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What's your day/night thermostat temp?

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Just curious. We have adjusted to the heat being down to 65 during the day. Sometimes it feels cold, but usually I'm up and busy that I'm getting used to it. I'd love to go lower!


What about night time. I think we can go lower, but hubby wants it set at 60. Maybe if we get a programmable thermostat it would help - he's the first one up.


Kimm in WA

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We have a programmable thermostat that is currently set at 68, sometimes 70. At night I drop the temp down to 65. If the littles wake up crying, dh and I argue who has to get up and deal with them.:001_huh: Neither of us is fond of the cold!


I would set the thermostat lower but it's located in the warmest part of the house. Any other part of the house is consistently 3-4 degrees cooler. We're hoping to have it moved to a better location this winter.

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but....My thermostat always stays on 82....we have had some cool weather where my house gets down to 73 at night...(that sounds really cold, doesn't it?).....and I haven't turned on the heat since I lived here.


I love the weather here, LOL!

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Just curious. We have adjusted to the heat being down to 65 during the day. Sometimes it feels cold, but usually I'm up and busy that I'm getting used to it. I'd love to go lower!


What about night time. I think we can go lower, but hubby wants it set at 60. Maybe if we get a programmable thermostat it would help - he's the first one up.


Kimm in WA


It's 62 or below here in the day time, depending on how much we're moving around. Off at night.

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68 during the day, 66 at night (I apparently like even numbers) and, yes, with programmable thermostats. They're great. Highly recommended. They incrementally raise the temp, so there's no huge surge in heating like if you wake up and turn it up.


Our house is old and drafty, though, and we have a wood stove in the living room with the downstairs thermostat, so the rest of the downstairs is often cooler than the set temp.


I wear wool. And layers. And cover the downstairs (drafty!) windows with window quilts. It's all good.

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We do keep ours around 68 during the day and drop to 63 during the evening. While not a huge jump in temperature, I wonder if it is really efficient and cost effective to change the temperature like that. I have heard arguments that favors either keeping or changing the temperature. What do you think? If the house is constantly kept at a certain temperature would the house eventually hold the heat and thus making it more efficient?


Thanks. Be well



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I would keep ours at 60 night and day, but my poor dh freezes when it's that low. He works in a warm office all day and then comes home to 60....So, to compromise, it's 60 during the day when he's not here, I build a fire just before he comes home to take the chill off the keeping room and he stays there until bedtime. That's when he races to the back of the house and dives under the covers and shivers until the bed heats up a little....

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64 during the day and 59 at night.


I do have an electric heater in the school room that I turn on now and then, and on the main level there is a gas fireplace I might turn on for a bit. I also have a fleece vest that I wear if I'm cold.


If it's sunny, though, our main level stays really comfortable.

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Ours is at 58 day/night. It was at 56 day/night but then DH started working at more new constructions(no heat) so he likes it a bit warmer. Our house is really old and we lose a lot of heat even with thermal window coverings, so putting it up higher is just wasting money.

We have been talking over getting a programmable thermostat lately so we'd probably have the heat 56 day and bump it to 58 or 60 for when he comes home, then back down to 56 at bedtime.

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We leave ours on 60, but occasionally raise it to 62. There just seems to be big differences from 64 to 62 and 62 to 60. The worst part for us is that because it's not sunny, our house ends up, mid-afternoon, colder than it is outside. I don't think it'll be much of a problem much longer though. Supposed to be a cold winter <sigh>

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70 upstairs during the day, 68 downstairs, 50 in the 3rd zone (the "man" room). We dont' change them at night, but with our recent $326 power bill that included turning it completely OFF for a WEEK while we took a trip out of town, we are considering lowering them considerably. We have 3130 sq feet and it sure feels COLD at times even with the temp it is now!

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We slowly inched ours down from 70 to 65 and most of the time it's OK. Before I would wear a long-sleeved t-shirt and now I wear a sweater and slippers as well.


I'd like to inch the nighttime temp down. Maybe the programmable thermostat would help.


Thanks, everyone, for your input.


Kimm in WA

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We keep it at 68F during the day and 65 at night. I'm so impressed with those of you who keep it lower! Perhaps if we'd started with a lower thermostat years ago I would not be such a thin-blooded southerner at this point. :D This morning I was FREEZING before the heat kicked on. I'm usually OK during the day, but sometimes when we sit and read for school I get chilly. I try to remember to wear shoes or slipper and a sweater, and sometimes we cover up with a blanket. I have yet to convince my children that they don't need to be barefoot in the house. :lol: They are often chilly.

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How do ya'll keep it so cold?!? Mine stays around 72, but when it doesn't cut off til about 74. Maybe it's because I've always lived in the deep south (LA and AL) that I really can't take the cold!


I can handle the cold if *I* don't get cold. If I forget and don't keep my layers on and my feet warm, I'm kind of in big trouble. I "get" living in the south, though -- we were in California for years.


What I don't get is using the heater at night. Don't y'all have blankets? :lol:

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We've only turned the heater on twice this fall season, both times to take the chill off at Thanksgiving. Our thermostat says that it is nearing 60'. Our house costs a bundle to heat and we turn the heater on when it gets to 55' I miss the "baby years" when we ran it more to keep the little ones warm :tongue_smilie:

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How do ya'll keep it so cold?!? Mine stays around 72, but when it doesn't cut off til about 74. Maybe it's because I've always lived in the deep south (LA and AL) that I really can't take the cold!


I don't know how you all can stand it being so cold. We have been keeping ours at 72 and it's first now starting to get in the 30's at night. I guess I'm just spoiled. My dh doesn't think it's right to have to wrap up like Nanuk of the North when you're inside. I'm sure part of it is because even at 72 my youngest son's room is about 68 at night, if I kept it as low as some do my son would be an icicle boy by morning.

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