understand the difference and which is more important to assessing risk. 

The CDC‘s new community levels metric is based largely on hospital capacity. It really doesn’t tell you how much Covid is circulating where you are. That’s where the transmission map comes in. Although testing is only capturing a fraction right now. If you like to make your decisions based on trying to avoid infection, the transmission map is more helpful for you. If you’re willing to base it on whether there would currently be a hospital bed for you if you need it, the community levels one will work.

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We’re seeing quite a bit of reinfection—third time they’ve had Covid, mostly in the healthcare worker population which is 100% vaccinated here and an extremely high percentage is boosted.  Hospitalizations for Covid remain low, though we’ve had a spike in a brutal norovirus that is leaving people hospitalized for a day or two.  Fortunately; Covid has not run rampant through the schools despite no required masking(which basically means no one is wearing a mask) either on the busses or in the classroom.

I am anecdotally hearing of triple vaxxed people catching Covid for a second or third time and having long Covid symtoms, despite having a mild infection. 

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3 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

We’re seeing quite a bit of reinfection—third time they’ve had Covid, mostly in the healthcare worker population which is 100% vaccinated here and an extremely high percentage is boosted.  Hospitalizations for Covid remain low, though we’ve had a spike in a brutal norovirus that is leaving people hospitalized for a day or two.  Fortunately; Covid has not run rampant through the schools despite no required masking(which basically means no one is wearing a mask) either on the busses or in the classroom.

I am anecdotally hearing of triple vaxxed people catching Covid for a second or third time and having long Covid symtoms, despite having a mild infection. 

This makes me so sad.  Ugh.

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On 4/18/2022 at 5:45 PM, mommyoffive said:

I didn't think they were going to extend it after that extra 2 weeks they just tacked on, but I wanted them too.  I mean from everything I am reading we are in a surge of BA 2 and man I just hate them taking restrictions away when this is going on.  

My dh has to travel for work and this just makes me way more stressed. Crap

I don't like this one little bit.

Well crap. DH has I think 3 plane trips over the summer planned, for work conferences. UGH. 

I mean, if we catch it here, it would suck. But if DH catches it on the other side of the country, or on the way there, then what? He's AWFUL about getting medical care, and most nights falls asleep without his apnea mask so I have to wake him up to put it on, etc. Him sick, in a hotel room by himself, etc is not something I want to even imagine. 

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I flew back into SFO today and people were happy when the captain announced that the mask mandate is off. Some of the cabin crew wore masks and some did not.  ETA: It was a 15hr flight so the plane took off soon after the mask mandate was stopped.

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1 hour ago, ktgrok said:

Well crap. DH has I think 3 plane trips over the summer planned, for work conferences. UGH. 

I mean, if we catch it here, it would suck. But if DH catches it on the other side of the country, or on the way there, then what? He's AWFUL about getting medical care, and most nights falls asleep without his apnea mask so I have to wake him up to put it on, etc. Him sick, in a hotel room by himself, etc is not something I want to even imagine. 

Yep my dh has trips for work too.  I am so not happy about this.

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