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Personal covid experiences


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I've been slightly hesitant to post since I clearly haven't "hidden" my identity much with my username and it feels weird to post medical details publicly, so please don't quote my details as I might remove them.  We've definitely told close friends but I haven't posted this on Facebook or anything like that as I have seen people I'm friends with on FB literally shame people for getting sick. 

We're on the tail end of our whole family having COVID.  We've only been moderately cautious, but as far as we can tell it wasn't any of the slightly-higher-risk things we've done that have brought it into our house.  We don't know how we were exposed.

Youngest DS (just turned 9), had a fever but no other symptoms for about 24 hrs starting on 10/19.  Since it was nothing else, just him sick, and he has the least exposures outside of the house, the rest of us basically went on our merry way.  I really thought there was just about zero chance it was COVID.  He fever barely reached 101, and was only above the 100.4 range for a few hours. 

Then on Thursday night/Friday AM the 22nd/23rd DS11, DS13 and I all got sick.  We all had a fever in the 100-101.1 range, I had a headache/body ache and DS11 had a cough.  So all 4 of us went to get tested on Friday the 23rd, and found out the next day it was positive for all 4 of us.  Then DH and DD16 went to get tested - negative for them.  But we decided not to isolate the 2 negatives from the 4 of us positive because we had all been in the same house together for days -- it just didn't seem very worthwhile for the amount of stress it would cause. 

DS 9 never developed any other symptoms.  DS13 was fine with having only had the fever for about 24 hrs.  DS 11 is still coughing a bit, but it has gotten a lot better.  I felt achy/headache/exhaustion all that first weekend, lost my sense of smell on Sunday the 25th (it started to come back on Friday the 30th already, though it is not completely back), and have had occasional coughing and shortness of breath since then, through today.  It's pretty minor though and most of the time I've felt fine. 

DH got sick on Monday the 26th with headache/body ache and went to get tested again. He took DD to get tested again since she felt extra tired, and he was positive but she was still negative.  She ended up getting symptoms on Thursday the 29th (more tired/headache/body ache) but we haven't made her get tested again.  Her symptoms lasted the weekend and she was feeling better today. I think we jumped the gun with having her tested last Monday, and we felt bad making her go through it again, so we are counting last Thursday as her symptom start  date.  Most of DH's symptoms have gone away except now he has extreme head congestion/sinus congestion...like a bad head cold!  I can't believe I'm the only one that lost sense of smell...even DH can still kind of smell despite the stuffed up nose.

So, all in all, pretty minor for everyone.  I feel bad that we didn't keep DS11 and DS13 home from a couple of activities when DS9 had been sick with the fever the day before.  Hindsight is 20/20 but it was just so surprising that DS9 was the first one sick.  Luckily DS11 and DS13 were wearing masks the whole time they were out before they were sick -- but there was one small group of kids that would be counted as close contacts because even though they were masked, they were together in a room for an hour and probably not 6 ft apart due to room size.  Given it took DH and DD days and days to get sick despite being in the same house as us, I'm really hoping that DS9 was the only "spreader" among us and maybe the older boys didn't spread it.  I don't know well the other kids/families they were with (it was a small homeschool club meeting), so I don't know if any of them got sick.

DS9 did go to a chess class about 6 days before he got sick, and I was disappointed that the set up there was not nearly as safe as the set up they had in the summer (room was smaller this time, and in the summer they had each kid have their own board and they called out moves to their partner using chess notation, to keep more than 6 ft apart. This time they did a normal board set up - not distanced).  So even though they were masked at the chess class, if not all kids were wearing their masks properly and someone was an asymptomatic spreader, I can see how maybe that could have been the cause.  Or DS9 did go shopping (wearing a mask) with me a few places the weekend before he got sick, and maybe he got the rare surface transmission?  It is just so random to us since DS9 rarely goes anywhere without the rest of us.  This chess class was about the only thing.  Unless everyone was exposed at once with much more varying times of incubation.  It's so weird and random!

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My friend's husband and her mom and dad are positive (mom and dad were exposed, spent the weekend camping with my friend and her husband and then started symptoms after they went back home). Husband has minor symptoms (cold, mild flu-like), the dad is asymptomatic, and the mom has been in the hospital for 10 days and is not out of the woods. My friend never tested positive.

Edited to add: friend and dh are in their 50s, parents are in their late 70s or early 80s.

Edited by iamonlyone
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1 minute ago, iamonlyone said:

My friend's husband and her mom and dad are positive (mom and dad were exposed, spent the weekend camping with my friend and her husband and then started symptoms after they went back home). Husband has minor symptoms (cold, mild flu-like), the dad is asymptomatic, and the mom has been in the hospital for 10 days and is not out of the woods. My friend never tested positive.

I hope her mom gets better soon! 

It's such a random virus. This thread is full of deaths, long-haulers, and asymptomatic and mild cases. It's wild. 

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21 minutes ago, daijobu said:

No personal experiences.   I don't know anyone anyone who tested positive and and I don't know anyone with symptoms.  It's like it isn't happening.    

My husband and I just took tests from the CATCH study and we both tested negative.  


That’s such a different experience from ours!! 

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5 minutes ago, kand said:

@MissLemonHow is Michelle today?


Thank you for asking.  ❤️ 

No change in her breathing or the pneumonia. She is too exhausted and in too much pain to update, so her husband is updating now. He says that her breathing is stable as long as she is perfectly still and calm. 

The good news is that the hospital let her husband come see her.  They fitted him out in head to toe PPE and he got to sit with her for awhile. I want to see that as an entirely good development, but there is part of me that is very concerned they let him see her because she may not pull through. They have managed to keep her off the ventilator, which is good.

Another good thing is that her ICU room has a big window, so she can see sunshine and trees. When she was still able to update, she said that she had not seen the outdoors in 3 weeks.  I'm hoping the mental boost of seeing her husband plus blue sky, trees, and birds will help her keep fighting. 

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56 minutes ago, kand said:

This all sounds so hard, but I’m glad she’s not worsened and her dh could go see her. Do you know if they are proning her?

My understanding is that she hasn't been stable enough to do it. I think the primary challenge right now is the secondary bacterial infection she developed while hospitalized. It sounds like (maybe?) she is "over" the covid pneumonia and that what they are left dealing with the secondary infection plus the inflammatory changes that covid brings to heart and lungs. 

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My personal experience is: still do not personally know anyone who has had a positive test.  Know several friends of friends’ who have needed to take a test for a variety of reasons, but all came back negative. Do know multiple families that were quite sick in Feb time frame that are positive they had it but were not tested.  Live in a state called an early hot-spot.

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11 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

Bump. How is everyone doing? Anyone else have experiences to report? 

My friend Michelle is being intubated tonight. 😞 

I can't find the correct adjective to describe what I feel right now. I keep thinking about her husband and children.  

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Day 8 of symptoms. The fatigue is bad still, but I’ve developed pneumonia and am really short of breath on exertion.  Taking liquid albuterol and nebs. It’s assumed pneumonia; nobody wants me coming into the office and getting a chest xrayand I am not at ER stage yet. I have a hx of pneumonia and that’s how I feel so we are assuming I have it.  

DH and the kids all have negative tests and no symptoms. 

Everyone else(4 coworkers) who caught it the same night I did had very mild symptoms that lasted around 48 hours.

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5 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Day 8 of symptoms. The fatigue is bad still, but I’ve developed pneumonia and am really short of breath on exertion.  Taking liquid albuterol and nebs. It’s assumed pneumonia; nobody wants me coming into the office and getting a chest xrayand I am not at ER stage yet. I have a hx of pneumonia and that’s how I feel so we are assuming I have it.  

DH and the kids all have negative tests and no symptoms. 

Everyone else(4 coworkers) who caught it the same night I did had very mild symptoms that lasted around 48 hours.

Ugh. You have bad COVID luck, don’t you? 😞 I was hoping you’d have a mild case!!

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5 hours ago, MissLemon said:

My friend Michelle is being intubated tonight. 😞 

I can't find the correct adjective to describe what I feel right now. I keep thinking about her husband and children.  

I am so sorry.   I am sending all my prayers yo her.  This just breaks my heart.   Thinking of her family and sending them love.

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56 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

Day 8 of symptoms. The fatigue is bad still, but I’ve developed pneumonia and am really short of breath on exertion.  Taking liquid albuterol and nebs. It’s assumed pneumonia; nobody wants me coming into the office and getting a chest xrayand I am not at ER stage yet. I have a hx of pneumonia and that’s how I feel so we are assuming I have it.  

DH and the kids all have negative tests and no symptoms. 

Everyone else(4 coworkers) who caught it the same night I did had very mild symptoms that lasted around 48 hours.

Sending some healing power to you.

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1 hour ago, Amoret said:



1 hour ago, Not_a_Number said:

@Francesand @Amoret, how are things with you?

My brother and my mom both spent time at the ER this week. My SIL is steadily improving, but my brother keeps alternating between ok and bad days. At least he is now being followed by someone, as the monitoring kit finally arrived. 

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6 minutes ago, Frances said:


My brother and my mom both spent time at the ER this week. My SIL is steadily improving, but my brother keeps alternating between ok and bad days. At least he is now being followed by someone, as the monitoring kit finally arrived. 

Oh, that is not the update I wanted 😕 . Scary.

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

Just found out my dad (84), mom (80), sister and brother (both 50’s) are positive. None are prepared or seem to know what to do so I’m doing all the adulting via text from 3,000 miles away. Sigh. 

Sorry 😞 That's a real bummer. Hoping they have mild cases. And sorry you have to do the adulting! 

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1 hour ago, MEmama said:

Just found out my dad (84), mom (80), sister and brother (both 50’s) are positive. None are prepared or seem to know what to do so I’m doing all the adulting via text from 3,000 miles away. Sigh. 

Oh my gosh I am so sorry.   Hoping they have mild cases.   Sending some good thoughts their way.

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This is such a bizarre virus.  My husband and I spent last week alone together at a lake cottage. I got symtoms on day 2 of being there; so the 48 hour period and the two days after symptoms we were in close contact unmasked.

He’s negative; just got his test result today. He’s had no symptoms, just got tested because I was positive. 

I caught it at work and anytime anyone was even just in the same room we all had surgical masks on.  Except for sleep, and I slept alone on a different floor from everyone else.  It’s just such a weird virus. 
Also, all three of my kids are also negative. Here I am, almost at day 10 and still having symtoms, but the kids who climb on me all day and the husband I share a bed with are negative.  Blah. I hope someday we understand a lot more about transmission.

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16 minutes ago, Mrs Tiggywinkle said:

This is such a bizarre virus.  My husband and I spent last week alone together at a lake cottage. I got symtoms on day 2 of being there; so the 48 hour period and the two days after symptoms we were in close contact unmasked.

He’s negative; just got his test result today. He’s had no symptoms, just got tested because I was positive. 

I caught it at work and anytime anyone was even just in the same room we all had surgical masks on.  Except for sleep, and I slept alone on a different floor from everyone else.  It’s just such a weird virus. 
Also, all three of my kids are also negative. Here I am, almost at day 10 and still having symtoms, but the kids who climb on me all day and the husband I share a bed with are negative.  Blah. I hope someday we understand a lot more about transmission.

I remember reading that in the "dispersion factor" thing -- most (I think?) people spread it to 0 people. It's disproportionately spread via superspreader events. 

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My priest is better! He was back at the service today. He's still having some breathing issues - the mask was making it worse he said. Still, he kept it on other than during the sermon where he stood more than 12 feet from anyone. Made a joke about hoping he didn't pass out his first time back. (they block off the front pews to make sure no one is close - plus block off every other pew, etc)


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12 minutes ago, ktgrok said:

My priest is better! He was back at the service today. He's still having some breathing issues - the mask was making it worse he said. Still, he kept it on other than during the sermon where he stood more than 12 feet from anyone. Made a joke about hoping he didn't pass out his first time back. (they block off the front pews to make sure no one is close - plus block off every other pew, etc)

Yay! Do you know if he was very sick? 

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My son is just finishing up his two-week quarantine due to exposure to two cases at his small private high school. He tested negative and had no symptoms. The school now has 6 cases but as far as I know, none are serious. Most of the public secondary schools in our metropolitan area are moving to distance learning due to high community transmission. 

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Tested today. Results in 2-5 days.

My main symptoms: pressure in chest and shortness of breath (oxygen is great though), fatigue, chills, weakness

Kids: diarrhea and sore throats 

So the interesting thing is doctor said 72 hours after no symptoms and we can go about our business. If I had that guideline, I wouldn't have gotten tested. I thought you could be contagious longer? Only tested so we don't spread and do a strict quarantine long enough. Anyway, we shall see.

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1 minute ago, IfIOnly said:

Tested today. Results in 2-5 days.

My main symptoms: pressure in chest and shortness of breath (oxygen is great though), fatigue, chills, weakness

Kids: diarrhea and sore throats 

So the interesting thing is doctor said 72 hours after no symptoms and we can go about our business. If I had that guideline, I wouldn't have gotten tested. I thought you could be contagious longer? Only tested so we don't spread and do a strict quarantine long enough. Anyway, we shall see.

Quoting because forgot to say, doctor said the vast majority of people are not contagious after this time period. We live in an area with extremely low COVID cases since March. I've heard from others that health professionals in our area are not as concerned as others in other areas of the country.

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A friend's high schooler is positive; got it from a friend (maybe school/athletics?) whose test results were somehow messed up. I am not sure if it was reported as negative but wasn't, or if it was an initial false negative. Either way, the person was cleared, so this young person was not quarantined initially.

Another friend's high schooler was exposed and is now quarantining. 

I gather that both families have been careful, though the first family's child was attending in person school and participating in an outdoor sport where distancing is easily achieved.

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For most of this time, Covid has seemed very distant. Now, it seems like cases are popping up right and left among people I’m connected to in some way. A friend and former colleague, a woman in her early 50s, is in the hospital and on oxygen. They’re giving her steroids and she’s pretty miserable. Her husband is also sick, but not in the hospital. Her child is well. 

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11 minutes ago, Gobblygook said:

For most of this time, Covid has seemed very distant. Now, it seems like cases are popping up right and left among people I’m connected to in some way. A friend and former colleague, a woman in her early 50s, is in the hospital and on oxygen. They’re giving her steroids and she’s pretty miserable. Her husband is also sick, but not in the hospital. Her child is well. 

Oh, I’m sorry 😞 .

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Just now, Happymomof1 said:

Well, found out yesterday that a couple in our Sunday School had it. God it from their grandchild. No big deal for them, just got stir-crazy.

Not sure if it is a difference in strain in where I am, but so far, it hasn't been any harder than the flu, if that hard, for the people I know who have had it. It is definitely coloring the perception around here.

Might be a viral load thing, since you haven’t had a ton of cases.

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22 minutes ago, Happymomof1 said:

I guess, but since hardly anyone around here wears a mask not sure. And remember, elementary kids don't wear a mask anywhere, even in school.  Just tired and don't know what to think.

You don’t have major community spread, so probably low viral load.

As to what to think, it’s a grave mistake to only pay attention to people you know locally. There are statistics. There’s this whole thread worth of data.

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2 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

You don’t have major community spread, so probably low viral load.

As to what to think, it’s a grave mistake to only pay attention to people you know locally. There are statistics. There’s this whole thread worth of data.

Exactly. It’s also dangerous for people to go by how they feel in the moment. My brother apparently feels the best of any of my family members, despite being the apparent vector. I’m very concerned he will go back to his regularly scheduled life as a result, instead of continuing to quarantine. Not only is he still likely contagious, we KNOW there are many, many cases of mild symptoms evolving into dangerous ones very quickly. 

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I just found out that a long-time friend of mine, a Native American man who lives on one of the reservations in SD, has lost 7 extended family members to Covid in the last week.

Covid is "like the flu" for privileged people.

It's devastating for those battling a lot of historical, cultural, and health issues.

And I'm really in a "STFU" mood with the "no worse than the flu" crowd right now.

ETA: one of those lost was his mother.

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33 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

I think by the end of the winter, a substantial majority of the country WILL believe that, but for the worst possible reasons. 


Right now, I can't even say that I'm sorry for that.

I'm so tired of those who don't care being able to not care, because the virus isn't killing 7 members of their extended family. Or any.

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