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Call to Action - respond to insults by Joy Behar on The View

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Fellow homeschooler Nancy Soderstrom sent the following email, with a call to action, encouraging homeschoolers to respond to Joy Behar's comments this week.


When watching the video, the actual statement is at time marker - 7:11.



I sent ABC a note with a link to a listing of home schooling success stories and an article about home schooling myths. I encourage people to share other similar success stories about homeschooled students. I am hoping they make a public retraction of some sort.


From Nancy….


I'd like to propose a letter/email write in campaign to protest Joy Behar (a TV personality on the show "The View") calling homeschooled kids "demented." Take a look at the video clip on this homeschool blog -




Can you imagine if she had called conservative Jews or homosexuals "demented" on a national show? We should speak up! This is the official comment page on the ABC website.




Interested in taking this one on??

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Fellow homeschooler Nancy Soderstrom sent the following email, with a call to action, encouraging homeschoolers to respond to Joy Behar's comments this week.


When watching the video, the actual statement is at time marker - 7:11.



I sent ABC a note with a link to a listing of home schooling success stories and an article about home schooling myths. I encourage people to share other similar success stories about homeschooled students. I am hoping they make a public retraction of some sort.


From Nancy….


I'd like to propose a letter/email write in campaign to protest Joy Behar (a TV personality on the show "The View") calling homeschooled kids "demented." Take a look at the video clip on this homeschool blog -




Can you imagine if she had called conservative Jews or homosexuals "demented" on a national show? We should speak up! This is the official comment page on the ABC website.




Interested in taking this one on??


or Can you imagine if she had called Public schooled children demented? Or private schooled?

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And I think commenting just reinforces to her that anyone cares what she thinks!:lol:


I tend to agree with you. I just watched the clip. Clearly, she did it to get a rise. Who cares what *she* things about homeschooling?! If anyone paid half attention to what the gal to her left said, her comment was immediately refuted by a sound voice.

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And I think commenting just reinforces to her that anyone cares what she thinks!:lol:


That's what I was thinking. Kind-of a way of boosting ratings, right? Or make us look like we're watching The View instead of hs'ing?


I'm all for writing letters, but in this case, I think I'll go w/ "Joy Who?" ;)

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:iagree:I'm in the ignoring her camp, in fact I simply don't watch the show. She's a comedian who makes her living saying obnoxious things and since I don't watch the show I'll just enjoy that. Lots of celebrities believe any attention is good hence the saying..."There's no such thing as bad publicity."

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That's what I was thinking. Kind-of a way of boosting ratings, right? Or make us look like we're watching The View instead of hs'ing?


I'm all for writing letters, but in this case, I think I'll go w/ "Joy Who?" ;)


:iagree: well said.

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That's what I was thinking. Kind-of a way of boosting ratings, right? Or make us look like we're watching The View instead of hs'ing?


I'm all for writing letters, but in this case, I think I'll go w/ "Joy Who?" ;)



:iagree: completely!! It is a rare thing that anything they say on the View is of any value to me anyway so why would I let this be the start? ;) I'd rather see all homeschoolers blow the thing off than create the type of attention that they are wanting at the View. I mean, really, from what I've seen, backlash IS what they are after.



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Yeah -- I'm in the "who cares?" camp. I can see it now -- a big letter writing campaign and what's the result? More snide blathering from Joy next week:


"Ooo! Looks like we hit a nerve! We've been getting thousands of letters from those demented homeschoolers! When do they have time to actually 'school' their unsocialized children?"


Given a choice, I'd rather go scrub my toilet.

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Has anyone considered that "The View" is a DAYTIME program? Theoretically, we should be homeschooling during the day.


Of course, with the advent of You Tube, you can see anything at any time.:)


Although I'm so tempted to write, I think I'm leaning towards the "ignore her" camp.

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We're a no-tv family, so I only have a vague idea of what "the View" actually is. All I know is that it is a daytime talk show filled with gossipy women. So it seems to me that this woman's job is much like that of Howard Stern: to annoy, offend, and get a rise out of as many people as possible. Supposedly, that boosts ratings. And higher ratings= higher prices for advertising during that show. So if there were to be a letter-writing campaign, it seems that it would make more sense to send the letters to the companies who support the show by purchasing advertising time. Tell the companies that since they support a program that belittles, insults, and offends *fill in the blank with the group of your choice- homeschoolers, in this case* you will no longer be purchasing their product/service, and will encourage your friends and family to do the same. Sad to say, but it seems the best way to get results is to hit a person/company/organization in the wallet!


I know my first reaction to something like this is to send my blood pressure to near-stroke levels, but honestly, idiots like her are a dime a dozen! Save the primal anger for someone that has the power to change your life, say....legislators. Now if my congressional reps. had made that statement, you can bet that I would be in the front line of the resulting protest!



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I have never watched the View and have no idea who this lady is. But it seems sort of like the Subway thing, when a lot of homeschoolers got worked up over a bunch of nothing.


Agreed. I think that sort of thing affects how the general public views homeschoolers more then the odd comment by a TV personality. It just makes a look like a reactionary group that's on the look out for anything vaguely offensive.

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We're a no-tv family, so I only have a vague idea of what "the View" actually is. All I know is that it is a daytime talk show filled with gossipy women. So it seems to me that this woman's job is much like that of Howard Stern: to annoy, offend, and get a rise out of as many people as possible. Supposedly, that boosts ratings. And higher ratings= higher prices for advertising during that show. So if there were to be a letter-writing campaign, it seems that it would make more sense to send the letters to the companies who support the show by purchasing advertising time. Tell the companies that since they support a program that belittles, insults, and offends *fill in the blank with the group of your choice- homeschoolers, in this case* you will no longer be purchasing their product/service, and will encourage your friends and family to do the same. Sad to say, but it seems the best way to get results is to hit a person/company/organization in the wallet!


I know my first reaction to something like this is to send my blood pressure to near-stroke levels, but honestly, idiots like her are a dime a dozen! Save the primal anger for someone that has the power to change your life, say....legislators. Now if my congressional reps. had made that statement, you can bet that I would be in the front line of the resulting protest!



:iagree: I'd rather write the sponsors. Much more effective that way.

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I wrote to ABC saying that she really needed to do a little research. While her opinion matters to me not at all, I hate to think that she is perpetuating misconceptions about homeschooling to the general public. Some people have no better sense than to view this show as "news". The applause she got from the audience -- that annoyed me.

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Has anyone considered that "The View" is a DAYTIME program? Theoretically, we should be homeschooling during the day.



who's 'we'? :D


The cool part is that homeschoolers aren't bound by theoretical stereotypes. we can homeschool [or watch a stupid show, or post on discussions ABOUT stupid shows] whenever we want ;)

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This is the public perception homeschoolers have EARNED. Writing letters isn't going to change it. Writing letters is not going make the local homeschool group full of normal, happy children or psychologically healthy parents with full lives.
Are you saying I should not keep the kids locked in a closet between lessons?
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Can you imagine if she had called conservative Jews or homosexuals "demented" on a national show? We should speak up! This is the official comment page on the ABC website.

I am sure there would be outrage as these two categories are regarded as characteristics one is born with . There are seen by the members of the groups as immutable . In essence by using these two categories you are comparing apples and oranges. One is most often a Jewish person by virtue of being born of a Jewish female. Most in the scientific community regard homosexuality as an innate characteristic. Home education is a choice there is a difference in that we are not a protected class as the characteristic is not one that cannot be changed.You are in fact comparing apples and oranges.Is Behar discriminating ? Oh yes and with malice. Is the discrimination being used against a legally protected class? No. She is a world class moron -I might agree with her stance on other issues but the element of reason is just not there. I do think it is painting homeschoolers with a very broad brush and I resent it but in terms of her words having influence on others I think it is negligible.

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the local homeschool group full of normal, happy children or psychologically healthy parents with full lives.


This describes our homeschool group very well, actually. I don't think that the public perception of homeschoolers is that we are weird, unsocialized dorks anymore. I know it used to be, and I know that there is still "the socialization question," but I think that 1) so many people actually know normal, happy, well-adjusted homeschoolers that the general perception is that homeschooling is like vegetarianism: a minority of people but no longer radically fringe and 2) I think people who make comments about socialization aren't necessarily implying that homeschoolers are unsocialized but just that they don't know how they would go about it.


I don't know what The View is or who Joy Behar is, but it sounds like she's the type to make comments simply to stir the pot. Not unlike ... people here? :001_huh:



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
Because I was apparently not paying attention to senetnce structure when I posted
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This is the public perception homeschoolers have EARNED. Writing letters isn't going to change it. Writing letters is not going make the local homeschool group full of normal, happy children or psychologically healthy parents with full lives.



no, not all homeschoolers have EARNED that perception, just like not all public schoolers have EARNED the perception of being mindless illiterate drones that can't even read their diploma.


while i don't feel compelled to write, i certainly encourage y'all to write [or not write] to whomever you want and express your views --yay or nay-- as you wish.



and as comes up so often in the HSLDA threads, lets be careful about speaking for homeschoolers.

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This is the public perception homeschoolers have EARNED. Writing letters isn't going to change it. Writing letters is not going make the local homeschool group full of normal, happy children or psychologically healthy parents with full lives.


“Stereotypes are devices for saving a biased person the trouble of learningâ€

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Food for thought. With the deepest respect to the Reverend and no offense made in paraphrasing.


First they came for the Communists,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a Communist.

Then they came for the Jews,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn’t a Jew.

Then they came for the Catholics,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I was a Protestant.

Then they came for me,

and by that time there was no one left

to speak up for me.


by Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945



First the NEA said it

and I didn’t speak up,

because I am not a member.

Then an idiot on the View said it,

and I didn’t speak up,

because I wasn't a viewer.

Then they made comments in a political forum,

and I didn’t speak up,

because they were not from my State.

Then they made it illegal,

and by that time the damage had been done,

and there was no one left to speak.




While not even in the same league the concept is the same. The point is that we must be vigorous in the defense of our RIGHT to homeschool.

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I don't know what The View is or who Joy Behar is, but it sounds like she's the type to make comments simply to stir the pot. Not unlike ... people here? :001_huh:




Yes, you do know her. We all do. She's the kid in your Jr. High Geometry class (If she made it that far) who wants to be a comic like the real class comic, but isn't really funny like the real class comic, so she insults people without any real humour, and the other insecure kids in the class laugh, so she keeps doing it while the kids who are smart enough to appreciate real humour just stare at it all.:001_huh:


I told you you knew her.



(BTW, What is "sentence structure"?:confused:)

Edited by Blessedfamily
Spelling. Certainly not grammar.
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I like Joy. I'm not a regular watcher of the view but when I do see it she's generally the on I find most pointed and clever. I don't think she's ignorant...I think she just made a misstep. Happens to most of us quite often, just that most o us don't have a TV camera on us when it happens.

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I don't think she's ignorant...I think she just made a misstep.


Commenting on something about which she obviously knows nothing is ignorance, sheer stupidity or gross arrogance. Your pick.


Further she displayed extremely bad manners, but then would you expect anything less.

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Food for thought. With the deepest respect to the Reverend and no offense made in paraphrasing.




While not even in the same league the concept is the same. The point is that we must be vigorous in the defense of our RIGHT to homeschool.

Rev. Niemoller's point was that we must all be vigilant and protective of the rights (including the right to life) of groups of people other than our own, regardless of whether we agree with their views. I hardly think he gives us license to be hypersensitive to insults, perceived or otherwise. Last I checked, there was no right not be of offended.
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Rev. Niemoller's point was that we must all be vigilant and protective of the rights (including the right to life) of groups of people other than our own, regardless of whether we agree with their views. I hardly think he gives us license to be hypersensitive to insults, perceived or otherwise. Last I checked, there was no right not be of offended.


Check your history. Early comments in Germany attempted to marginalize groups by calling them names and claiming that they were different from the mainstream.


It is not that I feel insulted, rather it is that when characters on the national stage make outrageous statements about a smaller group which are not then refuted a belief system sets in. This belief system then accepts that these statements are correct. I would ask you how many millions listened to her? How many tens of thousands may agree with her simply because no one said LOUDLY that she is absolutely wrong?


As far as him referencing support for groups other than our own, you are correct, but Niemoller's point was also that you speak up in the face of injustice and falsehood. Perhaps in the early 30s if people had spoken up, as Niemoller later regretted that he did not, history might have been different.


If homeschooling is ever banned, let it not be said that when we had an opportunity to refute false allegations we were silent.

Edited by pqr
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Check your history. Early comments in Germany attempted to marginalize groups by calling them names and claiming that they were different from the mainstream.


It is not that I feel insulted, rather it is that when characters on the national stage make outrageous statements about a smaller group which are not then refuted a belief system sets. This belief system then accepts that these statements are correct. I would ask you how many millions listened to her? How many tens of thousands may agree with her simply because no one said LOUDLY that she is absolutely wrong?


As far as him referencing support for groups other than our own, you are correct, but Niemoller's point was also that you speak up in the face of injustice and falsehood. Perhaps in the early 30s if people had spoken up, as Niemoller later regretted that he did not, history might have been different.


If homeschooling is ever banned, let it not be said that when we had an opportunity to refute false allegations we were silent.




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Rev. Niemoller's point was that we must all be vigilant and protective of the rights (including the right to life) of groups of people other than our own, regardless of whether we agree with their views. I hardly think he gives us license to be hypersensitive to insults, perceived or otherwise. Last I checked, there was no right not be of offended.



adding to pqr's excellent analysis....


our rights do not come from Niemoller.


and while I will defend Miz Behar's right to voice her distaste and disrespect for homeschooling, I will also defend homeschooler's rights to point out that she is an idiot.


i do agree there's no right to not be offended.


and I'd hate for someone's subjective definition of hypersensitive to apply to everyone else, as I'm sure you [generally speaking] wouldn't want me defining your [general speaking :)] own response as merely being hypersensitive in other issues, right?


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I recall that Subway contest the prohibited homeschoolers was compared to the Nazi regime too though may not have been this list. Would be an interesting project to compile list of everything/everyone here that has been compared to Hitler, the Nazi regime, or the Germany-sanctioned and executed systematic murder of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

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