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covid19 memes


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On 4/22/2020 at 5:23 PM, gardenmom5 said:

suspecious people neighbors.jpg

We have friends that had a police call to their home. The officer said there was a complaint regarding a teen party in the backyard during quarantine. They do have a blended family, but all the kids that were present do live in the house at least part time. 


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1 hour ago, Negin said:

I have seen several drinking memes here. I have stayed quiet. I think that drinking, especially as someone else pointed out earlier on this thread, is far more serious than watching some Netflix shows. Drinking while taking care of kids and a family is a problem. Watching a Netflix show is not.

If I can stay quiet while seeing memes that I don't think are necessarily humorous, why can't others? 

I didn't know it was about a Netflix show. All I knew is he was a serial killer, and I couldn't  see what could possibly be funny about that. 
I assume other people had similar reactions.

Joking about a show? Fine. Joking about a killer of women? Not cool, and way worse than joking about drinking. You can drink casually and not do harm, but you can't do the same with killing.

Edited by regentrude
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1 hour ago, Negin said:


I have seen several drinking memes here. I have stayed quiet. I think that drinking, especially as someone else pointed out earlier on this thread, is far more serious than watching some Netflix shows. Drinking while taking care of kids and a family is a problem. Watching a Netflix show is not.

If I can stay quiet while seeing memes that I don't think are necessarily humorous, why can't others? 

No one was posting memes about drunk driving or death from cirrhosis or alcohol-related domestic abuse being funny. A meme about having a glass of wine to relieve the stress of quarantine is not in the same category as a meme about a psychopath who stalked and brutally murdered women. I can't even imagine how someone could make a meme about Ted Bundy that would be "funny" instead of just gross. 

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28 minutes ago, LAS in LA said:

Except during pandemics . . .  Anyone else feeling especially crafty these days??


This made me laugh.  I was just thinking yesterday about a conversation I had with a lady at church a few years ago.  I don't remember what started it but it ended with her wondering incredulously, "Who sews anymore?".    Now the topic is "Does anyone have any elastic?"   LOL. 


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1 hour ago, Slache said:

I have posted drinking memes and didn't think much of it. I'm glad it was pointed out because now I'll stop.

You should continue to post them. They don't offend me. I don't get offended easily. I was pointing out the example. The only thing that offends me are people who get offended easily, most especially by humor. Humor should not be censored, IMHO. None of us have gone far on this thread and I would hate to see people feeling limited here. 

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40 minutes ago, Corraleno said:

No one was posting memes about drunk driving or death from cirrhosis or alcohol-related domestic abuse being funny. A meme about having a glass of wine to relieve the stress of quarantine is not in the same category as a meme about a psychopath who stalked and brutally murdered women. I can't even imagine how someone could make a meme about Ted Bundy that would be "funny" instead of just gross. 

You don't get my point. It's a show that people are watching right now.

Please everyone let's just move on. 

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I'm not being crafty - I'm looking at my yarn and feeling guilty.  (as I go order more irises to plant in the garden.)  am I a bad person?  I've got lots of yarn . . . .

I'm frantically trying to learn Spanish.  Now I'm needing to do other things just to take a break.

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4 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

I'm not being crafty - I'm looking at my yarn and feeling guilty.  (as I go order more irises to plant in the garden.)  am I a bad person?  I've got lots of yarn . . . .

I'm frantically trying to learn Spanish.  Now I'm needing to do other things just to take a break.

SWB posted a really great article (not by her) about this but I can't find it. It talked about how we're all afraid for our lives, family members and finances. Everyone is losing their jobs, the markets are sparse and we have destroyed our routines. This is all very difficult and mentally we are not in the right place do be doing crafts. Some people are doing crafts and that's great (we've done a ton of art with Daddy home!) but life is hard right now and most of us are in survival mode. I have accomplished close to nothing and handed my responsibilities to my husband who is out of work as I gestate and stress and I feel no shame in that.

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34 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

I'm not being crafty - I'm looking at my yarn and feeling guilty.  (as I go order more irises to plant in the garden.)  am I a bad person?  I've got lots of yarn . . . .

I'm frantically trying to learn Spanish.  Now I'm needing to do other things just to take a break.


What’s you Iris source?  

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53 minutes ago, Pen said:


What’s you Iris source?  

 ebay.  I like ordering in lots - not $5 or even $18 for ONE rhizome!. (plus shipping)  I get vintage ones that way.   One person, to "thank me" for buying from them, included a lone iris of a completely different type . . . . it's sitting by it's lonesome, finally going to bloom this year.  I think it doesn't like where it is.  it's yellow . .  . . I'm ready to put it with the dark purple ones dh wanted.  husky colors - purple and gold.

it started when I decided I wanted some irises like the ones my mom had growing up. - so I knew it had to be early 60s or probably earlier.   but the newish owners had remodeled and ripped out them out.  so, I had to guess.    My first attempt was definitely wrong.  (pleasant enough - but bland.)  so I ordered more.  (alcazar)  and then I ordered more.    I have one I found in a vacant lot across the street 30+ years ago (pretty sure it's indian chief). extremely hardy and vigorous, but not quite what I want.  I've given so many to my daughter (I just ripped out a clump that was competing with rugosas) - and I still have multiple clumps that need to be thinned.

this time, I ordered one because it's pretty.  Looks a lot like acacia rose - but it was unnamed. (  she was selling in lots).

so - I have several varieties that are in the 100 years old range.

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1 hour ago, Slache said:

SWB posted a really great article (not by her) about this but I can't find it. It talked about how we're all afraid for our lives, family members and finances. Everyone is losing their jobs, the markets are sparse and we have destroyed our routines. This is all very difficult and mentally we are not in the right place do be doing crafts. Some people are doing crafts and that's great (we've done a ton of art with Daddy home!) but life is hard right now and most of us are in survival mode. I have accomplished close to nothing and handed my responsibilities to my husband who is out of work as I gestate and stress and I feel no shame in that.

Take It Easy: It's Okay If You're Not Feeling Creative in Isolation?

I'm usually pretty creative and always a mental busybody, LOL, but I'm not feeling it. DH isn't even out of work, and we're able to self-isolate with a full pantry/freezer and plenty of TP. I have no excuse! I've pretty much been watching Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter and feeding people for the last two months. Oh, and sorting LEGO. I have sorted so very much LEGO. 

I love this thread so much. Definitely my favorite to read every day. 

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5 minutes ago, Alte Veste Academy said:

Take It Easy: It's Okay If You're Not Feeling Creative in Isolation?

I'm usually pretty creative and always a mental busybody, LOL, but I'm not feeling it. DH isn't even out of work, and we're able to self-isolate with a full pantry/freezer and plenty of TP. I have no excuse! I've pretty much been watching Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter and feeding people for the last two months. Oh, and sorting LEGO. I have sorted so very much LEGO. 

I love this thread so much. Definitely my favorite to read every day. 

No, but a good article.

1 minute ago, Where's Toto? said:

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This + chocolate.

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13 hours ago, Slache said:

I have posted drinking memes and didn't think much of it. I'm glad it was pointed out because now I'll stop.

I’m like and tend to laugh at them but stopped posting them a while ago when I had one person in my Facebook feed I was a bit concerned about.  The whole mums drinking to survive being a mum thing can potentially be harmful to some.  However that’s kind of true of all humour on some level.

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Personally, I can't think of anything that offends me. 

I wasn't the first one here who started the Tiger King memes. I can't remember who did, but someone else did, and I was very grateful. For goodness sake, it's a show and it's nice to laugh, especially at times like this.

I was only pointing out the drinking memes since that's acceptable to most, although some would have a huge problem with that. Posting a drinking meme does not mean that I am an alcoholic.

Posting a Tiger King meme does not mean that I am a gay animal abuser who also indulges in meth.

Posting a Ted Bundy meme does not mean that I support Ted Bundy or support the killing and torture of women. 

It's silly to take offense to everything. Otherwise, why bother coming to this thread? For crying out loud, they're memes! Nothing more. Why are some people so touchy? We are all free to not visit a thread if we find it offensive or to scroll on by. We have had 23 pages of peace, laughter, and hilarity here. Let's continue it without being offended at everything/being "a Karen". 

ETA: People who get offended over everything offend me. 


Edited by Negin
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