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20 in 20 for 2020 Day 5!


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1 1/2 mile power walk with weights completed.   I am patting myself on the back because my back has been hurting since yesterday afternoon,  but I did NOT use it as an excuse to not work out.  It actually feels a bit better after my workout too. 

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Last night, I moved my alarm back by 10 minutes in hopes it would give me a little more breathing room in the morning to do my walk and bike or cardio and still squeeze in a shower before sitting down to work . . . but it just meant 10 minutes longer of me trying to talk myself out of bed. Sigh.

In any case, I did another 1.1-mile ramble around the neighborhood, followed by 45 minutes on the stationary bike. I still have my regular PT appointment this afternoon (which I'm counting as "strength training" until I complete this series of appointments), but I will need another walk either outside or with a video to make sure I get the rest of my steps in for the day.

By the way, @Slache, we love the Nicholas Brothers around here. My son was very into tap dancing for a good number of years, so watching that video was a fun moment of nostalgia for me. Thanks!

Edited by Jenny in Florida
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DH and I did another beautiful outside walk this morning. Our weather has been incredible! 
I also finished my rowing workout today. I really like getting a workout sent to me every day. I like the variety and the trainer aspect of it. I’d like to find something similar for December, but not rowing. 

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I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

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2 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

Oh goodness! Glad to hear she's doing well.

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Took a 2.5 mile walk around my neighborhood. The weather was unusually warm and sunny, so too many people were out exercising without masks and I had to cut across streets several times to avoid heavy breathing runners and bicyclists. I am determined to head out earlier tomorrow to avoid this situation.

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33 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

Oh wow.  I am so glad she is ok.  Amazing and great that she is home already.   


Got 3.5 hours of walking with kids and dogs.  We are making the most of this amazing weather 

Edited by mommyoffive
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1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

Ok, that's dedication to have been to the hospital and still get your walk in!

1 hour ago, SKL said:

I think I have to change my commitment.  Running a mile a day caused too much pain and stiffness in my knees.  I haven't decided what to change it to.

Walk? Or walk one day and run the next?

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4 hours ago, historically accurate said:

Another beautiful day here - it's supposed to be unseasonably warm and sunny until about Wed of next week. 1 mile around the neighborhood. I may have added an extra mile with all of the crossing of the street to avoid neighbors out and about because I forgot my face mask today LOL.

Yes! Not a mile, but I get to keep adding steps for all the times I go out the front door, go around the corner (we live on a corner), and then go in the back door to get my mask!

1 hour ago, Ottakee said:

I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

Good job Mom! You always wonder if you'll recognize a real emergency and get the proper care and you did! You are part of the team that got your dd back on track so quickly.

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3 minutes ago, Ali in OR said:

Good job Mom! You always wonder if you'll recognize a real emergency and get the proper care and you did! You are part of the team that got your dd back on track so quickly.

I agree with this so much!!  May all go well with your daughter’s recovery @Ottakee!  Rest well, both of you, this evening!

Also, I wanted to add re: the Nicholas Brothers, that would have to be so painful.  Even after many rehearsals, I cannot imagine the bruising!  Wow, just wow!  I love this type of entertainment...bring back the dinner club!

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One of those days when it's been raining all afternoon, hard at times, so you dress appropriately for the weather and then it never rains a drop on your walk! I guess that's better than heading out without thinking and getting caught in a downpour. The leaves are all dropping now--this is the neighbor's sidewalk so I don't have to rake them! Got the mile done. I am appreciating how this walk is keeping me from eating after school. I get home and it's late enough that I can tell myself that I can wait until dinner.


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Another gorgeous day; another 1.1 miles with the dog.



4 hours ago, Ottakee said:

I just got in a quick mile walk around the neighborhood at sunset.  

I was up since 2:45am as I took 23dd to the ER in the middle of the night.  A quick CT and a call to the surgical team and she had an emergency appendectomy.  She is home now and doing well.

Oh dear. Glad to hear she's recuperating well.

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So I massively procrastinated again .... seems to be a pattern, good day, late day... 😏  All these late days would have been 'why bother now' days, though, if I didn't have you all keeping me honest!  Just popped on to the rower, did a mile, then some more, total 2800.  

If anyone's read the book Spark, the reason I'm motivated to stay on a bit longer on rower-only days is I try to get at least 12 min with my hr over 84% of max; at a mile I'm usually at 6 min in that zone (takes a couple minutes to warm up), so I'm motivated to stick it out another 6...  If I'm doing another workout other than rowing, I can get those minutes in there instead...

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2 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Careful, this challenges can be a little too much fun. Hadrian's was my first, but I ended up having to put up a special rack to hold the medals I have been accumulating.

I received the Great Ocean Road medal in the mail yesterday.

I'm not in danger unless they add, say, an Appian Way challenge, The Orient Express, Silk Road, Cross the Bering Strait, Circumnavigate the Moon, Transcontinental Railroad, Arizona Trail hmmm I'm writing these down. I think I might create my own!

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