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2021 Year in Review and Looking Forward to 2022- Join me


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I do this every year and enjoy looking back through my journals and comparing my responses. I know I've done this a couple of times here on WTM (one partial year because my laptop died and I didn't replace it until close to the end of the month).

Here's how it works. There are 31 prompts: 17 for 2021, 14 for 2022. Some will be easy to answer, others will require a bit of thinking and reflection. I will post the prompt with no explanation or intro. You interpret the prompt and write your answers based on your interpretation.

I am writing my responses chronologically in a journal spread. I have also written them in a daily planner that had lots of open space. You choose if and how you want to keep your responses. Edit: If you do write things down, leave some space. I have found that as I go through the month, I find new things to add to some of the previous entries.

You do not need to share here unless you want to. If you are following along, post an emoji or something fun so I know.

Here we go....

1. New to me in 2021

Edited by Granny_Weatherwax
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New to me: 

- Discovering the wonders of a beautiful and huge park near me - I had been to small parts of it but never realized it's extent or magic - and spending lots of time in it. 

- New job for my husband after a long period of unemployment.

- Being the mother of 2 college graduates. 

Edited by marbel
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New to me in 2021:

  • My puppy.
  • Becoming a CERT member.
  • Being almost completely hands off regarding my kids' school work and personal spaces.  (Eyes still on, though, about once a day.)

Seems like this list should be longer.  Maybe I'm forgetting a ton ....

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New to me in 2021:

Taking on all care of my car and all it entails.

Learning and doing basic toilet repair.

Finding out that my marriage/relationship has never been what I thought it was and that my husband not only doesn't love me but truly doesn't care what happens to me.  Bonus: he now appears to be cheating on me.

A level of loneliness and despair that I didn't know could actually exist while still alive.

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New to me in 2021

New job - our company restructured and I was placed in a managerial position in an area of the business I knew nothing about. I was very fortunate to inherit a competent and committed team who have been very patient with me. I'm finally finding my feet.

Two new friends - I made an effort with two female friends I've actually known as acquaintances for a long time to get to know them better. Separate to each other we've been doing coffee, going to shows, etc.

Diagnosis of autism for younger dd. It has explained so much.


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I went back to work for the first time in almost 15 years.

My kids went to school so first year with no homeschooling.

We hosted two college baseball players this summer so I now have 2 new bonus sons.

I had my first surgery- everything is good.

I had my first ambulance ride with my ds15, who thankfully is also fine. 

I have a child with a driving permit.

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New to me in 2021:
Going to the Rocky Mnts, Yellowstone, Mnt Rushmore
Babysitter Date Nights (very new)
Starting Invisalign and getting my dental health under control
Covid vaccine!
Taking thr kids camping without DH (but with other help)
Enneagram 9 - learning more about myself and feeling seen

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New to me in 2021:

Grocery delivery!

Whole food plant based diet

Getting vaccinated in a grocery store

First year in more than four decades I haven't traveled, at all, anywhere, for an entire year. I think the farthest I traveled in 2021 was to a plant nursery about half an hour from my house.


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